St. raphael's ccw april newsletter

St. Raphael's Council of Catholic Women
From the Pastor’s Desk
after that- 8, 9:30, 11:30 and 5:30 PM . Thank you From Ronald
McDonald House
Rome- Cardinal Levada of San We’d like to extend our thanks and Francisco and Cardinal O’M alley of tell you how much we appreciate your Boston. M onsignor concelebrated recent donation of chicken and egg years ago while at St Jude’s. Cardinal CCW Officers
Levada and Bishop Favolora were special touches and extras that make class mat es and for that reas on, this place a home away from home for Louise Barrett
DCCW Convention
Marlene D’Abramo
post Cardinal Ratzinger held before 10 at the Quorom Hotel in Tampa, Becky McBride
Maggie Moren
parishioners to attend the Holy Week the whole thing, don’t miss the Roseanna Costa
Adela Vidal
Papal Intentions
One of our new members, Chris Thank You
for April 2006
be fully initiated into the Catholic Our thanks to the April Breakfast M ass will be in the soccer field. There Lenten Retreat
Father Anthony led an awesome mini Lenten Retreat M arch 4 for our Parish. izing mission serenely and in full 110 attended, 11 of whom were men. Our oldest was 88 and our youngest was 18. We had M ass, talks, small groups, Adoration, the Rosary, and great food thanks to Celeste Brown and Angela Soucy. Everyone wants to do another re- treat soon. Thank you Fr Anthony for a great day! ST. RAP HAE L'S CO U NCI L O F CA TH O LI C WO ME N CCW General Meetings & Special Programs
3 PM Rosary in New Church to honor Pope John Paul II May 8-10 Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Convention in Tampa Member News:
• Miriam Ludes is in Sacramento CA to be with her
• Rosemary Early has been working as a substitute son, Michael, who was injure d in a motorcycle acci- dent. Michael is now at home, grateful for Miriam’s • Becky McBride has been very active with the St. Raphael's pack 219 Boy Scouts. She has been in- • Ginny Hansen celebrated her 80th birthday. She has volved in leadership training and campouts. been spotted at some Sun day Masses with her beau- • Angela Soucy is so happy to announce the arri- val of her 6th great grandchild born 27th of • Mary & David Poulin entertained relatives from CT and enjoyed showing them around our fair city • Dottie Santacaterina loves working “Aftercare” at • Nancy Wingate and her daughter T eresa Hartley are busy this year serving as volunteers at the School of • Jane Scarpino is one of the several sacristans. They the Immaculata. "Nanny" as she is known to the would like to recruit a few more volunteers to children, teaches small sewing projects, ironing, and spread out the responsibilities. Contact Ofelia knitting. She also works as a story reader and out- door exploration leader. T eresa teaches the children • Addy s Sasserath will be leading a program called how to cook everything from homemade marinara • Margaret Peck took her three brothers who were • Julie Musselman, Donna Condon and Addys visiting to the awesome St. Joseph's dinner. A great Sa sserath attended the Women of Grace conference time was had by all. One of her brothers, T om Ray- in Orlando this past February. Women of Grace is a mond, is a l956 graduate of St. Paul's High School, group of Catholic women organized by Johnette and will be returning in late April for the all class Benkovic as an outreach of Living His Life Abun- dantly to encourage and affirm women in their dig- • Maggie Bach and her husband, Dave, are celebrat- nity as daughters of God and in their gift of authen- ing their 13th wedding anniversary on May 1st by going on a 3 day trip to St. Augustine without their • Rosa Rodriguez visited Costa Rica where she went beautiful da ughter, Maggie - their first real trip to- to the 200 year old Madonna of Mercy Church in gether since they had Maggie. Happy Anniversary! the capital. While there, workers were removing • T hank you to Bernadine Quartetti for donating the white paint from the pillars which showe d the origi- proceeds of the sale of an icon she painted to our nal paintings on the pillars- flowers, vines and leaves all the way up. T hey also found a “ ribbon” 2 • Loretta Cyzyewski Memorial - Members donated ½ feet wide painted at the five foot level of the inte- $200 dollars to place a memorial page in the DCCW rior walls which matched the pillars. The Church Convention Program for Loretta who was a past will be restored to it’s original splendor. April Birthdays
