2013-present Senior Staff Privacy Analyst, Google.
2011-2012 Visiting Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Harvard University.
(Visiting Lecturer: taught freshman seminar on privacy, spring 2012.) 2010-2011 Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard Uni- 2005-2010 Distinguished Engineer, Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Burling- 1999-2005 Senior Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Burling- 1991-1999 Research Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Massachusetts (1995-1996, Visiting Associate Professor,Cornell University).
1989-1991 Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Massachusetts (on leave from Wesleyan University).
1983 - 1991 Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Math Dept., Wes- leyan University (Fall 1988, postdoctoral fellow, Mathematics Dept.,Yale University; Fall 1987, visiting assistant professor, Computer Sci-ence Dept., Yale University; Fall 1985, visitor, Mathematical SciencesResearch Institute, Berkeley).
Summers, 1993, 1983, 1979 Senior staff at Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics, for high ability high school students.
Summers 1974-1977 Junior Staff, Hampshire College Summer Studies in member, Advisory Board, National Cyber Security Hall of Fame, 2012- advisory board member, Committee on Women in Science and Technology, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2011-present.
member, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Re- member, Advisory Committee, National Science Foundation Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, 2009-2012(co-chair, Breakthrough Proposals subcommittee, spring 2012).
member, Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th Presidency, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2009-2011.
member, ACM-W Council Executive Council, 2009-2012.
member, ACM Committee on Women Advisory Board, 2003 - 2008.
board member, Computing Research Association Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research, 2003-2010.
member, Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board, National In- stitute of Standards and Technology, 2002-2008.
associate editor in chief, IEEE Security and Privacy, 2013-present.
editor, special issue on social networks, IEEE Security and Privacy, May/June associate editor, IEEE Security and Privacy, 2005-2012 (editor, Emerging co-editor, special issue on identity management, IEEE Security and Pri- section board member, Privacy and Security Viewpoints column, Commu- associate editor, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 1994-2001.
member, DIMACS Module Series Editorial Board, 1997 – 1999.
member, Electorate Nominating Committee, Section on Information, Com- puting, and Communication, American Association for the Advance-ment of Science, 2014-present.
Steering Committee, “Cybersecurity Ideas Lab,” NSF, February 2014.
consultant, SRI, “Cybersecurity Policy Research at SRI: Scope, Value, and Steering Committee, NSF Secure and Trustworthy Computing meeting, program committee member, New Security Paradigms Workshop, 2012.
participant, Meeting of Experts, Department of Homeland Security’s Na- tional Protection and Programs Directorate, Computer Science andTelecommunications Board, 2012.
committee member, Usability, Security, and Privacy of Computer Systems: a Workshop, National Research Council, 2009-2010.
program committee member, Cloud Computing Security Workshop, CCS, review committee member, NSF Future of the Internet program, April member, Panels, Workshops, and Presentations Committee and Industry Advisory Committee, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Com-puter Science, 2007.
program committee member, Computers, Freedom, and Privacy, 2007.
program committee member, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, program committee member, Industry and Government Track, 12th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2005.
program committee member, Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Soci- advisory board member, Computers, Freedom, and Privacy, 2004.
program committee member, CRA “Grand Challenges in Information Se- curity and Assurance” conference, 2003.
program committee member, Computers, Freedom, and Privacy, 2000.
distinguished lecturer, Sigma Xi, 1999-2001.
member, ACM Advisory Committee on Security and Privacy, 2001-2003.
member, ACM Committee on Law and Computing Technology, 1999-2003.
member-at-large, Mathematics Section, AAAS, 1994-1998.
member, Symbolic Computation Panel, NSF, 1997.
member (1995, 1996), chair (1997), Fulbright Scholars Discipline Advisory consultant, National Research Council, 1996.
co-chair, Security and Privacy session, Massachusetts Telecommunications program committee member, 1993 ISSAC Conference.
member, NSF Panel on Scientific Computing Equipment in the Mathemat- NSF Graduate Fellowship in Computer Science Evaluation Panel chair, organizer, Cornell Day at Wesleyan Conference, 1987.
Service in Support of Women in Science (see also advisory com-mittees) co-chair, GREPSEC Workshop, May 2013.
member, PhD Forum Committee, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in chair, Athena Lecturer Selection Committee, 2006-2011.
co-chair, Athena Lecturer Selection Committee, 2005-2006.
co-chair, Women Engineers@Sun meeting, October 2008.
co-chair, Celebration of Women in Math at MIT, April 2008.
moderator (and organizer), ResearcHers, a mailing list for women computer science researchers (organized under the auspicies of CRA-W and theAnita Borg Institute for Women and Technology), 2004 - present.
member, Speaker’s Bureau, Association for Women in Mathematics, 1980- member, Membership Committee, Association for Women in Mathematics, Surveillance Studies Book Prize, 2012 (for Surveillance or Security).
Fellow, John S. Guggenheim Foundation, 2012.
Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery, 2011.
Women of Vision Social Impact Award, Anita Borg Institute of Women Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2000.
with Whitfield Diffie, IEEE-USA Award for Distinguished Literary Contri- butions Furthering Public Understanding of the Profession, 1999 (forPrivacy on the Line).
with Whitfield Diffie, McGannon Book Award for Social and Ethical Rel- evance in Communication Policy Research, Donald McGannon Com-munication Research Center (Fordham University), 1998 (for Privacyon the Line).
NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1988.
Briefing, Senate and House Judiciary Staff, Senate Commerce Committee Staff, Wiretapping without Weakening Communications Infrastruc-ture, December 2012.
Briefing, Federal Communications Commission (Public Safety and Home- land Security) and Department of Justice (Office of Legal Counsel),Security Risks of Extending Communications Assistance for Law En-forcement Act, December 2011.
Briefing, Senate Judiciary staff, Security Risks with Extending Communi- cations Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, April 2011.
Testimony, House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Sub- committee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, Going Dark:Lawful Electronic Surveillance in the Face of New Technologies, Febru-ary 2011.
