VASCULAR NEURO-OPHTALMOLOGICAL EMERGENCIES Irene Davidescu, Sanda Nica Neurology Department, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT
Neuro-ophtalmology is a borderline specialty, as the eye is not an isolated organ but an extension of the brain. A lot of diseases can cause visual troubles and the vascular ones are quite frequent. The precocious evaluation of the visual function is essential for the therapeutical approach and for the recovery, and all this process seldom needs involvment of a medical team. The anterior ischemic optic neuropathy includes some pathogenic entities which determine the optic nerve ischemia, with a papilar edema present acutely, painless and without any predicting signs. This disease is very often associated with giant cell arteritis, and the non-arteritic one is the most frequent cause of vision loss in patients over 50 years. The main risk factors are hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia. The antiagregant therapy remains essential. Retinal artery occlusion is the ocular equivalent of cerebrovascular disease. The occlusion may be central, causing a loss of central vision in the affected eye, or in a branch of the retinal artery, affecting only a part of the retina served by that branch retinal vessel and sparing central visual acuity. The main cause is the carotidian stenosis and less the cardiac embolia. This is a medical emergency which can be approached with intra-arterial trombolysis if the pacient comes within 100 minutes from the beginning. The transient ischemic attack with ocular implications is manifested with a transitor monocular blindness (amaurosis fugax) and represents a medical emergency, as it could predict a definitive stroke. The ethiology differs, depending on the patient’s age, in young ones it can be associated with migraine and the antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome, and in the elderly the main mechanism is the atherosclerotic one. Key words: neuro-ophtalmology, ischemic optic neuropathy, transient ischemic attack, migraine, antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome CLASSIFICATION
appearance of a papilar edema, without painand other alarming signs.
A sudden visual loss can be uni or bilateral,
seems that it is related to the presence of hypo-
The most frequent causes of transient monocular
tension, with the appearance of a watershed
infarction between the central artery of the
retina and the posterior ciliary arteries. The
There are two types of anterior ischemic optic
Retinian vasospasm or the retinian migraine
– Specific arteriolar pathology, especially
– Nonarteritic: associated with the process
of atherosclerosis, representing the most
The causes for transient bilateral visual loss are:
in patients after 50 years. Approximately
Microvascular lesions of the optic nerve (as
30% of these patients will present disorders
in the other eye, especially those with hy-
The average age of onset is in the 7th decade
ischemia (the proximal part to the globe),
Smoking can determine appearance in younger
with monocular visual loss, suddenly, and the
There is no confirmation of association with
oftalmic artery, the first intracranial branch
carotidian stenosis, but there were not done
studies on a significant number of patients
The retinal artery occlusion is one of the most
It can be associated with: migraine, nocturnal
dramatic ophtalmological emergencies with
arterial hypotension, polymialgia reumatica,
increased intraocular pressure, cataract sur-
The occlusion of the central retinal artery
gery, and use of sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil
represents over 50% of the occlusions of the
retinal vessels, and the gravity of the event is
There are no genetical factors discovered to
depending of the vascular retinal type.
determine a predisposition to the appearance
The occlusion of the retinal artery by platelet/
Studies of external and systemical factors
sudden loss of the vision and represents the
which influence the homocysteine levels sho-
ocular equivalent of cerebrovascular disease.
