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Public Health Aspects of Tobacco Control:
Setting the Agenda for Action by Oral Health
Richard G. Watta/Habib Benzianb/Viv Binniec/Christine Gafnerd/
Marjoljin Hoviuse/Tim J. Newtonf/Robert E. Mecklenburgg
Abstract: Tobacco use is a significant public health problem across Europe. Each year over half a million Europeans die pre-maturely due to a smoking-related disease. Tobacco use is a primary cause of many oral diseases and adverse oral condi-tions. The prevalence of tobacco use varies considerably across Europe, although in many countries overall rates of usehave declined in recent years. However, tobacco use among women and young people is rising in several European coun-tries. Tobacco behaviour is influenced by an array of factors, and quitting is a major challenge for many tobacco users. To-bacco use is now considered a chronic progressive relapsing condition requiring very specific support and assistance. To reduce tobacco use across Europe, a range of complementary actions and policies are required at an international, na-tional and local level. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) outlines an array of evidence-based poli-cies that can be implemented to prevent tobacco use and promote cessation. National dental associations and professionalgroups across Europe have an important role to play in supporting the ratification and implementation of the FCTC. The aim of this paper is to outline the public health aspects of tobacco control and highlight how the oral health professionsacross Europe can become actively engaged in this important and relevant area of prevention.
Key words: public health, tobacco control, oral health professions
Oral Health Prev Dent 2006; 4: 19-26.Submitted for publication: 01.12.05; accepted for publication: 09.01.06.
Tobacco use is one of the greatest global public high amongst the poorer and socially isolated sec-
health challenges. Worldwide it is estimated that
tions of many developed societies, thereby contribut-
over 4.9 million people will die prematurely due to to-
ing significantly to health inequalities (WHO, 2002).
bacco-related diseases (WHO, 2002). Although rates
In many parts of the developing world tobacco sales
of tobacco use have declined steadily in many devel-
have risen steadily in recent years, and the global
oped countries over the past 30 years, rates remain
death toll inflicted by tobacco will therefore increasedramatically in the coming years.
The damaging effects of tobacco use on oral health
are well established. The most significant effects on
a Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College
the oral cavity are oral cancers and potentially malig-
nant lesions, increased severity and extent of peri-
b FDI World Dental Federation, Ferney-Voltaire, France.
odontal diseases, as well as poor wound healing fol-
c Department of Dental Public Health, University of Glasgow Dental
lowing surgery (EU Working Group, 1998; Winn, 2001).
Tobacco-induced oral diseases contribute significant-
Progef, Neufeldr. Bern, Switzerland.
ly to the global oral disease burden (WHO, 2005). The
e InHolland University of Professional Education, School of Hygiene,
oral health professions across Europe have a profes-
f Department of Dental Public Health, Kings College London, UK.
sional and ethical duty to become actively engaged in
efforts to combat tobacco use. Gillon (1995) identifies
four key ethical principles by which health interven-
Reprint requests: Prof. Richard G. Watt, Department of Epidemiologyand Public Health, University College London, 1-19 Torrington Place,
tions should be appraised: beneficence, non-malfea-
London WC1E 6BT, UK. E-mail: [email protected]
sance, equity and scope. These ethical principles are
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Table 1 Smoking prevalence across EU and Switzerland 2002-03
applicable to tobacco control and the duty of oral
rope and globally. The oral health professions across
Europe are in a unique position to help their patients
Although some progress has been made, a great
stop using tobacco. Ways of supporting cessation ac-
deal more could be achieved if oral health profes-
tivities delivered by oral health professionals will be
sionals became more actively involved in tobacco
outlined. High-quality targeted education and train-
control, and in particular provided cessation support
ing that develop the dental teams’ knowledge and
to their patients who use tobacco. Increasingly pa-
skills in cessation are urgently needed. Training op-
tients expect oral health professionals to provide
portunities exist at both undergraduate and postgrad-
support and advice on tobacco cessation (Campbell
uate levels. Finally, the role of dental professional
et al, 1999; Rikard-Bell et al, 2003). It is now time
organisations in tobacco control will be highlighted.
oral health personnel as health professionals taketheir responsibility in providing cessation support totheir patients.