Testimony, House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technol- ogy, Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation, Cybersecurity Ac-tivities at NIST’s Information Technology Laboratory, October 2009.
Meeting with Sophia In’t Veld and Alexander Alvaro, Members of Euro- pean Parliament, security risks of the Protect America Act, May 2008.
Meeting with Achim Klabunde and Anna Buchta, European Commissions Directorate General Information, Society and Media, Electronic com-munications policy, security risks of Protect America Act, December2007.
Meeting with Peter Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor, secu- rity risks of Protect America Act, December 2007.
Briefing, House Intelligence Committee, security risks of Protect America Briefing, NSA Legal Staff, security risks of Protect America Act, October Briefing European Commission, Information Society and Media, DRM, Meeting with Representative Zoe Lofgren re Protect America Act, August Meeting with staff for Senator Mike DeWine, security risks in expansion of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, September2006.
Susan Landau, Surveillance or Security? The Risks Posed by New Wire- tapping Technologies, MIT Press, February 2011.
Winner of the 2012 Surveillance Studies Book Prize, given by the Surveillance Studies Network. Comments on the book include: “Thisis an absolutely mandatory source book for everyone interested inthe would-be conflicts,” Peter Neumann (RISKS); “Landau’s well-researched writing is a superb resource,” Hilarie Orman Cipher (IEEECommittee on Security and Privacy); “the definitive text on the topic. . . a title that needs to be read,” Ben Rothke, Slashdot; “the mate-rial is presented in way that is accessible for the general public yetspecific enough to guide policymakers in Congress and the Executivebranch—for whom it should be required reading,” Suzanne Spaulding,former Executive Director, National Commission on Terrorism; “Su-san Landau has taken an exceptionally complex but vital subject andpresented it in a clear and compelling way,” Jonathan Zittrain, Har-vard Law School. “There are few books that comprehensively coverthe subtle and complex interactions between technology, law, and pub-lic policy, and this is one of them. . . This book . . . will definitely be thestandard reference for years to come.” Earl Boebert.
Whitfield Diffie and Susan Landau, Privacy on the Line: the Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption, MIT Press, 1998 (rev. ed., 2007).
Winner, IEEE-USA Award for Distinguished Literary ContributionsFurthering Public Understanding of the Profession, 1999, and McGan-non Book Award for Social and Ethical Relevance in CommunicationPolicy Research, Donald McGannon Communication Research Cen-ter (Fordham University), 1998.Privacy on the Line attracted interna-tional attention. I was on NPR three times to discuss the book, andDiffie and I were on CSPAN’s “About Books” program. The book wasreviewed in Business Week,Daily Telegraph (British national newspa-per), The Guardian (British national newspaper), The Sciences, andNotices of the American Mathematical Society,” and received shortreviews in Science News, New Scientist, European Business Report,On Wall Street among others. Review comments include “This bookshould be considered urgent reading,” Robert Bruen in Cipher (IEEECommittee on Security and Privacy); “[a] gem,” The Guardian; “it’shard to imagine a better introduction to an issue that will be with usfor years to come,” Stewart Baker (former NSA counsel), in Notices ofthe American Math Society, and a listing as “recommended reading”in Scientific American. The Electronic Privacy Information Centerdistributed eighty copies to members of Congress.
S. Landau, “CALEA: What’s Next?” (opening argument, rejoinder, and last words), in Stewart Baker, Harvey Rishikof, and Bernie Horowitz,eds., Patriot Debates II: Contemporary Issues in National Security,American Bar Association, 2012, pp. 143-148, 151-154, 155-157.
W. Diffie and S. Landau, “The Export of Cryptography in the 20th Century and the 21st,” The History of Information Security: A ComprehensiveHandbook, Karl De Leeuw and Jan Bergstra (eds.), Elsevier, 2007, pp.
725-736. A modified version of this paper, “September 11th Did NotChange Cryptography Policy,” Notices of the Mathematical Society,April 2002, pp. 450-454.
S. Landau, “Universities and the Two-Body Problem,” in Bettye Anne Case and Anne Leggett (eds.), Complexities: Women in Mathematics,Princeton University Press, 2005, pp. 253-256. Originally appearedin Computing Research Association Newsletter, March, 1994, p.4, andwas reprinted in the Association for Women in Mathematics Newslet-ter, March 1994, pp. 12-14, and in SIGACT News, December 1994,pp. 41-43.
S. Landau, “Tenure Track, Mommy Track,” in Bettye Anne Case and Anne Leggett (eds.), Complexities: Women in Mathematics, Princeton Uni-versity Press, 2005, pp.
tion for Women in Mathematics Newsletter, May-June 1991, and wasreprinted in shortened form in Notices of the American MathematicalSociety, September 1991, pp. 703-4.
S. Landau, “Computations with Algebraic Numbers,” in J. Grabmeier, E.
Kaltofen, V. Weispfennig (eds.), Computer Algebra Handbook, SpringerVerlag, 2003, pp. 18-19.
S. Landau, “The Transformation of Global Surveillance,” in R. Latham (ed.), Bytes, Bombs, and Bandwidth: Information Technology andGlobal Security, Social Science Research Council, pp. 117-131, 2003.
S. Landau, “The Responsible Use of ‘Expert’ Systems,” in Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing, Volume I, Ablex Publishing Corp.
(1989), pp. 191-202, and Proceedings of the Symposium on Directionsand Implications of Advanced Computing, (1987), pp. 167-181.
S. Landau, “Making Sense of Snowden Part II: What’s Significant in the NSA Surveillance Revelations,” online in IEEE Security and Privacy,Vol. 12, No. 1, January/February; a short version, “Highlights fromMaking Sense of Snowden Part II: What’s Significant in the NSASurveillance Revelations,” appeared in IEEE Security and Privacy,Vol. 12, No. 1, January/February, pp. 62-64.
