Microsoft word - list of publications jÅj 201101.doc
Jönsson, J.Å. and R. Jönsson, Direct measurement of gas chromatographic retention volume using an on-line mini-computer I. Principles. J. Chromatogr., 1975. 111: 265-270.
Jönsson, J.Å., A flow meter for precise and accurate measurements of gas flow, using a travelling mercury drop. J. Chromatogr., 1975. 111: 271-275.
Jönsson, J.Å., R. Jönsson, and K. Malm, Direct measurement of gas chromatographic retention volume using an on-line mini-computer II. Apparatus. J. Chromatogr., 1975. 115: 57-64.
Jönsson, R. and J.Å. Jönsson, Injection system for small volatile samples in gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr., 1976. 120: 197-199.
Olsson, A.-M., L. Mathiasson, J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Haraldson, Determination of the loss of stationary phase in gas-liquid chromatography from the change in retention volume. J. Chromatogr., 1976. 128: 35-43.
Jönsson, J.Å., Direct measurement of gas chromatographic retention volume III. Software. J. Chromatogr., 1977. 139: 156-161.
Jönsson, J.Å., Shape of the chromatographic elution curve derived from the normal distribution of sample in the column. J. Chromatogr., 1978. 150: 11-16.
Mathiasson, L., J.Å. Jönsson, A.-M. Olsson, and L. Haraldson, Sensitivity of retention index to variations in column liquid loading and sample size. J. Chromatogr., 1978. 152: 11-19.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Mixed retention mechanisms in GC I. The relation between retention volume and sample size. Determination of bulk liquid contribution. J. Chromatogr., 1979. 179: 1-6.
Mathiasson, L. and J.Å. Jönsson, Mixed retention mechanisms in GLC II. Contributions of adsorption and partition to the retention volume in systems with polar solutes and non-polar stationary phase on silanized support. J. Chromatogr., 1979. 179: 7-17.
Jönsson, J.Å., L. Mathiasson, and A.-M. Olsson, A GLC method for the determination of low vapor pressures applied to 1-Chloroalkanes. Acta Chem. Scand. A, 1980. 34: 147-159.
Jönsson, J.Å., Computer simulation of the chromatographic process. Chromatographia, 1980. 13: 273-276.
Jönsson, J.Å., Non-ideal effects in linear chromatography. Chromatographia, 1980. 13: 729-733.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Analys av aminer i arbetsmiljö.Arbetarskyddsfondens rappporter, 1981. 356.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Mixed retention mechanisms in GLC III. Determination of the gas-liquid adsorption coefficient for diisopropyl ether on n-octadecane. J. Chromatogr., 1981. 206: 1-5.
Dalene, M., L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Trace analysis of free amines by gas-liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr., 1981. 207: 37-46.
Jönsson, J.Å., L. Mathiasson, and Z. Suprynowicz, Mixed retention mechanisms in GLC IV. Comparisons of silanized and carbowax-modified supports. J. Chromatogr., 1981. 207: 69-77.
Suprynowicz, Z. and J.Å. Jönsson, Influence of different deactivation methods on the sorption properties of diatomaceous supports for GLC. Chromatographia, 1981. 14: 455-458.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Utvecklingsarbete: Gaskromatografisk spåranalys av fria aminer. Kemisk Tidskrift, 1981. 93(10): 24-27.
Jönsson, J.Å., The median of the chromatographic peak as the best measure of retention time. Chromatographia, 1981. 14: 653-654.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, System for injection of continuously variable amounts of sample vapors for physico-chemical measurements by gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr., 1981. 219: 427-430.
Olsson, A.-M. and J.Å. Jönsson, Distribution of the stationary phase in the GLC column. HRC&CC, 1982. 5: 55-56.
Jönsson, J.Å., J. Vejrosta, and J. Novák, Systematic errors occurring with the use of gas- sampling loop injectors in gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr., 1982. 236: 307-312.
Vejrosta, J., J. Novák, and J.Å. Jönsson, A method for measuring infinite-dilution partition coefficients of volatile compounds between the gas and liquid phases of aqueous systems. Fluid Phase Equil., 1982. 8: 25-35.
Jönsson, J.Å. and H. Pscheidl, Chromatographische Reaktionsführung. 2. Stabilität der gaschromatographischen stationären Lösungsmittelphase. Z. Chem. (Leipzig), 1982. 22: 105- 106.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Pscheidl, H., E. Möller, D. Haberland, and J.Å. Jönsson, Chromatographische Reaktionsführung. 3. Gaschromatographisches Retentionsverhalten bei Anwesenheit mehrerer Komponenten. Z. Chem. (Leipzig), 1982. 22: 106-107.
Jönsson, J.Å., J. Vejrosta, and J. Novák, Air/water partition coefficients for normal alkanes (n- pentane to n-nonane). Fluid Phase Equil., 1982. 9: 279-286.
Drozd, J., J. Vejrosta, J. Novák, and J.Å. Jönsson, Spurious adsorption effects in headspace-gas determination of hydrocarbons in water. J. Chromatogr., 1982. 245: 185-192.
Vejrosta, J., J.Å. Jönsson, and J. Novák, Metoda stanovení rozdêlovacích koeficientu têkavých uhlovodíku v systémech plyn-voda. Chem. Listy, 1982. 76: 1208-1214.
Olsson, A.-M., J.Å. Jönsson, B. Thelin, and T. Liljefors, Determination of the vapour pressure of moth sex pheromone components by a gas chromatographic method. J. Chem. Ecology, 1983. 9: 375-385.
Pscheidl, H. and J.Å. Jönsson, Chromatographische Reaktionsführung. 5. Experimentelle Auflösung der zeitlischen Interferenz von Produkt und Reaktant im Reaktionschromatogram zur Bestimmung thermodynamischer Grössen reagierender Systeme. Z. Chem. (Leipzig), 1983. 23: 385-386.
Jönsson, J.Å., Elution curves and statistical moments in non ideal, linear chromatography. Chromatographia, 1984. 18: 427-434.