The aim of this paper is to outline the public
health aspects of tobacco control and cessation. The
Tobacco use is a major public health problem across
oral health professions across Europe have an im-
the world. The global death toll from tobacco con-
portant role to play in tackling the tobacco epidemic.
sumption is now 4.9 million people per year and is
This chapter will summarise the epidemiology of
estimated to reach 10 million by 2020 (WHO, 2002).
tobacco use across the European Union (EU) and
In the European Union (EU) prior to enlargement it
Switzerland. The need to understand the nature and
was estimated that tobacco use was responsible for
characteristics of tobacco use behaviour will be high-
more than half a million deaths each year (Ryan,
lighted. As a chronic relapsing condition it is essen-
2000). In addition to the recognised impact on gen-
tial that effective actions are implemented to prevent
eral health, tobacco use is a primary cause of many
the uptake of tobacco use, particularly amongst
oral diseases and adverse oral conditions (WHO,
young people. An overview of the broader tobacco
control agenda will be outlined to illustrate the im-
The prevalence of smoking across the EU varies
portance of implementing a comprehensive range of
considerably, from 17% in Sweden to 45% in Greece,
policies to combat the activities of vested interest
with an overall average of 29% (Joossens, 2004)
groups engaged in promoting tobacco use across Eu-
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Overall rates of tobacco use have declined in most
nicotine dependence (Jarvis and Wardle, 1 nt
European countries over the past 30 years. For exam-
tine and t en
ple, in Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Slovenia there
fore find quitting more difficult. When people stop us-
has been more than a 25% reduction in smoking rates
ing tobacco they experience severe cravings and a
between 1985-2003 (Joossens, 2004). The reduction
range of unpleasant physical and psychological side-
in smoking has been most marked amongst men,
effects. Most smokers make repeated attempts to quit
whereas rates of smoking amongst women have actu-
before eventually succeeding. Indeed, tobacco depen-
ally increased in several countries. For example, in
dence can be considered as a chronic relapsing con-
Greece, Lithuania, Finland, Hungary and Austria sig-
dition. This recognises the long-term nature of quitting
nificant increases in smoking levels amongst women
and the fact that periods of relapse and remission are
have been reported between 1985-2003 (Joossens,
common. Such an approach has important implica-
2004). Another area of concern is the rate of smoking
tions on how best to support tobacco users to quit suc-
amongst young people across Europe. In many coun-
cessfully. Whether or not smokers are successful in
tries smoking rates are notably higher amongst girls
their quit attempts depends on the balance between
than boys. It has been reported that over 30% of 15-
that individual's motivation to stop tobacco use, their
year-old girls smoke at least once a week in Austria,
degree of dependence on tobacco and the social sup-
Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Slovenia and Spain
In many European countries smoking levels are sig-
nificantly higher amongst socially disadvantaged
groups and is therefore a major contributory factor increating health inequalities. In addition, the rates of
Clinical and public health interventions need to be
quitting smoking are significantly lower amongst
based upon sound scientific evidence. A significant
adults from lower socio-economic groups (Judge et al,
amount of high quality research has been published
2005). The differences in quit rates between social
in the tobacco cessation field. Many of the studies
groups is not merely a reflection of different levels of
were randomised controlled trials enabling meta-
motivation. Evidence clearly indicates that smokers'
analysis to be undertaken of the pooled results.
level of nicotine dependence increases systematically
Based upon the available evidence, consensus guide-
with deprivation. Poorer smokers are essentially more
lines on professional practice have been published
addicted than more affluent smokers (Jarvis and War-
(Fiore et al, 2000; West et al, 2000). These guide-
dle, 1999). The prevalence of smoking is also higher
lines highlight the role of health professionals in to-
amongst a range of vulnerable groups, including peo-
bacco cessation and outline the steps involved in
ple with mental illness, the homeless and certain eth-
assessment, support, treatment and referral. The
nic minority groups. In addition to smoking, the use of
quality of evidence in relation to oral health profes-
smokeless tobacco is a major concern in relation to
sionals’ involvement in tobacco use cessation is less
oral pathology (Gupta and Warnakulasuriya, 2002).
robust, with few well designed randomised controlled
Smokeless tobacco use is common amongst certain
trials undertaken. However, the available eviden-
ethnic minority groups and in countries such as Swe-
ce suggests that dentists and their teams are as
successful in providing cessation support as otherhealth professionals (Fiore et al, 2000; Warnakula-suriya, 2002). Major gaps remain in the evidence
base for the primary prevention of tobacco use.