S. Landau, “Under the Radar: NSA’s Efforts to Secure Private-Sector Telecommunications Infrastructure,” to appear, Journal of NationalSecurity Law and Policy.
S. Bellovin, M. Blaze, S. Clark, and S. Landau, “Lawful Hacking: Using Existing Vulnerabilities for Wiretapping on the Internet,” to appear,Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property.
S. Landau, “The Large Immortal Machine and the Ticking Time Bomb,” Journal of Telecommunications and High Technology Law, Volume 11,Issue 1 (2013), pp. 1-43.
S. Bellovin, S. Bradner, W. Diffie, S. Landau, and J. Rexford, “Can It Really Work? Problems with Extending EINSTEIN to Critical Infras-tructure,” Harvard National Security Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1 (2012).
A short version of the paper, “As Simple as Possible — But No Sim-pler,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 54, No. 8 (August 2011),pp. 30-33.
D. D. Clark and S. Landau, “Untangling Attribution,” Harvard National 2, Issue 2 (2011); earlier version appeared in Proceedings of a Workshop on Deterring Cyberattacks: InformingStrategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy, National AcademiesPress, 2010, pp. 25-40.
S. Landau, “National Security on the Line,” Journal of Telecommunications and High Technology Law, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Spring 2006, pp. 409-447.
S. Landau, “Highlights from Making Sense of Snowden, Part II: What’s Significant in the NSA Revelations,” Spotlight Article, IEEE Securityand Privacy, Vol. 12, No. 1, January/February, pp. 62-64.
S. Landau, “Making Sense of Snowden: What’s Significant in the NSA Surveillance Revelations,” Spotlight Article, IEEE Security and Pri-vacy, Vol. 11, No. 4, July/August 2013, pp. 54-63.
S. Bellovin, M. Blaze, S. Clark, and S. Landau, “Going Bright: Wire- tapping without Weakening Communications Infrastructure,” IEEESecurity and Privacy, Vol. 11, No. 1, January/February 2013, pp. 62-72. [Cited in New York Times editorial, “Eavesdropping on InternetCommunications,” May 20, 2013.] S. Landau and T. Moore, “Economic Tussles in Federated Identity Man- agement,” First Monday, Vol. 17, No. 10 (October 2012). Originallyappeared at Workshop on Economics of Information Security, 2011.
A. Cavoukian, A. Davidson, M. Hansen, S. Landau, and A. Slomovic, “Pri- vacy: Front and Center,” IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 10, No. 5,September/October 2012, pp. 5-10.
C. Landwehr, D. Boneh, J. Mitchell, S. Bellovin, S. Landau, and M. Lesk, “Privacy and Cybersecurity: The Next 100 Years,” Proceedings of theIEEE, Vol. 100, Issue: Special Centennial Issue (2012), 1659-1673.
W. Diffie and S. Landau, “Communications Surveillance: Privacy and Se- curity at Risk,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 52 No. 11 (Novem-ber 2009), Pages 42-47, and Queue (October 2009).
S. Landau, “The NRC Takes on Data Mining, Behavioral Surveillance, and Privacy,” IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 7, No. 1, January/February2009, pp. 58-62.
S. Landau, “Security and Privacy Landscape in Emerging Technologies,” IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 6, No. 4, August/September 2008,pp. 74-77.
S. Landau, “Find Me a Hash,” Notices of the American Mathematical So- ciety, March 2006, pp. 330-332; reprinted in Mathematical Advance inTranslation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 (2010) pp. 226-228.
S. Bellovin, M. Blaze, W. Diffie, S. Landau, P. Neumann, and J. Rex- ford, “Risking Communications Security: Potential Hazards of the‘Protect America Act’,” IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 6, No. 1(January/February 2008), pp. 24-33. A short version of this paperappeared as “Internal Risks, External Surveillance,” Inside Risks 209,Communications of the ACM 50, p. 128, Dec, 2007.
S. Landau, “Security, Wiretapping, and the Internet,” IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 3, No. 6 November/December 2005, pp. 26-33.
S. Landau and M. Stytz, “Overview of Cyber Security: A Crisis of Priori- tization,” IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 3, No. 3, May/June 2005,pp. 9-11 and sidebar, S. Landau, C. Landwehr, and F. Schneider,“The PITAC Report: A Brief Analysis,” p. 10.
S. Landau, “Security, Liberty, and Electronic Communications,” (invited talk), in Matt Franklin (ed.), Advances in Cryptology: CRYPTO 2004,Springer Verlag, pp. 355-372.
S. Landau, “RSA and Public-Key Cryptography; Introduction to Cryp- tography; Cryptography: Theory and Practice; Algebraic Aspects ofCryptography; Elliptic Curves; Number Theory and Cryptography;Elliptic Curves in Cryptography; Modern Cryptography, ProbabilisticProofs, and Pseudorandomness; Foundations of Cryptography: BasicTools; The Design of Rijndael: AES — the Advanced Encryption Stan-dard; Handbook of Applied Cryptography,” Bulletin of the AmericanMathematical Society, Vol. 41, No. 3 (2004), pp. 357-367.
S. Landau, “Polynomials in the Nation’s Service: Using Algebra to De- sign the Advanced Encryption Standard,” American MathematicalMonthly, February 2004, pp. 89-117.
S. Landau and N. Immerman, “Embedding Linkages in Integer Lattices,” Algorithmica, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2002), pp. 423-436, originally appearedin MSI Workshop on Computational Geometry, October 1994.
S. Landau, “Designing Cryptography for the New Century,” Communica- tions of the ACM, Vol. 43, No. 5, May 2000, pp. 115–120.
S. Landau “Communications Security for the Twenty-First Century: the Advanced Encryption Standard,” Notices of the American Mathemat-ical Society, April 2000, pp. 450–459. Reprinted, in translation, in“Surveys in Applied and Industrial Mathematics,” TVP Publishers(Moscow), Vol. 7, No. 2 (2000), pp. 259-281.
