DECEMBER 2003 Volume 2, Issue 10 AS PRESENTED IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ANESTHESIOLOGY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL Biochemical Terrorism: Committee for Continuing What the Anesthesiologist Should Know Medical Education Department of Anesthesiology University of Montreal
Pierre Drolet, MDChairman and EditorAlthough the chances of a biological or chemical attack occurring in Canada are slim, the consequences of such an attack could be devastating. As a result, it
Jean-François Hardy, MDChairman of the is very important for anesthesiologists to have a basic understanding of the vari- ous biological and chemical agents involved, and the appropriate treatments. For each type of agent, there are fundamental rules that apply. Biological agents include anthrax, plague, botulism, tularemia, and smallpox, while chemical agents are neurotoxins, cyanogens, pulmonary agents, and vesicants. In the event of a massive attack, demands for treatment would exceed available resources. Physicians in charge would have to carefully triage victims to opti- mize treatment capacity and thereby increase patients’ chances of survival. In addition to the trauma caused by the agents, there is also the necessity of pro- viding adequate psychological support because many of the victims will have symptoms of response similar to combat stress. This issue of Anesthesiology Rounds reviews the background to biochemical warfare, the potential agents involved, procedures of decontamination, and the processes of triage. INTRODUCTION University of Montreal Department of Anesthesiology
Bioterrorism is defined as the use of microorganisms with the deliberate intention
Faculty of Medicine
of infecting a predetermined population in order to achieve certain goals or objec-
tives. Chemical terrorism is defined as the use of chemicals with the deliberate inten-
tion of causing illness in a predetermined population in order to achieve certain
Since these microorganisms and chemicals are easy to obtain, cheap to produce,
and very hard to detect, biological and chemical terrorism could become weapons of
choice in the future. Although the chances of this type of attack occurring in Canada
are slim, if one did, the consequences could be devastating. According to Center for
Faculty of Medicine
Disease Control (CDC) estimates, under certain conditions, an anthrax attack on a pop-
Department of Anesthesiology
ulation of 100,000 Canadians would result in 50,000 anthrax cases or one out of every
two persons, 32,875 deaths, 332,500 days of hospitalization, and a cost of $6.5 billion.
The editorial content of AnesthesiologyRounds is determined solely by the
In the face of such possibilities, anesthesiologists should know how to effectively
treat the victims of this type of attack. This knowledge extends to several areas including
the University of Montreal Faculty of Medicine
decontamination and victim triage, the protection of medical personnel, recognition of
the symptoms, and the proper medical treatment for each agent that might be used. .anesthesiolog This issue and CME questionnaire are available on the Internet This issue and CME questionnaire BACKGROUND
hospital. Personnel working in the decontamina-
During World War I, it was discovered that the
tion zone must be prepared to administer anti-
use of certain chemicals (cyanogens, phosgenes,
dotes, if needed (eg, atropine and 2-PAM).
and mustard gas) increased the number of injured
and was, therefore, a formidable weapon. During
World War II, the German army developed neuro-
These situations produce a number of patients
toxins. In the 1970s, the Vietnam government
whose needs exceed available resources. This makes it
used them against Cambodia. In the 1980s, the
essential to do an efficient triage in order to optimize
Russians deployed them against Afghan rebels.
the care given, as well as, the number of survivors.
More recently, Iraq engaged in chemical warfare
Patients are divided into 5 groups that represent
against the Kurds. In the 1990s, a sarin gas attack
occurred in the Tokyo subway. Lastly, in 2001 there
• P1 (immediate treatment): These patients are
were anthrax attacks in the United States. Unfortu-
nonambulatory and need treatment as soon as
nately, one can expect these types of attacks to
possible. Their lives are in danger.
