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Endocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Maria Luisa Bianchi Doug Biggar , Kate Bushby , Alan D. Rogol
a Bone Metabolism Unit, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Milano, Italy
b Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada
c Institute of Human Genetics, International Centre for Life, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
d Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis, IN, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
e Division of Endocrinology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA
f Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinic, Division of Child Neurology, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Received 24 October 2010; received in revised form 24 January 2011; accepted 2 February 2011
In the last few years, the remarkable expansion in clini-
cal and therapeutic capabilities has changed the natural
In October 2009, the United Parent Projects Muscular
history of many chronic diseases starting in childhood,
Dystrophy (UPPMD) organized the First Conference on
with increased survival rates and increased numbers of sub-
the Endocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
jects living for a much longer time, often into adulthood.
(DMD), as these topics had never been thoroughly dis-
These changes have also been observed in DMD, for which
cussed until then. Children and adolescents affected by
corticosteroids (CS) are now widely used to slow the pro-
DMD, and consequently their parents, are currently
requiring increasing attention, because of the new clinical
The counterpart of these positive medical achievements
problems related to longer survival and long-term cortico-
has been the appearance of treatment-related adverse
steroid treatment. The conference was attended by 17 par-
events with multiple organ involvement of a wide spectrum
ticipants (8 from the USA; 2 each from Canada, Italy, and
of severity. In the follow-up of boys with DMD, we are
UK; 1 each from Australia, Germany, The Netherlands; of
now confronting endocrine system issues never considered
these, 5 were representatives of the United Parent Project,
before (e.g. delayed puberty, short stature, obesity, osteo-
and 12 were clinicians and researches from 12 different
porosis, etc.). This increases the problems and needs of
patients, and poses novel challenges to caregivers and phy-
This first meeting was focused on what is known, which
sicians. For this reason, there is an urgent need to create
preliminary studies are ongoing, and what needs to be done
collaborative teams of different specialists.
on four main topics: growth, puberty, weight gain and
The first meeting concerning the endocrine aspects of
DMD (Florence, Italy, October 2009) was a starting point
This article is a summary of these four topics, with some
to initiate dialogue on relevant issues and to increase the
concluding remarks. It is a starting point to stimulate
collaboration of neurologists with endocrinologists and
attention, debate and specific studies on the endocrine chal-
Dr. Brian Tseng presented the historical background
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Bone Metabolism Unit, Istituto
and clinical features of DMD, and underlined how sup-
Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, via L. Ariosto, 13, 20145 Milano, Italy. Tel.:
portive medical efforts have changed the prospective of
+39 02 619112505; fax: +39 02 619112519.
these patients, offering a longer survival. Irrefutable evi-
0960-8966/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Please cite this article in press as: Bianchi ML et al., Endocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Neuromuscul Disord (2011),
M.L. Bianchi et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
dence of this fact is the growing population of men with
sium and body weight. However, in boys with DMD,
DMD who are active, happy, social, educated and some
hGH is suspected of playing a role in the pathogenesis of
even working full-time. For this reason, the need of multi-
the condition : with relatively high doses of rhGH
disciplinary, interdisciplinary (coordinated) and transi-
there are negative balances of sodium, potassium and
tional (pediatric to adult medical care) strategies was
sometimes phosphorus; none of the boys with DMD exhib-
ited any anabolic responses to any dose of rhGH.
Dr. Doug Biggar reported that today, only CS (predni-
There is some evidence suggesting that hGH could be
sone and deflazacort) slow the progression of muscle weak-
detrimental to muscle in subjects with DMD. However,
ness in boys with DMD. Most agree that CS should be
several trials with Mazindol, a weak inhibitor of hGH
given daily to be most effective. He summarized the main
secretion, did not show a positive effect on the course of
benefits of long-term daily use of CS (improved skeletal
muscle function decline Treatment strategies based
muscle, cardiac and pulmonary functions, delayed onset
on the physiology of hGH release are mainly theoretical
of scoliosis and contractures, and preserved upper extrem-
at this time, but there are several agents that have been
ity function), and underlined that the side-effects of daily
used in humans or can be tested in mdx mice.
