“What's on the agenda for tonight?" he said looking
through the different programs for that evening. "We can
The festival of Sukkot, which follows Rosh Hashana and Yom
either hear a lecture by Rabbi Klein or go to a concert at
Kippur, marks the beginning of the true days of rejoicing of the month of Tishrei, coming as it does after the solemnity of the
High Holidays. Sukkot has many similarities and characteristics
"Obviously we want to go to the concert. Who wants
in common with Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and is actually
to go listen to someone talk for two hours when there is a
the culmination and fulfilment of these first two holidays. The difference between the two lies in the fact that the holiness that
was in a concealed and hidden state on Rosh Hashana and
For one reason or another most people enjoy listening
Yom Kippur is revealed for all to see on "the day of our rejoicing
to music rather than hearing a speech. This week's parsha
One of the fundamental themes of Rosh Hashana and Yom
is one of the rare occasions in the Torah where the format
Kippur is that of the unity of the Jewish People. It is on Sukkot
of the text is that of a poetic song ,rather than the normal
that this motif finds its highest expression.
lines which we find in the rest of the Torah.
The Jew's worship on the High Holidays lies in his uncovering
of the "pintele Yid" within him, that Jewish spark that can never
A speech is really just lyrics without a tune. Evidently
be extinguished, that he shares in common with every other Jew.
what people find enjoyable about a song over talking is
All of us stand as equals before G-d in prayer on Rosh Hashana,
the melody. It has the power to transform a dry
accepting His sovereignty and crowning Him King over us all. On Yom Kippur we are equally aroused to do Teshuva (repent) and
articulation of verbal expression into a lively, vibrant,
return to G-d. When a Jew does Teshuva, he is merely
uncovering and revealing his innate belief in G-d and his love for Him.
Strangely enough, the lyrics to this week's "song" are
The unity of the Jewish People during the High Holidays is a
full of rebuke and reprimand, very different from what
unity based on the common denominator inherent in every Jew.
one normally associates with the pleasure and delight of
On Sukkot, however, we reach an even higher level of unity than before, developing the theme of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
musical harmony. Why of all passages would the Torah
One of the most important mitzvot of Sukkot is the taking of
In truth this personifies the whole novelty of music,
the Four Kinds. These four species symbolize the four different types of people which exist within the Jewish nation. The etrog
the taking of lifeless words and adding some pizzaz.
(citron) symbolizes one who possesses Torah learning and also
Everything in our lives, the good and the bad, is
does good deeds; the lulav (palm) is for one who possesses only
arranged by G-d. We sometimes want to argue with His
Torah learning. The hadas (myrtle) symbolizes one who performs commandments and does good deeds, but does not
decisions and demand better things. While we have the
have Torah learning, and the arava (willow) symbolizes the Jew
right to request improvement in our situations, at the
who possesses neither Torah nor good deeds.
same time we must bear in mind it is all for the best. This
On Sukkot we take these four disparate species and bring
them together to perform a mitzva. Our unity does not lie in our
is conveyed by the beautiful blend of words, regardless
ignoring the external differences which divide us; rather, we go
out of our way to include all types of Jews, even those in the category of arava, who would seem to have no positive
The song of Ha'azinu concludes on a truly happy note.
contribution to make. Despite all our differences we are all bound
Despite all of the reproof and telling off of the Jewish
people we are reassured of the final consolation with the
This is the highest degree of unity we can achieve. It is far
easier to concentrate only on that which we have in common
coming of Moshiach. The messianic era is the climax of
than to acknowledge that we differ as individuals and still remain
all songs when all the suffering we have endured is
transformed to happiness, and as the prophets tell us "the
On Sukkot we verify and confirm the unity which was
achieved during the High Holidays. This realization sustains us
streets of Jerusalem will once again be filled with dance
throughout the year and gives us the strength to live in harmony
Adapted from the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
rented for me a wave runner for a full day.
conduct services over the High holidays. Days of Awe: New Caledonia
school term a call had come through. The
ticket to one of the smaller neighbouring
senior yeshiva students laid a "guilt trip"
islands. I cycled around, exploring native
villages where people lived in grass huts,
caves filled with bats, and deserted white
sandy beaches. I picked green coconuts to
Caledonian customs. As I had expected, a
escape into my own tropical paradise.