Lövkvist, P. and J.Å. Jönsson, Chromosorb 103 as an adsorbent for air sampling of amines in air. J. Chromatogr., 1984. 286: 279-285.
Marko-Varga, G., I. Csiky, and J.Å. Jönsson, Ion chromatographic determination of nitrate and sulfate in natural waters containing humic substances. Anal. Chem., 1984. 55: 2066-2069.
Pscheidl, H., P. Lövkvist, and J.Å. Jönsson, Chromatographische Reaktionsführung. 6. Experimenteller Nachweis der Form der Produktverteilung im Reaktantenpeak von Reaktionschromatogrammen. Z. Chem. (Leipzig), 1984. 24: 270-271.
Lövkvist, P., J.Å. Jönsson, and H. Pscheidl, Chromatographische Reaktionsführung. 7. Experimentelle Bestätigung der Korrekturgleichungen zur Produkt-Reaktant-Interferenz in Reaktionschromatogrammen. Z. Chem (Leipzig), 1984. 24: 299-300.
Audunsson, G., M. Dalene, J.Å. Jönsson, P. Lövkvist, L. Mathiasson, and G. Skarping, Analysis of amines in the industrial environment. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 1985. 20: 85-100.
Csiky, I., G. Marko-Varga, and J.Å. Jönsson, Use of disposable clean up columns for selective removal of humic substances prior to measurements with a nitrate ion-selective electrode. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1985. 178: 307-312.
Lövkvist, P. and J.Å. Jönsson, Description of sample introduction in chromatography as a separate term in the mass balance equation. J. Chromatogr., 1986. 356: 1-8.
Hoffmann, E., G. Marko-Varga, I. Csiky, and J.Å. Jönsson, A multicolumn ion chromatographic determination of nitrate and sulfate in waters containing humic substances. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 1986. 25: 161-171.
Jönsson, J.Å., Diskriminerande detektering för luftanalys av nitrosaminer med gaskromatografi - förstudie. 1986, Analytical Chemistry, Lund University: Lund.
Rudzinski, W., J. Michalek, and J.Å. Jönsson, Effect of surface energetic heterogeneity in liquid adsorption chromatography with mixed mobile phases: Deviations from Soczewinski's relationship. Chromatographia, 1986. 22: 337-340.
Lövkvist, P. and J.Å. Jönsson, Capacity of sampling and preconcentration columns with a low number of theoretical plates. Anal. Chem., 1987. 59: 818-821.
Jönsson, J.Å. and P. Lövkvist, Determination of adsorption isotherms from chromatographic measurements, using the peak maxima method. J. Chromatogr., 1987. 408: 1-7.
Jönsson, J.Å., Common concepts of chromatography, in Chromatographic Theory and Basic Principles, J.Å. Jönsson, Editor. 1987, Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York. p. 1-26.
Jönsson, J.Å., Dispersion and peak shape in chromatography, in Chromatographic Theory and Basic Principles, J.Å. Jönsson, Editor. 1987, Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York. p. 27-102.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Mixed retention mechanisms in gas-liquid chromatography, in Chromatographic Theory and Basic Principles, J.Å. Jönsson, Editor. 1987, Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York. p. 189-244.
Jönsson, J.Å., Chromatographic Theory and Basic Principles. Chromatographic Sciences Series, ed. J. Cazes. Vol. 38. 1987, New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 396.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Carlshaf, A. and J.Å. Jönsson, Gradient elution in hollow-fibre flow field-flow fractionation. J. Chromatogr., 1988. 461: 89-93.
Jönsson, J.Å. and P. Lövkvist, Calculation of adsorption isotherms from chromatographic peak shapes. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 1989. 5: 303-310.
Audunsson, G., J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, The efficiency of air pollutant sampling by midget impingers using amines as model substances. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 1989. 50(10): 535- 543.
Jönsson, J.Å. and A. Carlshaf, Flow field flow fractionation in hollow cylindrical fibers. Anal. Chem., 1989. 61: 11-18.
Janson, J.C. and J.Å. Jönsson, Introduction to chromatography, in Protein purification: principles, high resolution methods and applications, J.C. Janson and L. Rydén, Editors. 1989, VCH: New York. p. 35-62.
Mathiasson, L., J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Karlsson, Determination of nitrogen compounds by supercritical fluid chromatography using nitrous oxide as mobile phase and nitrogen-sensitive detection. J. Chromatogr., 1989. 467: 61-74.
Nilvé, G., G. Audunsson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Sample preparation by means of a supported liquid membrane for the determination of chlorophenoxyalkanoic acids. J. Chromatogr, 1989. 471: 151- 160.
Lindegård, B., L. Mathiasson, J.Å. Jönsson, and B. Åkesson, Controlled thermal degradation for identification and quantification of amine N-oxides in urine. J. Chromatogr., 1990. 514: 293-304.
Jönsson, J.Å. and A. Carlshaf, Partikelseparation med hålfiber. 1990, Anaytisk Kemi, LU: Lund.
Karlsson, L., L. Mathiasson, J. Åkesson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Quantitative aspects on the determination of compounds with widely varying polarity, using capillary supercritical fluid chromatography. J. Chromatogr., 1991. 557: 99-111.
Carlshaf, A. and J.Å. Jönsson, Effects of ionic strength of eluent on retention behavior and on the peak broadening process in hollow fiber flow field-flow fractionation. J. Microcol. Sep., 1991. 3: 411-416.
Lindegård, B., J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, Liquid membrane work-up of blood plasma samples applied to gas chromatographic determination of aliphatic amines. J. Chromatogr., 1992. 573: 191-200.
Grönberg, L., P. Lövkvist, and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of aliphatic amines in air by membrane enrichment in a flow system directly coupled to a gas chromatograph. Chromatographia, 1992. 33: 77-82.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Supported liquid membrane technique for sample preparation and enrichment in environmental and biological analysis. Trends Anal. Chem., 1992. 11: 106-114.
