
A beer mat that tells when the mug's empty : » Leisure » Story
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Now, a beer mat that tells when the mug's
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over for their beer guzzling skills, and it Leisure «
which sends out signal when the glass is empty. Designed to perfectly fit a normal beer mat to soak up the spilt liquid, the mat can also be used for interactive TV games as it contains an accelerometer, capable of sensing when it is being HT Specials »
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Weighing a mere 110 grams, the mat costs only 100 dollars to make, - Flower D
but researchers believe the cost will come down when mass Register
"I've been discussing this with a friend of mine who is an expert pub - Uprima,
goer. He mentioned that the pay-TV companies who broadcast soccer games are desperately looking for ways to make TV an interactive experience. Betting on actual sports events with the mat - Cialis, R
could add such interactivity," NewScientist quoted Butz as saying. - Study A
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"One important direction, which needs further investigation, is the - Travel t
large body of drinking games which has developed in certain cultures and how they can be supported using our beer mat," he added. - Buy sho
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