4 Phyllis T uttle
Thoughts from Bernadette Bailey
Greetings! "All who believed were together and From a sermon delivered by St. John Avila (d. 1569) had all things in common; and they sold their posses- on the first Sunday of Lent: "God is strong enough to sions and goods and distributed them to all, as any free you from everything and can do more good than had need". Acts 2:44-45. These words of St. Luke all the devils can do you harm. All that God decrees provide a definition of the Church. It consists in the is that you confide in Him, that you draw near Him, fact that believers hold all things in common and that that you trust Him and distrust yourself, and so be among them, there is no longer any distinction be- helped; and with this help you will defeat whatever tween rich and poor. As the Church grew, this radical hell brings against you. Never lost hold of this firm form of community was not able to be maintained. hope.even if the demons are legion and all kinds of Last week, I saw these words of St. Luke come true severe temptations harass you. Lean upon Him be-during our St. Joseph Festival. There was no cost to cause if the Lord is not your support and your attend the dinner. All that I wanted was everyone to strength, then you will fall." chip in by doing something. People brought entrees, desserts, appetizers, and lots of wine. People also helped out decorating, setting up and breaking down. People also donated some money at the Bread Table. Bible Study
This year's bible study finishes on April 5. We have I felt inspired by the Lord to donate the money to a made it through the book of Revelation. Who knew home for pregnant women. Rather than abort their all the wonderful lessons we would learn from this unborn children, they are given shelter and care dur- seemingly difficult book of the Bible. CCW member ing their pregnancies. This is in keeping with the Jane Scarpino faithfully served coffee every single spirit of St. Joseph, who provided shelter for a teen- week and kept us all awake and happy. CCW mem- age pregnant woman. I thought it was best that we bers Amy Alagood, Peggy Bach, Bonnie Condon, followed his example. So I want to thank you from Donna Condon, Maggie Moren and Ann Vick- the bottom of my heart for the support all of you gave stom served as discussion leaders. Many other mem- bers of CCW participated including Bernadette Bai- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Fr. Coppola ley, Lynn Covert, M arlene D'Abramo, M ary Driscoll,
Upcoming Events
Rosemary Early, Julie Grammatica, Jeanne Larrison, M elissa LeClair, M iriam Ludes, Becky M cBride, • Holy Family Fashion Show Luncheon- Saturday, Dorothy Panko, Kim Phillips, Gina Pryzborowski, April 22. $15. Contest for the prettiest hat. Call Bernadine Quartetti, Rosa Rodriguez, Betty Vis- ger, Adela Vidal and Kay Yennie. And of course, • Pregnancy Plus Wine/Cheese Fundraiser- Fri. thanks to our Bible study leader- Julie Musselman. CASA Meals
Thanks to Ofelia Hoeppner, Angela Soucy, Celeste Brown, Bonnie Condon, Sue Langston, Lynn Covert, M ar-
garet Peck, Rosa Rodriguez ,Debi Craig, Joanne Labuda, Theresa Hartley, M arty Foreman, Louise Barrett and
Kim Early for providing food for three meals at an emergency shelter for abused women here in town.
CASA’s kitchen was being renovated, and our CCW received a phone call asking for help. E-mail is a wonder-
ful tool! Within twenty four hours after an email request to our members, we had 16 responses to help. Besides
meals, the Nolan’s gave a cash donation and the Haight’s looked at ways for the Knights of Columbus to help.
