Director of Biostatistics (2004-2006), Omni Genetics (Menlo Park, CA).
Omni Genetics seeks to discover connections between adverse response to pre-scription drugs and genetic variation potentially responsible. My role was aidingthe design and interpretation of experiments and clinical trials. As the biosta-tistician, I worked with the officers of the company and with our pharmaceuticaland biotech partners in managing a central trade-off: how to keep our experi-ments and clinical trials small enough to be affordable yet large enough to yieldstatistically significant results.
Visiting Scholar (2001-2002), The Wistar Institute (Philadelphia, PA).
With Louise Showe and her lab, I worked on designing databases organizing theflood of biological data resulting from the Human Genome Project as well asfrom experiments involving gene expression microarraAt the University ofPennsylvania (adjacent and closely tied to Wistar), I continued my collaborationwith Steve Johnson’s lab on the chemotherapy of ovarian cancer resulting in myco-authorship of a recent papThis work was independent of my concurrentemployment at Incyte Genomics.
Principal Scientist (2002-2003), Senior Scientist (1999-2002), and Scientific Program-
mer (1998-1999), Incyte Genomics (Palo Alto, CA).
Incyte Genomics produced and sold data on the sequence, location, function,and expression of genes in humans and other organisms. My work at Incyteinvolved a diversity of tasks all related to producing and selling such data andits associated software. Working with a team of software engineers, I helpeddesign and implement software producing, testing, and packaging data fromgene expression microarrays. A technical manual I wrillustrates this work. As a scientist, I worked with fellow scientists, both inside Incyte and at ourpharmaceutical company customers, to make Incyte’s data more scientifically
1Popularly known as “gene chips”, microarrays are silicon wafers that simultaneously measure
the expression activity of thousands of genes.
2D. Roberts et al., “Identification of Genes Associated with Platinum Drug Sensitivity and
Resistance in Human Ovarian Cancer Cells”, British Journal of Cancer 92 : 1149-1158 (2005)
3P.B. Laub, New Margalo: Overview and Technical Specifications, Incyte Genomics, March 2002
valid and useful. GeneProf, software I created for seeing high-dimensional geneexpression data, contributed to both products and publicat
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow in Cancer Pharmacology (1995-1998), Fox Chase Cancer
Working in the clinical setting, my sponsor James M. Gallo and I sought todevelop statistical guidelines individualizing the dosing of cancer chemother-apy drugIn the course of this research, we developed NCOMP, a computerprogram for analysis of the pharmacokinetic used by our methods andpublished a mathematical model of the time course of blood cell depletion, acommon and serious side effect of chemotherapAs the statistician, I collab-orated with other researchers at FCCC. In one project, we studied women withknown hereditary risk for ovarian canceMight that risk be associated withhistological features of ovarian tissue samples examined under the microscope?If so, this may aid diagnosis and staging of the disease. We found that suchassociations did exist and were unlikely (P = 0.001 and P = 0.00007) to bethe result of chance. The National Institutes of Health F32 series grant I wrotefunded this postdoc.
Member of the 1990 Summer School on Complex Systems, Santa Fe Institute (Santa
The Santa Fe Institute is renowned for pursuing cross-disciplinary studies incomplex phenomena in the natural and social worlds. Lectures in 1990 coveredtopics as diverse as stochastic differential equations, self-organized behavior,and artificial life. My interest in modeling disease dynamicwas piqued bylectures on the mathematics of contagious disease spread.
Graduate study culminating in a Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics and Structural Bi-
ology (1988-1995), University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA).
4Such visualization lead to co-authorship of two abstracts presented at the Pacific Symposium
on Biocomputing ’99 (Mauna Lani, Hawaii), 4-9 January 1999. They were R. Chapman et al., “Afunctional genomics study of Staphylococcus aureus” and M.J. Cunningham et al., “A functionalgenomics analysis of rat liver”.
