Sriram Dasu Associate Professor Data Sciences and Operations Marshall School of Business University of Southern California Los Angeles CA 90089 I. EDUCATION
1980 B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. 1982 MBA (Operations Management) Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
1. S. Dasu, R. Ahmadi, and S.M. Carr “Gray markets, demand uncertainty, and excess inventory” Production and Operations Management Volume 21, Issue 6, pages 1102–1113, November-December 2012 2. F. Iravani, S. Dasu, and R. Ahmadi, “A heirachical framework for organizing a software development process” Operations Research, 2012, vol 60, pp 1310-1322. 3. T. Roemer, R. Ahmadi, and S. Dasu “Travelling salesman problem with flexible coloring” Discrete and Applied Mathematics, Vol 160, 2012, pp 1798-1814 4. S. Dasu and C. Tong (2010): “Dynamic pricing when consumers are strategic: Analysis of posted and contingent pricing models.” European Journal of Operations Research. Vol 204, pp 662 – 671. 5. S. Dasu and R. Chase (2010): “Designing the soft side of customer service.” Sloan Management Review, Fall, Vol 52, pp 33 – 39. 6. L.S. Leach, R. C. Myrtle, F.A. Weaver, and S. Dasu “Assessing the performance of healthcare team.” Healthcare Management Review 2009, Vol 34, pages 29-41. 7. R. Chase and S. Dasu (2001) “Want to Perfect your Services: Use Behavioral Science.” Harvard Business Review, June 2001 8. D. Bowen, R. Chase, S. Dasu, L. Cook and D. Stewart (2001) “ Human Issues in Service Design” Journal of Operations Management 2001 9. S. Dasu and J. Rao (1999), “A Dynamic Process Model of Dissatisfaction for Unfavorable, Non-routine Service Encounters,” Production and Operations Management, Vol 3, Fall 1999
 10. S. Dasu and J. Rao (1999), “Nature and Determinants of Customer Expectations of Service Recovery in Healthcare” International Journal of Healthcare Quality. 11. S. Dasu (1998), "Class Dependent Departure Process from Multiclass Phase Queues Exact and Approximate Analysis," European Journal of Operations Research, March 1998. 12. S. Dasu and L. Li (1997), "Optimal Operating Policies in the Presence of Exchange Rate Uncertainties," Management Science May 1997. 13. S. Dasu and J de La Torre (1997), "Operating an international network of partially owned plants," Management Science., March 1997. 14. J. Rao and S. Dasu (1997), “Nature of Service Recovery Expectations,” Decision Science Conference Proceeding, Fall 1997. 15. G.R. Bitran and S. Dasu (1994) "Analysis of the Phi/Ph/1 queue," Operations 16. G.R. Bitran and S. Dasu (1993) "Approximating Nonrenewal Processes by Markov Chains: Use of Super-Erlang(SE) Chains," Operations Research, 41,5 pp 903-923. 17. G.R. Bitran and S. Dasu (1992) "A Review of Open Queuing Network Models of Manufacturing Systems," Queuing Systems, 12, pp 95-133. 18. G.R. Bitran and S. Dasu (1992) "Ordering Policies in an Environment of Stochastic Yields and Substitutable Demands," Operations Research 40, 5, pp 999-1017. 19. J.H. Ahmadi, R.H. Ahmadi, S. Dasu and C.S. Tang (1992), "Batching and Scheduling Jobs on Batch and Discrete Processors," Operations Research, 39, 4, pp 750-763.
