Checklist of Lope-Okanda Reserve
The Lope-Okanda Game Reserve, in central Gabon, is part of a tropical rainforest as species- diverse as the forests of southeast Asia and tropical South America (Reitsma 1988, Gentry 1988). In spiteof its great diversity and remarkably high level of endemism (Brenan 1978), the flora of Gabon remainsseverely under-collected (Floret 1976, Breteler 1989).
The list of species that follows is the result of a collecting program undertaken with the aim of providing an inventory of the plant species of the Reserve and of thereby facilitating the primatologicalresearch of the scientists working at the Station d'Etudes des Gorilles et Chimpanzes, which is located inthe northeastern part of the Reserve. The specimens collected are also of directinterest to the manybotanists contributing to the Flore du Gabon, a multi-volume publication being co-ordinated by theMuseum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris.
Work on this project was supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Forestry, Environment and Natural Resources, Bureau of Science and Technology, of the United StatesAgency for International Development under NSF Grant No. BSR-9024745. Personnel of the herbarium ofthe Centre National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique in Libreville greatly assisted the project andseveral different people, as indicated in the list in the following paragraph, conducted the actual collecting.
The list includes 1030 species (September, 1995) but that number will grow as the number of as-yet-undetermined specimens shrinks and as further collecting continues. Updates will be made periodically(at few-monthly intervals) and will eventually include the incorporation of images of those species forwhich good photographs were made.
Brenan, J.P.M. 1978. Some aspects of the phytogeography of tropical Africa. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.
Breteler, F.J. 1989. Gabon, in: Floristic Inventory ofTropical Countries. Eds. D.G. Campbell and H.D.
Hammond. New York Botanical Garden. Floret, J.J. 1976. Flore du Gabon. Boissiera 24:575-580.
Gentry, A.H. 1988. Changes in plant community diversity and floristic composition on environmental and geographical gradients. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75:1-34.
Reitsma, J.M. 1988. Vegetation forestiere du Gabon/Forest vegetation of Gabon. Tropenbos Technical Series 1. The Tropenbos Foundation, Ede, The Netherlands.
Taxa are arranged alphabetically by Family name (abbreviated in most cases to the first four letters), within each ofwhich the genera and species are also alphabetically arranged. For each species one voucher specimen, thecollector of which can be identified using the following list, is indicated: 4-digit numbers are those of L. White;5-digit numbers are those of G. McPherson;numbers preceded by "D" are those of J. Dibata;numbers preceded by "K.McD." are those of K. McDonald;numbers preceded by "L" are those of A. Louis;numbers preceded by "R" are those of J. Reitsma;numbers preceded by "SEGC" are those of C. Tutin;numbers preceded by "W" are those of C. Wilks.
Hypoestes verticillaris (L.f.)Roem.&Schult.
Pseuderanthemum tunicatum (Afz.)Milne-Redh.
Pseudocalyx macrophyllus McPherson & Louis Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & Th.Dur.
Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & Th. Dur.
Scadoxus cinnabarinus (Decaisne)Friis & Nordal Pseudospondias microcarpa (A.Rich.)Engler Sorindeia cf. juglandifolia (A.Rich.)Oliver Trichoscypha acuminata Engler vel aff.
Trichoscypha gossweileri Exell & Mendonca Trichoscypha laxiflora Engler vel aff.
Trichoscypha oba Aubreville & Pellegrin Anisophyllea purpurascens Hutchinson & Dalziel Cleistopholis staudtii Engler & Diels Monanthotaxis declina (Sprague)Verdc.
Monanthotaxis letestui Pellegrin var. hallei Pachypodanthium staudtii (Engler & Diels)E.& D.
Polyalthia suaveolens Engler & Diels var suaveolens13748 Polyalthia suaveolens Engler & Diels var. gabonica 13716A Uvaria klainei Pierre ex Engler & Diels Uvariastrum pierreanum Engler & Diels Xylopia aff. acutiflora (Dunal)A.Rich.
