Public health
Is screening for breast cancer with mammography justifiable?
Background A 1999 study found no decrease in breast-
recommended since 1985. The observed decrease in
cancer mortality in Sweden, where screening has been
number of deaths from breast cancer was 0·8% (not
recommended since 1985. We therefore reviewed the
significant), whereas the expected decrease was 11%.
methodological quality of the mammography trials and an
Although that study can be criticised,12,13 it raises once
influential Swedish meta-analysis, and did a meta-analysis
again the issue of the reliability of the evidence that
We therefore reviewed the methodological quality of the
Methods We searched the Cochrane Library for trials and
mammography trials and the Swedish meta-analysis, and
asked the investigators for further details. Meta-analyses
did a meta-analysis ourselves. We focused on the three
were done with Review Manager (version 4.0).
most important sources of bias in randomised trials:
Findings Baseline imbalances were shown for six of the eight
suboptimum randomisation methods, lack of masking in
identified trials, and inconsistencies in the number of women
outcome assessment, and exclusion after randomisation.
randomised were found in four. The two adequately
We paid special attention to the quality of the
randomised trials found no effect of screening on breast-
randomisation, since bias caused by suboptimum
cancer mortality (pooled relative risk 1·04 [95% CI
0·84–1·27]) or on total mortality (0·99 [0·94–1·05]). The
treatment effects that might be detected if a screening
pooled relative risk for breast-cancer mortality for the other
trials was 0·75 (0·67–0·83), which was significantly different
(p=0·005) from that for the unbiased trials. The Swedish
meta-analysis showed a decrease in breast-cancer mortality
We searched the Cochrane Library with the terms “breast-neoplasms/all” or “breast next cancer” and “screening” and
but also an increase in total mortality (1·06 [1·04–1·08]);
“mammography” and extended the search with authors’ names
this increase disappeared after adjustment for an imbalance
and other terms as appropriate to capture updates of the trials.
When necessary, we asked the investigators for details about the
randomisation method, in particular whether the assignment
mammography is unjustified. If the Swedish trials are judged
process was concealed so that no-one could foresee whichassignment the next cluster or woman would get before actual
to be unbiased, the data show that for every 1000 women
recruitment. We also asked for baseline characteristics that could
screened biennially throughout 12 years, one breast-cancer
show whether the screening group was similar to the control
death is avoided whereas the total number of deaths is
group in terms of important prognostic factors such as age,
increased by six. If the Swedish trials (apart from the Malmö
symptoms at entry, family history of breast cancer,
trial) are judged to be biased, there is no reliable evidence
socioeconomic status, and previous examinations for breast
that screening decreases breast-cancer mortality.
cancer. We noted whether all randomised women had beenaccounted for in the results and whether the cause of death had
been assessed by a panel unaware of screening status. We also
sought data on the morbidity associated with screening, definedas reported events that had occurred in at least 100 women.
Meta-analyses were done with Review Manager (version 4.0;
After heated controversy, there now seems to be general
available from; accessed on Dec 20,
acceptance that the benefit of screening for breast cancer
1999). A fixed-effects model was used unless the test for
with mammography has been well documented.1 Large
heterogeneity gave p<0·10; 95% CIs are presented.
randomised trials, including a total of half a million
women, have been carried out in New York, USA;2Edinburgh, Scotland;3
Randomisation methods and exclusions
Kopparberg,7 Östergötland,7 Stockholm,8 and Göteborg9
In the New York trial, pairs of women were matched and
in Sweden. A meta-analysis of an update of the five
the pairs were randomised.16 The allocation method is not
Swedish trials, which used data from individual patients,
clear—“every nth woman was placed in the study group,
was particularly influential. It showed that screening
the paired (n+1) woman in the control group”.16 Because
lowered mortality from breast cancer by 29% in women
of the matching in pairs, the number of randomised
women should be exactly the same in the study group and
The findings of a 1999 epidemiological study were
in the control group. This was not the case, and the
therefore surprising. It found no decrease in breast-cancer
number of women is unclear. It has been described as“about 31 000”,16
Nordic Cochrane Centre, Rigshospitalet, Department 7112,
30 23919,20 allocated to the study group, and 30 756,20
Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark (P C Gøtzsche MD,
30 765,19 and 30 5652,16 allocated to the control group.
