IN-DEPTH REVIEW Preventing Bacterial Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance in Dialysis Patients
Jeffrey S. Berns, MD, and Jerome I. Tokars, MD
● Antimicrobial use, in concert with patient-to-patient transmission of resistant strains, has caused a rapid increase in the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in recent years. This increase is a particular threat to dialysis patients, who often have been in the forefront of the epidemic of resistance. In this report, which was written in collaboration between the American Society of Nephrology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and has been endorsed by the Executive Council of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, we review and summarize existing clinical practice guidelines and recommendations concerning the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of certain bacterial infections in dialysis patients and present four strategies to limit the spread of antimicrobial resistance in dialysis patients. First, preventing infection eliminates the need for antimicrobials, thereby reducing selection pressure for resistant strains. Efforts to prevent infection include avoidance of hemodialysis catheters, when possible, and meticulous care of hemodialysis and peritoneal catheters and other hemodialysis vascular access sites. Second, diagnosing and treating infections appropriately can facilitate the use of narrower spectrum agents, rapidly decrease the number of infecting organisms, and reduce the probability of resistance emerging. This entails the collection of indicated specimens for culture and avoidance of contamination of cultures with common skin microorganisms. Third, optimizing antimicrobial use helps protect the efficacy of such critical agents as vancomycin. Published guidelines for the use of vancomycin should be followed, and alternate agents should be used when infections with -lactam–resistant bacteria are unlikely or not documented. Fourth, preventing transmission in health care settings is important to limit the spread of resistant organisms. In this regard, such basic measures as glove use and hand hygiene are most important. Am J Kidney Dis 40:886-898. 2002 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. INDEX WORDS: Antimicrobial resistance; methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); vancomycin- resistant enterococci (VRE); catheter-related bacteremia; peritoneal dialysis (PD); peritonitis; infection control. RESISTANCE OF bacteria to antimicrobial centage of enterococcal isolates resistant to van-
comycin increased from an average of 14% in
during the last decade. Infections with methicillin-
1995 to 1998 to 25% in 1999.2 During the same
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), coagu-
period, the percentage of S aureus isolates resis-
lase-negative staphylococci (CoNS), and vanco-
tant to methicillin increased from 32% to 54%.
Antimicrobial use and transmission of resistant
particular concern.1 Among intensive care unit
strains from patient to patient are the two pri-
patients with hospital-associated infections that
mary factors contributing to this increasing preva-
have been reported to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Noso-
The American Society of Nephrology and the
comial Infections Surveillance system, the per-
CDC have collaborated to produce this review ofstrategies to limit the spread of antimicrobialresistance in patients with end-stage renal dis-
From the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
ease (ESRD). This report summarizes existing
Presbyterian Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA; and the
recommendations and clinical practice guide-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.Received March 20, 2002; accepted in revised form May
lines. It is not intended to propose new clinical
practice guidelines or critique existing recommen-
The use of trade names is for identification only and does
dations and clinical practice guidelines. The Ex-
not constitute endorsement by the Public Health Service or
ecutive Council of the Infectious Diseases Soci-
the US Department of Health and Human Services.Address reprint requests to Jeffrey S. Berns, MD, Presby-
ety of America (IDSA) has reviewed and endorsed
terian Medical Center, Renal, Electrolyte, and Hypertension
the contents of this report. Although many of the
Division, 39th and Market Sts; MOB 240, Philadelphia, PA
principles discussed here are applicable to chil-
19104. E-mail: [email protected]
dren, there are insufficient clinical studies to
2002 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
allow specific recommendations for this patient
0272-6386/02/4005-0014$35.00/0doi:10.1053/ajkd.2002.36332American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 40, No 5 (November), 2002:pp 886-898
After a brief overview of antimicrobial resis-
tested; most are assumed to be resistant, so a
tance in staphylococci and enterococci, organ-
precise estimate of the prevalence of methicillin-
isms of particular importance in patients with
resistant CoNS in this setting is not known.
ESRD, we present four strategies for the control
Methicillin (and cefazolin) resistance is present
of antimicrobial resistance. (1) Prevent infection.
