A Complainer’s Guide to Allergy Season
Contributed by Saba. Source The Reader’s Digest
antihistamines, so switching to a medication that contains loratadine
Contributed by Sabeen. Source Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
know your allergies are bad. To mini- meds at night so the drowsy effect
You can usually save big by switching from a brand name
drug to a generic. But when Lipitor lost its patent late last
year, the results were surprising. Manufacturer Pfizer had
spent years negotiating deals with health plans to keep costs
for its blockbuster cholesterol lowering drug competitive
with the generic alternative. Now, some users get Lipitor on
the cheap. But what you pay for Lipitor and other popular
off patent drugs may vary depending on your health care
When a generic is introduced, it typically sells for about
10% to 15% less than the average wholesale price for the
brand name drug. That held true when Lipitor came off pa-
tent, says Jim Yocum, of DestinationRx, which creates drug
comparison tools for Insurers and consumers. But if you
have insurance, your out of pocket costs are based on the
insurer’s pricing tier for the drug – with the unusual twist
that you might pay the same for Lipitor as you would pay for
Most health plans have three tiers of drug pricing. You may
pay $10 per month or 10% of the costs of drugs in tier 1
(primarily generics), $20 per month or 40% in tier 2
not helping my symptoms. medication, but it could reduce your
(preferred brand name drugs), and $40 per month or 60% in
tier 3 (non preferred brand name drugs). In 2011, most plans
included Lipitor in tier 2. Since then, many plans have
switched it to tier 1. Indications are that Pfizer has been us-
ing rebates to retain market share, says Yocum. Check the
pricing for your own plan; some plans have moved Lipitor to
Drugs companies are waiting to see whether Pfizer’s dis-
counting can preserve Lipitor’s market share – a key ques-
tion as several other big name drugs, including Lexapro,
Plavix and Singulair, go off patent in the next few months. If
you take a drug that is coming off patent, check your plan’s
prices for the generic. Also check options for staying with
the brand name drug, including any rebates from the drug
Readers: Your thoughts? This is a burning debate at
many levels. Generic vs Brand Name. Please share your thoughts at [email protected].
Assalamo alaikum wa rehmatullah wa barakatohu
My Hospital ( Auburn Community Hospital Auburn NY 13021) is looking for two Medical
President: Dr Lutf ur Rehman,
Oncologists for a hospital based practice. Interested physician may contact me by email
[email protected] or by phone (315)-491-5825.
Vice President: Dr Younis Ismail
Jazakomullah Ahsanul jaza. Wassalaam. M Zafar Iqbal
Gen Secretary: Dr Ahsan M Khan Treasurer : Dr Naeem Lughmani: Regional Secretaries
Two Hospitalists: UHS, a local health system with multiple hospitals is seeking two hospital-
ists. This a well organized hospitalist program with excellent salary and benefits. Good moon-
lighting opportunities. Excellent working environment. Contact see below.
One Non-Invasive Cardiologist: Ten person high quality private cardiology group (http://
www.cardioassoc.org) with little local competition is seeking a BC/BE non-invasive cardiolo-
gist. Competitive starting salary with early partnership and small buy-in. Cath, PCI, EP and
Cardiac Surgery services are well established.
[email protected] Binghamton NY is a small family friendly university town with a population of 200,000 in the
entire county. All big city facilities are present with small city charm. Schools are excel-
lent. SUNY Binghamton is a rapidly expanding, highly rated, university with 15000 stu-
dents. Binghamton is 3 hours from NY City, 2 hrs. from Albany and one hour from Syra-
cuse. The town has 10 Ahmadi families living within a 5 mile radius. Binghamton Jamaat was established in 2011 and is very active. Juma has been held for more than 10 years continuous-
ly. Attendance is about 30-50 people. Excellent environment for children. Please contact the
Afzal ur Rehman, MD, PhD, FACP, FACC, FHRS.
MS Healthcare Management (Harvard), Managing Partner,
Cardiology Associates, PC, http://www.cardioassoc.org
30 Harrison Street, Suite 250, Johnson City, NY 13790
Phone: (607) 770 8600, , Cell: (607) 624-6733, Email: [email protected]REQUEST FOR EQUIPMENT DONATION
Dear Members, Humanity First has sent the following request:
Message from Nazir Ayaz sahib, In charge of this project. “We have been working with a hospital in Tanzania, training its staff in USA in radiology
and they needed desperately a mammogram machine. We thought we had it
Communicate your thoughts, ideas about how
donated by radiologists without borders but it has not materialized though they are working on it. So we need that fast. Also sonograms and medical lab equip-
to improve the newsletter, feedback on arti-
ment such as HIV testing kits, EKG, blood, urine and other testing
cles, corrections and opinions to us at the
items. There is a shipment being prepared and we need these items very soon.