There was also an important imbalance in exclusions after
randomisation. Women were excluded if breast cancer
had been diagnosed before entry to the trial, and this
THE LANCET • Vol 355 • January 8, 2000
status was more completely ascertained for the screened
on day 31 of any month were excluded after
women; thus, the final study cohort was smaller than the
randomisation despite being offered mammography “to
control cohort (30 131 vs 30 565).2,16 This difference
introduced bias in favour of the screening group. Close
approach led to a study group size of 39 164 women. We
similarity between the study and control groups has been
cannot understand how the number of randomised
women in the control group can increase. Some 40-year-
characterisics presented in justification for this claim, we
old women were excluded from the meta-analysis, which
calculated imbalances for previous lump in the breast
was based on age at randomisation and not on birth-year
(p<0·0001), menopause (p<0·0001), and education
cohorts as most of the trials had used, but this exclusion
(p=0·05); there were no differences for age, religion,
would lead to a decrease as it did for the other three
marital status, or pregnancies. These findings are
Swedish trials for which we could check the numbers
incompatible with an adequate randomisation.
(Malmö Ϫ1·9% vs Ϫ1·9%,6 Kopparberg Ϫ1·3% vs
The allocation method of the Edinburgh trial is poorly
Ϫ2·0%,31 and Östergötland Ϫ0·2% vs Ϫ0·7%7). We
described; 87 general practices were cluster randomised,22
calculated from a table divided into five age categories30
but the allocation was later changed for three of them.23
that the study women in Stockholm were, on average,
The screening and control groups differed substantially at
0·18 years younger than the control women (z=2·73,
baseline; only 26% of the women in the control group
p=0·006, Mann-Whitney test). This imbalance at baseline
were in the highest socioeconomic stratum, compared
indicated that the randomisation method was inadequate.
In Göteborg, randomisation was partly by day-of-birth
randomisation method was grossly inadequate, even for a
cluster (18% of participants) and partly individual.9 We
calculated from a table divided into 11 age categories9 that
In the Canadian trial, women were randomised
the study women were, on average, significantly younger
than the control women by 0·09 years (z=2·39, p=0·02),
allocation lists, in which the intervention was noted on
which shows that the randomisation method may have
each line. The randomisation could therefore be
subverted. However, checking of whether this had
Cluster randomisation was used in Kopparberg and
happened was also possible, and a thorough review
Östergötland.32 The population in these counties was
concluded that there could not have been enough cases of
divided into 19 blocks which were further divided into two
such subversion to affect the reported results.25 Moreover,
or three groups on unspecified criteria. These groups were
the two compared groups were similar at baseline in terms
then randomised. We were unable to find a description of
of self-reported symptoms, including lump, family history
the randomisation method. In Nyström and colleagues’
of breast cancer, marital status, livebirths, menopause,
meta-analysis, the cluster randomisation method was said
education, and place of birth.26,27 We found no data on the
not to have introduced bias.10 However, the justification
for this statement was a reference to an unpublished
In the Malmö trial,6 women in each birth-year cohort
lecture.10 The meta-analysis is unlikely to have taken the
were randomly arranged according to a computer
clustering into account, since we obtained the same point
program, and those on the first half of the lists were
estimate and the same narrow CI for breast-cancer
invited for screening (Ingvar Andersson, personal
mortality as in the meta-analysis when we based our
communication). Thus, the allocation method was
analysis on individual women. We therefore used women
apparently adequately concealed. No baseline data are
as the statistical unit and calculated from a table divided
available, but we estimated from the other Swedish trials
into eight age categories31 that the study women in
that the mean age was similar in the two groups.
Kopparberg were, on average, 0·45 years older than the
A sort of continuation of that trial, called Malmö
control women (z=5·50, p<0·0001). There was also an
Mammographic Screening Trial II,28 has been published
imbalance in Östergötland (z=4·04, p<0·0001), the study
in brief; it was randomised and had death from breast
women being 0·27 years older than the control women.7
cancer as the endpoint, but it did not have a formal
The number of randomised women (aged 40–74) is not
protocol, and because of an administrative error, all
clear: for example, the number in the study group in
women born in 1934 were included in the screening group
Östergötland has been reported as 39 03432,33
(Ingvar Andersson, personal communication). Because
38 491;7,34 the total number of randomised women in the
the report mixes follow-up data from a subgroup of the
two trials has been reported as 134 86732 and 133 065.7,34
original trial with data from this new cohort, and since
Baseline data were not reported in the Swedish meta-
some women were not randomised, the published data
analysis.10 3 years after the report was published in The
cannot be included in a meta-analysis. No baseline data
Lancet, however, a report in a specialist journal stated that
the mean age in the screened groups was 55·05 years
In the Stockholm trial,8 randomisation was according to
compared with 54·54 years in the control groups.35 Since
date of birth; women born on days 11–20 of any month
the SD for age in the Swedish trials was 10 years,7,31 the
constituted the control group. The number of randomised
age difference was highly significant (z=12·7, p=3ϫ10Ϫ37).
women is not clear. The number of controls is given as “c.