Dictyophleba ochracea (K.Schum. ex Hall.f.)Pichon Holarrhena floribunda (G.Don)Dur. & Schinz Landolphia glabra (Pierre ex Stapf)Pichon Landolphia cf. jumellei (Pierre ex Jumelle)Pichon Pararistolochia flos-avis (A.Chev.)Hutch. & Dalz Newbouldia laevis (P.Beauv.)Seemann ex Bureau Gymnosiphon longistylus (Bentham)Hutch. & Dalz.
Dacryodes normandii Aubr. & Pellegrin Licania elaeosperma (Mildbraed)Prance & F.White Maranthes aubrevillei (Pellegrin)Prance vel aff.
Combretum paniculatum Vent. vel aff.
Combretum platypterum (Welw.)Hutch. & Dalz.
Stanfieldiella imperforata (C.B.Cl.)Brenan Launaea rarifolia (Oliv. & Hiern)L.Bolus Rourea calophylla (Gilg ex Schellenberg)Jongkind Rourea coccinea (Thonn. ex Schum.)Bentham Rourea erythrocalyx (Gilg ex Schellenberg)Jongkind Calycobolus campanulatus (Hallier f.)Heine Merremia hederacea (Burm.f.)Hallier f.
Bulbostylis cf. densa (Wall.)Hand.-Mazz.
Bulbostylis laniceps C.B. Cl. ex Dur. & Schinz Dichapetalum congoense Engler & Ruhl.
Dichapetalum dewevrei De Wild. & Th.Dur.
Dichapetalum heudelotii (Planchon ex Oliv.)Baillon Diospyros conocarpa Guerke & K.Schum.
Diospyros iturensis (Guerke)Letouzey & F.White Diospyros soyauxii Guerke & K.Schum.
Alchornea cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.)Muell. Arg.
Drypetes aff. aylmeri Hutch. & Dalz.
Drypetes gilgiana (Pax)Pax & K.Hoffmann Drypetes aff. gilgiana (Pax)Pax & K.Hoffmann Lingelsheimia longepedicellata J. Leonard Maesobotrya aff. dusenii (Pax)Hutch.
Maesobotrya cf. pynaertii (De Wild.)Pax & K. Hoffm.
Maprounea membranacea Pax & K.Hoffmann Mareya micrantha (Bentham)Muell. Arg.
Mareyopsis longifolia (Pax)Pax & K.Hoffmann Microdesmis afrodecandra Floret, Louis, & Reitsma Pentabrachion reticulatum Muell. Arg.
Thecacoris cf. annobonae Pax & K. Hoffmann Thecacoris stenopetala (Muell. Arg.)Muell. Arg.
Uapaca guineensis Muell. Arg. vel aff.
Uapaca aff. paludosa Aubreville & Leandri Homalium aff. abdessammadii Aschers. & Schweinf.
Scottellia coriacea A.Chev. ex Hutch. & Dalz.
Neurotheca loeselioides (Spruce ex Prog.)Baillon Axonopus flexuosus (Peter)C.E.Hubb. ex Troupin Brachiaria jubata (Fig. & De Not.)Stapf Hyparrhenia bracteata (Humb.&Bonpl.ex Willd.)Stapf Loudetia phragmitoides (Peter)C.E.Hubb.
Megastachya mucronata (Poir.)P.Beauv.
Garcinia gnetoides Hutchinson & Dalziel Garcinia aff. gnetoides Hutchinson & Dalz.
Garcinia smeathmannii (Planchon & Triana)Oliver Sacoglottis gabonensis (Baillon)Urb.
Curculigo pilosa (Schum. & Thonn.)Engler Hypoxis angustifoliia Lam. sens. lat.
Pyrenacantha klaineana Pierre ex Exell & Mendonca Raphiostylis ferruginea Engler var. villosa Desbordesia glaucescens (Engler)van Tieghem Ochthocosmus congolensis De Wild. & Th.Dur.