To be able to develop effective preventive strategiesand treatments, it is important to consider the complex
nature of tobacco use behaviour. The majority of smok-ers start in their teenage years when a variety of fac-
In order to effectively reduce tobacco use across Eu-
tors such as fashion, peer pressure and advertising
rope, a range of complementary actions and policies
are particularly influential on behaviour. Once depen-
are required at an international, national and local
dence is established, smoking soon becomes an en-
level. Examples of such interventions are given in
trenched routine linked to a range of aspects of daily
living and coping with pressures and stresses. Howev-
Effective smoke-free policies in the workplace and
er, the most powerful determinant of tobacco use is
public spaces will reduce passive smoking, encourage
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• Smoke-free policies in public spaces and workplace
Greater restriction on the point of sale of tobacco
products is important, particularly where young peo-
ple may be able to access tobacco products - for ex-
• Controls on tobacco promotion (advertising, product
ample, vending machines provide a point of access
that is largely unsupervised. Tobacco products contain
thousands of compounds aside from nicotine, many
of which are harmful, if not highly toxic. There is a
need for greater regulation of the contents of tobacco
products, comparable to the legislation covering food,
• Provision of effective and accessible cessation services
drugs and other consumer products (Jamrozik, 2004).
In an expert review of tobacco control policy across
28 European countries the relative value of differentpolicy options were considered and ranked (Joossens,2004). Out of a possible maximum score of 100 the fol-
cessation and hence lower consumption, and de-
crease the number of negative role models availableto children. In some countries, such as Ireland, Scot-
land and Italy, legislation on restricting smoking in pub-
• Workplace/public space smoking bans (22 points)
lic spaces has already been passed. Workplace smok-
• Overall tobacco control budget (15 points)
ing bans lead, on average, to 4% of smokers quitting,
and reductions in smoking among continuing smokers
• Tobacco dependence treatment (10 points).
Regular increases in the cost of tobacco products
in real terms (and increased taxation) have a direct ef-
The five countries with the highest scores for their
fect on consumption, particularly amongst adoles-
tobacco control policies were Iceland, UK, Norway, Ire-
cents. An increase in the price of tobacco products of
10% has been shown to lead to a fall in smoking of4% in adults and 6% in children (Jha and Cha-loupka,1999). However, increased prices may lead to in-
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
creased smuggling of tobacco products, which should
be addressed through appropriate mechanisms to de-tect and deter this criminal activity. Between 1990
At the World Health Assembly in May 2003 a ground-
and 1997 world-wide the smuggling of tobacco prod-
breaking global public health treaty was agreed. The
ucts increased by more than 110% (ASH, 2005).
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
There is some evidence that public education pro-
(FCTC) outlines the following actions (WHO, 2003):
grammes, which are sustained and delivered in concert with other aspects of the tobacco control
The core demand reduction provisions include:
agenda, can be effective in reducing the prevalenceof smoking. On 1 January 2004, one million people
• Price and tax measures to reduce the demand for
in Holland stopped smoking as part of a mass media
campaign to encourage smoking cessation. At one
• Non-price measures to reduce the demand for to-
year follow-up, 239,000 individuals (23.9%) were still
not smoking (Kalkman, 2004). Increasingly countriesare seeking to exercise greater control over the ad-
- Protection from exposure to tobacco smoke
vertising and promotion of tobacco products both di-
- Regulation of the contents of tobacco products
rectly and indirectly through product placement and
sports sponsorship. In 1975 the Norwegian govern-
- Packaging and labelling of tobacco products
ment announced a ban on the advertising of smok-
- Education, communication, training and public
ing, which was associated with tobacco consumption
reaching a plateau against a trend of increasing use
- Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsor
over 20 years (Royal College of Physicians, 1983). An
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Table 3 Perceived barriers limiting progr
- Demand reduction measures concerning to-
The core supply reduction provisions include:
• Doubts about effectiveness of advice• Lack of time ñ cost concerns
• Fear of affecting patient/dentist relationship
• Provision of support for economically viable alter-
• Assume responsibility of other health professionals• Outdated concepts of prevention and behaviour change
Pressure is now being placed on governments
Sources: Chestnut and Binnie, 1995; John et al, 1997;
across the world to ratify and enact the convention.
Other examples of policy approaches to tobacco con-trol are the European Union Directive on Tobacco Ad-vertising and a range of other EU directives.
