Kiwi invasion Stuart JackSon GoES DowN UNDER To ExpLoRE NEw ZEALAND AS A NATURAL SoURcE of hEALTh. the UK has long benefited from
years, however, we have seen changes in the
most popular countries to import from, and
New Zealand is one of the latest rising stars.
experience their industry at first hand. In
passionate innovators and attended their
opportunities that exist for UK retailers to
to landmass has led to a very unstressed
opportunity for sales. In contrast to the
trade with New Zealand suppliers and their
business community. Being able to travel
UK, however, the New Zealand consumer is
very health aware and shopping for natural
health products is a conventional part of
New Zealand is similar in size to the UK but
with a fraction of the population – just four
In terms of international influence, the
million people emerging from a pre-settled
has fashioned a very interesting scenario.
country of 130,000. It comprises two main
by events in the United States. That which
adjacent islands (North Island and South
Island) and a number of smaller islands.
be the next big thing in UK shops. Rising
With more than 1 million living in Auckland
concern over EU legislation, and negative
number of health food shops plus various
alone, it is easy to appreciate that over half
pressure from the media on our consumers’
of New Zealand’s total land area is pasture
sales, however, international business is
and arable land, while more than a quarter
begun to alter this trend. To the detriment
of some US suppliers, UK retailers have had
to focus on proven and scientific solutions
for health in order to match the demands
hilly, including many peaks exceeding 3000
metres. Such a small population in relation
become ever more “fad” driven with brash
packaging covered in medicinal claims. The
companies are already fairly large with the
UK and USA markets, although still strongly
result of having outgrown the independent
retailer or, at best, viewing us as a minor
with less synergistic opportunity. As the
The first advantage to the UK retailer is
sources must present themselves, and New
that exporters from New Zealand have not
Zealand is indisputably one of the leading
become such corporate entities, and we can
often find a great deal of empathy. Both the
New Zealand consumer and the legislative
climate are akin to those here in the UK,
Four million people in a territory roughly
leading to products with similar pricing,
the size of the UK results in very limited
quality, purpose and packaging. They are
hfb• july 2005 With UK independents persistently under threat from supermarkets, it is essential to regularly introduce products that permit us to differentiate ourselves. New Zealand offers a unique opportunity to purchase products from a similar consumer market and from suppliers who are stil passionately privately owned. Next month we wil be taking a closer look at New Zealand-based products and the companies that supply them.
therefore often eminently suitable for UK sales.
The main anomaly is the contrast in the relationship between
suppliers, independent retailers and supermarkets. In New
Zealand there are none of the all-powerful Walmart or Tesco-
type supermarkets; that role is filled by much smaller, friendlier
local versions that sit much more comfortably in the same
marketplace as health food shops. The hitch this creates is that
New Zealand suppliers often bring their products to the UK
expecting to sell them quite cheerfully in both health food shops
and supermarkets. They don’t always comprehend either the
competitive edge or the nature of the supermarket beast here.
With such potential for fresh, innovative products from New
Zealand, it would be a great shame if UK independent retailers
lost the chance to be the sole sellers of these new brands simply
because the exporter doesn’t appreciate that UK independents
offer more than ample opportunity (especially if including
pharmacies) in comparison to the growth they will have
achieved at home to a market of around 300 health food shops.
the product climAteNew Zealand’s pioneering history and distance from major
markets has shaped a strong culture of innovation and creativity,
with a natural products export industry estimated to be worth
$NZ100 million annually and growing rapidly. The UK and Europe
is becoming a very significant market for them, and in contrast
to many other export countries where UK trade is merely a
sideline, our importance to their growth secures, in return,
New Zealand companies believe the UK retailer is interested
in their products because of their pristine environment
with ideal growing conditions (as a result of geography and
numerous different microclimates), relatively low levels of
pollution and their reputation for innovation and research and
development, resulting in high quality raw materials. Certainly
two of New Zealand’s most appealing selling points are the
increasing use of unique indigenous ingredients and the
application of traditional Maori medicine.
The main natural products supplied from New Zealand that
are relevant to the UK include all types of body care, essential
oils, herbal products (especially from manuka and Echinacea),
fish oils, chondroitin sulphate, bee products (including pollen,
propolis, royal jelly and active honey), mussel extract powder and
More about these and their producers next month.
If you have any questions for Talking Shop or would like further information on Stuart Jackson’s consultancy service, contact him on 0131 315 0303 or email [email protected] or visit
Esportazione-Assegni familiari all’estero, situazione al 1⁰ gennaio 2013 Figli di persone distaccate all’estero Persone che lavorano al ’estero e che sono assicurate obbligatoriamente come da Art. 1a par. 3 della LAVS, come pure persone che lavorano all’estero per conto di un datore di lavoro con sede in Svizzera (distaccamento) che a seguito di un accordo internazionale riman
Health and Hygiene In general, it is recommended to wash your hands several times a day, not to drink tap water (bottledmineral water is fine if unopened), avoid eating raw vegetables and fruit which you cannot peel if youtravel outside of organized tours and eat meat and fish that has been well cooked. Sparkling water(Crystal/Visy Gasy/Rano Visy) or flat water (Eau vive, La Source) is read