This extremely skewed distribution is incompatible with
20 000” in an early report,29 and as 19 943 in the final
the hypothesis that the women were distributed to the
report.8 There is a substantial discrepancy between the
screening and control groups according to a truly chance
numbers in the final report and the meta-analysis of the
Swedish trials10 in which the number of randomised
We estimated whether the Malmö trial had an
women fell from 40 318 to 38 525 (a decrease of 4·5%) in
imbalance at baseline like the other four Swedish trials.
the screening group, but increased from 19 943 to 20 651
We used the number of women as reported in the meta-
(a rise of 3·6%) in the control group. This inconsistency
analysis and the mean ages as estimated above. We took
cannot be explained by the curious fact that women born
account of the fact that women in Göteborg were
THE LANCET • Vol 355 • January 8, 2000
125 866 in the control groups). Nyström and colleagues
did not test whether this increased mortality was
significant, nor did they give a CI. They argued that
because breast-cancer mortality constitutes less than 5%
of the total mortality, such an analysis “would require very
large cohorts and is therefore impossible in practice”.35
We based our calculation on number of randomised
women (the meta-analysis investigators had used person-
years) and found a relative risk of 1·06 (95% CI
Table 1: Mammography screening trials according to
1·04–1·08, p<0·0001). The investigators adjusted their
calculation for age, after which the relative risk was 1·00. In The Lancet
randomly allocated to study and control groups in the
investigators had included the same total numbers of
approximate ratio of 1·2 in the 39–49-year age-group and
deaths but reported only the age-adjusted risk without
1·6 in the 50–59-year age-group.9 We had no data on age
mentioning that an adjustment had been made or that
for the 50–59-year group, but since the imbalance in age
there was an increased risk of death without adjustment.
in the 39–49-year group was numerically small, we used a
The pooled relative-risk estimate for the two unbiased
mean age of 54 for both study and control groups. For
trials (Malmö and Canada) was 0·99 (0·94–1·05), which
Malmö, we used 57 years as estimated mean age in the
was very close to the estimate for Malmö alone (0·99
study group, similar to the Kopparberg and Östergötland
[0·93–1·05]), since that study reported 3586 deaths,
trials.7,31 This approach yielded a mean age in the study
compared with only 1147 in Canada (relative risk 1·08
groups of 54·93 years, very close to the 55·05 years
reported in the meta-analysis. Since the mean age in thecontrol groups was 0·51 years lower, that in the Malmö
control group was estimated to be 56·85 years. The
The two trials with adequate randomisation methods and
difference of 0·15 years is not significant (z=1·53, p=0·13)
baseline comparability (table 1) had similar estimates for
which suggests that the randomisation method in Malmö
the relative risk of death from breast cancer with 95% CIs
was adequate. In summary, our findings suggest that only
that overlapped substantially, showing lack of
the trials from Malmö and Canada were unbiased (table 1).
heterogeneity (table 2). The combined relative-riskestimate was 1·04 (0·84–1·27). Diagnosis of deaths from breast cancer
The six trials that had not been adequately randomised
Knowledge of screening status may affect the judgment of
had more favourable outcomes with screening than these
cause of death. Masked assessment of cause of death was
two trials, and their results were homogeneous (p=0·23
used only in the trials from Canada and Malmö, but in the
for test of heterogeneity). The pooled relative risk was
Swedish meta-analysis10 all deaths from breast cancer were
0·75 (0·67–0·83). This estimate is significantly different
assessed with masking of screening status. Deaths from
from that for the two adequately randomised trials
breast cancer diagnosed before entry to the trial were
generally excluded from analysis. Such exclusions can
If the Göteborg trial, which was the least biased trial of
lead to bias when the first round of screening identifies
the six, was moved from the second group to the first, the
cancer in women who have already noted a tumour in
relative-risk estimate changed little (0·94 [0·76–1·17]).
their breast if these women are subsequently excluded.
