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198. Sörberg, M., A. Farra, U. Ransjö, B. Gårdlund, M. Rylander, B. Settergren, M. Kalin, and G. Kronvall. 2003. Different trends in antibiotic resistance rates at a university teaching hospital. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 9:388-396.
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220. Sandgren, A., K. Sjöström, B. Olsson-Liljequist, B. Christensson, A. Samuelsson, G. Kronvall, and B. Henriques Normark. 2004. Effect of Clonal and Serotype-Specific Properties on the Invasive Capacity of Streptococcus pneumoniae. J.Infect.Dis. 189:785-796.
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223. Infante, B., M. Grape, M. Larsson, C. Kristensson, L. Pallecchi, G. M. Rossolini, and G. Kronvall. 2005. Acquired sulfonamide resistance genes in faecal Escherichia coli from healthy children in Bolivia and Perú. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 25:308-312.
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232. Kuusela, P., S. S. Kaukoranta-Tolvanen, M. Ullberg, G. Kronvall, and O. Saksela. 1994. Surface Associated Activation of Plasminogen on Staphylococci and Streptococci. A Novel Mechanism for Bacteria to use the Activator Ssytem of a Host, p. 97-102. In T. Wadström, I. A. Holder, and G. Kronvall (eds.), Molecular Pathogenesis of Surgical Infections. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
233. Turnidge, J., G. Kahlmeter, and G. Kronvall. 2006. Statistical
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234. Kronvall, G., M. Larsson, C. Borén, G. Kahlmeter, A. Bartoloni, G. M. Rossolini, M. Grape, C. Kristiansson, and I. Karlsson. 2005. Extended antimicrobial resistance screening of the dominant faecal Escherichia coli and of rare resistant clones. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 26:473-478.
235. Abdissa, A., Asrat, D., Kronvall, G., Shittu, B., Achiko, D., Zeidan, M., Yamuah, L. K., and Aseffa, A. High diversity of group A streptococcal emm types among healthy schoolchildren in Ethiopia. Clinical Infectious Diseases 42[10], 1362-1367. 2006. Ref Type: Journal (Full)
236. Kronvall, G., I. Karlsson, M. Walder, M. Sörberg, and L. E. Nilsson.
2006. Epidemiological MIC cut-off values for tigecycline calculated from Etest MIC values using normalized resistance interpretation. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 57: 498-505.
237. Grape, M., Kristiansson, C., Bartoloni, A., Gotuzzo, E., and Kronvall, G. Rapid Resistance Screening Method for Detection of Resistance Markers in Dominant Flora and Rare Clones of Faecal Samples. ICAAC 2005 . 2005. Ref Type: Abstract
238. Bartoloni, A., Pallecchi, Lucia, Benedetti, M., Fernandez, C., Vallejos, Y., Guzman, E., Villagran, A. L., Mantella, A., Lucchetti, C, Bartalesi, F., Strohmeyer, M., Bechini, A, Gamboa, H, Rodríguez, H, Falkenberg, T., Kronvall, G., Gotuzzo, E., Paradisi, F., and Rossolini, G. M. Multidrug-resistant Commensal Escherichia coli in Children, Peru and Bolivia. Emerging Infectious Diseases 12[6], 907-913. 2006. Ref Type: Journal (Full)
239. Giske, C. G., B. Libisch, C. Colinon, E. Scoulica, L. Pagani, M. Fuzi, G. Kronvall, and G. M. Rossolini. 2006. Establishing clonal relationships between VIM-1-like metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains from four European countries by multilocus sequence typing. J.Clin.Microbiol. 44: 4309-4315.
240. Grape, M., L. Sundström, and G. Kronvall. 2007. Two new dfr genes in
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241. Kronvall, G. and P. Larsson. 2007. Clinical bacteriology - the recent
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242. Forsum, U. and G. Kronvall. 2007. Clinical Microbiology informatics -
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243. Kronvall, G. 2007. COMMENTARY. APMIS 115: 619-620.
244. Smith, P., Ruane, N. M., Douglas, I., Carroll, C., Kronvall, G., and Fleming, G. T. A. 2007. Impact of inter-lab variation on the estimation of epidemiological cut-off values for disc diffusion susceptibility test data for Aeromonas salmonicida. Aquaculture 272: 168-179.
245. Pallecchi, L., A. Bartoloni, C. Fiorelli, A. Mantella, M. T. Di, H. Gamboa, E. Gotuzzo, G. Kronvall, F. Paradisi, and G. M. Rossolini. 2007. Rapid dissemination and diversity of CTX-M extended-spectrum beta-lactamase genes in commensal Escherichia coli isolates from healthy children from low-resource settings in Latin America. Antimicrob.Agents Chemother. 51:2720-2725.