• P2 (delayed treatment): These patients require
medical treatment, but it can wait. Their lives are not
in any immediate danger, but that could happen
Decontamination is essential. Its purpose is to
stop absorption by the victim of an attack, as well
• P3 (minimal treatment): These patients are
as to prevent the contamination of medical equip-
ambulatory and require a basic examination. They
ment and personnel, thereby keeping the number
are conscious, breathing spontaneously, and have
of victims from climbing. Failure to decontaminate
victims can only aggravate the situation and add to
• Dead: Patient dead on or after arrival.
losses of equipment and personnel. Therefore, every
• Psychogenic: These ambulatory patients show
patient suspected to have come into contact with a
no signs of a physical attack, yet, display various
chemical substance or biological agent must be
symptoms. For example, in the 1995 incident in
decontaminated before receiving actual medical
Tokyo, the ratio of psychogenic to poisoned victims
In the case of biological agents, decontamina-
tion is minimal and involves undressing the
patient and applying the infection control proce-
• Is the patient ambulatory? If so, the patient is
dures in effect at the healthcare centre. With
chemical agents, however, decontamination is
• If not, is the patient breathing spontaneously?
essential. Rule No. 1 is to protect the personnel
If not, are the airways blocked? If not blocked, the
doing the decontamination. This protection
involves wearing a gas mask that protects against
• If breathing spontaneously, what is the respi-
pesticides, impervious or Tyvek protective cover-
ratory rate? If <10 or >30 breaths/minute, the
alls, butyl gloves, and rubber boots. The second
patient is a P1. If the respiratory rate is between
rule is to undress the patient and put all their
clothing into a trash bag, and then wash the vic-
• Next, check circulation by measuring the
tim with soap and water in a bath or shower. After
pulse and capillary return. Is the pulse <50 or >120
that, the patient can be moved to a treatment
beats/minute and/or capillary refill >2 seconds?
If so, the patient is a P1; if not, a P2.
It is also important to remember that the decon-
tamination zone should be located as far as possible
from ventilation ducts. Moreover, it is absolutely
The ground rules: recognize, inform, decontam-
essential to keep any person or object that has not
inate, and treat. It is vital to recognize the possibility
been decontaminated from entering the rest of the
of a biological attack if there is a sudden increase of
illness in a previously healthy population. Both
against the patient’s various bodily fluids until at
humans and animals are stricken, and a higher
least 3 days of treatment have elapsed. The incuba-
incidence of the illness is found in a particular geo-
tion period is 1 to 3 days. The diagnostic tests
graphic area or timeframe. This can take the form
are examination of saliva, blood, CSF, and bubo
of a sudden increase in a nonspecific syndrome
aspiration to search for Gram+ coccobacilli .
such as pneumonia, influenza episodes, fever,
The signs and symptoms are a sudden onset of
coagulation disorders, unexplained skin or mucosal
fever, chills, headache, myalgia, and prostration.
rash or irritation, and neuromuscular disorders.
The pulmonary form produces coughing, hemopty-
If the signs prove positive, the next step is to
sis, chest pain, and pneumonia with lung cavity. In
inform by notifying management at your establish-
the bubonic form, there are cervical, axillary, and
ment as well as public health officials. It is impor-
inguinal adenopathies. This is followed by sep-
tant to run diagnostic tests and activate the
ticemia, myocarditis, hypotension, convulsions,
emergency measures plan. Remember that deconta-
disseminated intravascular coagulation, and necro-
mination is usually not necessary for biological
agents. It is necessary, however, to undress the
For treatment, in addition to support, the rec-
patient and place their effects in a trash bag. Your
ommendation is streptomycine 15 mg/kg/day IV
establishment’s infection control procedures
divided into 2 doses or gentamicine 1-1.75 mg/kg
IV q8h, or tetracycline 500 mg IV qid, all for 10
days. Preventive treatment is recommended for
asymptomatic contacts: doxycycline 100 mg po bid,
The causal agent is Bacillus anthracis. Transmis-
or ciprofloxacine 500 mg po bid, or tetracycline 250
sion is by inhalation, ingestion, or through the
mg po qid, all for 7 days. No vaccine is available.
skin. It is not communicable from person to per-
son. Infection control procedures must be applied.
The incubation period averages 2 to 6 days, but
The causal agent is the botulism toxin and trans-
may be as long as 8 weeks. The diagnostic tests are
mission is by inhalation and ingestion. The illness
Gram’s stain, blood agar culture which reveals the
is not communicable from person to person. The
presence of Gram+ bacilli, and ELISA.
usual infection-control procedures must be applied.
