The role of 2D bar code and electronic cross-matching in the reduction of misidentification errors in a pathology laboratory. A safety system assisted by the use of information technology
U.O. Anatomia Patologica e Citologia, Ospedale Infermi, Rimini, Italy
Mismatch errors • Risk management • 2D Barcode technology • Safety management of patient specimens
Introduction. Mismatching of patients and specimens can lead
being used; in addition, the system performs an electronic cross-
to incorrect histopathological diagnoses. Most misidentification
check of tissue blocks and slides, which is managed by the labora-
errors in laboratories occur during the manual pre-laboratory and
laboratory phases. In the past few years, we have examined this
Results. The present system permits full sample traceability
vital and challenging issue in our unit and introduced appropriate
from the moment samples reach the laboratory to the issuing
procedures. Recently, we have paid special attention to the prob-
of the final report. Indeed, the LIS records samples, blocks and
lem of specimen mix-ups in the gross examination phase and the
slides in real time throughout the entire procedure, as well as
mismatching of blocks and slides in the cutting phase.
the operator’s name, and the date and time each individual pro-
Objective. We have focused on the reduction of the potential
cedure is done. This facilitates later monitoring of the entire
sources of mismatching of specimen containers, tissue blocks and
slides, focusing in particular on the most critical steps which are
Conclusions. The introduction of 2D bar code and electronic
gross cutting and preparation of microtome sections.
cross-checking represents a crucial step in significantly increas-
Design. A 2D bar code directly printed on the labels of specimen
ing the safe management of cases and improving the quality of
containers, and directly printed onto cassettes and slides, is now
incorrectly-recorded laterality and anatomical sites.
Another two steps in the procedure that are particularly
Since the publication of “To err is human” in 1999 1,
prone to error are the gross and cutting phases, which
substantial work has been done to reduce factors that
are characterized by sample mix-ups and block and slide
contribute to errors in medical and surgical pathology
practice. Procedures in the histopathology unit involve
A significant reduction in the number of misidentifica-
multistep processes with several handoffs of materi-
tion errors on accession was achieved in 2008 with the
als, which are all potential sources of error 2. Errors that
elimination of handwritten requests and handwritten
may occur at any stage of processing vary in frequency,
labels, and by the introduction of an order entry with
depending on the laboratory. Several papers have been
electronic requests and labels. In addition, direct print-
published that analyze and propose solutions 3-5. Over
ing of cassettes and slides by automatics printers inter-
the past five years, we have approached this challenging
faced with the laboratory information system produced
issue in our laboratory, with particular focus on the pre-
a considerable reduction in block and slide mismatching
The most critical step is the accession phase, which is
However, data analysis in 2009 revealed continuing
characterized by incorrect patient identifications and
block and slide mismatching. For this reason, at the be-
The author is grateful to the entire Pathology Unit Staff; particular
Giovanna Fabbretti, U.O. Anatomia Patologica e Citologia,
thanks are given to Luigi Santucci, Director of the Information
Ospedale Infermi, via Settembrini 2, 47900 Rimini, Italy - E-mail:
Technology Department, and to Francesco Graziani, Rina Velati
ginning of 2010, a 2D bar code was introduced, which
Fig. 1. cassettes and slides with a directly printed 2D bar code
is directly printed onto container labels, cassettes and
and accession code number. Slides also show readable text: name
slides, in order to reduce mismatching in the gross ex-
of institution, type of stain (he: yellow slides and immunostains
amination and cutting phases. This new technology is
for Ki-67, progesterone and oestrogen receptors: white charged
slides) name and surname of patient.
also an effective means of improving sample traceability
The purpose of the present work is to discuss the highly
reliable work procedure we have developed, which fully
utilizes the benefits of information technology. Materials and methods
The entire process was reorganised in May 2008 when
a new laboratory information system (LIS, Armonia
Dedalus, SpA, Italy) was integrated with the Hospital
Information System (HIS; Trak-care, Traksystem, Aus-
tralia), with an HL7 interface for receiving orders from
physicians through HIS order entry. This eliminated the
need for handwritten requests and handwritten container
labels. At the same time, the LIS was interfaced with the
cassette and slide printers (Leica Microsystems, Ban-
matching of a block and its associated slides. It is im-
nockburn, IL) to handle cassette and slide printing case-
possible for two identically identified blocks or slides to
by-case during the gross and cutting phases; this avoids
exist. For example, if a slide is printed and then the same
the need for manual code transcription. All of the above
slide is printed again, the first slide printed is identified
has been described in detail in a previous publication 6.
in the 2D bar code as 11-I-13500A21 and the second one
Since 2010, the LIS has used a 2D bar code and has been
interfaced with both cassette and slides printers (a Lei-
This is of fundamental importance and is a key point
ca printer in the Cytology Lab and Slide Mate printers
regarding matching of blocks and slides.
[Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA] at the Cutting
Each workstation in our unit is equipped with a PC,
Station); the LIS also has been integrated with a Leica
monitor and scanner. We have also equipped each cut-
BOND-III instrument, which fully automates immuno-
ting station with small slide printers to avoid the need to
histochemistry work; 2D bar codes are directly printed
preprint slides. The LIS manages each individual step
onto immunohistochemistry slides at the cutting station:
via the 2D bar code regarding the processing of samples,
the BOND-III reads the 2D slide bar codes. Extensive
blocks and slides by recording the name of the operator
bar code printing testing and validation for cassettes and
and the date and time of the step; in this way, each single
slides was conducted by Leica, Thermo Fisher Scien-
case is traceable during the entire work procedure.
tific and Dedalus, and for scanner configuration by the
The LIS furthermore records any error or problem de-
Dedalus Company and Metrologic Instruments Inc. We
tected at any stage in the workflow. This function is
chose the Metrologic MS1690 Focus, which is an om-
quick and easy to access by using a keyboard; in this
nidirectional scanner capable of reading all standard 1D
function, a list of predetermined parameters are dis-
played: e.g. error or problem type, possible corrective
During set up, we carried out ping testing on cassettes
action, date, time and operator. Cases where an error has
and slides. No input failure occurred. Bar code misread-
been detected are marked by a special icon, so that the
ing may be caused by poor quality cassette and slide ma-
pathologist is alerted and can check the validity of the
terials, which can cause variations in printing quality.
corrective actions taken before diagnosis.
We always test any new material that will be used.
Errors and problems are subdivided in the following
The following are printed on cassettes: the accession
way: accession errors, specimen errors or problems, and
code (e.g. 11-I-11340), specimen container letter (e.g.
misidentification during the processing procedure. Each
A, B, C), subpart block number (e.g. 1, 2) and a 2D bar
subgroup is further divided into other sub-categories (e.g.
code, which includes a progressive printing number
misidentification during gross examination, embedding,
cutting, etc.). This system permits rapid analysis of col-
The following is printed on the slides as human readable
lected data. Once a month, a specially trained technical
text: accession code (e.g. 11-I-13800), patient name and
surname, type of stain (e.g. HE, PAS), the name of our
The unit’s workflow, which is bar code based, is de-
unit (Anat Pat, RN); in addition there is a 2D bar code,
scribed in a consistent and easy-to-read manner.
which also encodes a progressive printing number.
1. Accession phase: after a double check to verify that
The progressive printing number, found in both slide
data on the electronic request corresponds to that on
and cassette 2D bar codes, is essential for the univocal
the medical report that accompanies specimens (e.g.
role of 2D bar coDe anD electronic croSS-matching in the reDuction of miSiDentification errorS
Fig. 2. Downloaded request form and adhesive labels attached to
for sentinel lymph nodes, yellow for small biopsies,
specimen containers. above: patient data; middle: the two sub-
blue for lymph nodes, pink for skin biopsies and
mitted specimens: 1) skin from the lumbo-sacral region; 2) skin
green for surgical specimens), section number, and
from the patient’s hip and clinical information; below: the space
the routine stains or immunostains, if provided. The
default setting may be modified at any time during
the process. Cassettes are directly printed (Leica Mi-
crosystems, Bannockburn, IL) case-by-case during
gross examination. The printing process is quick and
3. Tissue embedding phase: after processing each cas-
sette is read by the scanner before embedding the tis-
sue. The LIS displays the following: code number,
tissue type, fragment number and notes, if recorded
during gross examination, including operator name,
date, time and status (Fig. 4); after reading, the cas-
sette’s status is changed from processing to executed.
When all samples related to a single case are embed-
Fig. 4. tissue embedding station: the cassette is read by the scan-
ner. the liS displays all relevant information and shows a list of
bronchoscopy, endoscopic report, etc.), the case is
entered into the LIS by scanning a bar code on the
paper copy of the electronic request, determining
the recovery of the request from HIS (Fig. 2). The
LIS provides a lab worksheet with number (e.g.
11-I-14500) both as readable text and as a bar code
(Fig. 3), and also provides labels for specimen con-
tainers in readable text as well as a 2D bar code.