CS on endocrine function are common and significant.
Dr. Meilan Rutter reported that short stature secondary
Reporting his experience with deflazacort, he noted that
to chronic CS in DMD boys may negatively impact psy-
the side-effect profile with daily deflazacort might be less
chosocial health, quality of life and clinical outcome. In
than with daily prednisone, but nevertheless the side effects
DMD, baseline height velocity and growth hormone test-
are significant. The boys’ height velocity is slowed signifi-
ing are typically normal in the absence of CS therapy .
cantly by 12–18 months after starting deflazacort, and by
However, chronic CS therapy results in growth failure,
13–15 years of age, their height might be reduced to 20–
due to suppression of GH production and/or GH or insu-
25 cm below the 50th percentile. While shorter stature
lin-like growth hormone-I (IGF-I) resistance, as well as
might help preserve muscle function, walking and stair
climbing, it is a significant concern for most boys and their
Management of short stature and growth failure in
families. Increased weight for age is another concern, as
DMD should be individualized to address the needs of
well as the fact that the onset of puberty may be delayed
each patient. Management options include: (1) no interven-
by 3–5 years or more. Boys who are ambulating in their
tion (standard of care and acceptable for many), (2) reduc-
teens are frustrated because people often think they are
tion of CS dose or intermittent regimens (not an option in
much younger than they are. Their voice remains high
most cases), or (3) GH (or IGF-I) therapy.
and they have little facial hair. Their small penis is often
Dr. Rutter and the other participants debated the lack
a concern voiced by parents, even if usually not by the boys
of data regarding GH in DMD, and the conflicting opin-
themselves. Their bone age can be delayed significantly (by
ions about them . Although an isolated case report from
2–4 years). The impact of deflazacort compared to predni-
the 1980s suggested that GH might be detrimental in
sone on bone health is less well understood. Prolonged
DMD, this hypothesis was not held up by subsequent stud-
ambulation during CS treatment clearly benefits bone
ies (including a randomized controlled study of 83 boys)
health. To date, the incidence of long bone fractures has
using a GH inhibitor which failed to show a benefit .
not increased significantly. This might change with longer
A case report of GH treatment of a DMD boy with GH
follow-up as the boys are ambulating 3–5 years longer
deficiency showed improved growth velocity and motor
and therefore at greater risk for fragility fractures from fall-
function while a small, short-term study of GH in
ing. The increased incidence of vertebral fragility fractures
DMD and Becker MD suggested cardiovascular benefits
in the CS-treated boys may not be explained by CS alone.
with improved systolic function Dr. Rutter reported
Boys not treated with CS have reduced spinal BMD and
her experience with GH in 39 DMD boys: during the first
most have had spinal surgery to stabilize their spine. This
year on therapy, there was improved linear growth and
procedure might protect the vertebrae from fractures sec-
body mass index (BMI), with no detrimental effects on neu-
ondary to osteoporosis and mechanical stresses. Further
romuscular and cardiopulmonary function Finally,
studies are needed. Finally, it should be noted that the boys
IGF-I (a hormone which mediates many of the actions of
and their families want more effective strategies for the pre-
GH) has been shown to improve muscle strength and sur-
vention and treatment of the side-effects commonly associ-
Dr. Rutter also discussed that chronic high-dose CS
Dr. Alan Rogol reported the anabolic effects of growth
therapy for DMD frequently results in absent, delayed or
hormone (hGH) on striated muscle. In subjects with myo-
arrested puberty. Typically, without CS therapy, boys with
tonic muscular dystrophy and limb-girdle muscular dystro-
DMD progress through puberty appropriately. However,
phy, recombinant (r)hGH is anabolic with positive changes
CS excess inhibits production of hypothalamic-pituitary
in the balances of nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, potas-
hormones regulating puberty, resulting in testosterone
Please cite this article in press as: Bianchi ML et al., Endocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Neuromuscul Disord (2011), doi:
M.L. Bianchi et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
deficiency due to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Lack
weight affects motor function and mobility, and limits the
of puberty may have a significant negative impact on both
caregivers’ ability to lift and transfer boys, affecting the
body image and bone health, which are already adversely
quality of life and functioning of the entire family.
