Are Endoscopic Antireflux Therapies Cost-Effective
Compared with Laparoscopic Fundoplication?
Background and Study Aims: A number of endoscopic antire-
Results: Assuming that EAT has no impact on potential LF later
flux therapies (EATs) have emerged as potential nonmedical
on, the outcome of both strategies (LF, or EAT first with LF in
treatment options for patients with gastroesophageal reflux dis-
case of failure of EAT) is identical and preference is a simple
ease (GERD). Concerns about clinical efficacy and costs have giv-
question of costs. The sequential strategy in nonmedical GERD
en rise to debate about their role in GERD management. The
treatment would be preferable if the long-term relief rate with
costs of laparoscopic fundoplication (LF) were compared with
EAT exceeds the ratio of the cost of EAT to the cost of LF. Long-
the costs of EAT when used in a sequential strategy that reserves
term success rates of EAT do not exceed 0.65. At current prices
EAT is clearly not cost-effective in Germany.
Methods: A simple mathematical criterion of direct medical
Conclusion: Our simple criterion indicates that EAT would only
costs was applied. Published articles concerning EAT were re-
be cost-effective and beneficial in a sequential strategy if the
viewed to assess its effectiveness, durability and costs, in order
costs of EAT were to be decreased to around 30% of current retail
to estimate the parameters of the model. The costs of EAT and
prices. However, long-term studies and randomized controlled
LF were evaluated from the perspective of a German third-party
trials are necessary to finally determine the role of EAT in GERD
payer. Only direct medical costs were considered.
treatment, and the preference may change in either direction.
antireflux surgery. The efficacy of GERD symptom control aswell as of prevention or treatment of complications is variable
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disorder
[8±11]. Since GERD is a chronic relapsing disorder [12] substan-
with increasing incidence and prevalence in the industrialized
tial healthcare resources are at stake.
countries and with a major impact on patient quality of life [1±4]. The prevalence of heartburn has been reported to be 29% of
Proton-pump inhibitors (PPI) and (laparoscopic) antireflux sur-
the population in the UK [5] and 22% in Finland [6]. Without
gery are currently the accepted treatment modalities for man-
treatment, potential sequelae of reflux esophagitis are ulcera-
agement of GERD. Since 82% of patients relapse after 6 months
tions, esophageal stricture, or precancerous changes (Barrett
of PPI cessation [12] lifelong maintenance therapy is required
esophagus) that are associated with a 30%±40 % increase in the
[13]. A notable number of patients have relapsing GERD symp-
risk of esophageal cancer [7]. GERD treatment options comprise
toms or resent dependence on lifelong PPI medication. Antireflux
lifestyle modifications, pharmacological acid suppression, and
surgery is used as an alternative GERD therapy [14±16]. The
1 Department of Internal Medicine II, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
2 Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE), University of Leipzig, Leipzig,
3 Department of Surgery II, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
K. Caca, M.D. ´ Department of Medicine II, University of Leipzig ´ Philipp-Rosenthal-Straûe 27 ´ 04103 Leipzig ´
Germany ´ Fax: + 49-341-9712239 ´ E-mail: [email protected]
Submitted 26 October 2003 ´ Accepted after Revision 15 November 2003
Endoscopy 2005; 37 (3): 217±222 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart ´ New York ´ ISSN 0013-726X
open procedure has been replaced by the introduction of laparo-scopic fundoplication (LF) [17,18] which can achieve long-term
Table 1 Comparison of costs of endoscopic antireflux therapy
relief of symptoms [19] in about 90% of cases. However, LF re-
(EAT) and laparoscopic fundoplication (LF)
quires hospital admission and is associated with significant mor-bidity and with a mortality of 0.1%±0.3% [20±23]. Additionally,
a comparative study has shown that after antireflux surgery 62%
of patients were using antisecretory medication at a median fol-
low-up of 6.3 years [10]. Comparing long-term PPI treatment
with LF, the break-even point, where the costs of the two alterna-
tives are equal, was calculated to be reached at 1.4 years of med-
In view of these risks and costs, investigators have sought less in-
vasive endoscopic methods to augment the function of the gas-
troesophageal barrier and to prevent gastroesophageal reflux.
Endoscopic antireflux therapies (EATs) have emerged as a poten-
tial alternative to LF in patients with an incomplete response to
PPIs and/or for whom lifelong medication is not an acceptable
treatment option. Three minimally invasive endoscopic ap-
proaches have recently been approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for the management of GERD: endoscopic
suturing (EndoCinch; CR BARD Endoscopic Technologies, Billeri-ca, Massachusetts, USA) [25 ±29], delivery of temperature-con-trolled radiofrequency energy (Stretta; Curon Medical Inc. Sun-
nyvale, California, USA) [30±33], and injection of a biocompati-
Most studies included patients with uncomplicated GERD. Pa-
ble polymer (Enteryx; Boston Scientific, Natick, Massachusetts,
tients considered here had to meet all of the following inclusion
USA) [34±37]. The long-term relief rate after EAT is not fully
criteria: moderate to severe reflux more than five times a week;
comparable with that of LF. Follow-up reports of patients after
at least a partial response to PPIs; abnormal findings at 24-hour
LF have shown an 87% to 91% overall success rate after 3±5 years
esophageal pH monitoring; hiatal hernia smaller than 3 cm; and
[10,11,19,38]. For EAT the only available follow-up data are
no significant co-morbidity. The hernia size criterion was im-
scarce and short-term. Published data indicate that, after 6
posed in order to guarantee the applicability of all procedures.
months to 1year, the relief rate in terms of heartburn symptoms
Patients who were aged less than 18 years or had dysphagia, pre-
or reduction of PPI use is approximately 60 %±80% [26,27,30±
vious thoracic surgery, or esophageal varices were excluded.