Once a misidentification error is detected, the case
is rejected and it will be processed after the error has
2. Gross examination phase: the specimen containers
are moved to the gross bench for sectioning and re-
cording of macroscopic findings. Our LIS provides
many predetermined parameters for each anatomi-
cal site and each medical procedure; for example,
the topographic code (SNOMED), the number and
colour of the cassette (orange for urgent cases, white
Fig. 5. cutting station: the cassette is read by the scanner, the liS
shows all tissue block information (patient name and surname,
Fig. 3. an internal lab worksheet: accession number and 1-di-
code number, tissue type, number of fragments, embedded
mensional bar code and adhesive labels for specimen containers
status, operator and date) and the slide mate printer prints the
ded in cassettes, the case status is changed from gross
because the clinical information was not concordant
executed to embedded. The LIS sequentially shows a
with histological appearance. In other cases, the slide
list of all embedded cassettes on the monitor in the
samples clearly did not correspond with the anatomical
work session, and, if required, supplies a printed
site indicated in the request when viewed under the mi-
croscope. Another particularly important result achieved
4. Cutting phase: just before cutting, the operator reads
by the introduction of 2D bar coding is the introduction
the block’s bar code with the scanner, and the slide
of automated tracing; it is now possible in real time, to
printer prints all the associated slides; after section
trace a specimen container or missing block and locate
cutting (and only at this time - before it is picked
up) the slide is read by the scanner. If the slide does
Indeed, the LIS manages the workflow, step by step, re-
not match the block, a message error on the moni-
cording the operator’s name, date and time of each single
tor alerts the operator (Fig. 5). The LIS displays the
step. We are now able to know what is happening in real
changing status of the slide from requested to vali-
time, and to take immediate action to locate a misplaced
dated only if the slide matches correctly. When all
slides related to a single case are validated, the case’s
status is changed from embedded to cut.
5. Checkout phase: at the end of the entire work flow
procedure, there is the final check before delivering
slides to the referring pathologist. Each slide is read
The case-by-case direct printing of bar code numbers
by the scanner, and when all slides of a single case
on cassettes and slides by automated printers managed
(routine stain, special stains and immunostains) are
by the LIS prevents errors caused by handwritten labels
‘pinged’ the case is ready to be sent for medical ex-
and by transcription. Checking correspondence between
the code number on container labels and the cassette at
the gross station and between block and the slide at the
cutting station was previously done visually and was
therefore subject to error caused by fatigue and lack of
The results achieved have been particularly good and of
Even if the mismatch rate was low in the gross exami-
significant importance. Since the introduction in 2010
nation and cutting phases, and in keeping with data re-
of 2D bar codes on container labels, we have not had a
ported in recent literature 7, an error that mismatches a
single case of sample mix up in the gross examination
slide to the wrong patient can have serious consequences
phase in a total of 26,964 histological cases. In the gross
examination phase, each case begins with a reading
For this reason, we worked closely with the LIS provider
of the 2D bar code on the container label, and the LIS
to design a system that would prevent this type of error.
makes it impossible for a code number that is different to
The result is that we have up-graded our LIS with the
the case number in question to be printed on a cassette.
introduction of 2D bar codes on labels of specimen con-
In contrast, in 2009 we had 10 errors in a total of 26,961
tainers, and direct printed on cassettes and slides. The
(0.03%) cases that involved mismatch of samples from
biggest leap in improved quality was achieved by the
introduction of electronic cross-match managed by LIS.
Additionally, in the cutting phase we have had no mis-
Another important advance is that there is now sample
match since automatic cassette and slide cross checking
traceability throughout the entire workflow.
was made possible by the introduction of 2D bar codes
In a recent paper, Zarbo et al. 8 describes a workflow
in 2010 (26,964 histological cases; 80,571 tissue blocks).
dependent on bar code reading and illustrates the use of
In contrast in the same period in 2009, we had 32 mis-
traditional bar codes on specimen container labels, in
matches from a total of 26,961 cases (0.11%) (80,361
specific labels for slides and use 2D bar code only for
tissue blocks) caused by the transfer of sections from one
block to a mismatched slide. Data analysis showed that
Unfortunately, in their laboratory, electronic requests
mismatch errors were more or less equally distributed
are not yet employed and cases are accessioned manu-
between routine cutting (14 cases) and re-cutting. There
ally from handwritten requisitions, which are often in-
was a slightly greater error prevalence for re-cutting (18
complete and unclear, as noted by Dimenstein 9. The
cases), where the errors involved cases with similar code
labelling of slides represents an additional manual step
numbers (e.g. 09-I-23715 and 09-I-23915); 12 of 18 er-
that is time consuming, prone to error and finally more
rors involved specimens from different patients, and 4 of
expensive than directly printing on them.
18 involved different specimens from the same patient.