in approximately 50% to 60% of CoNS strains
If infections are prevented, the need for antimi-
isolated in peritoneal dialysis–related peritonitis;
crobial agents and resulting selection pressure
the actual prevalence varies widely among cen-
for bacterial strains with resistance to these agents
ters.10,11 The prevalence of methicillin resistance
will decrease. (2) Diagnose and treat infections
in peritoneal catheter exit-site and tunnel infec-
effectively. Prompt identification and treatment
tions has not been clearly established. Most CoNS
will reduce or eliminate the bacterial load and
are susceptible to vancomycin, although strains
tend to minimize the need for antimicrobials. (3)
with vancomycin-intermediate resistance have
Use antimicrobials wisely. Antimicrobial agents
often are used inappropriately. Adherence to rec-ommendations for appropriate antimicrobial use
is important in efforts to control the development
VRE initially were reported in the late 1980s,13
and spread of antimicrobial-resistant microorgan-
with one of the first reports including patients
isms. (4) Prevent transmission. This will limit
with kidney failure in a London hospital renal
the spread of antimicrobial-resistant strains. The
unit.14 The gastrointestinal tract is the major
CDC recently has updated recommendations for
reservoir for enterococci; colonized patients serve
preventing the transmission of infection in hemo-
as a potential reservoir for the spread of VRE to
other patients. There is no known way to eradi-
cate colonization with VRE; thus, efforts must
A CDC survey found that the percentage of
Strains of S aureus that are resistant to methi-
dialysis units that had identified at least one
cillin (ie, MRSA) also are resistant to other
patient with VRE increased from 11.5% in 1995
-lactam antimicrobials, such as cephalosporins.
to 32.7% in 2000.4 The reported prevalence of
A recent CDC survey found that one or more
VRE in dialysis outpatients has varied from 0%
hemodialysis patients with MRSA was being
to 12% and was as high as 28% among hospital-
treated in 71% of dialysis units, an increase from
ized hemodialysis patients.15-19 In stable chronic
40% in 1995 and 56% in 1997.4 MRSA has been
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients, peritoni-
isolated relatively infrequently in community-
acquired peritoneal dialysis–related exit-site in-fection and peritonitis.5-7
S aureus isolates with reduced sensitivity to
vancomycin (referred to as vancomycin-interme-
diate S aureus [VISA]) have been isolated from
Influenza is readily transmissible in health
eight patients in the United States.8,9 Of concern
care settings and can result in secondary bacte-
is that five of these patients had been treated with
rial pneumonia requiring antimicrobial therapy.
peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. All these
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common
patients had been on prolonged therapy with
causative organism of community-acquired pneu-
vancomycin, and several patients had recurrent
monia in dialysis patients.23 Therefore, it is rec-
catheter-related bacteremia caused by MRSA.
ommended that all adult dialysis patients be
The first documented case of infection with van-
offered pneumococcal vaccine every 5 years and
comycin-resistant S aureus (VRSA) was recently
influenza vaccine yearly.24 Other vaccines, such
reported in a hemodialysis patient who had been
as those for hepatitis B and tetanus toxoid, should
treated with multiple courses of antibiotics, in-
also be administered, when appropriate. Dialysis-
center staff members should be offered influenza
In hemodialysis-related bacteremias caused by
vaccine yearly.25 A conjugate vaccine recently
CoNS, susceptibility to methicillin often is not
was shown to confer partial short-term immunity
against S aureus bacteremia in dialysis pa-
However, a recent CDC annual survey indicated
tients.26 Further testing of this vaccine, which is
that the percentage of chronic hemodialysis pa-
not commercially available, will be necessary to
tients treated through a catheter increased from
clarify its long-term efficacy, safety, and clinical
12.7% in 1995 to 24.0% in 2000.4 The most
important strategy in preventing infections inhemodialysis patients is to use the lowest risk
Elimination of Nasal S aureus Carriage
vascular access, ie, arteriovenous (AV) fistulae in
The anterior nares are a reservoir for S au-
preference to grafts, and minimize the use of
reus.27 Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis pa-
hemodialysis catheters. Timely referral of pa-
tients with S aureus nasal colonization, including
tients for AV access creation before the need for
MRSA, are at increased risk for infections caused
dialysis therapy has been recommended to re-
by these organisms.28 Several studies have shown
duce dependence on hemodialysis catheters.41
that elimination of nasal carriage with oral ri-fampin or intranasal mupirocin reduces the risk
Reducing Hemodialysis and Peritoneal
for peritoneal dialysis catheter exit-site infection
and bacteremia in hemodialysis patients.29-34
However, effects on nasal carriage often are
reduce hemodialysis catheter–related infections
transient, and strains of S aureus with resistance
are listed in Table 1.40,41,47-49 Povidone-iodine
to these drugs may develop.35,36 For these rea-
and mupirocin ointment applied to the catheter
sons and because of the associated inconve-
exit site have been shown to reduce the incidence
nience, expense, and side effects, the routine use
of hemodialysis catheter–related exit-site and
of oral rifampin or intranasal mupirocin has not
bloodstream infections.50,51 NKF-K/DOQI guide-
been generally recommended in peritoneal dialy-
lines recommend the use of povidone-iodine or
mupirocin ointment at hemodialysis catheter exit
In hemodialysis patients, the IDSA has recom-
sites after catheter placement and each dialysis
mended treatment with nasal mupirocin in docu-