Grönberg, L., P. Lövkvist, and J.Å. Jönsson, Measurement of aliphatic amines in ambient air and rainwater. Chemosphere, 1992. 24: 1533-1540.
Knutsson, M., G. Nilvé, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membrane technique for time-integrating field sampling of acid herbicides at sub part per billion level in natural waters. J. Agric. Food Chem., 1992. 40: 2413-2417.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Gaskromatografin av idag. Kemisk Tidskrift, 1992. 104(6): 20- 22.
Jönsson, J.Å. and A. Carlshaf, Method for Flow Field Flow Fractionation. 1992: U.S.
Jönsson, J.Å., P. Lövkvist, G. Audunsson, and G. Nilvé, Mass transfer kinetics for analytical enrichment and sample preparation using supported liquid membranes in a flow system with stagnant acceptor liquid. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1993. 227: 9-24.
Carlshaf, A. and J.Å. Jönsson, Properties of hollow fibers used for flow field-flow fractionation. Sep. Sci. Technol, 1993. 28: 1031-1042.
Carlshaf, A. and J.Å. Jönsson, Perturbations of the retention parameter due to sample overloading in hollow-fiber flow field-flow fractionation. Sep. Sci. Technol., 1993. 28: 1191-1201.
Grönberg, L., Y. Shen, and J.Å. Jönsson, Ion chromatographic determination of organic acids in air with on-line liquid membrane pretreatment. J. Chromatogr., 1993. 655: 207-215.
Grönberg, L., P. Lövkvist, and J.Å. Jönsson, An interface between a liquid flow system and a packed column gas chromatograph. J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1993. 31: 384-386.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Karlsson, L., M. Järemo, M. Emilsson, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Retention in coupled column supercritical fluid chromatography with lipids as model compounds. Chromatographia, 1993. 37: 402-410.
Järemo, M., L. Karlsson, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, The contribution of the pressure drop to analyte retention in coupled column supercritical fluid chromatography of lipids. Chromatographia, 1994. 38: 17-21.
Jönsson, J.Å., L. Mathiasson, B. Lindegård, J. Trocewicz, and A.-M. Olsson, Automated system for the trace analysis of organic compounds with supported liquid membranes for sample enrichment. J. Chromatogr. A, 1994. 665: 259-268.
Shen, Y., L. Grönberg, and J.Å. Jönsson, Experimental studies on the enrichment of carboxylic acids with tri-n-octyphosphine oxide as extractant in a supported liquid membrane. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1994. 292: 31-39.
Lindegård, B., H. Björk, J.Å. Jönsson, L. Mathiasson, and A.-M. Olsson, Automatic column liquid chromatographic determination of a basic drug in blood plasma using the supported liquid membrane technique for sample pretreatment. Anal. Chem., 1994. 66: 4490-4497.
Nilvé, G., M. Knutsson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Liquid chromatographic determination of sulfonylurea herbicides in natural waters after automated sample pretreatment using supported liquid membranes. J. Chromatogr. A, 1994. 668: 75-82.
Jönsson, J.Å. and A. Carlshaf, Method and apparatus for Flow Field Flow Fractionation. 1995: European.
Thede, R., D. Haberland, E. Below, and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of rate constants of consecutive first order reactions occurring on chromatographic columns. J. Liq. Chromatogr., 1995. 18: 1137-1156.
Papantoni, M., N.-K. Djane, K. Ndung'u, J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, Trace enrichment of metals using a supported liquid membrane technique. Analyst, 1995. 120: 1471-1477.
Palmarsdottir, S., B. Lindegård, P. Deininger, L.-E. Edholm, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membrane technique for selective sample work-up of basic drugs in plasma prior to capillary zone electrophoresis. J. Capill. Electrophor., 1995. 2: 185-189.
Shen, Y., V. Obuseng, L. Grönberg, and J.Å. Jönsson, Liquid membrane enrichment for the ion chromatographic determination of carboxylic acids in soil samples. J. Chromatogr. A, 1996. 725: 189-197.
Thordarson, E., S. Palmarsdottir, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Sample preparation using a miniaturized supported liquid membrane device connected on-line to packed capillary liquid chromatography. Anal. Chem., 1996. 68: 2559-2563.
Knutsson, M., L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membrane work-up in combination with liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection for the determination of chlorinated phenols in natural water samples. Chromatographia, 1996. 42: 165-170.
Knutsson, M., J. Lundh, L. Mathiasson, J.Å. Jönsson, and P. Sundin, Supported liquid membranes for the extraction of phenolic acids from circulating nutrient solutions. Anal. Letters, 1996. 29: 1619-1635.
Buttler, T., H. Lidén, J.Å. Jönsson, L. Gorton, G. Marko-Varga, and H. Jeppson, Evaluation of detection and sample clean-up techniques for on- and off-line fermentation monitoring systems. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1996. 324: 103-113.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Progress in supported liquid membrane extraction. GIT Special, Chrom Internat, 1996. 96: 53-55.
Miliotis, T., M. Knutsson, J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, Determination of aromatic anionic surfactants using supported liquid membrane technique. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 1996. 64: 35-45.
Shen, Y., L. Ström, J.Å. Jönsson, and G. Tyler, Low-molecular organic acids in the rhizosphere soil solution of beech forest (Fagus sylvatica L.) cambisols determined by ion chromatography using supported liquid membrane enrichment technique. Soil Biol. Biochem., 1996. 28: 1163- 1169.
Jönsson, J.Å., Nomenclature for non-linear chromatography. Pure Appl. Chem., 1996. 68: 1591- 1595.
Knutsson, M., G. Nilvé, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membranes for sampling and sample preparation of pesticides in water. J. Chromatogr. A, 1996. 754: 197-205.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Palmarsdottir, S., L. Mathiasson, J.Å. Jönsson, and L.-E. Edholm, Determination of a basic drug, bambuterol, in human plasma by capillary electrophoresis using double stacking for large volume injection and supported liquid membranes for sample pretreatment. J. Chromatogr. B, 1997. 688: 127-134.