For further information, you can call me at 718 263 0717. Thank you so
much.” Message from Dr Naeem Lughmani. AMMA BUSINESS AMMA MINUTES Saturday, May 12, 2012 OF THE MEET- 7pm to 10pm ING MARCH 2012
The Gift of Sight team invites you to the Night for Sight fund-
raising dinner and silent auction to support our mission to re-
1. Waqfe Aarzi opportunity in Marshall Is-
lands. Discussed US Ahmadi Physicians have
Purchase Tickets - Become a Sponsor
signed up. Need additional doctors (surgeon, intern-
Humanity First USA aims to relieve suffering caused by natural dis-
2. Ameer Sb USA has encouraged AMMA to contin-
aster and human conflict, promote peace and understanding, and
ue pursuing free medical clinic plan. Legal advice
strengthen people’s capacity to help themselves. With support of
individuals like yourself, we will continue to restore underserved
3. Retreat will Inshallah be held Memorial Day week-
communities and build futures around the world every year.
end at Holiday Inn near O'Hare airport in Chica-
If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation – you can help give the gift of sight with a $100 donation to cover the cost of one cataract surgery.
Questions? Contact: [email protected]
Minutes Summarized from prepared document by Dr
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE DR LUTF UR REHMAN Dear AMMA members, Assalamo Alaikum I hope and pray that all of you are doing well. Our annual retreat is approaching fast on the weekend of May 26th. If you have not paid the annual dues, please do so. Also do not forget to register for the retreat. (Registration is free for paid members). You can register online at our website, www.ammausa.org. This year we are planning to have a variety show on Saturday evening of the retreat. This show will include a "Musha'ira". Of course we will have our regular feature of a scientific session on Saturday morning as well as a report of AMMA activities around the world. On Saturday morning the families will be going to downtown chicago for a visit while you are attending the formal session at the hotel. Saturday evening we all will go to Zion to visit the Dowie museum to refresh the memory of a great prophecy of the Promised Messiah. All expense of the meeting including meals for the entire family, hotel stay and transportation are paid from the member dues. AMMA has no other source of income. Therefore only those members can par- ticipate in the retreat who have paid their dues. This is also the year when we will have our two yearly elections. This should be considered the an- nouncement for elections. Exact time will be announced later. Hadhrat Khalifatul Massih is expected to visit USA and attend the Jalsa. At our jalsa meeting we will try to have Huzur attend our meeting if possible. Please remember me and all those who are working for AMMA in your prayers. Registration Form for AMMA
May 25th to 27th. 2012 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
5615 North Cumberland Avenue • Chicago, Illinois 60631
Please note that it is essential to pay AMMA annual dues ($500) to participate in the retreat.
Name: ___________________________________ Tel. No. ( ) Date and time of arrival: _______________________How many people in your party? _______ Please send your payments and registration form to the following address:
Registration is also available on line at www.ammausa.org. All credit cards are accepted. Registration includes
Friday and Saturday night stay in Holiday Inn All meals; (Dinner on Friday and Saturday, Lunch on Saturday
River cruise of downtown Chicago Visit to Zion to see Alexander Dowie’s museum.
*Hotel has a complimentary shuttle service from the O’Hare Airport. *A limited number of rooms have been reserved in the hotel. Rooms will be allotted on first come first served basis. *Each room has two double beds. If you need more than one room, please add $200 to your registration fee for each additional room. *On Saturday morning a coach will take women and children to downtown Chicago for a river boat cruise. This visit is included in the registration. *After lunch on Saturday a coach will leave for Zion to visit the Alexander Dowie’s museum. All participants can go on this coach for the visit which is included in the registration. *Medical students can attend free. They cannot bring any other guest with them. (A maximum limit of 8 will apply. Places will be allotted on first come first serve basis.) *Residents and fellows will pay $100 for their membership and can participate in the retreat. *Please note if you are not planning to stay overnight in the hotel, it would still be necessary to pay the annual AMMA dues ($500) for participating in the retreat. Annual AMMA dues are the only source of income for the association. These dues are used to pay for all AMMA activities including the retreat.
AMMA Newsletter Issue 31 April 2012
Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association Editor: Dr Omar Iqbal Khan c/o Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905
ELENCO DEI CANDIDATI PER IL COMITATO SCIENTIFICO Mario Baroni Alessandro Bratus Paolo Bravi Lydia Carlisi Antonio Cascelli Rossana Dalmonte Catello Gallotti Antonio Grande Marco Lutzu Susanna Pasticci Marco Pollaci Egidio Pozzi Giorgio Sanguinetti Claudia Jane Scroccaro Gaetano Stella NOTIZIE SUI CANDIDATI CHE NON FACEVANO PARTE DEL PRECEDENTE COMITATO SCIENTIFICO ALESSANDRO BRATUS Anno prima isc