S. Landau, “Standing the Test of Time: the Data Encryption Standard,” Notices of the American Mathematical Society, March 2000, pp. 341-349. Reprinted, in translation, in “Surveys in Applied and IndustrialMathematics,” TVP Publishers (Moscow), Vol. 7, No. 2 (2000), pp.
240-258.√ 3: Four Different Views,” Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Fall 1998), pp. 55-60.
D. Kozen, S. Landau, and R. Zippel, “Decomposition of Algebraic Func- tions,” Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 22 (1996), pp. 235-246,originally appeared in Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (1994).
S. Landau, S. Kent, C. Brooks, S. Charney, D. Denning, W. Diffie, A.
Lauck, D. Miller, P. Neumann and D. Sobel, “Crypto Policy Perspec-tives,” in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 37 (August, 1994), pp.
115-121 (a longer version appears in “Reports”).
S. Landau and N. Immerman, “The Similarities (and Differences) between Polynomials and Integers,” International Conference on Number The-oretic and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (1993), Moscow,pp. 57-59.
S. Landau, “How to Tangle with a Nested Radical,” Mathematical Intelli- gencer, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Spring 1994), pp. 49-55.
N. Immerman and S. Landau, “The Complexity of Iterated Multiplication,” 116, originally appeared in Fourth Annual Structure in ComplexityConference (1989), pp. 104-111.
S. Landau, “Simplification of Nested Radicals,” SIAM J. of Comput., Vol.
21 (1992), pp. 85-110, originally appeared in Thirtieth Annual IEEESymposium on Foundations of Computer Science (1989).
S. Landau, “A Note on ‘Zippel Denesting,’ ” J. Symb. Comput., Vol. 13 J. Cremona and S. Landau, “Shrinking Lattice Polyhedra,” SIAM J. of Discrete Math, Vol 3, No. 3 (1990), pp. 338-348, originally appearedin Proceedings of the First ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algo-rithms (1990), pp. 188-193.
D. Kozen and S. Landau, “Polynomial Decomposition Algorithms,” J.
Symb. Comput., Vol. 7 (1989), pp.445-456; a different version ap-peared as J. von zur Gathen, D. Kozen and S. Landau under the ti-tle “Functional Decomposition of Polynomials” at the Twenty EighthAnnual IEEE Symposium of the Foundations of Computer Science(1987), pp. 127-134.
S. Landau, “Some Remarks on Computing the Square Parts of Integers,” Information and Computation, Vol. 78, No. 3 (1988), pp. 246-253.
S. Landau, “Zero Knowledge and the Department of Defense,” Notices of the American Mathematical Society [Special Article Series], Vol. 35,No. 1 (1988), pp. 5-12.
S. Landau, “Factoring Polynomials Quickly,” Notices of the American Math- ematical Society, [Special Article Series], Vol. 34, No. 1 (1987), pp.
S. Landau and G. Miller, “Solvability by Radicals is in Polynomial Time,” J. of Comput. and Sys. Sci., Vol. 30, No. 2 (1985), pp. 179-208, origi-nally appeared in Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing(1983).
S. Landau, “Factoring Polynomials over Algebraic Number Fields,” SIAM J. of Comput., Vol 14, No. 1 (1985), pp. 184-195.
S. Landau, “Primes, Codes and the National Security Agency,”Notices of the American Mathematical Society, [Special Article Series], Vol. 30,No. 1 (1983), pp. 7-10.
Conference Proceedings (that did not also appear in journals) D. D. Clark and S. Landau, ”The Problem isn’t Attribution; It’s Multi- Stage Attacks,” Third International Workshop on Re-Architecting theInternet, 2010.
S. Landau, H. Le Van Gong, and R. Wilton, ”Achieving Privacy in a Feder- ated Identity Management System,” Financial Cryptography and DataSecurity ’09, pp. 51-70.
S. Landau, R. Stratulate, and D. Twilleager, ”Consumers, Fans, and Con- trol: What the Games Industry Has to Teach Hollywood about DRM,”ACM CCS Workshops: DRM ’06, pp. 1-7.
S. Landau, “Eavesdropping and Encryption: U.S. Policy in an Interna- tional Perspective,” Conference on the Impact of the Internet on Com-munications Policy (1997), John F. Kennedy School of Government,Harvard University.
S. Landau, “Polynomial Time Algorithms for Galois Groups,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computa-tion (1984), Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science No.
174, pp. 225-236.
S. Landau, “Politics, Love, and Death in a World of No Privacy,” IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 11, No. 3 (May/June 2013), pp. 11-13.
S. Landau, “Privacy and Security: A Multidimensional Problem,” intro- ductory editor’s column for Privacy and Security Viewpoints, Commu-nications of the ACM, Vol. 51, Issue 11, November 2008, pp. 25-26.
S. Landau and D. Mulligan, “I’m Pc01002/SpringPeeper/ED288l.6; Who are You?,” guest editors’ column for IEEE Security and Privacy specialissue on identity management, Vol. 6, No. 2, March/April 2008, pp.
S. Bellovin, M. Blaze, and S. Landau, “The Real National-Security Needs for VoIP,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 48, No. 11, November2005, p. 120.
S. Landau, “What Lessons are we Teaching?,” Insider Risks 180, Commu- nications of the ACM Vol. 48, No. 6, June 2005, p. 144.
S. Landau, “Time to Move Mountains,” Notices of the American Mathe- matical Society, September 2000, p. 853.
S. Landau, “Internet Time,” Notices of the American Mathematical Soci- S. Landau, “Compute and Conjecture,” Notices of the American Mathe- matical Society, February 1999, pg. 189.
S. Landau, “Cryptography in Crisis,” Notices of the American Mathemat- ical Society,” April 1998, p. 461.
S. Landau, “The Myth of the Young Mathematician,” Notices of the Amer- ican Mathematical Society, November 1997, p. 1284.