treatment.41 CDC/HICPAC guidelines and others
mented S aureus carriers who have a catheter-
recommend that povidone-iodine be applied rou-
related bloodstream infection caused by S aureus
tinely to hemodialysis catheter exit sites, but
and continue to need the hemodialysis catheter.39
because of concern about resistance and effects
Otherwise, neither CDC/Healthcare Infection
on certain types of catheters, routine use of
Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
mupirocin was not recommended.39,40 Resis-
guidelines nor the National Kidney Foundation-
tance to mupirocin has developed after pro-
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
longed use at insertion sites of central venous
(NKF-K/DOQI) vascular access guidelines rec-
catheters.52 Mupirocin should be avoided with
ommend the routine use of nasal mupirocin in
polyurethane catheters because of the potential
patients with hemodialysis catheters.40,41
Instillation of antimicrobial agents into hemo-
Reducing Hemodialysis Catheter Use
dialysis catheters (antibiotic lock) is not recom-
Indwelling hemodialysis catheters are the
mended as a routine preventive measure, but has
single most important factor contributing to bac-
been recommended when there is a history of
teremia in hemodialysis patients.42,43 Noncuffed
multiple catheter-related bacteremias despite op-
temporary hemodialysis catheters are particu-
timal aseptic technique40 or when the catheter is
larly notorious in this regard.44,45 In a surveil-
retained during an episode of catheter-related
lance study sponsored by the CDC, rates of
access-related bacteremia per 100 patient-months
Prevention of hemodialysis AV graft or fistula
were 0.25 for native fistulae, 0.53 for synthetic
infections involves both good patient hygiene
bridge grafts, 4.8 for cuffed catheters, and 8.7 for
and meticulous care by well-trained dialysis per-
noncuffed catheters.46 NKF-K/DOQI guidelines
sonnel (Table 2). Tracking access-related infec-
cited a goal of having less than 10% of chronic
tions in hemodialysis patients should be part of
hemodialysis patients maintained with perma-
ongoing quality improvement and quality assur-
nent catheter-based hemodialysis treatments.41
Recommendations for the Prevention of Recommendations for the Prevention of AV Hemodialysis Catheter Infection Fistula and Graft Infection
Use sterile technique (cap, mask, sterile gown, large
Wash the area to be punctured with antibacterial soap or
sterile drapes, and gloves) for catheter insertion.
scrub (eg, 2% chlorhexidine) and treat the area with
Limit use of femoral vein catheters to 5 days.
tincture of chlorhexidine, 70% alcohol, or
Limit use of noncuffed central venous catheters to 3 to 4
povidone-iodine before cannulation (NOTE:Alcohol
should be applied in a rubbing motion for 1 minute
Use the catheter solely for hemodialysis unless there is
immediately before cannulation. Povidone-iodine
should be applied for 2 to 3 minutes and allowed to dry
Restrict catheter manipulation and dressing changes to
Use clean gloves for access puncture, with new gloves
Examine exit site for infection at each hemodialysis
used for each patient. Gloves should be changed if
Consider soaking caps or blood catheter connectors in
Ensure that dialysis personnel receive adequate training
povidone-iodine for 3 to 5 minutes and allow to dry
and follow recommended access-puncture techniques.
Keep catheter lumens sterile:maintain aseptic technique
tice may be necessary. Mupirocin should not be
Do not leave the catheter lumen open to air.
applied directly to polyurethane catheters with-
Replace catheter-site dressing at each dialysis treatment
out first consulting the manufacturer’s recommen-
Disinfect skin before catheter insertion and dressing
dations because some of these catheters have
changes. Use a 2% chlorhexidine-based preparation
deteriorated when mupirocin was applied.53,54
(preferred), tincture of iodine, an iodophor, or 70%
Other recommendations for the prevention of
peritoneal dialysis–associated infection are listed
Consider having patients wear surgical masks when the
catheter cap is removed and the bloodstream isaccessed and for dressing changes.
Ensure that catheter-site care is compatible with the
Have dialysis health care workers wear gloves and
Prevention of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial
surgical masks or face shields when removing the
infections depends in part on the avoidance of
catheter cap and accessing the bloodstream and fordressing changes.
unnecessary antimicrobial use and the selection
Consider the use of nasal mupirocin for documented
of optimal antimicrobial therapy when bacterial
carriers of S aureus in patients with previous catheter-
infection is suspected or documented.62 When
related bacteremia if ongoing catheter-basedhemodialysis is necessary. Recommendations for the Prevention of Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter–Associated Infection
Peritonitis and peritoneal dialysis catheter and
exit-site infections can be reduced with the use of
Insert catheter under operating room–like sterile
downward-directed exit sites, subcutaneous cath-
Place catheter with downward-directed exit site and
eter tunnels, and, possibly, double-cuffed rather
than single-cuffed catheters.37,55 Application of
mupirocin to the exit site as part of routine
Immobilize the catheter in the postoperative period (at
exit-site care is effective in reducing staphylococ-
least 3 to 4 weeks), cover exit site with several layers ofgauze (avoid occlusive dressings), and keep exit site
cal exit-site infections and peritonitis and has
been advocated as a practical alternative to the
Restrict catheter care to experienced staff and trained
use of intranasal mupirocin.37,38,56-59 However,
recently, routine use of mupirocin at the exit site
Use aseptic technique with sterile gloves and face masks
has been found to lead to high-level resistance to
when performing exit-site care in the postoperativeperiod.