Ochthocosmus sessiliflorus (Oliver)Baillon Ochthocosmus cf. sessiliflorus (Oliver)Baillon Solenostemon aff. decumbens (Hooker f.)Baker Solenostemon latifolius (Bentham)J.K.Morton Beilschmiedia congolana Rob. & Wilcz.
Beilschmiedia dinklagei (Engler)Rob. & Wilcz.
Beilschmiedia aff. klainei Rob. & Wilcz.
Napoleonaea cf. leonensis Hutch. & Dalz.
Napoleonaea vogelii Hook. & Planch.
Baikiaea aff. fragrantissima Baker f.
Cryptosepalum pellegrinianum (Leonard)Leonard Gilbertiodendron grandistipulatum(De Wild.)Leon. 1118 Gilbertiodendron cf. stipulaceum (Benth.)Leonard 1406 Gilletiodendron pierreanum (Harms)Leonard Hymenostegia pellegrinii (A.Chev.)Leonard Leonardendron gabunense (Leonard)Aubreville Monopetalanthus coriaceus Morel ex Aubreville Monopetalanthus durandii F.Halle & Normand Neochevalierodendron stephanii (A.Chev.)Leonard 13691 Oddoniodendron micranthum (Harms)Baker f.
Pellegriniodendron diphyllum (Harms)Leonard Albizia gummifera (J.F.Gmel.)C.A.Sm.
Calpocalyx klainei Pierre ex Harms vel aff.
Cathormion altissimum (Hooker f.)Hutch. & Dan Newtonia leucocarpa (Harms)Gilbert & Boutique Pentaclethra eetveldiana De Wild. & Dur.
Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hooker f.)Brenan Pseudoprosopis gilletii (De Wild.)Villiers Samanea leptophylla (Harms)Brenan & Brummitt Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. & Thonn.)Taub.
Aganope impressa (Dunn)Polhill [Ostryoderris] Angylocalyx oligophyllus (Bak.)Bak.f.
Craibia laurentii (De Wild.)De Wild.
Eriosema glomeratum (Guill. & Perr.)Hooker f.
Vigna gracilis (Guill. & Perr.)Hooker f. vel aff. 1384 Vigna multinervis Hutch. & Dalz.
Strychnos longicaudata Gilg vel aff.
Strychnos malacoclados C.H.Wright vel aff.
Phragmanthera aff. batangae (Engler)Balle Phragmanthera longiflora (Balle)Polhill & Wiens Acridocarpus longifolius (G.Don)Hooker f.
Acridocarpus smeathmannii (DC.)Guillemin & Perrottet15632 Hibiscus rostellatus Guillemin & Perrottet Haumania liebrechtsiana (De Wild. &Th.Dur.)Leonard 15704 Marantochloa cordifolia (K.Schum.)Koechlin Marantochloa purpurea (Ridl.)M.-Redh.
Megaphrynium macrostachyum (Bentham)M.-Redh.
Megaphrynium velutinum (Bak.)Koechlin , ex desc.
Sarcophrynium prionogonium (K.Schum.)K.Schum.
Calvoa monticola A.Chev. ex Hutch. & Dalz.
Dicellandra cf. descoingsii Jacques-Felix Dichaetanthera africana (Hooker f.)Jacques-Felix Dissotis congolensis (Buettner)Jacques-Felix Heterotis decumbens ( Beauv.)Jacques-Felix Memecylon collinum Jacques-Felix vel aff.
Memecylon aff. lateriflorum (G.Don)Brem.
Ochthocharis dicellandroides (Gilg)C.Hansen&Wickens0904 Warneckea membranifolia (Hooker f.)Jacques-Felix Warneckea yangambensis (A.&R.Fern.)Jacques-Felix Trichilia monadelpha (Thonn.)J.J. De Wilde Ficus wildemaniana Warb. ex De Wild. & Th.Dur.