However, since this change creates heterogeneity
The New York trial excluded more cancers in the
(p=0·08), this trial should probably not be moved. If all
screening group than in the control group.
eight trials are analysed together (which would beinappropriate), heterogeneity is also introduced (p=0·05). All-cause mortalityThe imbalance in age at baseline in the Swedish trials is
important. Nyström and colleagues reported in a
Total numbers of interventions were identified only in the
specialist journal35 that the screened women had an
increased risk of death (relative risk 1·05; 15 695 women
significantly more common in the screening groups for
died of 156 911 in the screening groups vs 11 887 of
radical mastectomy (relative risk 1·23 [1·08–1·40]) andfor mastectomy or lumpectomy (1·35 [1·20–1·52], as was
radiotherapy (1·25 [1·04–1·50]). A similar tendency was
seen in the Canadian trial, in which only surgery done
within the framework of the trial was reported. In that
trial, the proportion of benign findings in biopsy samples
was two to four times higher in the mammography groups
throughout the whole screening period.5 We found no
data from Edinburgh and New York and data only from
the screened group for the other trials.
The effect of screening programmes, if any, is small and
the balance between beneficial and harmful effects is verydelicate. It is therefore essential that such programmes are
Table 2: Relative risk of death from breast cancer in screenedversus control groups
rigorously evaluated in properly randomised trials.
THE LANCET • Vol 355 • January 8, 2000
Unfortunately, the randomisation process failed to
3 years before Nyström and colleagues admitted publicly
create similar groups in six of the eight trials of
that the analysis of total mortality had been adjusted for
mammographic screening. Our analyses focused on age as
a marker for imbalance, since this variable was the only
Another serious flaw in the mammography trials is the
baseline information we had available for the Swedish
fact that the number of randomised women was
inconsistently reported for four of the six trials with
Cluster randomisation was used in several of the trials,
inadequate randomisation methods. This inconsistency is
but the number of clusters was insufficient, which is well
not only odd, but it also raises further doubts about the
illustrated by the Edinburgh trial.22 The proportions of
women in the highest socioeconomic stratum differed
The two trials with adequate randomisation found no
substantially between the screening and control groups,
effect of screening on mortality from breast cancer, not
and, as expected, there was a pronounced relation
even a tendency towards an effect. By contrast, the pooled
between social group and total mortality, which may
effect of the six trials with inadequate randomisation was
explain why total mortality was much lower in the
highly significant. There was no overlap of the CIs for
screening group (relative risk 0·85 [0·79–0·92]). Attempts
these two effect estimates. This lack of overlap is
were made to remedy this shortcoming,3 but adjustments
remarkable. Such disparate effects of subgroups of similar
cannot fully compensate for faulty methods. First,
trials in a meta-analysis are very rare, and a strong
adjustment for unknown or unmeasured confounders is
warning signal that something is wrong. The explanation
impossible. Second, adjustment for one confounder may
in such cases is generally methodological. In fact, the
create imbalance for another, since confounders are rarely
difference between the two point estimates, 1·05 and
fully correlated. For example, adjustment for age in the
0·75, is in good agreement with the results from empirical,
Swedish trials might seem reasonable; however in the
methodological research. Randomised trials with
New York trial, age was evenly distributed whereas several
inadequate or undescribed allocation methods exaggerate
other prognostic factors were not.16,21 Which adjustments
the estimated intervention effect by 33–41%, on
should then be preferred for that trial? There must have
average.14,15 The bias can be even larger in cohort studies.