this agent in S aureus isolates.60,61 Although
Use liquid soap or cleansing solutions regularly, but avoid
discontinuation of the prophylactic application
of mupirocin to peritoneal catheter exit sites is
Once the exit site has healed, wash the exit site daily.
not being recommended on the basis of these
Review patients’ exchange techniques and reeducate as
new findings, some reexamination of this prac-
possible, cultures should be obtained before anti-
peripheral vein rather than through a catheter.
microbial therapy is started to identify pathogens
However, avoidance of peripheral venipuncture
and determine their antimicrobial-susceptibility
in hemodialysis patients may be desirable either
profile. This allows targeted antimicrobial therapy
because of limited venous sites or with the goal
as opposed to broad-spectrum or empiric therapy
of preserving future AV access sites. If blood
that is not based on culture results. Cultures of
cultures are obtained through a catheter or blood
normally sterile fluids, such as blood, urine, and
port, at least one blood culture also should be
peritoneal fluid, are most likely to be useful.
obtained by venipuncture, if possible.63 In pa-
Cultures of intact skin are not useful, and cul-
tients with central venous catheters (not hemodi-
tures of wounds and drainage must be interpreted
alysis catheters), there appears to be a lower
with caution because skin flora that are isolated
positive predictive value of blood cultures ob-
may be either pathogens or contaminants. Rou-
tained from a catheter compared with venipunc-
tine culturing of removed hemodialysis catheter
tips is not recommended because positive cul-
Organisms most likely to represent contamina-
tures from catheter tips may be caused by coloni-
tion or colonization include such typical skin
zation with common skin contaminants, rather
flora as CoNS, micrococci, Bacillus species, Pro-pionibacterium species, Corynebacterium spe-cies, and ␣-hemolytic streptococci.65 Isolation of
one of these organisms is more likely to be
Blood cultures should be obtained before treat-
clinically significant when multiple blood cul-
ment with antimicrobials in patients with such
tures are positive for the same organism, signs
signs of sepsis as fever, chills, or hypotension;
and symptoms of sepsis are present, and no focus
those with suspected infections of unknown
of infection other than the vascular access is
source; and patients in whom access infection,
apparent. When clinical and laboratory data are
including catheter-associated bacteremia, is sus-
equivocal, especially in patients with single posi-
pected.63 One blood culture is defined as a blood
tive cultures with possible skin contaminants,
sample drawn from a single site or with a single
careful observation without antimicrobial therapy
venipuncture, regardless of the number of blood
and repeated blood cultures may be appropriate
culture bottles into which the specimen is placed.
in selected patients (ie, those without persistent
Obtaining two blood cultures as opposed to one
fever, rigors, hypotension, or leukocytosis).
increases the chance of identifying a pathogenand assists in determining whether such isolates
Peritoneal Dialysis Exit-Site, Tunnel, and
as CoNS are true pathogens or contaminants. It is
preferable to obtain two blood cultures from
Peritoneal dialysis catheter exit-site infection
separate sites at different times. It usually is not
is diagnosed when there is purulent or bloody
necessary to draw more than two or three blood
drainage from an exit site that also may be
cultures during the initial 24 hours.63 To prevent
erythematous, edematous, and tender.37,66 Crust-
contamination of the specimen, the site should be
ing alone is not indicative of infection. Cultures
disinfected carefully with 70% isopropyl alcohol
of normal skin or a scab at the exit site indicate
or povidone-iodine (which should be allowed to
only colonization and are not clinically useful.
dry). To assist in the interpretation of positive
Almost all exit sites are colonized by bacteria
blood cultures, the time, date, and sites of cul-
within a few weeks after catheter placement.
tures (ie, peripheral vein versus catheter); num-
However, any purulent drainage should be cul-
ber of cultures drawn; and number of cultures
tured. Tunnel infection usually is accompanied
positive for each organism should be recorded.