wed that the levels of homocysteine are higher
The occlusion can be total, affecting the
among patients with anterior ischemic optic
central vision in the affected eye or on one
neuropathy, but we must not forget that the
branch of the artery, causing a partial visual
loss, with the integrity of the central acuity. Clinical characteristics
mining the retinal tissue ischemia, resultingin acute retinal edema and death of retinal
Visual acuity is decreased and varies from
The prognostic is poor, in spite a lot of studies
Color vision is affected proportionally with
the visual acuity decreasing, as opposed to
optic neuritis, in which color vision typically
– The arterio-arterial emboli (after carotidian
The visual field we observe an inferior altitu-
stenosis-20 to 45% of the patients have hemo-
dinal defect, but we can see all the types of
dynamically significant stenosis, >60%), and
We will see an edematous optic nerve head,
– In younger ages, under 30 years, it is fre-
and hemorrhage on the disc is also very fre-
quently associated with: posttraumatic carotid
dissection, hypercoagulable states, migrena,
Biological inflammatory signs, especially in
– The carotidian emboli are due to athero-
The clinical outcome is generally favorable,
matous ulcerations at the bifurcation, associa-
only a small number of patients will have a
ted with stenosis; the emboli can be formed
severe diminution of visual acuity in the first
of cholesterol, platelet/fibrin (causing TIAs-
amaurosis fugax) or calcium (the most dan-gerous because they can cause irreversibile
– The cardiac emboli can be formed of calcium
Addressed to the vascular risk factors enun-
(like in valvular calcifications), infectious (en-
docarditis), platelet/fibrin (after cardiac
The antiagregants are essential, especially by
preventing the reccurence in the other eye
For giant cell arteritis, the corticotherapy in
high doses and for at least 6 months is im-
– Systemic vasculitis with periarteritis lesions
portant in reducing the risk of reccurence at
– Hemathological states: antiphospholipidic
syndrome, Protein S and C deficiency,antithrombin lll deficiency)
– Retinian migrena (an exclusion diagnosis)•
The retinal vascularisation (the central retinal
artery and the ciliary arteries) comes from the
– Most frequent in the 7th decade of life
– The diagnosis is confirmed by angio-MRI
– The visual acuity is affected in central vision
Classification: depending on the risk of develo-
and partial if one of the branches is occluded
ping neoformation vessels due to the retinal ische-
– The visual field examination shows different
deficits, proportional with the extension of
outcome is poor, with loss of vision, finally
– At the fundus examination we can observe
– The aim of the therapy is to reduce the
outcome is benign, with recovery of vision,
intraocular pression by topical or systemical
almost complete (sometimes the only sequela
– It can be used: intra-arterial thrombolysis (if
Painless, unilateral sudden visual loss.
the patients comes in less than 100 minutes
from the onset) or hyperbar oxigen (in the
tions, retinian hemorrhages, papilar edema
and neoformation vessels. This examinationis not able to differentiate the ischemic type
from the non-ischemic one, nor precociousor late in the evolution of the disease. Treatment: there are not yet discovered real
affecting only branches of the retinal artery
The most frequent arteries implied are the
The outcome is better: the partial recovery
Hemodilution when there is a viscous state
The therapeutical approach is similar with theone in the total occlusion
increases when the patients have diabetes
Surgical treatment: laser-therapy for the non-ischemic type for inducing chorioretinian
Panretinian photocoagulation for preventing
the appearance of neovascularisation in the
retinal artery occlusion: atrial fibrillation,atrial mixoma, carotidian atherosclerosis with
Local factors: retrobulbar anesthesia, orbital
affectation in the retinian vessels after the
Vasospasm after a subarahnoidian hemorrhage
Sudden loss of vision finally to blindness
Risk factors: hypertension, cardiovascular
The fundus examination shows pallor of the
retina, and the fluorescein angiography points
out retinian or choroidian perfussion deficits
Clinical characteristics: visual loss in the
The fluorescein angiography shows colateral
seconds to several minutes. This entity repre-
and neoformation vessels, papilar edema, lack
sents an emergency because it can predict a
of cappilars vessels, serous retina detachments
Treatment: photocoagulation (when the pa-
pilar edema is present or the visual acuity is
– In elderly people the mechanism is mainly
atherosclerotic, associated with carotidian
Outcome: depending on the extension of the
lesions, the presence of papilar edema and
– In younger people it is frequently associated
with migrena, antiphospholipidic syndromeor posttraumatic carotidian dissection
methods, ecodoppler, biological risk factors
onset and a duration between 2 and 15 mi-
The ocular manifestation of a TIA is the ap-
pearance of a transitor monocular blindness
– Endovascular therapy: carotidian stent or
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PESTICIDE NOTIFICATION August 2013 The Healthy Schools Act of 2000/AB2260 contains the following procedures to control pests and minimize exposure of children, faculty, and staff to pesticides/herbicides: • Warning signs will be posted at all entrances to school district property 48 hours prior to regular pesticide/herbicide applications and will remain posted for 72 hours after the applic