246. Bartoloni,A., L.Pallecchi, C.Fiorelli, M.T.Di, C.Fernandez, A.L.Villagran, A.Mantella, F.Bartalesi, M.Strohmeyer, A.Bechini, H.Gamboa, H.Rodriguez, C.Kristiansson, G.Kronvall, E.Gotuzzo, F.Paradisi, and G.M.Rossolini. 2008. Increasing Resistance in Commensal Escherichia coli, Bolivia and Peru. Emerg.Infect Dis. 14:338- 340.
247. Claesson,C., L.E.Nilsson, G.Kronvall, M.Walder, and M.Sörberg. 2009.
Antimicrobial activity of tigecycline and comparative agents against clinical isolates of staphylococci and enterococci from ICUs and general hospital wards at three Swedish university hospitals. Scand.J Infect.Dis. 41:171- 181.
248. Kristiansson,C., M.Grape, E.Gotuzzo, F.Samalvides, J.Chauca, M.Larsson, A.Bartoloni, L.Pallecchi, G.Kronvall, and M.Petzold. 2009. Socioeconomic factors and antibiotic use in relation to antimicrobial resistance in the Amazonian area of Peru. Scand.J Infect.Dis. 41:303- 312.
249. Kronvall, G. and C. G. Giske. 2009. ["The wolf" is already here. Recent
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250. Kronvall, G. 2010. Antimicrobial resistance 1979–2009 at Karolinska
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251. Bartoloni, A., Benedetti, M., Pallecchi, L., Larsson, M., Mantella, A., Strohmeyer, M., Bartalesi, F., Fernandez, C., Guzman, E., Vallejos, Y., Villagran, A. L., Guerra, H., Gotuzzo, E., Paradisi, F., Falkenberg, T., Rossolini, G. M., and Kronvall, G. 2005. Detection of antimicrobial resistance in low-income countries: Evaluation of a rapid screening method. Abstract P321. Italian Journal of Tropical Medicine 10[3-4], 164- 165.
252. Kronvall, G. 2010. Normalised Resistance Interpretation, NRI, as a tool
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253. Resman, F., M. Ristovski, J. Ahl, A. Forsgren, J. Gilsdorf, A. Jasir, B. Kaijser, G. Kronvall, and K. Riesbeck. 2011. Invasive disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae in Sweden 1997-2009; evidence of increasing incidence and clinical burden of non-type b strains. Clin.Microbiol.Infect. 17:1638-1645.
254. Kronvall, G. 2010. Antigen-antibody reactions in gels. Ouchterlony Ö, p.
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255. Kronvall,G., C.G.Giske, and G.Kahlmeter. 2011. Setting interpretive
breakpoints for antimicrobial susceptibility testing using disk diffusion. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 38:281-290.
256. Kronvall,G., C.G.Giske, and G.Kahlmeter. 2011. On-line supplement to:
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257. Abdissa, A., Asrat, D., Kronvall, G., Shitu, B., Achiko, D., Zeidan, M., Yamuah, L. K., and Aseffa, A. 2011. Throat carriage rate and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of group A streptococci (GAS) in healthy Ethiopian school children. Ethiopian Medical Journal 149: 125- 130.
258. Bartoloni,A., L.Pallecchi, C.Fiorelli, T.Di Maggio, C.Fernandez, Y.Vallejos, E.Guzman, A.Villagran, A.Mantella, F.Bartalesi, M.Strohmeyer, A.Bechini, H.Gamboa, H.Rodriguez, T.Falkenberg, G.Kronvall, E.Gotuzzo, F.Paradisi, and G.Rossolini. 2007. Increasing resistance to quinolones and expanded-spectrum cephalosporins in commensal Escherichia coli from children living in urban areas of Latin America: a report from the ANTRES research project. Abstract O358. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 29:S75.
259. Lee,D.C., H.J.Han, S.Y.Choi, G.Kronvall, C.I.Park, and D.H.Kim. 2012.
Antibiograms and the estimation of epidemiological cut off values for Vibrio ichthyoenteri isolated from larval olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Aquaculture 342-343: 31-35.
260. Resman, F, M.Ristovski, A.Forsgren, B.Kaijser, G.Kronvall, P.Medstrand, E.Melander, I.Odenholt, and K.Riesbeck..2012. Increase of beta-Lactam-Resistant Invasive Haemophilus influenzae in Sweden, 1997 to 2010. Antimicrob.Agents Chemother. 56: 4408-4415.
261. Berggren M, G.Nilsson, G.Kronvall, and A.Josephson. 2012.
E-learning - evaluation of a diagnostic decision support system in undergraduate medical training. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 8: 287- 305.
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