This was a wonderful way to serve others during Lent. This thank you note came from CASA. “Thank you for
your support of CASA and the families we serve- without generous help from the community we simply could
not continue to do what we do! We are blessed to have friends like St Raphael’s and commend you for setting
the example of how together as a community we can make a difference. Thank you for being part of the solu-
tion to end domestic abuse. Peace, Audrey Wood, Donor Relations”
ST. RAP HAE L'S CO U NCI L O F CA TH O LI C WO ME N In Your Prayers. . .
by Lu Perrin
Rose Granieri Dies
Rose Granieri, a beloved former CCW member, passed away in Rhode Island where she moved in 1998 a few years after the death of her husband, Vito, to be closer to relatives. Rose was our 1992 Hand- maiden of the Lord. This quote from the Handmaiden of the Year Award tells about Rose. “She moves fast, talks fast and gets things done. She is exacting with a butcher knife as she carves up all the goodies served Shore Acres - Dottie Soots, Susan Neitz, Thomas at our Guild meetings. She assists with Altar Care, Kunkler works at the Sunday nursery, St Vincent De Paul Maria Manor- DJ Thompson, Juliette Schiavi, M ary Food Center, and M eals on Wheels.” She also made Palmer, Rita Hall, Jenny Sigliano, John Schatz and the snacks for Vacation Bible School for many years. Nancye Barrett Rose was an Extraordinary M inister of Holy Com- Other: Charlotte Edwards, M arion Lagan, Vivian munion to the homebound, a friend to all and always Johnson, Bette Hyslip there to help. Rose learned bridge after she moved here to FL and it was one of her favorite pastimes. If
you would like to send a card, the niece’s address is: Donna M cCutcheon 12 Ledgemont Dr Lincoln RI Please pray for the who have died this past month- 02865 Buddy Freeman, Rose Granieri, Rose Pimental, Alice Burka, Lillian Gagne, Gerard “Johnny” Black, Anto- Founder of St Raphael Golf Tournament Dies
nia Quevedo, and Virginia Edmonds . M ay the souls St Raphael parishioner Alfred “Buddy” Freeman, 59, of all the faithful departed rest in peace. died M arch 10 at St. Anthony’s Hospital after a long illness. Born in Queens, NY, he came here in 1981 from M anhattan, NY. He was a M arine Vietnam Vet- eran and a three-time recipient of the Purple Heart. Member Death
He was a salesman. Buddy was active in Christ Re- Rose Pimental died M arch 14 at Shore Acres Rehab news His Parish and held Effective Fathering Semi-& Nursing Center after a brief illness. Rose was born nars. He was an avid golfer. Buddy was the founder in New Bedford, M assachusetts on M ay 5, 1919. She of our annual St. Raphael Golf Tournament which moved here from New Bedford in 1957. She was a raised thousands of dollars for our School. In Buddy’s homemaker. Rose was one of the founding members honor, the tournament has been renamed “The Buddy of St. Raphael’s Catholic Church and a founding Freeman M emorial Golf Tournament.” Survivors member of the Woman’s Guild. She is survived by include his wife of 24 years, Nancy; three daughters: her 3 sons: Russell, Stephen and John and a daugh- Tara DeLucia; Jessica and Brittany, and a brother, ter, Edna Pimental-M ayhew. Rose has 11 grandchil- Brother Stephen from St. Leo’ Abbey. Jessica is St dren and 8 great-grandchildren. Rose’s husband of 65 Raphael’s School kindergarten teacher. Our sympathy years, John, predeceased her last August. Our sympa- to Buddy’s wonderful family. Our Parish will miss thy and prayers go to Rose’s family. Rose will be Buddy’s enthusiasm and smile.
dearly missed at our Church. She was an example to
all of us with her sense of humor, and her love and Director of Faith Formation’s Mother Dies
devotion to her husband, John, who she visited regu-
Our sympathy and prayers to Lynn Edmonds, our Di- larly while he was a long term patient at Shore Acres rector Of Faith Formation, who lost her mother, Vir-Rehab & Nursing Center. ginia Edmonds, on M arch 16. Virginia will be buried ST. RAP HAE L'S CO U NCI L O F CA TH O LI C WO ME N Message of the XI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
The Eucharist: Living Bread for the Peace of the World Part 4 of 4
The Synod of Bishops released this document which was the
prohibition. They were martyred, because they de- fruit of the Synod on the Eucharist which was held in Rome
clared that they could not live without the Sunday Eu- during October 2005.