Developing the dental team’s knowledge and skills
to deliver effective cessation support is essential. Training covering all relevant aspects of cessation
A key element in tobacco control most relevant to
should be provided at both undergraduate and post-
health service settings is the provision of evidence-
graduate levels. At the undergraduate level tobacco-re-
based cessation services and support. Significant
lated topics can be integrated into a range of subjects
progress across Europe has been made in engaging
such as dental public health, behavioural sciences,
the oral health professions in cessation activity. How-
communication skills, oral pathology, oral diagnosis
ever, major barriers have been identified that need to
and periodontology. A useful incentive to encourage
be addressed to move this agenda forward (Table 3).
oral health professionals' attendance at cessation
The diverse nature and range of barriers that limit
courses is to have the programmes accredited for con-
oral health professionals’ active engagement in ces-
tinuing professional development (CPD) points. In the
sation activities means that a multifaceted approach
UK, uptake of a cessation training resource was sig-
is required to facilitate progress in this important area
nificant, in part due to the CPD points awarded for
of preventive practice. Evidence-based guidelines
reading the guide (Beaglehole and Watt, 2004). De-
have been published, which summarise the research
tails of professional training are covered below and in
on the effectiveness of cessation services (Fiore et al,
2000; West et al, 2000). These need to be dissemi-
Evidence indicates that cessation rates double when
nated to oral health professionals in a format that is
pharmacological products such as nicotine replace-
relevant, accessible and applicable in clinical dental
ment therapy (NRT) or bupropion (Zyban) are used
settings to address practitioners' concerns over the ef-
(Fiore et al, 2000; West et al, 2000). However, in many
fectiveness of cessation support. A fundamental bar-
European countries neither of these products can be
rier is the perceived time it takes to provide cessation
prescribed by dentists at present. Reform of the pre-
support and the absence of any direct funding to re-
scription guidelines is urgently needed to enable den-
imburse oral health practitioners for their efforts. Re-
tists to prescribe these useful products. On a more
forming reimbursement systems to encourage pre-
practical level, tailored cessation resources for use in
ventive care is a significant challenge. Where fee-per-
clinical dental settings are needed to enable cessation
item systems operate, cessation activity should be in-
advice to become routinely incorporated into clinical
corporated as a recognised item of preventive care. It
dental practice. For example, medical history forms
has been estimated that cessation advice delivered in
should contain standardised questions to assess pa-
dental settings takes under seven minutes per patient
tients' smoking patterns. In addition, information on lo-
(Cohen et al, 1989). If the whole dental team becomes
cal helplines and cessation services could be displayed
actively engaged in smoking cessation, the amount of
time dentists are directly involved will be reduced fur-ther. In addition it is important to recognise the valueof other direct and indirect compensation systems. Alle R Copyright orbehalt Professional education, training and capacity ole of dental associations and professional
Appropriate education and training is required at both
National and international dental associations and pro-
undergraduate and post-qualification (graduate) levels
fessional groups have an important role to play in to-
to enable all members of the oral health professions
bacco control. However, a recent survey of National
across Europe to engage effectively in tobacco pre-
Dental Associations (NDAs) across OECD countries re-
vention and cessation. Regarding certain public health
vealed that only 50% of NDAs had a written policy on to-
aspects, the professional education and training
bacco control (Beaglehole et al, 2005). The FDI and
WHO have recently published a useful guide that out-lines a range of actions NDAs can perform in relation to
• Knowledge of the local epidemiology of tobacco
tobacco control (FDI/WHO, 2005). Key recommenda-
use and inequalities in tobacco use across social
tions in the FDI Code of Practice on tobacco control for
groups. Information on the groups with the highest
oral health professional organisations include (FDI,
prevalence of smoking provides important infor-
mation on the priorities for the development ofservices and targeting of health promotion.
• Actively support governments in the process lead-
• A thorough understanding of the infrastructure for
ing to signature, ratification and implementation
the delivery of healthcare (both general health
of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco
and oral health) within the individual country, par-
ticularly in relation to tobacco cessation services.