been many other imbalances in prognostic factors at
For example, a meta-analysis of cohort studies of
baseline in the Swedish trials, and there is a strong
hormone replacement therapy showed protection against
probability that other adjustments would have produced
coronary heart disease (relative risk 0·50 [0·43–0·56]),40
other results, both more and less extreme than a relative
which was not confirmed in a large randomised trial (0·99
risk of 1·05 for the increase in total mortality with
[0·80–1·22]);41 again, there was no overlap of the 95%
screening. Thus, the third important problem with
adjustments is the risk of biased analyses when results of
The Canadian trial has been subjected to a fair amount
trials which were meant to be randomised but were found
of criticism, probably because it had the most negative
results of the eight trials. The criticism has been
The credibility of the Swedish meta-analysis is greatly
rebutted;26 somewhat ironically, this trial seems to be the
weakened because it did not report that there were
one that is by far the best documented. A persistent
important imbalances at baseline in four of the five trials;
criticism has been that an effect would be difficult to find
that there was increased mortality in the screened groups;
because the breasts of all women in the age-group 50–59
and that an adjustment for age had been made without
years were physically examined regularly. This criticism is
being described.10 The last point is particularly important,
unwarranted because mammography will identify many
since readers would not have expected any adjustment to
tumours that are too small to be detected on physical
have been made in a meta-analysis of hundreds of
examination alone. Furthermore, any effect of physical
thousands of women in which adjustments would not
examination is likely to be small. A study of 122 471
change anything, provided that the trials had been
women found no effect of regular self-examination of the
properly randomised. Shortly after the publication of the
breast on breast-cancer mortality after 9 years of follow-
meta-analysis, Skrabanek obtained the mortality rates
up, even though twice as many of the intervention group
from the primary author and drew attention to the
consulted an oncologist.42 In addition, Kerlikowske’s
increased mortality in the screened groups36 (10·0% vs
meta-analysis found that the regular clinical examinations
9·4%; relative risk 1·06). In their response,37 Nyström and
in the non-Swedish trials had no influence on the relative
Larsson did not mention the imbalance in age, but
risk.43 We also much doubt the importance of the fact that
defended the relative risk of 1·00 reported in the meta-
the Canadian trial was not community based. Proper
analysis by comparing the observed number of deaths in
randomisation ensures the internal validity of a trial, and if
the screened groups with the expected number in the
mammography were effective, an effect should also be
population (15 695 vs 15 710). They also noted that the
seen in a selected part of the population. Finally, the
relative risks for total mortality in the individual trials were
quality of the mammography has been criticised as being
0·98, 0·98, 0·99, 1·00, and 1·00. It is quite impossible,
poor,26 but the tumours found in the Canadian trial were
however, to have such rates for the individual trials and
smaller, on average, than those found in the Swedish
then an increased mortality of 1·06 (as we calculated) for
the pooled analysis. Swift38 noted subsequently that “a
The study reports provided very few data on morbidity
more precise and apt comparison is that between the
associated with screening. Some might argue that an
mortality rates in the exposed and control groups”. In
increased occurrence of surgery, chemotherapy, and
response to this indisputable fact Nyström and Larsson
radiotherapy in the screened group is only natural and
wrote that “we prefer (see our response to Skrabanek)
that, in the long run, over decades, the interventions
standardised relative risks to crude relative risks”.39 This
would become less drastic because the tumours would be
reply is remarkable since the whole idea of randomisation
detected earlier. However, another point of view is that
is to make unbiased analyses possible, but it was another
screening would be expected to increase morbidity in the
THE LANCET • Vol 355 • January 8, 2000
long run because of false-positive findings, cell changes
mammography: overview of Swedish randomised trials. Lancet 1993;
that may never develop into cancer, and cancers that will
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develop so slowly that the woman dies of other causes
dödlighet i bröstcancer. Läkartidningen 1999; 96: 904–13.
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We could not assess psychological morbidity related to
annan metodik. Läkartidningen 1999; 96: 1050–51.