Wieczorek, P., J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, Extraction of dansylated amino acids using the supported liquid membrane technique. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1997. 337: 183-189.
Norberg, J., J. Emnéus, J.Å. Jönsson, L. Mathiasson, E. Burestedt, M. Knutsson, and G. Marko- Varga, On-line supported liquid membrane - liquid chromatography with a phenol oxidase-based biosensor as selective detection unit for the determination of phenols in blood plasma. J. Chromatogr. B., 1997. 701: 39-46.
Palmarsdottir, S., L. Mathiasson, J.Å. Jönsson, and L.-E. Edholm, Micro-CLC as an interface between SLM extraction and CZE for enhancement of sensitivity and selectivity in bioanalysis of drugs. J. Capill. Electrophor., 1996. 3(5): 255-260.
Palmarsdottir, S., E. Thordarson, L.-E. Edholm, J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, Miniaturized supported liquid membrane device for selective on-line enrichment of basic drugs in plasma combined with capillary zone electrophoresis. Anal. Chem., 1997. 69: 1732-1737.
Wieczorek, P., J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, Concentration of amino acids using supported liquid membranes with di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid as a carrier. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1997. 346(2): 191-197.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Liquid membranes, in McGraw-Hill 1998 Yearbook of Science and Technology, S.P. Parker, Editor. 1997, McGraw-Hill Book Co: New York. p. 222-224.
Shen, Y., L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Automated capillary GC determination of local anaesthetics in plasma samples with supported liquid membranes for sample preparation. J. Microcol. Sep., 1998. 10: 107-113.
Norberg, J., Å. Zander, and J.Å. Jönsson, Fully automated on-line supported liquid membrane - liquid chromatographic determination of aniline in environmental waters. Chromatographia, 1997. 46(9/10): 483-488.
Sundin, P., et al. Phytotoxic organic compounds in the circulating nutrient solution of closed, hydroponic tomato cultures. in 9th International Congress on Soilless Culture. 1996. Jersey: Grafoprint, Bennekom, the Netherlands.
Shen, Y., J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, On-line microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction for sample pretreatment combined with capillary gas chromatography applied to local anaesthetics in blood plasma. Anal. Chem., 1998. 70(5): 946-953.
Dzygiel, P., P. Wieczorek, and J.Å. Jönsson, Enantiomeric separation of amino acids by capillary electrophoresis with alpha-cyclodextrin. J. Chromatogr. A, 1998. 793: 414-418.
Dzygiel, P., P. Wieczorek, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Enrichment of amino acids by supported liquid membrane extraction using Aliquat 336 as a carrier. Anal. Letters, 1998. 31(7): 1261-1274.
Björklund, E., M. Järemo, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Illustration of important mechanisms controlling the mass transfer in supercritical fluid extraction. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1998. 368(1-2): 117-128.
Megersa, N. and J.Å. Jönsson, Trace enrichment and sample preparation of alkylthio-s-triazine herbicides in environmental waters using supported liquid membrane technique in combination with high performance liquid chromatography. Analyst, 1998. 123: 225-231.
Chimuka, L., M.M. Nindi, and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membrane enrichment studies of natural water samples applied to liquid chromatographic determination of triazine herbicides. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 1997. 68: 429-445.
Mårtensson, L., M. Magnusson, Y. Shen, and J.Å. Jönsson, Air concentrations of volatile organic acids in confined animal buildings - determination with ion chromatography. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 1999. 75: 101-108.
Janson, J.C. and J.Å. Jönsson, Introduction to chromatography, in Protein purification: principles, high resolution methods and applications, Second Edition, J.C. Janson and L. Rydén, Editors. 1998, Wiley-VCH, Inc: New York. p. 43-78.
Megersa, N., T. Solomon, and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membrane extraction for sample work-up and preconcentration of methoxy-s-triazine herbicides in a flow system. J. Chromatogr. A., 1999. 830: 203-210.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Chimuka, L., N. Megersa, J. Norberg, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Incomplete trapping in supported liquid membrane extraction with a stagnant acceptor for weak bases. Anal. Chem, 1998. 70: 3906-3911.
Berggård, T., et al., Alfa1-microglobulin chromophores are located to three lysine residues semiburied in the lipocalin pocket and associated with a novel lipophilic compound. Protein Sci., 1999. 8: 2611-2620.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Liquid membrane extraction in analytical sample preparation. I. Principles. Trends Anal. Chem., 1999. 18: 318-325.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Liquid membrane extraction in analytical sample preparation. II. Applications. Trends Anal. Chem., 1999. 18: 325-334.
Dzygiel, P., P. Wieczorek, J.Å. Jönsson, M. Milewska, and P. Kafarski, Separation of amino acid enantiomers using supported liquid membrane extraction with chiral phosphates and phosphonates. Tetrahedron, 1999. 55: 9923-9932.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Membrane extraction techniques in bioanalysis. Chromatographia Supplement, 2000. 52: S8 - S11.
Knutsson, M. and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of phenolic compounds in water, in Handbook of water analysis, L. Nollet, Editor. 2000, Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York. p. 347-366.
Norberg, J., E. Thordarson, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Microporous membrane liquid- liquid extraction coupled on-line with normal-phase liquid chromatography for the determination of cationic surfactants in river and wastewater. J. Chromatogr. A, 2000. 869(1/2): 523-529.
Jönsson, J.Å., M. Andersson, C. Melander, J. Norberg, E. Thordarson, and L. Mathiasson, Automated liquid membrane extraction for HPLC determination of Ropivacaine metabolites in urine. J. Chromatogr. A, 2000. 870: 151-157.
Chimuka, L., L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Role of octanol-water partition coefficients in extraction of ionizable organic compounds in a supported liquid membrane with a stagnant acceptor. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2000. 416: 77-86.
Megersa, N., T. Solomon, B.S. Chandravanshi, and J.Å. Jönsson, Sample clean-up, enrichment and determination of s-triazine herbicides from southern Ethiopian lakes using supported liquid membrane extraction. Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiopia, 2000. 14: 9-24.