Leucobryum cameruniae C.Mueller ex Renauld & Cardot Porothamnium stipitatum (Mitten)Touw ex Sloover Sematophyllum crassirete (Cardot)Brotherus Taxithelium subrotundatulum Brotherus & Paris Syzygium aff. staudtii (Engler)Mildbr.
Ardisia buesgenii (Gilg & Schellenb.)Taton Nymphaea maculata Schum. & Thonn.
Campylospermum elongatum (Oliver)van Tieghem Ouratea cf. flava (K.Schum. & Thonn.)Stapf Ouratea cf. flava (K.Schum. & Thonn.)Stapf Ouratea aff. latepedunculata De Wild.
Rhabdophyllum calophyllum (Hooker f.)van Tieghem Cyrtorchis chailluana (Hooker f.)Schlechter Eulophia angolensis (Reichenb. f.)Summerh.
Eulophia aff. angolensis (Reichenb. f.)Summerh.
Eulophia oedoplectron Summerh. vel aff.
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.)Hutch. & Dalz.
Podococcus barteri Mann & Wendl.
Sesamum radiatum Schum. & Thonn.
Afrobrunnichia erecta (Asch.)Hutch. & Dalz.
Heteranthera callaefolia Reichenb. ex Kunth Platycerium stemaria (P.Beauv.)Desv.
Tectaria aff. angelicifolia (Schum.)Copeland Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel. ex G.Don)Bentham Dictyandra arborescens Welw. ex Hooker f.
Massularia acuminata (G.Don)Bullock ex Hoyle Oldenlandia lancifolia (Schumach.)DC.
Pauridiantha callicarpoides (Hiern)Brem.
Pauridiantha aff. dewevrei (De Wild. & Dur.)Brem.
Pauridiantha floribunda (K.Schum. & Kr.)Brem.
Pausinystalia johimbe (K.Schum.)Dupouy & Beille Pausinystalia macroceras (K.Schum.)Beille Pavetta lasioclada (K.Krause)Bremek.
Pavetta plumosa Hutch. & Dalz. vel aff.
Pseudosabicea floribunda (K.Schum.)N.Halle Pseudosabicea mildbraedii (Wernh.)N.Halle Psychotria peduncularis (Salisb.)Steyerm.
Psychotria venosa (Hiern)Petit vel aff.
Sabicea efulenensis (Hutch.)Hepper vel aff.
Schumanniophyton magnificum (K.Schum.)Harms Tarenna conferta (Bentham)Hiern vel aff.
Tarenna lasiorachis (K.Schum. & K.Krause)Bremek.
Tricalysia anomalura N.Halle, vel aff.
Tricalysia concolor N.Halle vel aff.
Vangueriopsis rubiginosa Robyns vel aff.
Teclea aff. verdooniana Exell & Mendonca Chytranthus talbotii (Baker f.)Keay vel aff.
Laccodiscus ferrugineus (Baker)Radlk.
Placodiscus cf. angustifolius Radlk.
Donella ogowensis (A.Chev.)Aubr. & Pellegrin Gambeya subnuda (Oliver)Pierre vel aff.
Manilkara fouilloyana Aubr. & Pellegrin Synsepalum aff. dulcificum (Schum.)Baillon Synsepalum aff. stipulatum (Radlk.)Engler Nesogordonia papaverifera (A.Chev.)Capuron Scaphopetalum thonneri De Wild. & Th.Dur.
Dicranolepis buchholzii Engler & Gilg Trema guineensis (Schum. & Thonn.)Ficalho Clerodendrum capitatum (Willd.)Schum. & Thonn.
Stachytarpheta cayennensis (L.C.Rich.)Schau.
Rinorea ilicifolia (Welw. ex Oliv.)O.Ktze. vel aff Cissus barbeyana De Wild. & Th.Dur.
Cissus dewevrei De Wild. & Th.Dur. vel aff.
Aframomum daniellii (Hooker f.)K.Schum. vel aff Costus dewevrei De Wild. & Th.Dur. vel aff.


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