• Support and endorse the tobacco control activi-
• An understanding of contemporary theories of be-
ties of other health networks and professional
haviour change and health promotion, in particu-
lar the range of factors and processes influencing
• Support campaigns for tobacco-free public places
• Actively participate in World No Tobacco Day every
• Knowledge of the nature and levels of tobacco de-
31 May and in other global and countrywide pub-
pendence and nicotine addiction, and its impact
on oral health and dental practice. Contemporary
• Include tobacco control in the agenda of all rele-
research has revealed much important informa-
tion on the nature of nicotine addiction and de-
• Influence training institutions and educational set-
pendence, which has important implications for
tings to include tobacco control in their oral health
the development of cessation services.
professionals' curricula at undergraduate, continu-
• An understanding of behaviour and specifically be-
• Advise all, their members to deliver evidence-
• Instilling positive attitudes towards the undertak-
based cessation support to their patients
ing of smoking cessation activities among dentalhealthcare professionals, including the provision
In addition, professional groups and associations
of professional role models in smoking cessation
could support their membership by publishing and
for members of the dental healthcare team.
disseminating cessation guidelines and resources
• Knowledge of the available treatment options and
designed for use in clinical dental settings. Lobbying
governments to reform dental health care systems to
• The development of skills required to support sus-
facilitate an expansion of preventive practice is an-
tained behaviour change in smoking cessation,
other important advocacy role that can be perform-
including communication skills and pre- and post-
ed. For example, in many countries dentists are not
able to prescribe nicotine replacement therapies
• Where relevant, the ability to work in a team ap-
(Beaglehole et al, 2005). Reforms of prescribing poli-
proach, supporting other members of the dental
cies are therefore urgently required.
• Where relevant within the healthcare setting, the
importance of and mechanisms for referring pa-
tients to specialist services for support.
A wealth of high quality international research hasbeen undertaken specifically in relation to the evalu-
Alle R Copyright orbehalt
ation of cessation interventions (Fiore et al, 2000;
West et al, 2000). However, significant gaps exist in
the research base in relation to oral health and to-
1. Action on Smoking and Health.
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2. Beaglehole RH, Watt RG. Helping Smokers to Stop: A Guide
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3. Beaglehole RH, Tsakos G, Watt RG. Tobacco control and the
• Primary prevention targeting young people in rela-
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tion to the social impacts of tobacco use on oral
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4. Campbell HS, Sletten M, Petty, T. Patients' perceptions of to-
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fectiveness of cessation training on different mem-
8. EU Working Group on Tobacco and Oral Health. Meeting
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9. Europa (2003) 2003/l_
• Oral health effects of passive smoking - e.g. the pe-
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riodontal status of workers employed in smoking en-
10. FDI/WHO. Tobacco or Oral Health: An Advocacy Guide for Oral
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• Relapse prevention - e.g. the role of oral health pro-
11. FDI. Code of Practice for Oral Health Professional Organisa-
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• Evaluating different incentives and compensation
12. Fiore MC, Bailey WC, Cohen SJ et al. Treating Tobacco Use
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14. Gupta PC, Warnakulasuriya S. Global epidemiology and areca
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15. Janrozik K. Population strategies to prevent smoking. British
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haviours: the case of cigarette smoking. In: Marmot M, Wilkin-
tentially important role to play in combating this
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major public health problem. This paper has outlined
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dressed. Details have been presented of the tobacco
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control agenda which provide a range of opportuni-
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ties for effective action. In particular the oral health
ventions for dental patients-attitudes and practices of dentists
professions have a unique role to play in providing
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cessation support to their patients. Other papers will
19. Joossens L. Effective tobacco control policies in 28 European
explore in more detail how cessation support can be
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cational developments needed to drive this agenda
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do Australian patients endorse and recall of smoking cessa-
tion advice by their dentists? British Dental Journal
28. Winn D. Tobacco use and oral disease. Jour
24. Ryan JF. Tobacco control issues in the European Union. Euro-
29. World Health Organization. The World Health Report: Reduc-
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25. Warnakulasuriya S. Effectiveness of tobacco counselling in
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Publikationen Prof. Dr. med. Sven Waßmann Endtmann, C., Ebrahimian, T., Czech, T., Arfa, O., Laufs, U., Fritz, M., Wassmann, K., Werner, N., Petoumenos, V., Nickenig, G., & Wassmann, S. 2011. Angiotensin II impairs endothelial progenitor cell number and function in vitro and in vivo: implications for vascular regeneration. Hypertension , 58(3): 394-403. Zimmer, S., Steinmetz, M
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