The electronic checking introduced in the cutting sta-
Of the 14 routine cutting mismatch errors, 10 involved
tion overcomes the problem of operators failing to fol-
different patients. None of the errors for either the gross
low standard procedures, which was an issue that Zarbo
examination or the cutting phase resulted in adverse con-
emphasized in his report. The LIS prevents proceeding
sequences for the patient, as they were detected during
to the next case and alerts the operator is procedures are
subsequent steps. The errors were noticed in some cases
not followed. Furthermore, if the slide’s bar code is not
role of 2D bar coDe anD electronic croSS-matching in the reDuction of miSiDentification errorS
read by the scanner, the case is not validated. The intro-
procedure, and not later in the pathology lab by a member
duction of electronic cross checking of blocks and slides
of administration or technical staff. During gross tissue
is an effective means of preventing inevitable human er-
examination, LIS case data can be accessed by reading
rors in the cutting phase caused by fatigue, lack of con-
the 2D bar code on container labels, avoiding mix-up of
specimens; the direct printing of cassettes one case at a
During the development of this project, the only con-
time avoids the need for them to be prepared in advance
cern was the possible increase in processing times. How-
and eliminates the risk of confusing cassettes from dif-
ever, during the first three weeks after the adoption of
ferent patients. The direct printing of slides, one block at
the new workflow we experienced only a small delay
a time, at the moment of cutting of sections, eliminates
in slide delivery, which was caused by the need to train
the need for labelling, which is a time consuming step.
all operators; such training is obviously necessary when
More importantly, it also eliminates a potential source of
introducing new organizational procedures. All techni-
error because traditional labelling is a manual procedure
cal staff have very positively accepted this new working
that is visually checked. Furthermore, labelling is more
procedure. In addition, in recent years much has been
expensive than direct printing of slides. The introduction
accomplished in training all operators in risk manage-
of electronic cross-checking using 2D bar codes directly
ment, and on-going work has been done with the entire
printed onto blocks and slides represents a very important
team to identify the causes of mismatching and improv-
qualitative leap. In our experience, it represents the best
ing workflow. The knowledge of when, where and why
method for avoiding block and slide mismatching.
misidentification errors occur, which is a fundamental
The redesigned workflow with 2D bar codes has an-
prerequisite for their successful reduction, has been fa-
other advantage: real time case traceability throughout
cilitated by the LIS, which allows quick, easy and com-
the entire procedure. Gradually we redesigned the entire
plete error reporting at each step of the work flow, as
workflow procedure over a period of years. The support
we received from top management was crucial for its
In summary, the work over the last few years has been
success. In our experience, no single piece of technology
focused on simplifying workflow procedures as much as
can eliminate errors in a complex system such as a pa-
possible by utilizing information technology, and the em-
thology work flow composed of multiple handoffs. Each
ployment of bar coding to minimize operator caused error.
laboratory has to consider the individual requirements of
The process was streamlined by eliminating some poten-
tially error prone procedures, most importantly eliminat-
The LIS and bar code technology play a leading role in
ing manual accession input in the LIS by using a direct
making the entire process far safer. However, there is
electronic request entry. It is important to note that in this
also the need for standard operating procedures for each
manner, the patient and his or her samples are correctly
step, accompanied by an efficient system of recording
identified at the time they are taken, in the place they are
errors for every phase (pre-lab, lab and post-lab) and rig-
taken and by the clinician who performed the medical
orous daily compliance with all procedures. References gical pathology: an 18-mounth experience. Am J Clin Pathol 2010;134:466-70.
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Nakhleh RE. Error reduction in surgical pathology. Arch Pathol
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Zarbo RJ, D’Angelo R. The Henry Ford Production System: effec-study of 136 institutions. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2011;135:969-74. tive reduction of process defects and waste in surgical pathology.
Zarbo RJ, Tuthill JM, D’Angelo R, et al. The Henry Ford Produc-tion System: reduction of surgical pathology in process misidenti-
D’Angelo R, Zarbo RJ. The Henry ford Production System: mea-fication defects by bar code-specified work process standardisa-sures of process defects and waste in surgical pathology. Am J
tion. Am J Clin Pathol 2009;131:468-77.
Dimenstein IB. Letter to the Editor. Am J Clin Pathol
Layfield LJ, Anderson GM. Specimen labelling errors in sur-
Law Makers Lab Technicians & Section 28 of the MDA 1971 I recently dealt with a case concerning compounds derived from cathinone, which although used as plant food, were also marketed on the internet as ‘legal highs’. The defence raised Section 28 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and also questioned whether the compounds in question were actually controlled substances. My research led me
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