by erythema, edema, and tenderness along the
In the absence of a true bacteremia, blood
subcutaneous portion of the catheter, but also
cultures may be positive because of contamina-
may be clinically silent. Often, there also is
tion of the specimen or, if the blood culture
evidence of an exit-site infection with drainage
sample is drawn through a catheter, colonization
from the exit site, which should be cultured.37,66
of the catheter without true bacteremia. It is
Cultures of possibly infected peritoneal dialy-
preferable to draw all blood cultures from a
sate should be obtained as soon as peritonitis is
suspected; ideally, from the first cloudy bag of
gram-positive organisms commonly isolated in
dialysate.38 Large volumes of the dialysate should
dialysis patients, and in part, because of the
be cultured or concentrated to maximize culture
convenience of being able to administer infre-
results. Centrifugation of 50 mL of peritoneal
quent doses to patients with ESRD.68 However,
effluent followed by resuspension in sterile sa-
now the threat of antimicrobial resistance neces-
line and inoculation of this material into a stan-
sitates the use of alternate antimicrobials that are
dard blood culture medium is one recommended
likely to be of equivalent efficacy and safety.
approach. Use of rapid blood-culture techniques
Reduction of vancomycin use is considered to
(eg, BACTEC system; Becton Dickinson, Sparks,
be one of the most important strategies to limit
the spread of vancomycin resistance. In 1995,the CDC/HICPAC published “Recommenda-
tions for Preventing the Spread of Vancomycin
General Principles of Antimicrobial Use
Resistance.”69 These and subsequent recommen-
Antimicrobial use can be categorized as pro-
dations from the CDC concerning vancomycin
phylactic (administered to uninfected patients in
use in circumstances likely to be encountered in
an effort to prevent infection), empiric (adminis-
dialysis patients are listed in Table 4.
tered for initial therapy, with choice of agent
Practical issues related to the inconvenience
based on clinical features and local antimicrobial-
and expense of using alternatives to intravenous
resistance data, designed to be active against the
vancomycin in patients with ESRD have gener-
most likely infecting microorganisms), and di-
ated concern about these recommendations.70 In
rected (administered after culture and susceptibil-
hospitalized dialysis patients with infections
ity results are known). As stated in the Society
caused by -lactam–susceptible organisms and
for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and
intravenous access other than that used for hemo-
IDSA guidelines for prevention of antimicrobial
dialysis, nafcillin or another -lactam can be
resistance in hospitals, “The ideal is to have all
used readily for susceptible organisms. In outpa-
patients treated with the most effective, least
tients, the use of -lactams that require frequent
toxic, and least costly antibiotic for the precise
intravenous dosing would be expensive and in-
duration of time needed to cure or prevent an
convenient, requiring venous access and the ad-
infection.”62 This means use of antimicrobials
ministration of antimicrobials in the home set-
with a narrow antimicrobial spectrum as much as
ting. Recently, cefazolin has been evaluated as
possible. Empiric therapy should be avoided in
an alternative to vancomycin in hemodialysis
circumstances in which bacterial infection is
patients as empiric therapy in settings in which
unlikely and discontinued once culture results
MRSA prevalence is low or for the treatment of
are negative or if the organism isolated is most
organisms known to be susceptible to -lactams.
likely a contaminant. Once culture and suscepti-
In hemodialysis patients, cefazolin, a first-
bility results are available, narrower spectrum
generation cephalosporin, may be administered
agents should promptly replace broader spec-
in doses of 1 to 2 g (ϳ15 to 20 mg/kg) three
trum agents initiated for empiric therapy.62
times per week postdialysis; this regimen pro-
A number of strategies for promoting judicious
duces therapeutic blood levels lasting until the
antimicrobial use have been recommended, includ-
next scheduled dialysis session during both a
ing the adoption of written guidelines, educational
2-day and 3-day interdialytic interval and with
efforts aimed at changing prescribing practices of
either high-efficiency or high-flux hemodialyz-
physicians, restriction of formulary, utilization re-
ers in most patients.71-74 However, it is not clear
view to ensure appropriate use, and requiring con-
whether postdialysis cefazolin dosing provides
sultation with an infectious diseases specialist for
adequate blood levels in the doses described for
patients with significant residual renal func-tion.72,74
Use of Vancomycin and Alternatives to
Two antimicrobial agents, quinupristin/dalfo-
pristin (Synercid; Aventis, Bridgewater, NJ) and
Vancomycin frequently has been used by neph-
linezolid (Zyvox; Pharmacia & Upjohn, Pea-
rologists, in part, because of its efficacy against
pack, NJ), with activity against vancomycin-
Recommendations Concerning Vancomycin Use in Dialysis Patients Situations in which vancomycin use is appropriate or acceptable
Treatment of serious infections caused by -lactam–resistant gram-positive microorganisms (eg, MRSA)Treatment of infections caused by gram-positive microorganisms in patients who have serious allergies to -lactam
Treatment of antibiotic-associated colitis unresponsive to metronidazole or that is severe and potentially life threateningProphylaxis for endocarditis in patients at high risk for endocarditisProphylaxis for major surgical procedures involving implantation of prosthetic materials or devices (this does not include
placement or revision of hemodialysis catheters, fistulae, or grafts) at institutions that have a high rate of MRSA ormethicillin-resistant S epidermidis
Empiric therapy of patients who may have serious infections (eg, bacteremia) caused by -lactam–resistant organisms; if
cultures are negative for -lactam–resistant organisms, vancomycin should be discontinued
