Menstrual Cycle LAB
Observation Questions
1. Between days 25 and 12 (not 12 to 25) of the menstrual cycle, what happens to the amount of FSH
produced by the body of an average human female?
2. What happens to the follicle between days 25 and 12 of the menstrual cycle?
3. During which days of the menstrual cycle is the level of FSH at its lowest
in the blood stream?
4. About how long is the follicle phase of the menstrual cycle?
5. On which day of the menstrual cycle is the production of LH the greatest?
6. What event occurs immediately after this increased production of LH?
7. What happens to the corpus luteum during days 15 thorugh 24 of the
menstrual cycle?
8.a. During which days of the menstrual cycle is the production of LH the
8.b. What is happening to the corpus luteum at this time?
9.a. What happens to the amount of estrogen produced by the body during days
6 to 12 of the menstrual cycle? ______________________________________________
9.b. What is occurring to the uterus during this time?
10.a. What happens to the amount of progesterone produced by the body during
days 6 to 12 of the menstrual cycle?
10.b. What is occurring to the uterus during this time?
11.a During which days of the menstrual cycle are the levels of both estrogen
and progesterone at their lowest?_____________________________________________
12. What event is occurring at this time? _______________________________________
Analysis and conclusions
1. How is the name follicle stimulating hormone appropriate to its function?
2. How is the name luteinizing hormone appropriate for its function?
3. Based on your observations, do you think estrogen and progesterone both
cause similar changes in the uterus? Explain your answer
4. What events occur during the follicle phase of the menstrual cycle?
5. What events occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle?
Critical thinking and Application
1. What are the events described in this investigation referred to as a cycle?
2. The word "menstrual" comes from the Latin word mensis, meaning "month".
How is the name appropriate for this cycle of the human female reproductive
3. If a female did not produce sufficient quantities of FSH and LH, how would
her ability to have children be affected?
4. What standards did you use in this lab?


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