S. Landau, “Mathematicians and Social Responsibility,” Notices of the American Mathematical Society, February, 1997, p. 188.
S. Landau, “Rising to the Challenge,” Notices of the American Mathemat- S. Landau, “Something There is That Doesn’t Love a Wall,” Notices of the American Mathematical Society, November 1995, p. 1268.
S. Landau, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, May 1995, p.
M. Blaze and S. Landau, “The FBI Needs Hackers, Not Backdoors,” Wired, S. Landau, “What the President Said — and Didn’t Say — About Surveil- lance,” August 11, 2013; “Canaries in the Coal Mine,” June 6, 2013; S.
Landau, “Boston and the Right to Privacy,” April 22, 2013; ‘Cyberse-curity — Getting it Right This Time,” February 13, 2013; “Searchingin a Haystack . . . Finds Straw,” October 15, 2012; “Nothing to Fear butFear Itself,” April 29, 2012; “One Small Step for Privacy .,” January26, 2011; “It’s All in How You View It,” January 17, 2012; “Hollywoodand the Internet: Time for the Sequel,” November 28, 2011; “WhoKnows Where I Am? What Do They Do with the Information?,” Oc-tober 3, 2011; “Data Retention? News of the World Shows the Risks,”July 21, 2011; “Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Brown: A Real-Life Exampleof Why Privacy Matters,” July 18, 2011; “Where Have All the Wire-taps Gone?,” July 14, 2011; “Privacy, Online Identity Solutions, andMaking Money: Pick Three?,” July 7, 2011; “Getting Communica-tions Security Right,” April 19, 2011; “Getting Wiretapping Right,”July 5, 2011; “NIST Leads the Charge on Online Authentication,”January 12, 2011; “Who’s Been Looking Over my Shoulder? — TheFTC Seeks to Update Online Privacy,” December 6, 2010; “The FBIWiretap Plan: Upsetting the Security Equation,” October 25, 2010;“Moving Rapidly Backwards on Security,” October 13, 2010; “ThePentagon’s Message on Cybersecurity,” August 31, 2010; “Wrong Di-rection on Privacy,” August 2, 2010; “Separating Wheat from Chaff,”July 23, 2010, Huffington Post.
W. Diffie and S. Landau, “Brave New World of Wiretapping,” Scientific American, September 2008, pp. 33-39.
S. Landau, “A Gateway for Hackers: The Security Threat in the New Wiretapping Law,” Washington Post, August 9, 2007, p. A17.
W. Diffie and S. Landau, “Cybersecurity Should be Kept in Civilian Hands,” Boston Globe, 19 August 2002, pp. E-4. Appeared in slightly differentform as “Ensuring Cybersecurity” in NGO Reporter, Vol. 10, No. 2,Sept. 2002.
W. Diffie and S. Landau, “The Threat of .NET,” New Technology Week, S. Landau, “Dangerous Increase of FBI Surveillance,” Op-Ed, Chicago Tri- S. Landau and W. Diffie, “Cryptography Control: FBI Wants It, but Why?,” Op-Ed, Christian Science Monitor, October 6, 1997, p. 19.
S. Landau, “Joseph Rotblat: From Fission Research to a Prize for Peace,” Scientific American, January 1996, pp. 38-39.
S. Landau, “Joseph Rotblat: The Road Less Traveled,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January-February 1996, pp. 46-54.
S. Landau, “What’s Doing in Ithaca, New York,” New York Times, Septem- S. Landau, “Timesharing Dexter” (Laudito), in R.L. Constable and A.
Silva, eds., Kozen Festschrift, LNCS 7230, pp.
S. Landau, “Clipper and Capstone,” “Cryptography,” and “Digital signa- tures,” entries in W. Staples, ed., Encylopedia of Privacy, GreenwoodPress, 2007, pp. 101-104, pp. 151-153, pp. 166-168, resp.
S. Landau, “Anywhere, Anytime — Or Just Where is Your Office Any- how?,” Pipeline series, Computing Research News, September 2005, p.
S. Landau, “A Far Cry from Galois Fields,” Association for Women in Mathematics Newsletter, November-December 2003, pp. 11-13.
S. Landau, ed., Liberty ID-WSF Security and Privacy Review, 2003.
S. Landau and J. Hodges, A Brief Introduction to Liberty, 13 February G. Ellison, J. Hodges, and S. Landau, Risks Presented by Single Sign-On G. Ellison, J. Hodges, and S. Landau, Security and Privacy of Internet Single Sign-On: Risks and Issues as They Pertain to Liberty AllianceVersion 1.0, 6 September 2002.
S. Landau, “Cryptography,” Computer Sciences, Ed., Roger R. Flynn. Vol.
4: Electronic Universe. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002.
pp. 49-53.
S. Landau, “Advanced Encryption Standard Choice is Rijndael,” Notices of the American Mathematical Society, January 2001, p. 38.
S.Landau, “Finding Maximal Subfields,” SIGSAM Bulletin, Vol. 27, No.
S. Landau, “The Secret of Life is a Nontrivial Computation,” SIAM News, S. Bellovin, M. Blaze, E. Brickell, C. Brooks, V. Cerf, W. Diffie, S. Landau, J. Peterson, J. Treichler, “Security Implications of Applying the Com-munications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act to Voice over IP,”, 2006.
S. Landau, S. Kent, C. Brooks, S. Charney, D. Denning, W. Diffie, A.
Lauck, D. Miller, P. Neumann and D. Sobel, “Codes, Keys and Con-flicts: Issues in U.S. Crypto Policy,” ACM Press, 1994.
Both the Maple and AXIOM (formerly Scratchpad) symbolic computation systems use the Kozen-Landau algorithm as a basis for their polyno-mial decomposition routines.
Democracy Now, “More Intrusive Than Eavesdropping? NSA Collection of Metadata Hands Gov’t Sweeping Personal Info,” June 12, 2013.
Great Decisions: Cybersecurity, PBS, multiple stations, spring 2012.