 20. R.H. Ahmadi, S. Dasu, and C.S. Tang (1992), "The Dynamic Line Allocation Problem," Management Science, 38, 9 pp 1341-1353. B. PUBLISHED ARTICLES IN BOOKS 1. S. Dasu and R.Chase “The Customer Service Solution. Managing Emotions, Trust, and Control”, Published by McGraw Hill July 2013. 2. S.Dasu (2009) “Der Service-Encounter in paramedizinischen Bereichen“ in Qualitätsmanagement in Wellnesseinrichtungen, edited by Albin Krczal & Klaus Weiermair, ESV Publishing , Berlin, 2009 3. S. Dasu, C. Erickson, and J. Grahovac (1996), "Introduction of Quality-Driven Team Based Systems: Issues at the Boundary of Operations Management and Industrial Relations," in Field Studies in Quality, Edited by U. Karmarkar and P. Lederer, Kluwer. (refereed). 4. G. R. Bitran and S. Dasu (1996): “Production Management” in Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, edited by S.I. Gass, and C.M. Harris, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 5. S. Dasu and C. Eastman (Editors) (1994), Management of Design: Engineering and Management Perspectives, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
 6. S. Dasu (1994), "A Hierarchy of Resource Allocation Problems Arising in Product Development," in Management of Design: Engineering and Management Perspectives, edited by S. Dasu and C. Eastman, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 7. G.R. Bitran and S. Dasu, S.M. Gilbert (1993), "Multi-Product Co-Production in Manufacturing and Services," pp 211-228 in Perspectives in Operations Management, edited by R. Sarin, Kluwer Academic Publishers. (refereed) 8. S.C. Graves, H. Meal, S. Dasu and Y Qiu (1986) "Two-Stage Production Planning in a Dynamic Environment," pp 9-43 in Multi-Stage Production Planning and Inventory Control, Edited by S. Axaster, C.Schneeweiss, and E. Silver, Springer Verlag. C. ARTICLES SUBMITTED TO JOURNALS 1. S. Kim and S.Dasu “An experimental study of posted prices” submitted to Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 2. F.Iravani, S.Dasu, and R. Ahmadi “Pricing and sales-effort decisions in the presence of gray markets.” second round Production and Operations Management. 3. W. Zhang, R.Ahmadi, S. Dasu “When larger customers may not get greater discounts – posted pricing and bargaining in high tech supply chains” Under review Management Science. 4. S. Kim, W.T. Huh, and S. Dasu “Posted pricing scheme: existence and uniqueness of equilibrium bidding strategies.” Under review O.R. Letters. 5. S. Dasu and H. Ochiumi “Compensations schemes for forecaster who influence the outcome” Being revised for re-submission 6. S. Dasu and H. Ochiumi “Compensations schemes for forecaster who do not influence the outcome” Being revised for submission to European Journal of Operations Research. D. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS 1. R. Ahmadi, S. Dasu, and T. Roemer “Dynamic control of consumer energy 2. A. Brunner-Sperdin, S. Dasu. “Language use and caring related behaviors and their impact on the perceptions of trust in professional services.” 3. S. Dasu and R, Murthy “Planning for epidemics at the hospital level by 4. Y. Bassok and S.Dasu “Supply contracts for vaccines” 5. Y. Bassok, S.Dasu, and O. Reyes “Forecasting the Need and Usage of a New Drug: The Case of Introducing Misoprostol in Tanzania”, working paper. 6. S. Dasu “Risk management in fertilizer supply chains by coordinating production plans with purchase of raw material and commodity futures.” III. CHAIRMAN OF DOCTORAL COMMITTEES
1. S. Kim 2013 “Experimental of revenue management policies” USC, 2. Hiroshi Ochumi 2009: “Managing the Purchasing Function” USC., Assistant Professor, Clinical, Marshall School of Business, USC. 3. Chunyang Tong 2006 “Revenue management models” USC. Associate Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai. 4. Jayant Rao, 1995, “Determinants of Satisfaction in Service Encounters: “Expectations, Information, Seriousness, Access and Waiting” UCLA, Professor, Babson College, Boston. 5. Jovan Grahovac, 1995, “The firm its internal arrangements, and semi- autonomous employee teams.” UCLA, Visiting Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. 6. Emily Hou, 1991, “Optimal Control of Batch Processing Stations.” UCLA, IV. PAPERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES & INVITED TALKS
1. “Designing Service Experiences” Invited Speaker, McKinsey Customer Experience Roundtable, Orlando November 2013 2. “Learning, Process Improvement, and Incentives in Healthcare Delivery”, Lecture, Secretary of Health, District Federal Brasilia, Brazil, August 2013. 3. “Designing the soft side of services: The ETCs” Invited presentation, POMS 4. “An experimental study of posted prices” INFORMS conference, Phoenix, 2012 5. “An experimental study of posted prices” POMS conference, Chicago 2012. 6. “Commitment contracts and drug development.” Invited talk, University of 7. “Planning for a pandemic: One hospital’s approach.” Poster presentation, Fall 2010, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, Atlanta. 8. “Designing the soft side of service systems” Invited presentation, University of Utah, Utah Winter Operations Management Conference, Feb 2010, 9. “Healthcare Education and capacity development in Low Income Countries” 10. “Service system design” Invited Panelist, INFORMS conference, San Diego 2009 11. “Managing Patient Experiences” Invited talk, University of Innsbruck, April 2007 12. “Managing Patient Experiences” Invited talk, University Of Cincinnati, 13. “Incentive for Forecasters” MSOM Conference Chicago 2005 V. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES, SERVICE, and EDITORIAL SERVICES:
(Partial List)  Referee for several journals including: Management Science, Operations Research, Sloan Management Review, European Journal Of Operational Research, IIE Transactions, Production and Operations Management, and California Management Review  Associate Editor: Naval Research Logistics 2003 – 2007  Senior Editor Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 2003 - 2006  Associate Editor of Management Science 1992 to 2002  Graduate Instruction Committee: 2009- 2012  Faculty Advisory committee 2001 – 2003 & 2007 - 2008  Marshall School Dean Search Committee


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