5See, for example, J.M. Gallo, P.B. Laub et al., “Population Pharmacokinetic Model for Topote-
can Derived from Phase I Clinical Trials”, Journal of Clinical Oncology 18 : 2459-2467 (2000)
6P.B. Laub and J.M. Gallo, “NCOMP - A Windows-based Computer Program for Noncompart-
mental Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Data”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 85 : 393 - 395 (April1996)
7Paul B. Laub, “A Mathematical Model of the Time Course of Myelosuppression Resulting from
Cancer Chemotherapy” in Mathematical Models in Medical and Health Sciences (M.A. Horn, G. Simonett, and G.F. Webb, eds.), Vanderbilt University Press, 1999
8Hernando Salazar et al., “Microscopic Benign and Invasive Malignant Neoplasms and a Cancer-
Prone Phenotype in Prophylactic Oophorectomies” Journal of the National Cancer Institute 88 :1810-1820 (1996)
Research for my dissertation, “Computational Analysis of Peptide and ProteinStructure Using Data from NMR SpectroscopI performed in the laboratoryof Heiner Roder. I sought to translate NMR spectra into the three-dimensionalspatial arrangement of the atoms composing a peptide or protein. In one case,my colleagues and I developed an efficient method of determining structuralchange due to a single change in amino acid sequeIn another case, wedetermined the structure of a peptide as it is bound to the surface of a muchlarger prThat peptide is potentially therapeutic in the treatment ofmicrobial diseases such as malaria. To aid this work, I created several softwaretools including the program
Participant in the 1982 Summer Student Program, The Jackson Laboratory (Bar
In this most valuable experience of my scientific career, I joined the laboratoryof Andrew Kandutsch for the summer and investigated the regulation of choles-terol metabolism in mammals. My project was studying the effect inhibiting denovo cholesterol synthesis on dolichol phosphate, an important by-product ofcholesterol synthesis. The opportunity to work full-time on an urgent problem ofbiomedicine taught me much that my undergraduate courses could not. Centralto our research was mevinolin, a then-obscure compound isolated from fungi. Since that summer, mevinolin, renamed Lovastatin (tradename Mevacor), be-came the first of the cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to win FDA approval.
Undergraduate study culminating in a B.S. summa cum laude in Biochemistry (1979-
1983), State University of New York at Buffalo.
For the past four consecutive summers (2003-2006), I have spent three weeks atSt. John’s College (Santa Fe, NM campus) attending the Summer Classics seminar
10 A peptide is a short chain of amino acids. It can be thought of as a fragment of a larger
protein. NMR abbreviates nuclear magnetic resonance. Spectroscopy measures the interaction ofelectromagnetic radiation and matter.
11See P.B. Laub et al., “Localized Solution Structure Refinement of an F45W Variant of Ubiquitin
using Stochastic Boundary Molecular Dynamics and NMR Distance Restraints”, Protein Science 4 :973-982 (1995)
12A. Fisher, P.B. Laub, and B.S. Cooperman, “NMR Structure Of An Inhibitory R2 C-
Terminal Peptide Bound To Mouse Ribonucleotide Reductase R1 Subunit”, Nature Structural Bi-ology 2 : 951-955 (1995) M. Pellegrini etal., “Structure-Based Optimization of Peptide Inhibitors of Mammalian Ribonucleotide Reductase”Biochemistry 39 : 12210-12215 (2000), and U.S. Patent 6,030,942
13 P.B. Laub, “XPLCHK - An Extensible Program For Checking And Validating X-PLOR Input
Files” Journal of Applied Crystallography 28 : 632-634 (1995)
These seminars, three per summer, discuss significant books in the
humanities. Some of the authors have shaped my values and thinking. They includeDostoevsky (“Notes from Underground” and The Brothers Karamazov ), Lao Tzu(Tao te Ching), and Plato (Apology and The Republic). I first learned of the uniqueSt. John’s program by accident. That occurred during my stay on their campus whileattending the Santa Fe Institute’s 1990 Summer School on Complex Systems. Whatbrings me back each year is the opportunity to discuss these books in the seminarwith like-minded people. Often, our joint attempt to make sense of a book, especiallythe author’s intent, is as valuable as the book’s content.
A complete listing of my publications may be download from Many of these publications also turnup when searching using the keyword author:“P BLaub”.
TNO report 2002.024 A review of health technology assessmentmethods in the field of pharmaceuticalsHTA and pharmaceutical coverage decisionsStandard of health services purchased in the national health insurancesystem (contract nr. - PolandAll rights reserved. Copyright: Ministry of Health, Office for Foreign Aid Programs in Health Care, Poland 2002. This report is part of a pr