thrilled to see me with the Torah. "It has
been so long," the man said. "May I carry
After a large dose of hearing that I was
I didn't spear anything but the fisherman
face lit up with the biggest smile. "We are
so delighted you could come," said the
man. "We are maybe 150 Jewish people
here mostly from Algeria and Tunisia. It
Abraham drove me to the airport, I sat in
has been a long time since we have had a
the car thinking; "Even if I did not make
any money I accomplished a lot and had a
"I am not a rabbi," I corrected him. "I
could have earned in Montreal, I imagined
am an 18-year-old studying in a rabbinical
would have been nice, but I got to have an
exploring the island. But upon arriving in
incredible experience." In addition, I had
"Yes, but you can read from the Torah.
We here cannot do this very well. We are
and for all your help," Abraham said, as
he bid me good-bye. "We want to give
appreciation." He handed me an envelope.
kept busy teaching Torah and it seemed as
knew nothing about him though I'd learn a
lot as he welcomed me to stay in his home
based on the exchange rate at that time. I
to Israel but his parents had taught him
some Hebrew when he lived in Algeria.
"If you have money for just a synagogue
than what G-d had intended for me. I did
or a Mikvah, Jewish law requires that you
the right thing by coming to help the New
build a Mikvah," I explained. It took a
Holidays. I had just spent almost an entire
little more convincing, but in the end he
year of intensive study in Australia and
was scheduled to fly home to Montreal. I
I finally did get a few days break in the
Published by The Chabad House of Caulfield in conjunction with the Rabbinical College of Australia and N.Z.
The central theme of the month of Nissan is G-d breaking through any obstacle for the Jewish people;
any accomplishment is attributed to Him. By contrast the month of Tishrei is focused on the people
P.O. Box 67, Balaclava Vic. 3183 AUSTRALIA
accomplishing on their own. For this reason it is written that the final redemption will take place in Tishrei,
Email: [email protected]
when the world through its own labour becomes a receptacle for G-dliness. G-d created for the purpose that world on its own to be able to contain him. Having the world, the people accomplish this, the entire
The Lamplighter contains words from sacredwritings. Please do not deface or discard.
The Day Following Yom Kippur, 5711 [1950]
This Shabbos is the 13th of Tishrei,
Fulfilling the mitzvah of the sukkah has a distinguishing characteristic-knowledge. The Torah writes,"You shall
the Hilulo (day of passing -- yahrzeit)
dwell in sukkos for seven days…, in order that your generations shall know that I caused the Children of Israel to
dwell in sukkos when I brought them out of the land of Egypt." Accordingly, the mitzvah of the sukkah has not been
properly fulfilled if one did not know its intent- that G-d commanded us to dwell in a sukkah in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt. performed its own work". This means
As is explained in various places, "the essence of knowledge is not merely knowing alone…, from authors and
that each day brings a new Divine
books, but the essential thing is to immerse one's own mind deeply…, and fix one's thought… with strength and
service, uniquely suited to that day.
vigour of the heart and mind, until his thought shall be bound… with a strong and mighty bond."
Similarly the Talmud states: Of all that
In this case, it is required that a person know that "I caused the Children of Israel to dwell in sukkos" and that this
took place "when I brought them out of the land of Egypt."
the Holy One blessed be He created in
Now, every single day, morning and evening, a man is obliged to regard himself as if he is now at the moment of
His world; he did not create a single
the Exodus from Egypt. "This refers to the release of the divine soul from the confinement of the body…, by
engaging in the Torah and the commandments in general and in particular through accepting the Sovereignty of Heaven [during the recital of the Shema]."
As this concept was expressed by my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe [Rayatz], (May I serve as an atonement
including every day, has a purpose in connection with the Divine service of
The first thing to be done is to get out of one's straits and bounds. In terms of avodah in general, these constitute
the lifestyle that a person chooses for himself. The particular straits and bounds grow out of the life situation in which
giving honour to the Holy One blessed
he chooses to set himself up. First of all, there has to be an Exodus from this spiritual Egypt, from all these
be He. What is the special purpose and the unique "work" of the 13th of
For example, a person's plans must include fixed daily periods for Torah study, and his prayers should be
attended to conscientiously, not by the minimal discharge of his formal obligations. Tishrei, the Hilulo day of the Rebbe
After the Exodus from Egypt comes the Splitting of the Red Sea. As soon as a person begins to tackle the task of
avodah, obstacles arise, each of them tough and formidable- just as, when the Children of Israel were on their way
The Hilulo , the day of passing of a
out of Egypt, behind them was the enemy, before them lay the sea, and they themselves were in the wilderness. The
Tzaddik has a negative aspect -- but at
Splitting of the Sea was wrought from Above.
