Child Information Responsible Party
Mother __ Father__ Grandparent__ Other__
Child’s Name: ________________________________________
Name: Mr. Mrs. Ms __________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
Birth Date: __________________________________________
School: ____________________________Grade:____________
Billing address if different: ____________________________
Sport/Hobbies: _______________________________________
Employer: ____________________________ How long: ____
Siblings Name /Age: ___________________________________
Position: __________________________________________
Work #: _______________________ Cell #______________
How did you hear about our office: _______________________
Email: ____________________________________________
Dental Information Additional Parent Information
Dentist Name: ________________________________________
Mother __ Father__ Grandparent__ Other__
Name: Mr. Mrs. MS ________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Employer: ________________________________________
How long: ________________________________________
Position: _________________________________________
Work #: _______________________ Cell # _____________
Email: ___________________________________________
Where: _____________________ When: __________________
Orthodontic Insurance Information General Information
Insurance Company Name ________________________
Insurance Company Phone: _______________________
Patient’s attitude toward braces
Wants braces Indifferent to braces Objects to braces
Employer: _____________________________________
Dental History Experience
Insured’s Name: ________________________________
Patient brushing history
Insured’s Social: ________________________________
Patient flossing history
Insured’s Date of Birth: __________________________
Once a day Twice a day Other ______________
Company Group #: ______________________________
Medical History Allergies or reactions to any of the following
Physician: _____________________ Phone: _______
Local anesthetics (Novocaine or Lidocaine): Yes__ No__
Last physical exam: ___________________________
Foods (specify): ____________________________________
Are you or have you ever taken intravenous Bisposphonates for
serious bone disorders/cancers, such as Zometa, Aredia,
Are you, or have you ever taken oral Bispophonates for
osteoporosis, such as Fosama, Actonel, Boniva, Skelid,
Didronel? Please list medications and length of time taking them.
Listed: ______________________Length of time: _________
Listed: ______________________Length of time: _________
Listed: ______________________Length of time: _________
Listed: ______________________Length of time: _________
General Information
Any family medical condition we should be
If so please explain: ______________________________
What is your primary concern with your teeth? ____________________________________________________________________
I have read and understand the above questions and the Hippa Privacy Act. I will not hold my orthodontist or any member of his/her staff
responsible for any errors or omissions that I have made in the completion of this form. If there are any changes later to this history record or
medical/dental status, I will inform this practice.
Signed: ________________________________________________________________ Date Signed: ________________________
(Parent or Guardian if patient is a minor)
Signed: ________________________________________________________________ Date Signed: ________________________
Il Tuo Programma Benessere Con l’esclusiva e unica Miscela brevettata LeptiKey SCOPI E OBIETTIVI 1 . Per prima cosa occorre stabilire che è un "programma" costruito su basi clinico-scientifiche e non un semplice e singolo trattamento dimagrante. 2 . Il primo programma che può vantare la reale possibilità di agire direttamente sulla SINDROME METABOLICA, SULLA LEPTINA, SULLA
THE NEWSLETTER Datchet Health Centre JUNE 2012 Patient Participation Group Editor’s note Last March, in my first newsletter, I said that comments or questions will be welcomed if left, in writing, at Reception. Although there have been none, I have been asked if letters to the editor, intended for publication, are acceptable. My reply is “Of course”, provided that my decisio