Brian Lehrer Show, WNYC, June 29, 2011.
Capital Insider, WJLA (Washington), April 21, 2011.
Everybody’s Internet, Boston Neighborhood Network, March 10, 1999.
BOOKS!, Channel 3, Boston (local cable network), November 7, 14, 21, About Books, CSPAN-2, August 1, 1998.
To the Best of Our Knowledge, Public Radio International, June 21, 2013.
Free Speech Radio News, Pacifica Radio (NPR affiliate), June 7, 2013.
Marc Steiner Show, WEAA (NPR affiliate), September 8, 2011.
Marc Steiner Show, WEAA (NPR affiliate), February 22, 2011.
All Things Considered, NPR, February 22, 2011.
Marc Steiner Show, WEAA (NPR affiliate), September 28, 2010.
Patt Morrison, KPCC (NPR affiliate), September 27, 2010.
On the Media, WNYC (NPR affiliate), September 20, 2008.
Science Friday, NPR (nationally-syndicated), August 17, 2007.
Marketplace, NPR (nationally-syndicated), August 10, 2000.
Marketplace, NPR (nationally-syndicated), July 11, 2000.
Fieger Show, WXYT, Detroit, Michigan, April 15, 1999.
FOCUS 580, WILL, Indianapolis, Indiana (NPR affiliate), June 12, 1998.
WBUR, Boston (NPR affiliate), May 7, 1998.
The Green Room, WFMU, New Jersey, February 9, 1998.
Talk of the Nation, NPR (nationally-syndicated), February 2, 1998.
“The Large Immortal Machine and the Ticking Time Bomb,” Fifth Annual Privacy Lecture, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, March 2012(CLE credit).
“Surveillance or Security? The Risks Posed by New Wiretapping Technolo- gies,” Plenary, AusCERT, May 2012; Invited Talk, Large InstallationSystem Administration Conference (LISA), December 2011.
“Privacy: It’s All in the Use Case,” Invited Essayist, Advanced Computer Security Applications Confernece, December 2011.
“A Computer Scientist Goes to Washington: How to Be Effective When Facts are 10% of the Equation,” SIGCSE Keynote, March 2011.
“Bits and Bytes: Explaining Communications Security (and Insecurity) in Washington and Brussels,” Invited Talk, Grace Hopper Celebration ofWomen in Computer Science, October 2009.
“Internet Surveillance: Building our own Trojan Horse,” Invited Talk, “Unsecuring the Internet: A New Government Policy?,” Keynote, North- eastern Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Col-leges, Plattsburgh, NY, April 2008.
“Wiretapping the Internet: Communications Insecurity,” Keynote, British Columbia Privacy and Security Conference, February 2008.
“Keep Calm and Carry On,” Invited Talk, HP Day, Royal Holloway Col- “The Missing Link,” Keynote, Privacy Enhancing Technologies Workshop, “Security, Trusted Computing, and DRM,” Invited Talk, Javapolis 2004, “Security, Liberty, and Privacy,” Invited Talk, CRYPTO, August, 2004.
“Old Math, New Math: Using Polynomials to Gain Insight into the Design of Cryptosystems,” Invited Hour MAA Speaker, Joint Math Meetings,January 2002.
“Does Wiretapping Make Us More Secure? What a Computer Scientist Has to Add to the National Conversation,” University of MichiganDistinguished Lecture, Februry 2014.
“What’s Significant in the NSA Revelations,” IDA 30th Year Celebration Seminar, Linkoping University, Sweden, October 2013.
“Primes, Surveillance, and the National Security Agency,” Hampshire Sum- “The Future of Wiretapping,” IEEE Webinar, June 2013.
“A US Wiretap Snapshot: May 2013,” British Telecom Executive Visitor’s “Under the Radar: NSA’s Efforts to Secure Private-Sector Communica- tions Infrastructure,” Kennedy School Minerva Working Group, April2013.
“Can It Really Work? Problems with Extending EINSTEIN to Critical In- frastructure,” Kennedy School Minerva Working Group, March 2012.
“Envisioning Cybersecurity Research — and Education — in New Eng- land,” New England Summit on Cyber Security, Boston University,June 2011.
“Cybersecurity: Asking the Right Questions,” Watson Institute, Brown University, February 2013; Distinguished Lecture, AT&T, May 2011.
“Cybersecurity and Cyber Freedom: The Future of Digital Surveillance Technology,” Brookings Institution, February 2011.
“Surveillance or Security? The Risks Posed by New Wiretapping Technolo- gies,” ISPIA Distinguished Lecture, University of Calgary, April 2013;Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, January 2013; Sammet Lecture, Mt.
Holyoke, November, 2012; Mitre, November 2012; Politecnico di Mi-lano, September 2012; Triangle Distinguished Lecture (Duke, NCSU,UNC), November 2011; ETHZ/University of Zurich Workshop andLecture Series on Technology: Policy, Law, and Economics, Novem-ber, 2011; IEEE/ACM-CS Central New Jersey Chapter, April 2011;Berkman Institute for Internet and Society, Harvard University, March2011; University of California at Berkeley, February 2011; Google, NewYork, November 2010; Distinguished Lecture, University of Waterloo,November 2010.
“Untangling Attribution: Designing for Requirements,” University of Cal- gary, April 2013; Invited Talk, Third Workshop on MathematicalCryptology (WMC2012), Castro Urdiales, Spain, July 2012; Distin-guished Lecture, Stevens Institute of Technology, April 2012; ETHZ/Universityof Zurich Workshop and Lecture Series on Technology: Policy, Law,and Economics, November, 2011; CRCS seminar, Harvard, Novem-ber 2010; Kennedy School Minerva Working Group, November 2010;Information Science Department, Cornell University, November 2010.