Sandahl, M., L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of Thiophanate-methyl and its metabolites at trace level in spiked natural water using the supported liquid membrane extraction and the microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction techniques combined on-line with HPLC. J. Chromatogr. A, 2000. 893: 123-131.
Calzado, J.A., C. Palet, J.Å. Jönsson, and M. Valiente, Metal affinity liquid membrane. II. Facilitated transport of tryptophan. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2000. 417: 159-167.
Sandahl, M., E. Úlfsson, and L. Mathiasson, Automated determination of Vinclozolin at the ppb level in aqueous samples by a combination of microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction and adsorption chromatography. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2000. 424: 1-5.
Thordarson, E., J. Emnéus, and J.Å. Jönsson, Immunological trapping in Supported Liquid Membrane extraction. Anal. Chem., 2000. 72: 5280-5284.
Bjarnason, B., L. Chimuka, P. Önnerfjord, S. Eremin, J.Å. Jönsson, G. Johansson, and J. Emneus, Enzyme flow immunoassay using a protein G column for the screening of triazine herbicdes in surface and waste water. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2001. 426: 197.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Membrane extraction techniques for sample preparation, in Advances in Chromatography, vol 41, P. Brown and E. Grushka, Editors. 2001, Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York. p. 53-91.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Membrane-based techniques for sample enrichment. J. Chromatogr. A, 2000. 902: 205-225.
Dinku, W., N. Megersa, V.J.T. Raju, T. Solomon, J.Å. Jönsson, and N. Retta, Studies of transition metal complexes of herbicidal compounds. I: Transitional metal complexes of 2-methylthio-4- azido-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine (azyprotyn). Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiopia, 2001. 15: 29-37.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Membrane extraction in analytical chemistry. J. Separation Sci., 2001. 24: 495-507.
Megersa, N., L. Chimuka, T. Solomon, and J.Å. Jönsson, Liquid membrane extraction and trace enrichment of triazine herbicides and their metabolites in environmental and biological samples. J Separation Sci, 2001. 24: 567-576.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Cohen, A., K. Klint, S. Bøwadt, P. Persson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Routine analysis of alcohol and nonylphenol polyethoxylates in wastewater and sludge using liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 2001. 927: 103-110.
Drapala, A., P. Dzygiel, J.Å. Jönsson, and P. Wieczorek, Supported liquid membrane extraction of peptides. Acta Biochim. Pol., 2001. 48: 1113-1116.
Norberg, J., D. Tiryue, L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membrane extraction of urinary trans, trans-muconic acid, a biomarker for benzene exposure. J Separation Sci, 2002. 25: 351-355.
Romero, R., J.Å. Jönsson, D. Gázquez, M.G. Bagur, and M. Sánchez-Viñas, Multivariate optimization of supported liquid membrane extraction of biogenic amines prior to liquid chromatography determination as dabsyl derivatives. J. Separation Sci., 2002. 25: 584-592.
Trtic-Petrovic, T. and J.Å. Jönsson, Application of SLM extraction for investigation of metal-humic acid bindings. Desalination, 2002. 148: 247-251.
Jönsson, J.Å., Væskemembranekstraktion i analytisk kemi. Dansk Kemi, 2002. 83(9): 68-74.
Sandahl, M., L. Mathiasson, and J.Å. Jönsson, On-line automated sample preparation for HPLC using parallel supported liquid membrane extraction and microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002. 975: 211-217.
Jönsson, J.Å., Liquid membrane extraction, in Sampling and sample preparation for field and laboratory, J. Pawliszyn, Editor. 2002, Elsevier Science: Amsterdam. p. 503-530.
Chimuka, L., N. Megersa, and J.Å. Jönsson, Sample preparation of organic compounds in environmental analysis using membrane extraction. Recent Res. Devel. Anal. Chem., 2002. 2: 13-31.
Jönsson, J.Å., Towards a consensus on calculating peak asymmetry. LCGC North America, 2002. 20: 920.
Jung, V., L. Chimuka, J.Å. Jönsson, N. Niedack, P. Bowens, and B. Alsanius, Supported liquid membrane extraction for identification of phenolic compounds in the nutrient solution of closed hydroponic growing systems for tomato. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2002. 474: 49-57.
Kuosmanen, K., T. Hyötyläinen, K. Hartonen, J.Å. Jönsson, and M.-L. Riekkola, Analysis of PAH Compounds in Soil with On-line Coupled Pressurised Hot Water Extraction - Microporous Membrane Liquid-Liquid Extraction - Gas Chromatography. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2003. 375: 389-399.
Jönsson, J.Å., Membrane extraction for sample preparation - a practical guide. Chromatographia Supplement, 2003. 57: S-317 - S-324.
Riekkola, M.-L., J.Å. Jönsson, and R.M. Smith, Terminology for Analytical Capillary Electromigration techniques. Pure Appl. Chem., 2004. 76: 443-451.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Membrane extraction for sample preparation. LCGC North America, 2003. 21: 424-438.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Membrane extraction, in Sample preparation for trace element analysis, Z. Mester and R. Sturgeon, Editors. 2003, Elsevier Science B. V.: Amsterdam. p. 559-575.
Alsanius, B., V. Jung, and J.Å. Jönsson, Ruolo dei composti organici all'interno dei sistemi fuori suolo a ciclo chiuso (Role of the organic compounds in closed hydroponic systems). Informatore Fitopatologico, 2003. 3: 40-44.
Dinku, W., N. Megersa, V.J.T. Raju, T. Solomon, J.Å. Jönsson, and N. Retta, Studies of transition metal complexes of herbicidal compounds. II: Transition metal complexes of derivatized 2-chloro- 4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine (atrazine). Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiopia, 2003. 17: 35-43.
Tudorache, M., M. Rak, P. Wieczorek, J.Å. Jönsson, and J. Emnéus, Immuno-SLM - a combined sample handling and analysis technique. J. Immunol. Meth., 2004. 284: 107-118.