affected by DMD itself and its treatment. Dr. Rutter
In DMD the mainstays of prevention and treatment of
reported that at the Neuromuscular Center at Cincinnati
excessive weight gain involve addressing CS dose and for-
Children’s Hospital, 44 DMD boys treated with long-term
mulation and dietary control, due to the limited practical
daily CS aged 13 years or greater (including 31 boys aged
value of exercise recommendations. In individuals with sig-
at least 14 years), were evaluated for puberty by measuring
nificant insulin resistance, medications could be considered.
serum testosterone concentrations and/or a genital exami-
CS are typically initiated using weight-based dosing at
nation performed by a pediatric endocrinologist. All but
supra-pharmacological doses (prednisone 0.75 mg/kg/day
one boy were prepubertal, which underscores the potential
or deflazacort 0.9 mg/kg/day). In some institutions, the
doses may be periodically increased in line with weight
Treatment comprises replacement therapy with testos-
gain, aside from clinical response. In general, the smallest
terone, starting with low doses by age 14 years, or perhaps
dose to achieve a desired effect should be used, and caution
earlier, approximating a more normal age of onset of pub-
should be exercised before increasing doses based on
erty. Doses are gradually increased over 3–4 years until
adult replacement doses are attained. Low-dose testoster-
Nutritional intake is a key component of management.
one replacement can be administered by monthly intramus-
DMD boys require fewer calories compared to average
cular injections or by daily transdermal application.
healthy children (ambulatory boys need about 80%, while
In general, testosterone promotes virilization and
non-ambulatory boys about 70%). It is important to indi-
growth, with gains in bone density, muscle strength and
vidualize recommendations based on physical ability and
energy levels. However, promotion of growth in the setting
ambulatory status. Nutritional counseling should ensue
of CS-induced growth failure, and gains in muscle strength
from the outset, well before CS are initiated. General prin-
in the presence of a progressive myopathy may not be real-
ciples which underlie a low glycemic index diet may help
istic expectations for DMD boys. Adverse effects in this age
with weight control and prevention of hyperinsulinemia.
group are infrequent and minor, including acne, oily skin
These include avoidance of simple sugars, portion control,
increased fiber and whole grains, and limited fat intake.
Management of puberty in DMD boys on CS presents
Medications, such as metformin, could be considered in
some additional pertinent issues which require consider-
select cases in whom weight gain is severe and insulin resis-
ation before embarking on therapy. Osteoporosis may
tance or glucose intolerance are present. Metformin is an
prompt the decision to initiate treatment due to beneficial
insulin-sensitizing agent which is effective in type 2 diabetes
effects for bone health. Conversely, in cases with extreme
and insulin resistance, and may result in associated weight
short stature, testosterone replacement will eventually
loss. A case series of DMD boys on CS who had extreme
bring about bone age advancement and epiphyseal fusion,
weight gain and insulin resistance were treated with metfor-
and final height will be further compromised. The decision
min at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Neuromuscular Cen-
to undertake treatment should involve a frank discussion
ter , and showed short term weight loss or slowing of
of the pros and cons, and individualized according to the
the rate of weight gain, with improvement in body mass
boy’s concerns and wishes. Fundamentally, there needs to
index. While this is an option which could be considered,
be awareness by neurologists and timely referral to endo-
currently there are insufficient data to recommend metfor-
crinologists, so that this issue can be addressed. The evalu-
min as standard of care for treatment or prevention of
ation and management of puberty in DMD is complex, and
should be addressed together with other endocrine issues.