charistic celebration. The 49 Martyrs of Abitene, united with so many saints and blesseds who have That all may be One
made the Eucharist the center of their life, are praying 24. The Holy Father Benedict XVI has restated the solemn commitment of the Church to the cause of for us at the beginning of this new millennium. They teach us faithfulness to the gathering of the New ecumenism. We are all responsible for this unity (see Jn 17:21), as we are all members of the family of God Covenant with the Risen Christ. At the end of this Synod we experience that Peace because of our Baptism, graced by the same funda-mental dignity and sharing in the remarkable sacra- full of hope that the disciples of Emmaus, with burn-ing hearts, received from the Risen Lord. They arose mental gift of divine life. We all feel the sadness of and returned in haste to Jerusalem, to share their joy separation which prevents the common celebration of the Eucharist. We wish to intensify the prayer for with their brothers and sisters in the faith. We hope that you will go joyfully to meet him in the Holy unity within communities, the exchange of gifts be-tween the Churches and ecclesial communities, as Eucharist, and that you will experience the truth of his words: “And I am with you until the end of the well as the respectful and fraternal contact among everyone, so that we may better know and love one world” (Mt 28:20) Beloved Brothers and Sisters, Peace be with you! another, respecting and appreciating our differences and our shared values. The precise regulations of the Church determine the position we are to take on shar- Kitchen Report:
ing the Eucharist with brothers and sisters who are not yet in full communion with us. A healthy discipline prevents confusion and imprudent gestures that might 25. As Christians, we are close to the other descen- dants of Abraham: the Jews, who were the first to in- chine, microwave, refrigerator, ice maker and sink herit the Covenant, and the M uslims. In celebrating We have M onsignor’s approval and hope to have this the Holy Eucharist, we also believe that we are, in the words of Saint Augustine, “a sacrament of human- ity” (De civ. Dei, 16), the voice of all the prayers and Become a Member of CCW
supplications that rise from the earth toward God. If you would like to become a member of St. Raph- ael's Council of Catholic Women (formerly called Conclusion:
Guild). Please send your $15 yearly membership in Beloved Brothers and Sisters, 26. We thank God for mailed to your house by the Church. There is one for this Eleventh Synodal Assembly which, convened us marked CCW/ Council of Catholic Women/Guild. forty years after the Second Vatican Council, has made us go back to the source of the mystery of the Church. We thus end the “Year of the Eucharist” on a St. Raphael's CCW Online
high note, confirmed in unity and renewed in apos-tolic and missionary enthusiasm. CCW Online
At the beginning of the fourth century, Christian worship was still forbidden by the Imperial authori- ties. The Christians of North Africa, committed to http://w w w .htm. Thanks again to Theresa M cCormick, their celebration of the Day of the Lord, defied the ST. RAP HAE L'S CO U NCI L O F CA TH O LI C WO ME N CCW - Membership
ery itself. I would like to re-organize our deanery and CCW dues envelopes are in the regular Church en- have a meeting this summer to do so. Fr. Robert velope packet for April. We still want 50 new mem- Schneider, DCCW Spiritual Director, and Deacon Jo- bers, (we have 2 members since last month) so that seph Grote, Lower Pinellas, newly assigned Spiritual means we need your help encouraging non members Director, are willing to meet with us. St. M ary, Our to join. It’s easy- the benefits are great and we need Lady of Grace has indicated a desire to re-affiliate as to support our Parish and each other!!! Please, all does Transfiguration. St. John Vianney and St. regular members- dues paid by the end of April would Theresa Byzantine are no longer affiliated. be a wonderful gift to your CCW officers!!! New In traveling the diocese to attend conferences in 2006 M embers are Kathy Newton, Jill M ontforte, East Hillsborough, West Hillsborough, Hernando, Ofelia Hoeppner, Joanie M artin, Barbara Dippelhof- Pasco, Upper Pinellas and Citrus, it is evident that the Diocesan Council is very much alive and doing mar- Already paid 2006 dues are: Thelma Neely, Fanny velous work for the Church just as you all do. Just Abad, Becky M cBride, Pat Oakley, Virginia Kish, recently, I visited