Jönsson, J.Å. and L. Mathiasson, Membrane extraction for sample preparation. LCGC Europe, 2003. 16: 683-690.
Jönsson, J.Å., L. Mathiasson, L. Chimuka, and E. Cukrowska, Membrane techniques for analysis, sampling and speciation in environmental measurements, in New Horizons and challenges in environmental analysis and monitoring, J. Namiesnik, W. Chrzanowski, and P. Zmijewska, Editors. 2003, CEEAM: Gdansk. p. 84-109.
Chimuka, L., E. Cukrowska, and J.Å. Jönsson, Why Liquid membrane extraction is an attractive alternative in sample preparation. Pure Appl. Chem., 2004. 76: 707-722.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Barri, T. and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membrane work-up of blood plasma samples coupled on-line to liquid chromatographic determination of antidepressant drugs. Chromatographia, 2004. 59: 161-165.
Barri, T., S. Bergström, J. Norberg, and J.Å. Jönsson, Miniaturized and automated sample pretreatment for determination of PCBs in environmental aqueous samples using an on-line microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction-gas chromatography system. Anal. Chem., 2004. 76: 1928-1934.
Erixon, M., T. Lindén, P. Kjellstrand, Carlsson, M. Ernebrant, G. Forsbäck, A. Wieslander, and J.Å. Jönsson, PD fluids contain high concentrations of cytotoxic GDPs directly after sterilization. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 2004. 24: 392-398.
Liu, J.-f., N. Li, G.-b. Jiang, J.-m. Liu, J.Å. Jönsson, and M.-j. Wen, Disposable ionic liquids coating for head-space solid-phase microextraction of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in paint followed by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection. J. Chromatogr. A, 2005. 1066: 27-32.
Trtic-Petrovic, T. and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of drug-protein binding using supported liquid membrane extraction under equilibrium conditions. J. Chromatogr. B, 2005. 814: 375-384.
Liu, J.-f., Y.-g. Chi, J.-f. Peng, G.-b. Jiang, and J.Å. Jönsson, Ionic liquids/water distribution coefficients of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2004. 49: 1422-1424.
Liu, J.-f., J.Å. Jönsson, and G.-b. Jiang, Application of ionic liquids in analytical chemistry. Trends Anal Chem, 2005. 24: 20-27.
Romero, R. and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of free copper concentration in natural waters based on a supported liquid membrane extraction system. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2005. 381: 1452 - 1459.
Liu, J.-f., J.Å. Jönsson, and P. Mayer, Equilibrium Sampling through Membranes of Freely Dissolved Chlorophenols in Water Samples with Hollow Fiber Supported Liquid Membrane. Anal. Chem., 2005. 77: 4800-4809.
Drapala, A., J.Å. Jönsson, and P. Wieczorek, Peptides analysis in blood plasma using on-line system of SLM and HPLC. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2005. 553: 9-14.
Zagatto, E., C. Collins, and J.Å. Jönsson, Emerging issues in developing countries: How can IUPAC facilitate international collaborative research? Chem. Int., 2005. 27/2: 16-17.
Trtic-Petrovic, T., J.-f. Liu, and J.Å. Jönsson, Equilibrium sampling through membrane based onn a single hollow fiber for determination of drug-protein binding and free drug concentration in plasma. J. Chromatogr. B, 2005. 826: 169-176.
175). Larsson, N., T. Berhanu, N. Megersa, and J.Å. Jönsson, An automatic field sampler utilising supported liquid membrane (SLM) – applied for on-site extraction of s-triazine herbicides and degradation products in an agricultural region of Ethiopia. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 2011: in press.
Romero, R., J.-f. Liu, P. Mayer, and J.Å. Jönsson, Equilibrium sampling through membranes (ESTM) of freely dissolved copper concentrations with selective hollow fiber membranes and the spectrophotometric detection of a metal stripping agent. Anal. Chem., 2005. 77: 7605-7611.
Belkhouche, N.-E., M.A. Didi, R. Romero, J.Å. Jönsson, and D. Villemin, Study of new organophosphorus derivate carriers on the selective recovery of M (II) and M (III) metals, using supported liquid membrane extraction. J. Membr. Sci, 2006. 284: 398-405.
Jönsson, J.Å., Membrane extraction techniques in environmental analysis. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 2005. 12: 519-537.
Jönsson, J.Å., Membrane extraction in preconcentration, sampling and trace analysis, in Handbook of Membrane Separations: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Applications, A.M. Sastre, A.K. Pabby, and S.S.H. Rizvi, Editors. 2008, Marcel Dekker, Inc: New York. p. 345-369.
Zhao, G., M. Nyman, and J.Å. Jönsson, Rapid determination of short-chain fatty acids in colonic contents and feces of humans and rats by acidified water-extraction and direct-injection gas chromatography. Biomed. Chromatogr., 2006. 20: 674-682.
Chimuka, L., E. Cukrowska, and J.Å. Jönsson, Application of membrane based extraction techniques to food and agriculture samples, in Modern extraction techniques. Food and agriculture samples, C. Turner, Editor. 2006, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC. p. 149 -162.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Berhanu, T., J.-f. Liu, R. Romero, N. Megersa, and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of trace levels of dinitrophenolic compounds in environmental water samples using hollow fiber supported liquid membrane extraction and high performance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 2006. 1103: 1-8.
Hu, X.-l., J.-f. Peng, J.-f. Liu, G.-b. Jiang, and J.Å. Jönsson, Evaluating the impacts of some environmentally relevant factors on the availability of bisphenol A with negligible depletion SPME. Chemosphere, 2006. 65: 1935-1941.
Barri, T., S. Bergström, A. Hussen, J. Norberg, and J.Å. Jönsson, Extracting Syringe for determination of OCPs in Leachate Water and Water-Soil Slurry: A Novel Technology in Environmental Analysis. J. Chromatogr. A, 2006. 1111: 11-20.
Fontanals, N., T. Barri, S. Bergström, and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers at trace levels in real water samples using hollow fiber microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 2006. 1133: 41-48.