Dr. Rutter emphasized that boys with DMD are at high
Dr. Maria Luisa Bianchi emphasized that among the
risk of excessive weight gain, insulin resistance and type 2
endocrine problems related to DMD, alterations of bone
diabetes mellitus, due to chronic treatment with CS and
metabolism, with a reduction of bone mineral content
progressive muscle weakness. CS may stimulate appetite
(BMC, also referred to as “bone mass”) and bone mineral
and food intake, and act on metabolic pathways in liver
density (BMD), are particularly relevant (see Note 1). For
and fat cells to promote insulin resistance, hyperglycemia
this reason, bone density measurement should be consid-
and visceral adiposity. Progressive muscle weakness limits
ered part of the normal clinical evaluation in these boys.
physical activity and results in eventual loss of independent
It is necessary to remember that the evaluation of bone
ambulation, exacerbating weight gain. Excessive weight
mass and its change in growing subjects is very complex,
gain negatively impacts DMD boys in many ways. It
as the growth process implies rapid changes in bone size,
may lead to carbohydrate intolerance and diabetes, and
shape and mineral content. Considering these physiological
be detrimental for pulmonary and cardiac function. Excess
changes, that may be altered by the presence of pathological
Please cite this article in press as: Bianchi ML et al., Endocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Neuromuscul Disord (2011),
M.L. Bianchi et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
conditions, BMC and BMD are very difficult to evaluate in
nous infusion of zoledronic acid (5 mg) once a year
seemed effective for both the prevention and treatment of
Dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the most widely
used densitometric technique in children. A limitation of
The fact that most data on BP use in children come from
DXA is that it only calculates an “areal” BMD (the ratio
the treatment of osteogenesis imperfecta, essentially with
of BMC to the projection area of the scanned bones). This,
intravenous pamidronate was discussed. One of the first
for mathematical reasons, overestimates the true BMD
studies with an oral BP in children was performed by Dr.
value (BMC/bone volume) for increasing bone volume,
Bianchi: CS-treated children affected by juvenile rheuma-
thus requiring appropriate corrections to evaluate the
toid arthritis showed a significant increase in BMD and a
actual BMD value in subjects with a small body size for
reduction of fractures with alendronate treatment. Alendr-
age, and the actual BMD changes during growth. To over-
onate proved to be safe and had no negative effects on
come this limitation, different correction methods have
been proposed . Since boys affected by DMD (espe-
Recently, the efficacy of intermittent (pulse) therapy
cially receiving CS treatment) have a reduced growth, their
with teriparatide (recombinant form of parathyroid hor-
DXA values must always be adequately corrected in order
mone) has been demonstrated in adult GIO
Regarding disuse osteoporosis, its most common causes
Lumbar spine and total body measurements are the
are prolonged bed confinement, immobilization due to
most widely used in children, and those with more pub-
motor paralysis and fracture casts. Rehabilitation, includ-
lished data. However, Dr. Bianchi reported a recent devel-
ing bed positioning, therapeutic exercise and electrical
opment of DXA, the scanning of lateral distal femur, that
stimulation are the basic treatments to avoid disuse OP.