“Building our own Trojan Horse: Communications Surveillance and Cre- ating Communications (In)Security,” Institute for Information Infras-tructure, October 2009; Berkeley EECS, March 2009; MIT CSAIL,February 2009; LERIAS, University of Pittsburgh, November 2008;Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Security, Ascona, Switzerland,July 2008.
“Transactional Information is Remarkably Revelatory,” Women’s Institute in Summer Enrichment, Cornell, June 2008.
“The Logic of the Law: Warrants for Content, Subpoenas for Transac- tional Information,” Women’s Institute in Summer Enrichment, Cor-nell, June 2008.
“COMSEC v. COMINT, and is Terrorism the Right Question?,” Ecole “DRM: A Different Approach,” Harvard CRCS seminar, November 2006.
“Polynomials in the Nation’s Service: Designing the Advanced Encryption Standard,” Tufts University, October 2002.
“Putting Precision into the ‘Crypto’ Wars,” Social Science Research Coun- cil. Workshop on Information Technology and Social Research: Set-ting the Agenda, June 2002.
“The Internet, Security, and Privacy,” ETH, Zurich, November 2001.
“The Profound Effect of Computer Science on Teaching and Research in Mathematics,” Fundamentals of Computing Workshop, CSTB, Na-tional Research Council, July 2001.
“Cryptology: Technology and Policy,” University of Puerto Rico, Ponce, February 2001; CERIAS seminar, Purdue, December 2000; PhysicsColloquium, Argonne National Laboratory, December 2000; WilliamsCollege, November 2000, Stanford University, February 2000, Con-necticut College, May 2000, C.K. Whitco (Uniroyal), September 1999,Hoffman LaRoche, May 1999, NASA Greenbelt, Maryland, March1999, Rockefeller Distinguished Lecturer, Dartmouth College, March1999, Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, Virginia, February1999, Corning Research Labs, February 1999, University Lecture Se-ries, University of Wisconsin, December 1998, Institute for Scienceand Interdisciplinary Studies, Hampshire College, October 1998, Pol-icy Program, University of Massachusetts, October 1998, WorcesterPolytechnic Institute, April 1998, MSRI, January 1998, DIMACS Re-search and Education Institute, July 1997.
“Codes, Keys, and Conflicts: Issues in US Crypto Policy,” Amherst Col- lege, November 1996, Distinguished Lecture, UC Irvine, January 1996,Cornell University, November 1995, DIMACS, February 1995.
3: Four Different Views,” MIT Math Department, February 2009, East Coast Algebra Day, Northeastern University, April 1997.
“Embedding Linkages in Integer Lattices,” Combinatorics Day at Smith, “How to Tangle with a Nested Radical,” Williams College, October 1992.
“Elegant Algorithms and Slow Solutions,” University of Denver, May 1996, IBM, San Jose, July 1992, Haverford College, May 1992, CUNY, NewYork, March 1992, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, January1992, Supercomputing Research Center, April 1991, Valley GeometrySeminar, Univ. of Mass., April, 1991.
“Simplification of Nested Radicals,” Cornell, February, 1993, Algofest, New England Theory Network, Bristol, RI, April 1992, IBM, YorktownHeights, June 1991, Purdue University, July 1990, SIAM Annual Meet-ing (Special Session on Symbolic Computation), July 1990, Universityof Texas, Austin, January, 1990, Northeastern University, November,1989, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, September, 1989, Universityof Massachusetts Math Colloquim, September, 1989, AMS AnnualMeeting (Special Session On Computational Number Theory), Au-gust, 1989, Greater Philadelphia Combinatorics Colloquim, February,1989.
“Shrinking Lattice Polyhedra,” AMS Meeting (Special Session on Compu- tational Algebra), Hoboken, October, 1989.
“Some Remarks on Computing the Square Parts of Integers,” MIT Theory of Computation seminar, October, 1988.
“Factoring Polynomials Quickly,” IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, Au- gust, 1987, University of Washington, July, 1987, University of War-saw, July, 1987, Sandia Labs, May, 1987.
“Polynomial Decomposition Algorithms,” Bonn Workshop on Foundations of Computing, July, 1987; MIT, December, 1986; Cornell University,June, 1986.
“Solvability by Radicals is in Polynomial Time,” Math Sciences Institute, Cornell, March 1993; University of Washington, May 1986; MSRIWorkshop on Computation in Algebra and Number Theory, October,1985; Dartmouth College, October, 1984; Williams College, Septem-ber, 1984; Cornell University, August, 1984; Beijing Computer Insti-tute, June, 1984; University of Calif. (Berkeley), May, 1984; StanfordUniversity, January, 1984; Women in Mathematics Mini-Conference,CUNY, December, 1983; University of Toronto, October, 1983; IBM,Yorktown Heights, April, 1983; Carnegie-Mellon, April, 1983; BellLabs, January, 1983.
“The Complexity of Polynomial Factorization,” Beijing Computer Insti- tute, June, 1984; IBM San Jose, January, 1984; Assoc. for Women inMath, Boston Chapter, October 1982.
“The Parallel Complexity of Certain Algebraic Problems,” Beijing Com- “Factoring Polynomials over Algebraic Number Fields,” Cornell University, “Primes, Codes and the National Security Agency,” Wellesley College, April 1993; Stanford University, October, 1985; Williams College,September, 1984; Academia Sinica, Beijing, June, 1984; Tufts Uni-versity, February, 1981; Dartmouth College, October, 1980.
“Mapping the Universe,” Connecticut Junior Science and Humanities Sym- posium, March, 1984; Hampshire College Summer Studies in Math,August, 1982.
Discussion Leader, “Identity management: why don’t we have it and do we actually need it?,” NSF Secure and Trustworthy Computing meeting,November 2012.
Participant, “Cybersecurity and the Future of the Internet,” Joint CASBS/CISAC meeting, Stanford University, November 2012.
Participant, “Transparency and Lawful Access,” Google Brussels, Septem- Guest Scholar, Faculty Workshop: Civilian Cybersecurity Policy for an Age of Globalization,Center on Law and Information Policy, FordhamLaw School, April 2012.