The signs and symptoms mimic an influenza
The incubation period averages 12 to 72 hours, yet
episode with fever, pneumonia, and sudden dysp-
can range from 2 hours to 8 days. The diagnostic
nea. A lung X-ray reveals a mediastinum enlarged
tests are a bioassay on mice (5-7 days) and an ELISA
by adenopathies. On the skin, pruriginous papules
to check for the presence of botulism toxin.
appear first, followed by ulcers that are painless and
The signs and symptoms are: an absence of
fever; the pupils are dilated or nonreactive,
The treatment combines ventilatory support
diplopia, and palpebral ptosis; paralysis of the cra-
with antibiotherapy (ciprofloxacine 400 mg IV q8-
nial nerves with dysarthria and dysphonia. Also
12h or doxycycline 200 mg IV initially, then 100
observed are descending flaccid paralysis without
mg IV q8-12h). The recommended preventive treat-
sensory dysfunction, and paralysis of the diaphragm
ment is ciprofloxacine 500 mg po bid or doxycline
with respiratory arrest. Mental state remains intact.
100 mg po bid. Amoxicilline is preferable for preg-
Treatment includes ventilatory support, par-
enteral hyperalimentation, and the use of botulinic
antitoxin that improves the prognosis if adminis-
tered early. No preventive treatment is available.
The causal agent is Yersinia pestis and transmis-
sion is by inhalation. Only the pulmonary form of
the disease is communicable from person to per-
The causal agent, Francisella tularensis, comes
son. In addition to the usual precautions to prevent
from the carcasses of dead animals. Transmission is
infection, protective measures must be taken
by inhalation. It is not communicable from person
to person. The usual infection-control proce-
vomiting and mentally disabling chemicals.
dures should be applied. The incubation period
This discussion will focus on the lethal agents.
is 2 to 5 days, but occasionally reaches 21 days.
The presence of these agents should be sus-
The diagnostic tests are the presence of Gram-
pected with the sudden occurrence of unusual
negative bacilli on blood agar-culture and a
illnesses or the increased density of a syndrome
in a geographic area and timeframe. In brief,
The signs and symptoms are fever, chills,
any sudden rise in the following nonspecific
headaches, chest pain of the pleuritic and
symptoms of hypersecretion (lacrimation),
increased expectoration and diarrhea, irritated
adenopathies. Widespread adenopathies and
eyes and airways, and the presence of skin
hepatosplenomegaly are also observed. Various
lesions (erythema, vesicles, pruritis) should be
diffuse skin rashes may occur as well. Tularemia
If an attack is suspected, it is important to
notify officials, the poison centre, public health
mycine 15 mg/kg IM bid or gentamicine 3-5
officials, and management at your hospital.
mg/kg/day IV, or ciprofloxacine 400 mg IV bid,
Apply your establishment’s emergency measures
all for 14 days. The recommended preventive
plan. With exposure to chemical agents, decont-
treatment is ciprofloxacine 500 mg po bid, or
amination is extremely important and must be
doxycycline 100 mg po bid, or tetracycline 250
the first stage of treatment. This means immedi-
mg po qid, all for 14 days. No vaccine is
ately establishing a decontamination zone,
undressing and decontaminating patients with
soap and water, throwing all their effects into a
Variola or Smallpox
trash bag and sealing it. Remember, treating
The causal agent is the variola virus. Trans-
patients before decontaminating them in an
mission is by inhalation and from person to
uncontaminated area will contaminate that area.
person. The usual infection-control procedures
Neurotoxic Agents
apply. The patient and their clothing must be
washed. Caregivers must wear masks. The incu-
Neurotoxic agents are odourless, colourless
bation period averages 2 to 17 days. The diag-
and tasteless; hence, they can be present with-
nosis is confirmed by electronic microscope
out being detectable. These agents bind to
examination of pustular content. Smallpox is
acetylcholinesterase, increasing stimulation at
highly contagious; 33% of exposed individuals
nerve, nerve and muscle fibre, and nerve and
effector cell. They include derivatives of phos-
myalgia, abdominal pain, and delirium. The skin
phoric acid. The treatment resembles that for
exhibits pruritis and a rash that is initially macu-
organophosphates (insecticides) intoxication.