St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Citrus. Deborah Scanlan, M arcy Rankin, Lu Perrin, Evelyn There were 107 present. These ladies really seem to Smith and Elsa Tugman. Life M embers (who never enjoy getting together and were having a grand time. have to remember dues) are Louise Barrett, M ary Be- It is my hope that we can achieve this same enthusi- gley, Ann Kovach, Colleen Lally, M elissa LeClair, asm, once again, here in Lower Pinellals. I am a mem-Irene Lewis, Ruth M attick, Bernice M cCune, Char- ber of Lower Pinellas Deanery, St. Raphael's Parish lotte Overbey, Anastasia Rossi, Gerry Sweet, Carol and, therefore, have a special interest in its future. I Zimerman, and M ary M argaret Winning. am willing to assist you in any way that I can. Let's Honorary founding members are Vivian Frank, build for the future! If you can help, call Louise Bar-M adelon Healy, M ary Palmer, Rose Shamas and Win- A Penny for Your Thoughts….
Lower Pinel as Deanery Needs Help
• Little Johnny asked his grandmother how old she wa s. Grandma answere d, “ 39 and holding.” Johnny thought for a moment and then said, “ How old This has been a difficult year for Lower Pinellas • "Do you believe in life after death?” the boss asked Deanery. It is with regret that I inform you that your one of his employees. “ Yes, sir,” the employee re- Lower Pinellas Deanery president was unable to com- plied. "Well, then, that makes everything just fine. plete her term. Since there were no vice-presidents to After you left early yesterday to go to your grand- move up, the deanery is without leadership. mother’s funeral, she stopped in to see you.” At convention in M ay, each deanery of the seven, • It was Palm Sunday and because of a sore has an assignment. Lower Pinellas had the fundraiser. throat, 5 y/o Johnny stayed at home with a This involves selling "opportunities" at convention for the seven theme baskets each deanery is preparing: France, Germany, Asia, Spain, Italy, U.S.A. and Ire- land. Lower Pinellas has France. West Hillsborough Deanery has offered to take over our assignment but head as He walke d by.” “ Wouldn’t will need some of us to help sell. St Raphael's ladies you know it, the one Sun day I don’t go, He shows are putting the basket together. If you have anything pertaining to France that you would like to contribute • T he prospective father-in-law asked, “ Young man, to this basket or if you are planning on attending the can you support a family?” T he surprised groom to convention and would be willing to take a turn at sell- be replied, “ well, no, I was just planning to support your daughter. T he rest of you will have to fend for Now, I would like to discuss the state of the Dean- ST. RAP HAE L'S CO U NCI L O F CA TH O LI C WO ME N Eagle Project
In M arch 2006, Bon Secours said they were so pleased that I was doing a prayer garden there that they wanted to help supplement my fundraising. In January 2006 I chose to build a St. Jude Prayer They said that they would give all the proceeds from Garden at Bon Secours M aria M anor Nursing Home. their St. Patrick's Day dinner to my Eagle project. I estimated I needed at least $600.00 to buy the statue Five Boy Scouts and myself helped set up and serve and all the plants and garden supplies. It seemed like the dinner. The dinner earned about $600.00. With a lot of money and I wasn't sure how to begin my the extra money I now can buy some benches and fundraising. I began with one conversation with M rs. have the garden supplies delivered to the nursing Barrett after M ass. She introduced me to several home. members of the parish and checks starting rolling in. On Easter Saturday, April 15, 2006 I will plant She explained my project to the Council of Catholic the garden with the help of my fellow Boy Scouts. I Women and I was overwhelmed by the generosity of cannot thank you enough for all the support and gen- the CCW and of so many members. I soon had erosity you have shown. enough money to buy the St. Jude statue. I truly believe that St. Jude has been watching over In February 2006 at the 9:30 AM M ass on Boy my project from the beginning. The seed of faith Scout Sunday I asked for donations for my project from the St Raphael's CCW was the help I needed to and in 20 minutes after M ass I collected $87.00 from get started. I will never forget your kindness. I hope the kindness of church members. I was getting closer everyone will stop by and take a moment for prayer Internet Gleanings
Snapdra gon- I have entered the snapdragon part of my life. Part of me has snapped and the rest of me is dragging.