is quite promising for children with motor disabilities such
Animal studies and double-blind studies on small
as cerebral palsy and also for children with DMD with lim-
groups of children with cerebral palsy demon-
strated the efficacy of BPs in inhibiting bone resorption
An important aspect of DXA is that it can be used to
predict the risk of fractures before they occur. There is evi-
Many studies have demonstrated the influence of phys-
dence for a strong relationship between low BMD and frac-
ical activity on bone during growth. Especially in prepuber-
ture risk in adults, and some recent studies have also found
tal children, exercise increases bone density and bone
a similar relationship in children This aspect may
strength . More recently it was demonstrated that
be very relevant in DMD, in which the fracture rate seems
low-magnitude mechanical stimuli are anabolic to bone
to be increased, even if a precise estimate of the vertebral
in young females with low bone density and increase
BMD at the spine and lower limbs . Following this,
The treatment options in glucocorticoid-induced osteo-
there are ongoing trials in children with disabilities, includ-
porosis (GIO) and disuse osteoporosis were also discussed,
ing one by Dr. Bianchi in children with DMD using a
Dr. Bianchi stressed that bone loss is 6–12% within the
first year of CS treatment, and that the fracture risk
increases rapidly in the first 3 months of treatment. Frac-tures may occur in up to 30–50% of adult subjects receiving
Until recently, the physicians’ approach to the endocrine
chronic CS therapy. Vertebral fractures are often asymp-
complications of DMD was essentially inactive. Currently,
tomatic, probably because of CS-induced analgesia. There
some centers are in favor of a more reactive approach. But
are only few epidemiological data about fractures in chil-
on the basis of the latest clinical and research develop-
dren treated with long-term CS No safe dose seems
ments, it is probably time to be proactive, that is, to think
to exist, since an increase in vertebral fractures has been
about preventing the undesirable secondary manifestations
observed with as little as 2.5 mg of prednisone daily. King
of the disease before their appearance and to implement
et al. observed that CS-treated boys with DMD have
strategies to avoid or reduce the effects of these
an increased risk of vertebral and lower limb fractures with
respect to untreated DMD boys. Vertebral compression
It must be noted that, until now, the endocrine problems
fractures were observed in 32% of the CS-treated group,
of DMD have not been explored in depth. At the Florence
compared with none in the CS-naive group. Long bone
2009 meeting, there was a very lively debate, and even
fractures were 2.6 times more frequent in CS-treated
though no definitive conclusions could be reached, the
experts agreed on some starting key-points.
Bisphosphonates (BPs) are the current standard of care
for the prevention and treatment of GIO. Alendronate and
1. Regarding height, there is evidence that DMD does
risedronate were the first BPs used in GIO and their effi-
influence height and that short stature is not detrimental
cacy was demonstrated in both female and male patients
to function. In addition, chronic CS treatment may
over a wide age range (17–85 years) . In a recent dou-
cause growth failure. However, data on height are not
ble-blind study on adults with GIO , a single intrave-
regularly collected in DMD patients, and this must be
Please cite this article in press as: Bianchi ML et al., Endocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Neuromuscul Disord (2011), doi:
M.L. Bianchi et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
changed. It is also important to remember that linear
regimen of CS administration may have important
height measurement is not trivial in children with diffi-
effects on bone, and this aspect will be addressed in a
culty to stand-up normally. Thus, it is necessary to stan-
forthcoming international study (“Duchenne muscular
dardize the methods for measuring height in boys with
dystrophy: double-blind randomized trial to find opti-
DMD and to widely disseminate these standards to
mum steroid regimen (FOR-DMD)” – Study Chair:
obtain comparable data. National specific growth charts
Kate Bushby and Robert C. Griggs).In the presence of
should be used to evaluate height deficits.In the presence
vertebral fractures and reduced BMD, BPs should be
of reduced height, serum GH screening indices should
considered as a treatment option, with due caution for
be evaluated, with consideration given to more detailed
children. However, there are no large randomized dou-
GH testing if indicated. If GH treatment is decided, tim-
ble-blind studies to support decisions about the drug,
ing and therapeutic goals should be individualized, and
the administration route, the dose and the duration of
therapy should be carefully monitored, considering the
difficulties of accurate height measurement in boys withDMD, and the fact that there are inadequate data
In conclusion, we must be fully aware that we are mov-
regarding benefit or harm of rhGH in the DMD-affected
ing within an unexplored area. This article is only a preli-
minary contribution, and a partial response to the “cry
2. Pubertal delay or complete suppression of puberty may
for help” coming from the patients and their families,
accompany prolonged CS use in DMD, as in many
who would like to see a more rapid progress than is nor-
other chronic diseases. Testosterone replacement is pos-
mally achieved by evidence-based medicine.
