
Problem 6.1
Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for magnesium Mg (Z=12).
Problem 6.2
is a radioactive gas that can be trapped in the basements of homes, and its presence in high concentrations is a known health hazard. Radon has a half-life of 3.83 days. A
gas sample contains 4.00 × 108 radon atoms initially. How many atoms will remain after 14.0
days have passed if no more radon leaks in? What is the activity of the radon sample after 14.0
days? How long before 99% of the sample has decayed?
Problem 6.3
A nuclear reaction

Problem 6.4
Find the energy released in the reaction of helium-3 with deuterium:
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Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for natrium Na (Z=11).

Complete the following nuclear reaction:
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Homework #6/2
Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for neon Ne (Z=10).

Complete the following nuclear reaction:
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Homework #6/3

Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for lithium Li (Z=3).

Complete the following nuclear reaction:
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Homework #6/4

Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for berylliumBe (Z=4).

Complete the following radioactive decay formula:
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Homework #6/5

Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for boron B (Z=5).

Complete the following radioactive decay formula:
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Homework #6/6

Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for carbon C (Z=6).

Complete the following radioactive decay formula:
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Homework #6/7

Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for nitrogen N (Z=7).


Complete the following nuclear reaction:
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Homework #6/8

Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for oxigen O (Z=8).

Complete the following radioactive decay formula:
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Homework #6/9

Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for fluorine F (Z=9).

Complete the following radioactive decay formula:
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Alzheimer’s Imaging Consortium IC-P: Poster PresentationsBackground: Rosiglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorcopy. Because of their high iron content, plaques typically appear as hypo-[gamma] (PPAR[gamma]) agonist, has an anti-inflammatory effect in theintense spots on T2-weighted scans. One of the challenges in imagingbrain, decreasing interleukin-1[beta] concentration

“Water, water everywhere…” from amyloid fibrils to influenza A virus channels, water molecules are recognized by their fluctuating interactions with chemical bonds by the new 2D infrared methods A. Gosh1, Y.-S. Kim1, J. Qiu3, L. Liu2, R. DeVane4, T. Troxler1, W. F. DeGrado3, P. H. Axelsen2, and R. M. Hochstrasser1 1Department of Chemistry, 2Department of Pharmacology, 3Department

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