T he New Alphabet
A is for Apple, and B is for Boat, that used to be right, but now it won't float! Age before Beauty is what we once said, but let's be a bit more realistic instead. Now A' s for arthritis; B's the bad back, C is the chest pains, perhaps cardiac? D is for dental decay and decline, E is for eyesight, can't read that top line! F is for fissure s and fluid retention, G is for gas which I'd rather not mention. H is high blood pressure--I'd rather it low; I for incisions with scars you can show. J is for joints, out of socket, won't mend, K is for knees that crack when they bend. L for laxative and all its’ effects, M is for memory, I forget what comes next. N is neuralgia, in nerves way down lo w; O is for osteo, the bones that don't grow! P for prescription's, I have quite a few, Just give me a pill and I'll be good as ne w! Q is for quea sy, is it fatal or flu? R for reflux, one meal turns to two. S for sleepless nights, counting my fears, T for T innitus; there's bells in my ears! U is for urinary; big trouble s with flow; V is for vertigo, that's "dizzy," you know. W is for worry, NOW what's going 'round? X is for X ray, and what might be found. Y is another year I'm left here behind, Z is for zest that I still have-- in my mind; I've survived all the symptoms, my body's deployed , and I've kept twenty-six doctors fully employed. Divine Mercy Sunday
The Church celebrates Divine M ercy Sunday on April 23, the week after Easter. To receive the ocean of graces the
Lord promised to St. Faustina on Divine M ercy Sunday, the only condition is to receive Holy Communion worthily
on that day by making a good confession in preparation and living in such a way that you remain in the state of
grace to be able to receive that Holy Communion with great trust in His Divine M ercy. Through the promise to
grant complete forgiveness of sins and punishment on the Feast of M ercy, our Lord emphasizes the value of Con-
fession and Communion as miracles of mercy. In addition, we will have a Holy Hour with Adoration and the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy Sunday April 23 at 3 PM in the Old Church.
ST. RAP HAE L'S CO U NCI L O F CA TH O LI C WO ME N Feb. 2005 - Feb. 2006 CCW President’s Report CCW members. A CCW member co-ordinates the Nursing
We ask God to continue to shower his grace and Home Ministry, 4 CCW members are Extraordinary Ministers blessings on this wonderful St Raphael CCW Affiliation. Our of Holy Communion to NH residents each Sunday, and 3 members are our treasure and we are grateful for each and CCW members assist Fr. Coppola with the monthly NH every one. Here are some highlights from the last year. Mass. A CCW member co-ordinates Ministry to the Home- Vocations: Supported our two Seminarians and bound, and numerous CCW members bring Communion to
Priests through Christmas remembrances and a monthly Vo- the homebound. A CCW member co-ordinates the Bereave- cations column in our newsletter. We gave our Seminarian ment Ministry and numerous CCW members assist by attend-who was ordained a Deacon a cash gift and our Seminarian/ ing funeral services and praying Rosaries for the deceased. A Deacon who was ordained a priest a cash gift. We made a CCW member co-ordinates the prayer ministry and prison spiritual bouquet and gave a cash gift for Fr. Gonzalez’s 50th ministry. Several CCW members pray the Rosary after daily Ordination Anniversary. For Monsignor Caverly, our Pastor’s Mass. Our Rosary Makers distributed 2,475 rosaries in the 40th Anniversary and dedication of the new Church, we past year, bringing their total to 15, 753. CCW members coor-framed two Papal Blessings and gave him a cash gift. We dinated two “Welcome New Parishioner Socials”. gave Fr. Clemente, a retired priest who has helped in our Par- Community: Collected $45 and 53 presents for