32,34±37]. On the other hand, EAT procedures (not includingthe cost of the device) are cheaper and have a considerably lower
extent of side effects (with no operation, less mental and physi-
To evaluate the costs, EAT was compared with LF from the per-
cal strain, and no hospitalization). Two deaths have been report-
spective of the third-party payer. Direct medical costs associated
ed with the Stretta procedure during the introductory period of
with EAT and LF consisted of those of uncomplicated operation
the product, and for all EATs serious complications have been re-
and of medication and the ªhotelº costs of hospitalization. The
ported only very rarely, whereas LF shows a mortality of 0.2%±
hotel costs for inpatient-days were obtained from the accounting
center of the 20 participating hospitals by calculating the meanvalues (Table 1). For comparable costs, the GO¾ (GebührenOrd-
As LF is still possible after EAT [41,42], it may be both beneficial
nung für ¾rzte, 2.3-fold average cost multiplies in a national re-
and cost-effective to adopt a conditional strategy, namely to car-
imbursement schedule for German doctors) was used to provide
ry out EAT as the first-line treatment and leave the option of LF as
a nationwide cost-covering measuring unit. Direct nonmedical
a last resort, only to be done if the results of EAT are unsatisfac-
costs, for example transportation, and indirect costs such as loss
tory. We used a simple decision-tree model scenario to elucidate
of production due to endoscopy (1day) or operation (5 days)
the circumstances under which long-term relief rates and costs
were not included, to the disadvantage of EAT.
are optimal in the management of GERD patients. We deter-mined how great the rate of long-term relief after EAT needed to
Our scenario was based on the following assumptions:
be if the conditional strategy was to be beneficial, expressing this
± (i) that EAT does not affect the probability of success of a sec-
rate as a function of the cost advantage of EAT over LF.
± (ii) that no patient could be cured by means of EAT who could
not also be cured with an LF procedure. (This assumption was
We reviewed all available publications regarding the efficacy,
Figure 1 illustrates two treatment options in patients with mild
and durability of the new EndoCinch, Stretta, and Enteryx antire-
to moderate GERD, that is, LF as first-line treatment, or EAT as
the first-line treatment with LF carried out only in those patientsin whom EAT failed.
Schiefke I et al. Costs of Endoscopic Antireflux Therapies ´ Endoscopy 2005; 37: 217±222
for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD):
laparoscopic fundoplication (LF) as first-line
treatment, or endoscopic antireflux therapy
Long-term ? Treatment
(EAT) as first-line treatment followed by LF
in those patients in whom EAT fails.
long-term relief rate following LF after EAT failed
The costs of EAT and LF are designated by CEAT and CLF, respective- If one disregards Csecond, the conditional strategy is cheaper, i.e. ly and the costs of the conditional strategy by CEAT<fail>®LF. The CLF > CEAT<fail>®LFlong-term relief rates for EAT and for LF are denoted by pEAT andpLF, respectively.
In the discussion, costs may be interpreted from two perspec-tives: a) the monetary costs for the procedures, or b) the subjec-
tive ªcostsº, which include side effects and the stress caused to
the patient by the procedures. While monetary costs can be as-sessed by adding the expense of the material used, operations,
Thus the conditional strategy would be preferable if the long-
and hospitalization etc., the assessment of subjective costs de-
term relief rate provided by EAT exceeds the ratio of the cost of
pends on clinical judgment. Both perspectives are important
and the equations in their general form apply to both.
In order to have a rough upper boundary for pEAT, we set the ad-ditional costs Csecond of needing a second procedure as being
equal to CEAT. Thus assuming that the additional expense of need-ing a second procedure is in the order of the costs for EAT, the
conditional procedure is cost-effective if
Applying the assumptions of the model, the final long-term relief
rates of both strategies, that is, LF or EAT with LF only in case offailure, are identical. As the outcomes may thus be assumed to be
eventually the same, preference between the strategies is a
The main conceptual insight from this result is that, given the
The monetary cost of the conditional strategy is simply:
costs of the procedures, we can calculate a break-even threshold
CEAT<fail>®LF = CEAT + (1 ± pEAT) * (Csecond + CLF).
for pEAT. Also, given values for CLF and pEAT, we can calculate valuesfor the cost CEAT at which the sequential procedure would be-
Here Csecond denotes the additional cost or stress associated with come cost-effective. the experience and the diagnosis of failure of EAT and the need toface a second intervention.