Panelist, “On the Rise of Smart Technologies, Surveillance, Privacy, and Ethics,”Fifth International Conference on Computers, Privacy, andData Protection, Brussels, January 2012.
Panelist, “The Search for Meaningful Trustworthiness,” ACSAC, December Panelist, “Surveillance and Citizenship,” MIT Communications Forum, Panelist, White House launch of National Strategy for Trusted Identities Moderator, “Privacy Concerns in Cybersecurity,” Cybersecurity: Law, Pri- vacy, and Warfare in a Digital World, Harvard Law School, March2011.
Participant, “Internet Privacy Workshop: How can Technology Help to Improve Privacy on the Internet?,” IAB, W3C, ISOC, and CSAIL,December 2010.
Participant, “No More Secrets: National Security Strategies for a Transpar- ent World,” ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security,Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive, and National Se-curity Forum, June, 2010.
Panelist, “The CIO Roadmap for Data Protection and Privacy,” CIO Fo- rum, Department of Homeland Security, March 2010.
Panelist, “Privacy in the Digital World of the Internet, E-Commerce, and Post-9/11 America,” ABA Program on Data Privacy, Boston, Febru-ary 2009 (CLE credit).
Panelist, “Managing Opportunities,” CRA-W CAPP-L Workshop, Santa Moderator and Organizer, “Letting The Cup Overflow: Expanding Your Experiences Outside the Research Lab,” Grace Hopper Celebration ofWomen in Computer Science, October 2008.
Panelist, “Security Risks of the Protect America Act,” Modernization of FISA, Georgetown Law School, September 2007.
Panelist, “Government Security, Surveillance and Civil Liberties.” ABA National Institue on Computing and the Law, June 2007 (CLE credit).
Panelist, “Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age: Discussion on the findings of the report of the National Research Coun-cil (US),” Computers, Freedom, and Privacy, May 2007.
Panelist, “Private Sector Initiatives to Design Technology to Enable (Some) Privileged Uses,” Copyright, DRM Technologies, and Consumer Pro-tection meeting, Boalt Hall School of Law, Berkeley, March 2007 (CLEcredit).
Session Speaker, “Prime Numbers: New Developments in Ancient Prob- lems,” AAAS Annual Meeting, February 2007 (repeated, by invitation,at MAA Mathfest, August 2007).
Panelist, “Security and Privacy,” Global Forum 2006, Paris November Panelist, “Non-traditional Ways to Advance Your Career,” Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computer Science, October 2006.
Panelist, “Lawful Intercept: Reconciling Privacy with National Security in an IP-enabled World,” VON Fall meeting, September 2006.
Panelist, “Digital Rights Management,” Computers, Freedom, and Privacy, Panelist, “Career Paths Contrasted,” CRA-W Career Mentoring Work- Moderator and Organizer, “National Leadership Opportunities,” Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computer Science, October 2004.
Panelist, “Managing Career Change,” Grace Hopper Celebration of Women Participant, DTO/DNI Privacy Protection Workshop (series of three one- Speaker, “Privacy and Civil Liberties Issues in Computing Applications Research and Development” workshop, Computers, Freedom, and Pri-vacy, April 2004.
Speaker, “Who Are You? The Basics of Authentication, Privacy, and Iden- tity Today” tutorial, Computers, Freedom, and Privacy, April 2004.
Participant, “Workshop on Proactive DRM Agenda,” American Library Association and School of Information Management, UC Berkeley,January 2003.
Panelist, “Security, Freedom, and Privacy in a Post-September 11 World,” Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computer Science, Vancouver,October 2002.
Participant, Public Design Workshop, NYU Law School, September 2002.
Participant, DARPA Workshop on e-Authentication, August 2002.
Panelist, “Visual Surveillance” and “Content Analysis” panels, Symposium on Security and Privacy, Zurich November 2001.
Participant, Cybercrime Workshop, Institute for Prospective Technical Stud- ies, Joint Research Center, European Commission, Seville, January2001.
Organizer, “Achieving Balance,” Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Panelist, “The Brave New World of the Net: Will Policy and Technology Liberate or Enslave Us?,” Grace Hopper Celebration of Women inComputer Science, September 2000.
Organizer, “Battling the Crypto Wars,” symposium at American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science annual meeting, February 2000.
Panelist, “Cyberspace and Privacy,” Stanford Law Review, Stanford, Febru- Panelist, “Anonymity on the Internet,” ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security, November 1998.
Panelist, “Conceptual Approaches to Security and Export Control on the Internet,” The International Cyberlaw and Business Conference 1998:Conceptual Issues Across Borders, New York County Lawyers’ Asso-cation, April 1998.
Panelist, “Washington Update,” RSA Data Security Conference, January, Panelist, “What are the Pros and Cons of Cryptography?,” International Conference on Privacy, Montreal, September 1997.
Panelist, “Washington Update,” RSA Data Security Conference, January, Participant, “National Information Infrastructure Forum,” Privacy and Se- curity Track, National Institutes of Standards and Technology, Febru-ary 28 – March 1, 1994.
Participant, “Women in Mathematics Workshop,” National Security Agency, Senior participant in “Individual Rights in the Information Age” work- shop, Fourth International Student Pugwash Conference, PrincetonUniversity, June 23-29, 1985.
Student participant in “Computers and Society” workshop, Second Inter- national Student Pugwash Conference, Yale University, June 15-21,1981.
P.I., NSF Grant: Certification of Security Protocols, 10/97-4/99.
P.I., NSF Grant: ISSAC Travel Grant, 8/93-12/94.
P.I., NSF Grant: Algebraic Algorithms, 7/92-12/95.
P.I., NSF Grant: Algebraic Algorithms and Computational Complexity, MSRI Postdoctoral Fellowship, 9/85-12/85.
P.I., NSF Grant: Algebraic Algorithms and Computational Complexity,


News release

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