pregnancy. Women currently enrolled in Medicaid. appointment only at 236 E. Young Street.
Medicaid Targeted Case Management: Home visits by
1ST FLOOR 399-7250
Registered Nurses serving children ages 0-3 currently enrolled on Medicaid.
2ND FLOOR 399-7160
Cancer Screening for Women: Breast exam and pap smear.
Vouchers are given for mammograms and, if needed, physician
Prenatal to 5 Home Visitation Program: Home visits by
Food Handlers Testing: Testing (English only) offered daily
follow-up. Cost is based on age (40 to 64) and income. Clinic certified infant development Registered Nurses. Referral Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Test manual available on website Duplicate
card cost $2.00. Spanish class held on the third (3rd) Tuesday
Immunizations: Reduced cost for required childhood
Morgan Clinic Site: 236 E. Young Street, Morgan, Utah
of every month at Ogden-Weber ATC at 2:00 pm. Call ATC to vaccinations if the child is uninsured or under-insured. Pricing 84050. Immunization clinic operates 1st Wednesday morning of enroll - 395-3700. On-site food handler and Food Safety for all other vaccinations including travel vaccines is based on month and 3rd Wednesday afternoon of month by appointment Manager testing available. Call for more information.
cost of vaccine plus administration charge. Clinic operates by Wastewater Certifications: Septic and well permits available.
Contact Environmental Health Office at 399-7175 for
PPD TB Skin Testing: Clinic operates Monday through
WIC (Women, Infants & Children)
wastewater information packets and fee structure.
Wednesday by appointment only. Cost is price of test plus 1ST FLOOR 399-7200
How do I qualify for WIC? You must live within Weber or Child Care Home Inspections: Inspections provided for fee.
Call for more information and scheduling.
STD/HIV Testing (Sexually Transmitted Diseases/AIDS): No
consent for minors needed; all information is strictly Vehicle Inspection Program: Call 399-7140 for specific
confidential. Testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis  breastfeeding woman who’s infant is less than only – no exam. Free HIV testing June and December. Clinic  woman with an infant less than six months of Mass Gatherings: Requirements, plan review, and inspection
information available on-line or by calling environmental Family Planning: Services include a complete pelvic exam
 woman whose pregnancy has ended less than 6 and counseling. Several birth control options are offered: birth control pills, Depo Provera injections, IUD’s, condoms, foam,  Infants and children less than five years of age Public Information: Asbestos, Radon, Solid/Hazardous Waste,
and emergency contraception. Cost is based on family size and Complaints, Mass Gatherings, Septic/Wastewater Inspections, income. Clinic operates by appointment only.
Have an earned monthly income (before taxes) not Water Sampling, Restaurant and Swimming Pool Inspections.
more an the following, based on family size for the
Blood Pressure: Clinic operates Monday through Friday
period July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
8:30 am to 11:30 am and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. (No fee) Family Size Annual Income Family Size Annual Income Pregnancy Testing: Clinic operates Monday through Friday by
appointment only. Cost is price of test plus administration 2ND FLOOR 399-7130
Vital Records: Birth Certificates $15.00, Death Certificates
Baby Your Baby: Presumptive eligibility to Medicaid for
Each additional family member, add $6,660. If you are $13.00; extra copies issued at the same time for $8.00 each. pregnant women. Call for program information and pregnant, count your unborn child as a member of your family.
Offices open Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm., Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Additional fees for special All WIC services are by appointment only. Morgan County handling and affidavits may apply. Prenatal Home Visits: Home visits during and after
services provided the 2nd Tuesday of each month by MORGAN OFFICE HOURS
Second Friday of the Month 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
3RD FLOOR 399-7180
*Appointment Needed* Phone 801-829-4275
Please leave a message if office is closed Community Health Promotion: Youth and adult smoking
cessation and tobacco education, injury prevention, and bicycle
First Wednesday of the Month 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Third Wednesday of the Month 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
 Car Seat Program. By appointment.
*Appointment Needed* Phone 801-399-7251
 Car Seat Check Points Weber-Morgan Safe Kids Second Tuesday of the Month 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
*Appointment Needed* Phone 801-399-7160
School Based Programs: Tobacco education, prevention and
cessation, bicycle helmet program and playground safety.
Call for further information on these programs.
Second Tuesday of the Month 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Most certificates can be issued while you wait WEBER-MORGAN
Community-Based Abstinence Education: Increase
knowledge, increase positive attitudes, and impact behavior of teens about abstinence-related concepts. Call 399-7192 for information.
Health Administration
Ogden Office
477 23rd Street
Clinical Nursing Services
Ogden, Utah 84401
Morgan Office
236 E. Young Street
Environmental Health
Morgan, Utah 84050
Auto Emissions Center
Health Promotion
Birth and Death Records


5918/dorasbui/ntpsi a4 jm

Northside Who Manages and Funds the Project? Teen Parent • The NTPSP is based in and co-ordinated locally by Doras Bui, A Parents Alone Resource Centre, Support Programme • The work of the NTPSP is directed and steered from asub-group which is comprised from the following: DorasBui, H.S.E., Northside Partnership, Youthreach, RotundaHospital, Childcare Bureau, Mercy College and tw

Scibx.2013.129 team then tested the effects of lovastatin on electrophysiological excitability of brain tissue from Fmr1 knockouts. Brain slices from the visual cortex of Fmr1 knockout mice treated with lovastatin had a higher threshold of excitation than slices from vehicle-treated controls. Altogether, lovastatin made the brain slices of

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