sible, and preliminary experience (see above) has been
Considering the difficult problems that the “older” sub-
positive.Like growth, pubertal stage must also be regu-
jects with DMD are currently posing and would like to see
larly assessed. The choice to treat and the timing of
resolved (fewer side effects of CS therapy, improved
interventions must take into account the individual’s
self-esteem and quality of life), more active collaboration
specific needs.Presently, there are no data on the psycho-
between different specialists and different centers is
logical impact of reduced height and pubertal delay. All
these aspects become relevant for boys with DMD espe-
Large, longitudinal, controlled studies are urgently
cially during adolescence and in young adulthood when
needed to give scientifically valid answers to the many open
socialization and comparison with same-age subjects are
common. The requests of being “like the others” mustbe taken into account, and the risks and benefits ofinterventions (including psychological well-being) must
3. Excessive weight gain is very frequent in boys with
Maria Luisa Bianchi, Istituto Auxologico Italiano
DMD due to chronic treatment with CS and also to
reduced mobility. Dietary evaluation by skilled dieti-
Brian Denger, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy,
cians should be part of the routine evaluation. Glucose
metabolism should be evaluated: paired glucose and
Douglas Biggar, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation
insulin levels, with glycosylated hemoglobin levels, and
oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) could be consid-
Filippo Buccella, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy,
ered in the presence of excessive weight gain, increased
laboratory values (serum glucose, insulin or glycosylated
Katherine Bushby, International Centre for Life, New-
hemoglobin).The experts agreed on the relevance of diet
and careful weight monitoring. Some experts suggested
Chris Condin, University of British Columbia, Vancou-
that, in DMD boys, caloric intake should be about
80% of normal intake for ambulant boys, and 70% for
Diana Escolar, Kennedy Kreiger Institute, Baltimore,
non-ambulant boys.Some preliminary data suggest that
metformin may be useful in patients with proven insulin
Kevin Flanigan, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
4. Regarding bone health, the relationship between BMC/
Patricia Furlong, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy,
BMD and future fracture risk in children/adolescents
underscores that bone mass evaluation should become
Peter C. Hindmarsh, University College, London, UK.
a standard in the follow-up of children with DMD.Gen-
Sally Hoffmeister, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy,
eral measures to optimize bone mass gain should be
started as soon as possible. They include individualized
Tony Huynh, Mater Children’s Hospital, South Bris-
physical exercises, appropriate calcium and protein
intake, supplementation of vitamin D (if needed, after
Larry W. Markham, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
measuring 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels).The dose and
Please cite this article in press as: Bianchi ML et al., Endocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Neuromuscul Disord (2011),
M.L. Bianchi et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders xxx (2011) xxx–xxx
Alan D. Rogol, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
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Please cite this article in press as: Bianchi ML et al., Endocrine Aspects of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Neuromuscul Disord (2011), doi:
Bird flu fear has gripped the globe, as the disease spreads. Public Health officials fear that a pandemic will occur if a recent strain of the virus, which has killed one-half of the humans it has infected, mutates into a form that can be transmitted between people. The virus has only infected humans who came into contact with contaminated birds. The strain (called H5N1) has kil
EFFEKT VON BISOPROLOL VERSUS PLAZEBO AUF DAS MAXIMALE LAKTAT- STEADY-STATE BEI JUNGEN MÄNNERN M. Wonisch1, P. Hofmann2, F. Fruhwald1, R. Hödl1, W. Kraxner1, K. 1, G. Schwaberger3, W. Klein1 1Medizinische Universitätsklinik, 2Institut für Sportwissenschaften, 2Physiologisches Institut, Karl Franzens Universität Graz Einleitung und Fragestellung: Für die Verordnung eines Trainingspr