Different OHSMS would differ in specifics but the The policy outlines the organisation’s commitment below diagram outlines the common components. to ensuring the safety and health of its workers. At the very least this includes compliance with legal requirements, commitment to the prevention of injury and ill health and the continual improvement of safety and health management and performance. It guides the setting of objectives against which all subsequent activities will be evaluated. ORGANISATION
The roles and responsibilities of each individual in the organisation with respect to the attainment of safety and health objectives should be outlined and PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION
Risk assessment is critical to planning and imple- mentation. It guides the development of procedures and arrangements to eliminate and control hazards Taken From the ILO Encyclopedia on
Prepared by: Errol Goodridge
and risks. Additionally procedures need to be de- Occupational Safety and Health 4th edition
Safety and Health Officer
veloped to ensure that safety and health objectives Further Reading
Occupational Safety & Health Section
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Labour Department
(IOSH) (2003) Systems in focus: guidance on 2nd Floor, Warrens office Complex
Arrangements for auditing and reviewing the safety occupational safety and health manage- and health performance of the organisation allows Tel.(246) 310-1523/24 Fax .(246) 424 2589
International Labour Organisation (1997) En- Email: [email protected]
cyclopedia on Occupational Safety and Health 4th edition Introduction
The main components as suggested by the section Safety and Health Ma
nagement Systems
An occupational health and safety management 7(4) of the SHaW Act 2005 are thus as follows: There are many OHSMS models available for em- system (OHSMS) is an organisational manage- ployers to use. Examples of formal OHSMS are: ment system used to develop and implement health and safety policy and manage health and safety British Standard ( BS) OHSAS 18001 series; risks. Work related accidents and ill-health can be  British Standard (BS) 18004:2008 supersedes prevented, and well being at work enhanced, by organisations managing health and safety with the same degree of expertise, and to the same standard,  Guidelines on occupational safety and health Formal safety and health management systems have at their core the elements of plan, do, check Initial Status review
Legal Framework
and act (PDCA) embodying the principle of con- The Factories Act does not explicitly require em- An initial status review is the starting place for the ployers to put occupational health and safety man- development of an OHSMS. It helps to determine agement systems in place. It is however required where the organisation currently stands with regard under the Safety and Health at Work (SHaW) Act to the management of safety and health. The re- view should consider to what extent arrangements “It shall be the duty of every occupier to prepare  Hazard identification and risk assessment and as often as may be appropriate, revise a state-  Development and implementation of effective ment of general policy with respect to workplace safety, health and welfare, and the organisation and arrangements for the time being in force for  Compliance with legal requirements and indus- carrying out the policy, and to bring the policy and any revisions of it to the notice of all employees.’’  Measuring safety and health performance It should be noted that compliance requires proce- dures to be in place for monitoring and review. It should be noted that very often organisations Where there are ten or more employees this policy already have long established working practices that have never been formally recognised or docu- mented. The safety and health committee should The PDCA Cycle (adapted from IOSH,
be involved in the initial status review.


Microsoft word - 16. subcutaneous infusion v1.3l.doc

___________________________________________________________________________ CLINICAL GUIDELINES for SUBCUTANEOUS INFUSION (HYPODERMOCLYSIS) Clinical Policy Folder Ref No: 16 APPROVED BY: Policy and Guideline Ratification Group (PGRG) Date of Issue: July 2010 Version No: 1.3 Date of review: May 2012 Author: Alison Griffiths. Matron District Nursing NHS South Glouces

Microsoft word - article blinded study 2006 aug for publication

Introduction. Achilles tendonitis has become one of the most common athletic injuries and is reported to be the most common injury in sporting activities.1,2 Furthermore, tendonitis of the Achilles is the most commonly reported form of tendonitis and accounts for between 10 and 15% of all running injuries.3,4 The condition typically affects the mature male athlete who engages in a high degr

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