false-positive findings because this feature was not
13 Rutqvist LE. Naturalförloppet, grova metoder ledde till felkalkyl om
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reported in the trials. In the USA, Elmore and colleagues45
14 Schulz KF, Chalmers I, Hayes RJ, et al. Empirical evidence of bias:
estimated that 49% of screened women will experience at
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16 Shapiro S, Venet W, Strax P, Venet L, eds. Periodic screening for
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18 Fink R, Shapiro S, Roester R. Impact of efforts to increase
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20 Shapiro S. Screening: assessment of current studies. Cancer 1994; 74:
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21 Shapiro S. Evidence on screening for breast cancer from a randomized
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22 Alexander FE, Anderson TJ, Brown HK, et al. The Edinburgh
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24 Miller AB, Howe GR, Wall C. The National Study of Breast Cancer
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25 Bailar IJC, MacMahon B, Phillips RA. Randomization in the
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26 Baines CJ. The Canadian National Breast Screening Study: a
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27 Miller AB, To T, Baines CJ. Wall C. The Canadian national breast
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The study was funded by the Danish Institute for Health Technology
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Concurrent use of herbs may mimic, magnify, or oppose the effect of drugs. Plausible cases of herb-drug interactions include: bleeding when warfarin is combined with ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), garlic (Allium sativum), dong quai (Angelica sinensis), or danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza); mild serotonin syndrome in patients who mix St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) with serotonin-reuptake inhibitors; decreased bioavailability of digoxin, theophylline, cyclosporin, and phenprocoumon when these drugs are combined with St John’s wort; induction of mania in depressed patients who mix antidepressants and Panax ginseng; exacerbation of extrapyramidal effects with neuroleptic drugs and betel nut (Areca catechu); increased risk of hypertension when tricyclic antidepressants are combined with yohimbine (Pausinystalia yohimbe); potentiation of oral and topical corticosteroids by liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra); decreased blood concentrations of prednisolone when taken with the Chinese herbal product xaio chai hu tang (sho-saiko-to); and decreased concentrations of phenytoin when combined with the Ayurvedic syrup shankhapushpi. Anthranoid-containing plants (including senna [Cassia senna] and cascara [Rhamnus purshiana]) and soluble fibres (including guar gum and psyllium) can decrease the absorption of drugs. Many reports of herb-drug interactions are sketchy and lack laboratory analysis of suspect preparations. Health-care practitioners should caution patients against mixing herbs and pharmaceutical drugs.
“Poisons and medicines are oftentimes the same
of 1000 elderly people admitted to a hospital from the
substances given with different intents.”
emergency department found that 538 patients were
exposed to 1087 drug-drug interactions; 30 patients
Many medicinal herbs and pharmaceutical drugs are
experienced adverse effects as a consequence of these
therapeutic at one dose and toxic at another.
Interactions between herbs and drugs may increase or
common, and to the mixture physicians prescribe,
decrease the pharmacological or toxicological effects of
patients add various over-the-counter medications,
either component. Synergistic therapeutic effects may
vitamins, herbs, and foods. All ingested substances have
complicate the dosing of long-term medications—eg,
herbs traditionally used to decrease glucoseconcentrations in diabetes1
precipitate hypoglycaemia if taken in combination with
Sources for this review include MEDLINE 1966–98
(searched under MeSH terms “drug interactions”
Herbal medicines are ubiquitous: the dearth of reports
combined with “herbal medicine”, “traditional
of adverse events and interactions probably reflects a
medicine”, “Chinese traditional medicine”, “African
combination of under-reporting and the benign nature of
traditional medicine”, “Ayurvedic medicine”, “Oriental
most herbs used. Experimental data in the field of herb-
traditional medicine”, “Unani medicine”, and “Arabic
drug interactions are limited, case reports scarce, and
medicine”); EMBASE 1994–99 (searched under the
case series rare. This lack of data is also true of drug-
same terms); reference dredging; and my own files on
drug interactions: published clinical studies are mainly
case reports (controlled trials are scarce, since the
Many reports of herb-induced interactions lack crucial
random assignment of patients to trials that examine
documentation on temporal relations and concomitant
unintended effects is not ethical). The true prevalence of
drug use. Perhaps the most serious problem encountered
drug interactions is substantial but unknown. One study
in analysing such reports is the consistent absence of anyeffort (beyond that of reading the label) to establish a
positive identification of the herb involved, and toexclude the effect of contaminants or adulterants. Unless
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health
noted otherwise, the reports mentioned herein did not
Sciences, Department of Health Care Sciences, 2150 PennsylvaniaAvenue, NW 2B-417, Washington, DC 20037, USA
This review was limited to the most commonly used
medicinal plants, and to clinical reports (animal studies
THE LANCET • Vol 355 • January 8, 2000
RGICS Working Paper Series No. 37, 2002 CONCRETE APPROACH TO JUDICIAL REFORM Dr. P.K. Agrawal RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY STUDIES Disclaimer: This is the retyped PDF version of the original paper which was published (roughly) in A5 format. To enable readers to print it, this paper has been created in A4 format. Therefore, the page numbers will not tally betwe
R E A D I N G G R O U P One Pill Makes You Smaller by Lisa Dierbeck A New York Times Notable Book of the Year ISBN: 0-312- 42286-5 About this Guide Eleven-year-old Alice Duncan has a problem: growing at a breathtaking pace, her body has taken on a life of its own. Heads turn whenever Alice leaves the house. Men everywhere are mesmerized by the two huge globes that