lopapular, then becomes vesicular. These lesions
Absorption is by inhalation and through the
first affect the extremities (head, arms, legs).
skin. The onset of their action is swift: a few
The only treatment is support. Vaccinating
seconds for vapors and a few minutes to a few
all potential contacts and caregivers is vital. CHEMICAL AGENTS
sore eyes, problems seeing, runny nose, exces-
These agents fall into two categories: lethal,
sive salivation, excessive sweating, increased
which includes neurotoxins, cyanogens, pul-
expectorations, nausea, vomiting, abdominal
monary agents and vesicants; and non-lethal,
cramps, diarrhea, tenesmus, urinary and fecal
which includes tear gas, agents that cause
incontinence, asthmatiform crisis, bradycardia,
cyanosis, apnea, muscular weakness and trem-
sodium nitrite 300 mg IV in 3 minutes and
bling. Severe cases also bring hypotension,
sodium thiosulfate 12.5 gm IV in 5-10 minutes.
fasciculations, convulsions, stupor, and loss of
If, 30 minutes later, there is no response or the
The diagnostic tests are plasmatic choline-
sodium thiosulfate must be readministered
sterase dosage and urine screening. Treatment
once at half the initial dose. It is important to
begins by undressing and washing the patient
remember that nitrite converts Hb into MetHb
with soap and water. If the patient’s condition
and thiosulfate converts cyanide into thio-
is serious, a rapid injection of pralidoxime
cyanate. Remember, as well, not to administer
methylene blue because it can convert MetHb
atropine 2 mg IV is necessary. The main treat-
into Hb and thereby antagonize the action of
ment is one of support combined with admin-
Pulmonary Agents
20-30 minutes which can be repeated twice at
intervals of 60-90 minutes (remember that
pralidoxine’s T1/2 is 1-1.5 hours), and atropine
grass and are only absorbed by inhalation.
2 mg IV q 5-10 minutes until the secretions
They are quickly destroyed by water. This class
diminish and ventilation improves. If the
includes phosgene and chlorine. They cause
symptoms are severe, the case may call for
pulmonary edema and the symptoms appear in
period, 200 mg IV of atropine may be neces-
sary. Lorazepam or diazepam IV should be used
stages; the first stage is characterized by cough-
ing, watery eyes, sore throat, and headache.
This is followed by the latency phase during
which the symptoms disappear. Finally, the late
Cyanogens are colourless, but they have an
phase occurs 2 to 24 hours later; it is character-
almond scent detectable by 60%-80 % of the
population. Absorption is by inhalation and
mucosal erythema, dyspnea, wheezing, orthop-
through the skin. These agents cause cellular
nea, increased expectorations, chest pain,
asphyxia by blocking the oxydase cytochrome.
pulmonary edema, hypovolemia, and a state of
They are fast-acting (within seconds to a few
shock. There is no specific test, but the white
The signs and symptoms include dizziness,
eye irritation, weakness, difficulty breathing,
tion. The treatment is one of support. Patients
nausea, headaches, and confusion. The venous
improve within 48 hours or die. The long-term
complications are asthma and emphysema.
branes are pink. At first, there is a rise in
heartrate and blood pressure; this is followed
Vesicants are liquid oil dispersed in a fine
arrest. Loss of consciousness, convulsions, and
mist and they smell like garlic, horseradish, or
respiratory arrest may also occur. The diagnos-
mustard. Typical vesicants are mustard gas and
tic tests include blood and urinary thiocyanate,
lewisite agents. Absorption is by inhalation and
through the skin. Their action begins within
12 to 72 hours, yet, the range extends from 2
patient, providing support therapy, correcting
the acidosis and administering the antidote:
amylnitrite by inhalation q 90 seconds through
the skin with erythema, burn-type pain, pruritis
the victim’s mask (4-5 ampules maximum),
and vesicles; the eyes with burning, redness
and lacrimation; the respiratory system with sore
6. Unknown. Canada Communicable Disease Report: Bioterrorismand public Health. Volume 27-04. February 2001.
throat, productive cough, hoarse voice, dyspnea,
7. Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards, Depart-
pneumonia, and acute edema; and lastly, the diges-
ment of Veterans’ Affairs of the United States of America. Chemical Terrorism General Guidance, Pocket Guide. Washing-
tive system with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
There is no specific test. Decontamination consists
8. Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards, Depart-
ment of Veterans’ Affairs of the United States of America.