Yamini, Y., C.T. Reimann, A. Vatanara, and J.Å. Jönsson, Extraction and preconcentration of salbutamol and terbutaline from aqueous samples using hollow fiber supported liquid membrane containing anionic carrier. J. Chromatogr. A, 2006. 1124: 57-67.
Zhao, G., J.-f. Liu, M. Nyman, and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of short-chain fatty acids in serum by hollow fiber supported liquid membrane extraction coupled with gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr. B, 2007. 846: 202-208.
Erixon, M., A. Wieslander, T. Lindén, Carlsson, G. Forsbäck, E. Svensson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Take care in how you store your PD fluids: actual temperature determines the balance between reactive and non-reactive GDPs. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 2005. 25: 583-90.
Reichenberg, F., F. Smedes, J.Å. Jönsson, and P. Mayer, Determining the chemical activity of hydrophobic organic compounds in soil using polymer coated vials. Chem. Cent. J, 2008. 2: 8-.
Berhanu, T. and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of phenolic compounds in water, in Handbook of water analysis. Second edition, L.M.L. Nollet, Editor. 2007, CRC Press: Boca Raton. p. 409-434.
Erixon, M., A. Wieslander, T. Linden, Carlsson, G. Forsbäck, E. Svensson, J.Å. Jönsson, and P. Kjellstrand, How to avoud glucose degradation products in peritoneal dialysis fluids. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 2006. 26: 490-497.
Jönsson, J.Å. and T. Barri, Extraction/Supported-liquid membrane extraction, in Encyclopedia of Separation Science, First Online Update, C.F. Poole and I.D. Wilson, Editors. 2007, Elsevier Ltd: Oxford. p. 1-8.
Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., J.-f. Liu, P. Mayer, and J.Å. Jönsson, Multivariate analysis of selected metal ion transport through a hollow-fiber supported liquid membrane device used for passive sampling monitoring. Solvent Extraction Ion Exchange, 2008. 26: 602-623.
Zanjani, M.R.K., Y. Yamini, S. Shariati, and J.Å. Jönsson, A New Liquid Phase Microextraction Method Based on Solidification of Floated Organic Drop. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2007. 585: 286-293.
Toräng, L., F. Reichenberg, N. Larsson, J.-f. Liu, R. Romero, J.Å. Jönsson, and P. Mayer, Ligevægtsopsamling gennem membraner. Dansk Kemi, 2007. 88(1): 36.
Bergström, S., T. Barri, J. Norberg, J.Å. Jönsson, and L. Mathiasson, Extracting Syringe for extraction of phthalate esters in aqueous environmental samples. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2007. 594: 240-247.
Liu, J.-f., X.-l. Hu, J.-f. Peng, J.Å. Jönsson, P. Mayer, and G.-b. Jiang, Equilibrium Sampling of Freely Dissolved Alkylphenols into a Thin Film of 1-Octanol Supported on a Hollow Fiber Membrane. Anal. Chem., 2006. 78: 8526-8534.
Lezamiz, J. and J.Å. Jönsson, Development of a simple Hollow Fibre Supported Liquid Membrane extraction method to extract and preconcentrate dinitrophenols in environmental samples at ng L-1 level by Liquid Chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 2007. 1152: 226-233.
Bartolomé, L., J. Lezamiz, N. Etxebarria, O. Zuloaga, and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of trace levels of dinitrophenolic compounds by microporous membrane liquid liquid extraction in environmental water samples. J. Separation Sci., 2007. 30: 2144-2152.
Bårdstu, K.F., T.S. Ho, K.E. Rasmussen, S. Pedersen-Bjergaard, and J.Å. Jönsson, Supported liquid membranes in hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction (LPME). Practical considerations in the 3-phase mode. J. Separation Sci., 2007. 30: 1364 – 1370.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Larsson, N., L. Toräng, J.-f. Liu, R. Romero, K. Utterback, F. Reichenberg, P. Mayer, and J.Å. Jönsson, Jämviktsprovtagning. Kemivärlden Biotech med Kemisk Tidskrift, 2007(2): 22-24.
Farajzadeh, M.A., M. Bahram, and J.Å. Jönsson, Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by HPLC-DAD as an efficient and sensitive technique for determination of antioxidants. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2007. 591: 69-79.
Farajzadeh, M.A. and J.Å. Jönsson, Solvent exchange using hollow fiber prior to separation and determination of some antioxidants by high performance liquid chromatography. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2007. 594: 75-80.
Liu, J.-f., L. Toräng, P. Mayer, and J.Å. Jönsson, Passive extraction and clean-up of phenoxy acid herbicides in samples from a groundwater plume using hollow fiber supported liquid membranes. J. Chromatogr. A, 2007. 1160: 56-63.
Farajzadeh, M.A., M.R. Vardast, and J.Å. Jönsson, Liquid-gas-liquid microextraction as a simple technique for the extraction of 2,4-di-tert-butyl phenol from aqueous samples. Chromatographia, 2007. 66: 415-419.
Msagati, T., T. Barri, N. Larsson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Analysis and Quantification of Parabens in Cosmetic Products by Utilizing Hollow Fibre Supported Liquid Membrane and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection. Int. J. Cosmetic Sci., 2008. 30: 297-307.
Lezamiz, J., T. Barri, J.Å. Jönsson, and K. Skog, A simplified hollow-fibre supported liquid membrane extraction method for quantification of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5- b]pyridine (PhIP) in urine and plasma samples. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2008. 390: 689–696.
Barri, T., T. Trtic-Petrovic, M. Karlsson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Characterization of Drug Binding to Pure Human Blood Proteins by Employing Equilibrium Sampling Through Hollow Fiber Supported Liquid Membrane and Bjerrum and Scatchard Plots. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal, 2008. 48: 49-56.
Shah, F.U., T. Barri, J.Å. Jönsson, and K. Skog, Determination of heterocyclic aromatic amines in human urine by using hollow-fibre supported liquid membrane extraction and liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection system. J. Chromatogr. B, 2008. 870: 203-208.