Situations in which vancomycin use is discouraged
Routine surgical prophylaxis other than in a patient who has a life-threatening allergy to -lactam antibioticsTreatment in response to a single blood culture positive for CoNS if other blood cultures drawn in the same time frame
are negative (ie, if contamination of the blood culture is likely)
Continued empiric use for presumed infections in patients in whom cultures are negative for -lactam–resistant gram-
Systemic or local (eg, antibiotic lock) prophylaxis for infection or colonization of indwelling central or peripheral
Attempted elimination of MRSA colonizationRoutine prophylaxis for patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysisTreatment (chosen for dosing convenience) of infections caused by -lactam–susceptible gram-positive microorganisms
resistant organisms were approved recently in
current guidelines recommend the administra-
the United States. Linezolid is active in vitro
tion of a first-generation cephalosporin 1 hour
against Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus
preoperatively and perhaps again 6 to 12 hours
faecalis.75 Quinupristin/dalfopristin is active in
postoperatively.37 Vancomycin should not be rou-
vitro against E faecium, but not E faecalis.76
tinely administered for prophylaxis for perito-
Both agents are active against methicillin-suscep-
neal dialysis catheter placement, although a re-
tible and methicillin-resistant S aureus and
cent prospective randomized study comparing
Staphylococcus epidermidis, VISA, and other
single doses of vancomycin, cefazolin, and no
gram-positive bacteria, but are not active against
antibiotics before peritoneal dialysis catheter
gram-negative bacteria. These antimicrobials
placement suggested a benefit of vancomycin
should be used only for treatment of infections
over cefazolin.84 Unfortunately, antimicrobial sen-
caused by organisms resistant to other available
sitivities of isolated microorganisms were not
drugs. Very limited experience with these drugs
in dialysis patients has been reported.77-79 In vitroresistance of VRE and staphylococci to these
Therapy for Hemodialysis Access Infection
Hemodialysis catheter–related exit-site infec-
tions typically are associated with erythema,
crusting, and exudate without systemic symp-
A single 1-g dose of cefazolin administered
toms or positive blood cultures. When there is no
within 60 minutes before the skin incision is
evidence of a tunnel infection, exit-site infec-
recommended for most AV access procedures.83
tions in patients with cuffed tunneled catheters
Vancomycin should not be used for routine surgi-
generally can be treated with the application of
cal prophylaxis in patients who are undergoing
topical antibiotic ointments without catheter re-
placement of AV grafts or fistulae in the absence
moval or systemic antibiotics.41 Because a recent
of serious -lactam allergy.69 Antimicrobial pro-
study showed that the risk for developing bacte-
phylaxis should not be used for placement of
remia associated with temporary noncuffed cath-
eters increased dramatically if the catheter is left
For placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters,
in place more than 1 day after an exit-site infec-
tion occurs, these catheters should be removed
and not exchanged over a guidewire if there is
promptly if an exit-site infection develops.44 If
suspicion that a bacteremia is catheter related
tunnel drainage is present, parenteral antibiotics
except as salvage therapy in selected hemodialy-
active against staphylococci and streptococci are
sis patients with limited venous access.40 Guide-
recommended, with accompanying treatment of
lines from the IDSA indicate that in the presence
of bacteremia caused by S aureus, tunneled hemo-
Tunnel infections are manifested by tender-
dialysis catheters should be removed, with the
ness, erythema, and/or induration. The IDSA
duration of antimicrobial therapy guided by find-
recommends that tunnel infections be treated
ings on transesophageal echocardiography (14
with catheter removal, as well as appropriate
days if no evidence of vegetation; 4 to 6 weeks if
antibiotics.39 Tunnel infections often are accom-
vegetation is present).39 These same guidelines
panied by bacteremia, which should be treated as
suggest that catheter-related bacteremia caused
by CoNS can be treated without catheter re-
S aureus (methicillin-susceptible and MRSA)
moval, but may require more prolonged antimi-
and CoNS are the most common organisms caus-
ing hemodialysis catheter–associated bactere-
A few reports indicate that catheter replace-
mia, although gram-negative organisms are iso-
ment over a guidewire within 48 hours of initiat-
lated in approximately one third of cases.44,85-88
ing antimicrobial therapy, followed by a period
Initial empiric antimicrobial therapy therefore
of appropriate antimicrobial therapy, can be suc-
should be directed against both gram-positive
cessful in carefully selected patients who are not
and gram-negative organisms, with subsequent
critically ill.87-91 Catheters should be removed
therapy based on blood culture results. Vancomy-
promptly, rather than exchanged over a guide-
cin and an aminoglycoside (ie, gentamicin) or
wire, if there is evidence of catheter tunnel or
antipseudomonal cephalosporin commonly are
exit-site infection, in clinically unstable patients
used initially. A -lactam, such as cefazolin, with
with features of sepsis, and in patients who
or without an aminoglycoside may be reasonable
remain febrile or symptomatic for more than 36
initial therapy instead of vancomycin if MRSA
hours after the initiation of antimicrobial therapy
has not been a frequent pathogen in a particular
or have persistently positive blood cultures de-
dialysis setting and the patient has not been
spite antimicrobial therapy.41 Periodic blood cul-
recently hospitalized or administered antibiotic
tures should be obtained after completion of
therapy. However, reported experiences of long-term results with cefazolin for catheter-related
therapy to confirm eradication of the infection.