of undressing and washing the patient with a large
Biological Terrorism General Guidance, Pocket Guide. Washing-
The treatment is the same as for chemical burns
with the addition of support therapy. Note too,
Upcoming Scientific Meetings
that for lewisite agents, you can use BAL (British
antilewisite), an ointment applied to the skin
UCSD Anesthesiology Update 2004
lesions, and dimercaprol 10% by injection IM (3-4
cc) which must be administered as soon as possible,
followed by additional injections 4, 8 and 12 hours
later. In severe cases, this is followed by regular
injections of 2 cc IM dimercaprol for 3 to 4 days.
21-24 January 2004 14th Annual Current Topics in Anesthesiology CONCLUSION
It is important for anesthesiologists to be famil-
iar with the various aspects of medical treatment
Fax: 480 301-8323Email: [email protected]
for all the agents most likely to be used in a terrorist
attack. Adherence to, and the application of, basic
principles regarding decontamination, treatment,
The 6th International Conference on Pain & Chemical Dependency Major Daniel Audy, MD, FRCPC, BSc, CD, is an anesthesiologist at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont
Fax: 1 609-275-5029Email: [email protected]Hospital. He has worked for many years as a medicalspecialist in the Canadian Armed Forces.
13-16 February 2004 4th Annual Mont Tremblant Anesthesia Meeting References
1. Wiener SL, Barrett J. Trauma Management for Civilian and
CONTACT: Mary Kumor, Dept. of Anesthesiology,
Military Physicians. Saunders Company. 1986.
2. Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards, Depart-
ment of Veterans’ Affairs of the United States of America. Rapid Contingency Plans for Responding to Victims of a Chemi-cal Attack, Handling Casualties and Decontamination. October2001.
3 Mintz LTB. 4th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group. Nuclear,
Change of address notices and requests for subscriptions
Biological and Chemical Warfare Mini Lesson Guides. July
to Anesthesiology Rounds are to be sent by mail to P.O.
Box 310, Station H, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2K8 or by
4. World LCol M. Clinical Manifestations of Unconventional
fax to (514) 932-5114 or by e-mail to info@snellmedical. Weapon Exposure. Royal Army Medical College. England. 1995.
com. Please reference Anesthesiology Rounds in your
5. Kay LCol JL. Practical Casualty Management in a Nuclear,
correspondence. Undeliverable copies are to be sent to
Biological and Chemical Environment. Royal Army Medical
This publication is made possible by an educational grant from
2003 Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, which is solely responsible for the contents. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or sponsor, but rather are those of the authoring institution based on the available scientific literature. Publisher: SNELL Medical Communication Inc. in cooperation with the Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal. All rights reserved. The administration of any therapies discussed or referred to in Anesthesiology Rounds should always be consistent with the recognized prescribing information in Canada. SNELL Medical Communication Inc. is committed to the development of superior Continuing Medical Education.
PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Noon-5:00 PMEA Golf Outing Room Check-in Welcoming Hospitality Reception/Associate Member Exhibits THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 7:00-8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Registration Foyer outside of the Assembly Room Welcoming Address Vance Oakes, Grove City Borough Manager/Pr
O Evangelho Segundo Tomé PRÓLOGO Estas são as sentenças ocultas que o Jesus vivo pronunciou e Judas Tomé, o Gêmeo registrou. 1 E ele disse: "Quem quer que descubra a interpretação destas sentenças não provará a morte". 2 Jesus disse: "Que aquele que procura não deixe de procurar até que encontre. Quando encontrar, ficará perturbado. Quando estiver perturbado, ficará