Dziarkowska, K., J.Å. Jönsson, and P. Wieczorek, Single hollow fiber SLM extraction of polyamines followed by tosyl chloride derivatization and HPLC determination. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2008. 606: 184–193.
Pedersen-Bjergaard, S., K.E. Rasmussen, and J.Å. Jönsson, Liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) utilizing porous hollow fibers, in Handbook of Sample Preparation J. Pawliszyn and H. Lord, Editors. 2010, John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, N.J. p. 125-148.
Raich-Montiu, J., K.A. Krogh, S. Sporring, J.Å. Jönsson, and B. Halling-Sørensen, Determination of ivermectin and transformation products in environmental waters using hollow-fibre microporous membrane liquid–liquid extraction and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 2008. 1187: 275-280.
Hu, X.-l., J.-f. Liu, J.Å. Jönsson, and G.-b. Jiang, Development of negligible depletion hollow fiber- protected liquid-phase microextraction for sensing freely dissolved triazines. Environ Toxicol Chem, 2009. 28: 231-238.
Farajzadeh, M.A., M. Bahram, B.G. Mehr, and J.Å. Jönsson, Optimization of dispersive liquid- liquid microextraction of copper (II) by atomic absorption spectrometry as its oxinate chelate; Application to determination of copper in different water samples. Talanta, 2008. 75: 832-840.
Barri, T. and J.Å. Jönsson, Advances and Developments in Membrane Extraction for Gas Chromatography: Techniques and Applications. J. Chromatogr. A, 2008. 1186: 16-38.
Berhanu, T., N. Megersa, T. Solomon, and J.Å. Jönsson, A Novel Equilibrium Extraction Technique Employing Hollow Fibre Liquid Phase Microextraction for Trace Enrichment of Freely Dissolved Organophosphorus Pesticides in Environmental Waters. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 2008. 88: 933-945.
Jönsson, J.Å., Membrane extraction in environmental chemical analysis. Proc. ECOpole, 2007. 1: 37-42.
Hultgren, S., N. Larsson, B.F. Nilsson, and J.Å. Jönsson, Ion-pair hollow fibre liquid-phase microextraction of the quaternary ammonium surfactant dicocodimethylammonium chloride. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2009. 393: 929-937.
Barri, T. and J.Å. Jönsson, Modern techniques of analyte extraction, in Analytical measurements in aquatic environments, J. Namiesnik and P. Szefer, Editors. 2009, Taylor and Francis. p. 69-94.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
Mayer, P., L. Toräng, N. Glæsner, and J.Å. Jönsson, Silicone Membrane Equilibrator: measuring chemical activity of non-polar chemicals with poly(dimethylsiloxane) micro-tubes immersed directly in tissue and lipids. Anal. Chem., 2009. 81: 1536-1542.
Busquets, R., J.Å. Jönsson, H. Frandsen, L. Puignou, M.T. Galceran, and K. Skog, Hollow fibre supported liquid membrane extraction and LC-MS/MS detection for the analysis of heterocyclic amines in urine samples. Mol. Nutr. Food Res., 2009. 53: 1496-1504.
Larsson, N., K. Utterback, L. Toräng, J. Risberg, P. Gustafsson, P. Mayer, and J.Å. Jönsson, Equilibrium sampling through membranes (ESTM) of acidic organic pollutants using hollow fibre modules in continuous steady-state mode. Chemosphere, 2009. 75: 1213-1220.
Larsson, N., E. Petersson, M. Rylander, and J.Å. Jönsson, Continuous flow hollow fiber liquid- phase microextraction and monitoring of NSAID pharmaceuticals in a sewage treatment plant effluent Anal. Meth., 2009. 1: 59-67.
Erixon, M., A. Wieslander, T. Linden, Carlsson, J.Å. Jönsson, O. Simonsen, and P. Kjellstrand, 3,4-dideoxyglucosone-3-ene in peritoneal dialysis fluids infused into the peritoneal cavity cannot be found in plasma. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 2009. 29: S28-S31.
Erixon, M., A. Wieslander, T. Linden, Carlsson, J.Å. Jönsson, O. Simonsen, and P. Kjellstrand, 3,4-dideoxyglucosone-3-ene in peritoneal dialysis fluids cannot be found in plasma after infusion into the peritoneal cavity. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 2009. 28: 277-282.
Bautista-Flores, A.N., E. Rodríguez de San Miguel, J. de Gyves, and J.Å. Jönsson, Optimization, evaluation, and characterization of a hollow fiber supported liquid membrane for sampling and speciation of lead(II) from aqueous solutions. J. Membr. Sci, 2010. 363: 180-187.
Sagrista, E., E. Larsson, M. Ezoddin, M. Hidalgo, V. Salvado, and J.Å. Jönsson, Determination of non-steroid anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in sewage sludge by a simple hollow fiber supported liquid membrane extraction and LC-MS. J. Chromatogr. A, 2010. 1217: 6153-6158.
Chimuka, L., M. van Pinxteren, J. Billing, E. Yilmaz, and J.Å. Jönsson, Selective extraction of triazine herbicides based on a combination of membrane assisted solvent extraction and molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction. J. Chromatogr. A, 2011. 1218: 647-653.
Saleh, A., E. Larsson, Y. Yamini, and J.Å. Jönsson, Hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction as a preconcentration and clean-up step after pressurized hot water extraction for the determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in sewage sludge. J. Chromatogr. A, 2011: in press.
Sharifi Aghili, A. and J.Å. Jönsson, Hollow-fiber microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction for determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers at trace levels in sewage sludge with gas chromatography-electron capture detection. J. Environ. Prot., 2011: in press.
(only papers accepted in refereed journals are listed)
CENTRE FOR SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Professor Charles Gilks Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Manager 1995-2000 HIV/AIDS Work/Knowledge Programme the Department for International Development Provision of Anti-retroviral therapy for people with HIV/AIDS in developing countries June 2000 THE CENTRE FOR SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH is managed by JSI (UK) on behalf o