Monetary CostsThe costs CEAT and CLF can be crudely estimated by adding the cost
Thus the conditional strategy is cheaper, i.e.
of performing the procedures to the costs for hospitalization (Ta-
ble 1). LF is clearly cheaper than any of the EAT alternatives. A for-tiori, the sequential strategy is far from cost-effective at current
pEAT > (Csecond + CEAT)/(Csecond + CLF).
In order to determine at what price EAT might become cost-ef-
Monetary values for CEAT and CLF are estimated below. Csecond is fective we assessed effectiveness as the percentage of patientsmore difficult to assess.
who were satisfied at 6 months without PPI (Table 2). Less opti-
Schiefke I et al. Costs of Endoscopic Antireflux Therapies ´ Endoscopy 2005; 37: 217±222
with great caution because only a few studies with a limited
Table 2 Economic evaluation of alternative strategies in (GERD),
number of patients and limited follow-up have been published.
data from [19,26,31,38,44] and non-published data
At this point it remains unclear whether one or all of the EATswill evolve into an evidence-based treatment approach for
GERD. Although the EndoCinch, Stretta, and Enteryx methods
vary in their mechanism of action and potential side effects, the
sequential model of cost-effectiveness is applicable since LF can
be performed after all three EAT procedures in the case of treat-
ment failure [41,42; personal communication, P. Meier, Hann-over, May 2004].
We modelled the trade-off between higher long-term relief rates
with LF versus lower hospitalization costs and less side effects
with EAT, using simple conditional probability calculations andassuming that LF was a backup treatment option after failed
* 94/118 were available for follow-up.
EAT, as suggested by the literature [43]. We considered both a
monetary and a subjective patient-centred perspective. We de-
rived an order of magnitude value for the break-even threshold
for the long-term relief rate with EAT as a function of the costsof EAT and LF, and vice versa. Our simple trade-off scenario con-
mistic long-term rates would be preferable, but are currently un-
ceptualizes what is involved in choosing between LF or a condi-
tional strategy with EAT as the first-line treatment. The cost esti-mates provided suggest that there may only be a role for EAT in
Since the mean success rates of all EAT do not exceed 0.63 (mean
the management of GERD patients requiring intervention if pric-
PEAT = 0.63; range 0.60±0.68) and CLF = C
= 511.38 if it is assumed that Csecond = CEAT. Thus current prices The short-term results of limited trials with EATs and our own
experience with 43 patients with EndoCinch (64 % success at 3months) suggest that the mean long-term relief rate following
Subjective Costs: the Patient's Perspective
EAT treatments does not exceed 0.63 (range 0.60±0.68) (for ex-
The side effects of an ambulatory EAT compare favorably with
ample, EndoCinch, 64% patients with reduced medication at 12
those associated with a full operation and 5 days of hospitaliza-
months [27]; Enteryx, 70 % with no medication at 12 months
tion with LF. The subjective cost ratio is probably more favorable
[37]; Stretta, 61% with no medication at 12 months [31]). Based
for EAT than is the monetary cost ratio. Although experiencing a
on the crude cost estimates that we provide and the published
failure of EAT is certainly stressful, we think that the subjective
success rates, a conditional strategy would appear to be both
break-even threshold is smaller than or equal to the monetary
cost-efficient and beneficial only if costs of EAT were to decrease
Cost assessment is notoriously difficult. Nevertheless we think
that our estimates define well the order of magnitude of thebreak-even threshold. All the cost estimations were done on the
We derived a simple criterion for the cost-effectiveness of endo-
basis of current wholesale prices for EAT and published cost esti-
scopic antireflux therapy used within a sequential treatment
mates for LF. Since costs for the EAT devices will probably decline
strategy. Based on success rates published so far, EAT could be a
in the future, the potential cost-effectiveness of EAT may rise.
cost-effective initial treatment option compared with laparo-scopic fundoplication if costs of EAT decreased to around 30% of
Several general comments about this conceptual model need to
be emphasized:a) The time horizon of our model is limited by the currently pub-
Endoscopic antireflux therapies are an innovative treatment ap-
lished data on EAT which do not relate to follow-up of more
proach to GERD. Due to their minimal invasiveness EATs are
associated with less morbidity and require a shorter hospital
b) The values assigned to the model parameters were based on
the best available evidence. There are no data from random-ized controlled clinical trials to support the response rates
Although several endoscopic techniques are under investigation,
EndoCinch, Stretta, and Enteryx are the most advanced devices
c) The morbidity, mortality and efficacy estimates for EAT are
and are FDA approved, and therefore only these three techniques
based on limited data of relatively small series from centers
were considered here. Success rates have been reported for all
where experience is considerable, to the extent that when
three EATs (on the basis of symptom relief and PPI reduction of
EAT procedures are performed by less skilled endoscopic op-
at least 50 %), that range from 60 % to 80% [26,27,30±32,34±
erators, the results may be less favorable.
37]. Although these results are promising, they should be viewed
Schiefke I et al. Costs of Endoscopic Antireflux Therapies ´ Endoscopy 2005; 37: 217±222
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