bacteremia are somewhat limited.71,72 Local anti-
Antimicrobial treatment for hemodialysis cath-
microbial sensitivity patterns also should influ-
eter–related bacteremias for at least 3 weeks is
ence decisions regarding empiric vancomycin
recommended,41 although the optimal duration
therapy. If blood cultures identify a -lactam–
of therapy has not been systematically explored.
susceptible organism, vancomycin, if adminis-
Circumstances in which a longer or shorter dura-
tered initially for empiric therapy, should be
tion of therapy might be appropriate or necessary
discontinued, and cefazolin or another alternate
For empiric therapy for infected AV fistulae or
Management of bacteremia related to indwell-
grafts, agents providing coverage against both
ing double-cuffed hemodialysis catheters is ad-
gram-negative and gram-positive organisms, in-
dressed in several recent reports and the NKF-K/
cluding Enterococcus species, are recom-
DOQI clinical practice guidelines,41 but remains
mended.41 Vancomycin or, depending on local
controversial. Attempts at salvaging tunneled
susceptibility profiles, a -lactam and an amino-
cuffed hemodialysis catheters in patients with
glycoside would be reasonable, with subsequent
catheter-related bacteremia using antimicrobial
therapy dictated by culture results. AV grafts that
therapy alone without catheter removal are usu-
are more than superficially infected should be
ally unsuccessful.85,87 The CDC/HICPAC guide-
surgically removed, and any newly placed graft
lines recommend that central venous catheters
(ie, Ͻ1 month old) should be removed regardless
(including hemodialysis catheters) be replaced
Therapy for Peritoneal Dialysis–Related
ity results become available. If the isolate is
susceptible to rifampin, this agent can be added
In 1996, reflecting concern about the emer-
if S aureus is isolated and the infection does not
gence of vancomycin resistance, guidelines from
resolve promptly in response to initial treatment.
the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis
were revised to recommend that peritoneal dialy-
therapy unless MRSA or methicillin-resistant
sis–related peritonitis be treated empirically with
CoNS are isolated.37,38 Antimicrobial therapy
a first-generation cephalosporin (eg, cefazolin or
should be continued until the exit site appears
cephalothin) and an aminoglycoside,92 rather than
normal, and for tunnel infections, for at least 7
vancomycin, as previously recommended.93-95
days after clinical resolution of infection.
Newer guidelines recommend that ceftazidime
Long-term antimicrobial treatment of chroni-
be used along with cefazolin or cephalothin
cally infected catheter exit sites may lead to the
instead of an aminoglycoside for patients with
emergence of antimicrobial-resistant microorgan-
residual renal function to avoid impairing the
isms. In this setting, ongoing surveillance for
remaining residual renal function.38 Subsequent
changes in antimicrobial sensitivities and the use
antimicrobial therapy should be tailored to spe-
of combinations of synergistic antimicrobial
cific susceptibility characteristics of cultured or-
agents may be necessary, and in selected circum-
stances, catheter removal may be appropriate.66
Increasing resistance of S epidermidis peritoni-
Peritonitis associated with exit-site or tunnel
tis to methicillin and other -lactams in patients
infections often requires catheter removal, ex-
with peritoneal dialysis–related peritonitis has
cept perhaps when S epidermidis is isolated.59
been reported.5 Limited studies with historical
controls suggest that cefazolin-based therapy forperitoneal dialysis peritonitis does not appear to
Dialysis patients may be infected or colonized
be less effective as empiric therapy than initial
with a variety of pathogens, including antimicro-
therapy with vancomycin,10,96,97 although con-
bial-resistant bacteria, often unbeknown to staff
cern has been expressed about the high rate of
members. The numerous contacts between staff
cefazolin resistance in staphylococcal isolates in
members and patients in the dialysis unit provide
peritoneal dialysis–related peritonitis.11 Vancomy-
the opportunity for transmission of these patho-
cin or clindamycin (if the isolate is susceptible to
gens from patient to patient.3,98 Therefore, care-
this agent) are recommended for culture-docu-
ful infection-control precautions should be used
mented MRSA (along with rifampin) and most
during the care of all patients to prevent such
episodes of peritonitis caused by methicillin-
Hand hygiene is the single most important
infection-control measure. Hand hygiene can be
Therapy for Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter
accomplished either by washing hands with soap
(plain soap is acceptable for routine use) and
S aureus is the most common cause of exit-site
water or by using waterless alcohol-based gels or
and tunnel infections.37,59 CoNS also frequently
foams. Hand washing with soap, rather than the
cause exit-site infections, but relatively infre-
use of waterless hand rubs, is preferred if hands