ish, a cash gift on his 50th Ordination Anniversary. Fr. An- thony, our new Associate Priest, spoke at one of our meetings The T uesday Morning Fun Club continues to fill an important for the ladies to get to know him better. role. CCW members work in the community at the ASAP Respect Life: CCW members are knitting baby homeless shelter, St. Anthony and Bayfront Hospital, Interna-
blankets and booties for Pregnancy Plus throughout the year tional Museum, Mahaffey Theater, Women’s Club, Free and work as volunteers there. CCW members/Knights of Co- lumbus organized petition signing after Masses at our Church Parish work: CCW members serve as Sacristans
for state constitutional amendments: 4 Marriage (between one and wash the altar linens. CCW members serve as greeters man and one woman) and against state funding of embryonic and on the welcome committee. Many CCW members as-stem cell research. Over 450 petitions for each initiative were sisted with the Easter and Christmas Church cleaning. CCW members clean the church Saturday mornings. CCW mem- Lower Pinellas Deanery/ DCCW/NCCW. Several
bers are very active in the Parish and serve as readers, choir members attended the May 2005 DCCW Convention. Our members, office aides, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Com-CCW members hold the office of President and Correspond- munion, prayer chain members, RCIA, Hospitality, Teams of ing Secretary at the DCCW level. One of our members at- Our Lady, weekly bulletin stuffers, and Coffee/ Donuts vol- tended the NCCW conference and gave a report in our news- letter. Four CCW members attended Pontifax. CCW member CCW monthly meeting programs mixed informa- made at least 30 dozen bags of cookies for Focus 11 in Feb tional, fun and spiritual and were attended by 35- 45 women . 2006. The Lower Pinellas Deanery is inactive this year due Monsignor Caverly and Fr. Anthony have offered their prayers, blessings, guidance and support to all CCW Fundraisers/Donations. We raised $950 at our activities. We are very grateful to God to have such wonder-
Fall Card Party, $2000 at our January Rummage Sale, $2000 ful shepherds. at our Spring Fashion Show. We received a $10,000 bequest Our September - May monthly CCW Mass is pre- from a member who died in 2004. Our contributions to ceded by the Rosary and followed by a continental breakfast, Church and Family Concerns in donations and/or cash were business meeting and program. We publish a monthly six or $5,886.87. Our contributions to Community and International 8 page newsletter for distribution at the meetings. We place in donations and/or cash were $2,053.00. Dues paid for our copies in church and copies are taken to infirm and absent members to the NCCW, DCCW, and LPD were $480.00 and members. We have a web page for the CCW on the church we donated $307.00 to various NCCW Projects (Water for website. Our newsletter is online. Life, Heifer International). Adding in $601.00 for miscellane- Membership stands at 186: 155 paying, 14 life mem- ous items, our total donations were $9,327.87. During the past bers, 6 honorary members, 5 nursing home members, and 13 year, donations were made to RCMA (migrants), St Vincent delinquent dues members. In the past year, 5 members have de Paul, Morning Star School, St Raphael’s School Band died. We changed back to the six person Commission Chair-Boosters, and School Media Center. man after trying the 4 person system as recommended by the Spiritual: We sponsored a Marian Festival Aug
15, 2005, an Angel Festival Sept 29, 2005, and Lenten Re- I respectfully present my report for the year Feb 2005 treat March 2006. Each event had over 100 people. We to Feb 2006, helped Monsignor Caverly and Fr Coppola begin and co- Louise Barrett,
ordinate weekly Adoration in October 2005. A CCW mem- President St Raphael Council of Catholic Women
ber runs Bible Study with 60 participants including several


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