Breast cancer

What is Breast Cancer?
Cancer refers to any of the various types of malignant growths and to the illnesses caused by them. Cancer occurs when a group of cells escapes a state of equilibrium produced by a balance in the body and reproduces at will showing abnormal growth patterns. In the United States an estimated 180,000 women will learn they have breast cancer. Three-fourths of the cases of breast cancer occur in women ages 50 or older, but it affects younger women, too (and about 1,400 men a year). Some of the increase can be traced to better ways of recognizing cancer and detecting cancers in an early stage. The increase also may be the result of childbirth, taking replacement hormones and oral contraceptives, eating high-fat foods, or drinking alcohol. Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer among women in the U.S., and the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women. While the 1980s saw a sharp rise in the number of new cases of breast cancer, that number now appears to have stabilized. The drop in the death rate from breast cancer is probably due to mammograms. When detected early, the chances for successful treatment of breast cancer are much What are the causes and
symptoms of Breast Cancer?
The American Cancer Society estimates that there are 170,000 or more deaths from cancer each year. Risk factors include birth of first child after age 35, having no children, family history of cancer, high alcohol and/or caffeine intake, high-fat diet, diabetes. Women should also consider their sugar intake, estrogen and oral contraceptives usage which have been linked to breast cancer. Symptoms will include lumps, (Drugs & Herbs) thickening and other physical changes in the breast, itching, redness and/or soreness of the True/False Q&A nipples not associated with breastfeeding. However, in addition to palpable lumps in the breast, one should call a doctor if you notice one of the following: Breast - Change of shape or size, dimpling of the skin or exhibiting a lump or thickening. Nipple - Becoming inverted or turned in, exhibiting a lump or thickening, bloodstained discharge (very rare) or rash on nipple or surrounding area (also very rare). Arm: Swelling in armpit or axilla.
Compliments of the office of Dr. Anthony B. Sims, DDS, PC HOW DOES ONE TREAT AND/OR

Many cancers can be successfully treated if detected early enough. It is important to seek medical advice if you notice any persistent changes in your health. If you ignore the symptoms and it turns out to be cancer, the delay could mean that the cancer has Eat a diet that includes grains, nuts, seeds and spread and become less easy to treat. The top two unpolished brown rice. Millet cereal, wheat, causes of cancer - tobacco and diet - account for bran and oats are also highly recommended.
almost two thirds of all cancer deaths that could have been prevented by a change in lifestyle. One should consider the following methods of testing by a physician to rule out breast cancer such as Clinical Breast Exam, Ultrasound, CT Scanning, Gene Testing symptoms like hydrogenated vegetable oils, for Breast Susceptibility. Since every cancer has its margarine, sugars, caffeine, dairy products own signs and symptoms, it is important to note any except yogurt, animal proteins and products persistent changes in your health since many cancers except fish, food additives, peanuts and do not exhibit symptoms until the later stages of the peanut butter, white flour, salt, alcohol, fried disease. On that basis, early warning tests such as the foods, barbecued foods and smoked foods.
DR-70 tumor marker can make all the difference. Include generous amounts of freshly made vegetable juices to nourish the body.
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Eat a daily serving of vegetables from the thou wilt revive me: thou shall stretch cruciferous family like brussel sprouts, forth thy hand against the wrath of mine cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. turnips which help to neutralize and excrete Psalms 138:7
Include fish oils and other oils high in omega 3 fatty acids which reduces the growth rate of RECIPES for Breast Cancer
Consume generous amounts of ginger, garlic and onions which all have cancer fighting ¼ inch slice ginger root, 4-5 carrots with greens Method: Push ginger through juicer with carrots For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. Psalms 22:24
3 kale leaves, small handful parsley, 4-5 carrots with greens removed, ½ apple seeded.
The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day Method: Bunch up kale and parsley and push of trouble; and he knows them that trust in through juicer with carrots and apple.
him. Nahum 1:7
¼ inch slice ginger root, 1 beet, ½ apple seeded, 4 HELP IS HERE FOR YOU….
Method: Push ginger, beet and apple through In our effort to empower your health via your body, mind and soul, a nutrition consultant can answer your questions and/or concerns 3 beet tops, Handful parsley, Handful spinach, 4 and make health recommendations that can last you and your family members a lifetime. carrots with greens removed, ½ apple seeded.
For additional information, please give Shelly Method: Bunch up beet tops, parsley and spinach and push through juicer with carrots and apple.
Compliments of the office of Dr. Anthony B. Sims, DDS, PC


L’arthographie Cet examen consiste à injecter à l’aide d’une aiguille un liquide iodé à l’intérieur d’une articulation. Des clichés radiographiques permettent ensuite d’étudier le contenu de l’articulation. Cette technique utilise donc des rayons X. En matière d’irradiation des patients, aucun risque n’a pu être démontré compte tenu des faibles doses utilisées

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