quently are the cause of tunnel infections. Sug-
are visibly contaminated with body fluids or
gested initial empiric antimicrobial therapy for
secretions. Hand hygiene should be performed
possible exit-site or tunnel infections includes
after touching blood, body fluids, secretions,
oral penicillinase-resistant penicillins, tri-
excretions, and contaminated items regardless of
methoprim/sulfamethoxazole, or cephalexin if
whether gloves are worn. Hand hygiene should
Gram stain shows gram-positive organisms and
be performed immediately after gloves are re-
an oral quinolone if gram-negative organisms are
moved, between patient contacts, and when oth-
seen.37,38 Vancomycin should not be used for
erwise indicated to avoid the transfer of microor-
empiric therapy unless the patient is known to be
infected or colonized with MRSA. Therapy then
Gloves should be worn when it is anticipated
should be tailored when culture and susceptibil-
that hands may contact blood, body fluids, or
General Infection-Control Measures for
any specific pathogen), or (2) fecal incontinence
Patient Contacts in the Dialysis Unit
or diarrhea uncontrolled with personal hygienemeasures. For these patients, consider using the
Wash hands or use an alcohol-based hand rub after
touching one patient and before going to the next
following additional precautions: (1) staff mem-
bers treating the patient should wear gloves and
Wear disposable nonsterile gloves when it is anticipated
a separate gown over their usual clothing and
that hands may contact blood, body fluids, or
remove the gloves and gown when finished car-
contaminated items. The CDC recommends use of
ing for the patient, and (2) the patient should
gloves for all contact with hemodialysis patients andequipment.
undergo dialysis at a station with as few adjacent
Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene after patient
stations as possible (eg, at the end or corner of
Consider any medication or equipment taken to the
dialysis station to be potentially contaminated.
Discard or disinfect such items before they are usedon another patient.
Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria are an increas-
Wipe all surfaces at the dialysis station, including control
ing threat. We review four general strategies to
panel and knobs on dialysis machines, with a
limit the spread of antimicrobial resistance: pre-
venting infection, diagnosing and treating infec-
For patients at increased risk for transmitting VRE or
tions promptly, optimizing antimicrobial use, and
MRSA, with infected skin wounds, or with fecalincontinence or diarrhea, consider:
preventing transmission in health care settings.
Use of nonsterile gloves and a separate gown for staff
Because patients with ESRD often have been in
members treating the patient, to be removed when
the forefront of the epidemic of antimicrobial
resistance, these strategies should be imple-
Dialyzing patient at a station with as few adjacent
mented by all health care personnel caring for
contaminated items. Because surfaces in the he-
modialysis unit often are contaminated with
1. Gold HS, Moellering RC Jr: Antimicrobial-drug resis-
minute quantities of blood that are not visible to
2. Fridkin SK: Increasing prevalence of antimicrobial
staff members, but which can transmit disease,
resistance in intensive care units. Crit Care Med 29:N64-
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touching of patients or equipment in hemodialy-
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Recom-
mendations for preventing transmission of infections among
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4. Tokars JI, Frank M, Alter MJ, Arduino MJ: National
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6. Lye WC, Leong SO, Lee EJ: Methicillin-resistant
experience with specific efforts to control the
Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage and infections in
spread of antimicrobial-resistant microorgan-
isms in dialysis units.99,100 Nonetheless, addi-
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icillin-resistant staphylococcal infections in an outpatient
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8. Smith TL, Pearson ML, Wilcox KR, et al: Emergence
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CAPUCHIN KRISHIK SEVA KENDRA (CKSK) ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011. The Capuchin Krishik Seva Kendra has following units: Vimukti at Ujire, Vimukti at Bankal Asha Kiran de-addiction centre at Badravathi Dayalbagh Agriculture Training Institute, Ujire CKSK, Ujire with the support of Child Fund India has made sincere efforts to unearth and nurture the hidden resources of marginalized people through
A Prospective, Randomized Pilot Evaluation of Topical Triple Antibiotic Versus Mupirocin for the Prevention of Uncomplicated Soft Tissue Wound Infection ROBERT HOOD, MD,* KENNETH M. SHERMOCK, PHARMD,† Little data exists comparing the safety and efficacy of triple antibiotic itracin zinc, and polymixin B sulfate) or placebo petrolatum ointment (TAO) and mupirocin for prevention of