G-d made a road there for the Children of Israel, just like a road on the dry land- except that there first had to be
the same time on the Hilulo day we find
one man of self-sacrifice who was prepared to leap into the sea. Once that was done, G-d transformed it into dry
the loftiest aspects, for the negative is transformed to the meritorious side,
[…G-d then caused them to dwell in sukkos.] By way of analogy: A newborn infant is bathed and swaddled not
only to protect him from uncleanliness, but also to straighten and strengthen his limbs- albeit temporarily, but this
thereby attaining greater quality. The
stands him in good stead throughout the time in which he grows to be a man. So, too, in avodah: When a person
combination of those two conditions is
brings himself to the point at which he has freed himself from the constrictions of his own mindset, so that he is now
personified by the concept "return the
unburdened of his former life-plans, the evil of his natural soul and the material and fleshly needs of his life become more refined. righteous to repentance," for even the
It is now time for the next step- "and the Children of Israel journeyed… to Sukkos." [The mitzvah of] sukkah is a
Tzaddik may attain the lofty state of
makkif, a transcendent light, but it is a transcendent light that becomes integrated within oneself, just as swaddling
an infant lends strength to his limbs even when he is a man. On this day, the Hilulo of the Rebbe
This, then, is the inner meaning of the words, "I caused the Children of Israel to dwell in sukkos when I brought
Assistance and strength in accomplishing all the above, throughout all the days of the year, may be borrowed
increase all matters connected to the
from the festival of Sukkos in general, and in particular from the mitzvah of living in a sukkah. Rebbe Maharash such as studying his
Additionally, making mention of our Rebbeim and their activities and their teachings provides further help. As my
revered father-in-law used to say, there are chassidic Ushpizin: the Baal Shem Tov, the Maggid [of Mezritch], the
teachings and emulating his ways,
Alter Rebbe, the Mitteler Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek, the RebbeMaharash and the Rebbe Rashab. especially "lichatchila Ariber [from the
And let us add: My revered father-in-law, the Rebbe [Rayatz], (May I serve as an atonement for his resting
onset to go above]." Knowing that we have been assured success in this task will certainly add to our momentum and enthusiasm in performing them.
The fifteenth of Tishrei starts a seven day period during which every Jewish male thirteen years of
age and older is required to live in a Sukkah, a temporary structure made of four walls and a roof
ultimate goal of existence, the era of
made of Schach [usually tree branches]. All eating must be done in this edifice, and be preceeded
with a blessing on the Sukkah in addition to the regular blessing on the food [as well as the Brocho Shehechiyanu the first time eating in the Sukkah]:
Maharash will speed the fulfillment of
Blessing on the sukkah; Baruch Atoh Adonay Eloheinu Melech HaOlam Asher Kiddishanu the promise: "Arise and sing you who Bimitzvosov Vitzivanu Leishev BaSukkah.dwell in the dust" which will occur with
The second Mitzva of the holiday of Sukkos is shaking the Lulav and Esrog. One takes his own
the coming of our righteous Moshiach
palm branch bound together with at least three myrtle branches and two willow branches in his right
and the true and complete redemption,
hand, and the Esrog in his left. Holding them side by side, he then waves them three times in each
direction; right, left, straight, up, down, and backward. Before the 'shake', while holding only the Lulav, the following Brocho is said [Shehechiyanu is said the first time doing the Mitzva]
Baruch Atoh Adonay Eloheinu Melech HaOlam Asher Kiddishanu Bimitzvosov Vitzivanu Al Netilas Lulav.
wondered why he was detained for so long.
Finally, after an agonizing wait, the signal was given that Avremeleh had
appeared. Jubilantly, the disciples ran to tell the Maggid that Avremeleh was on his way, and he could now drink his coffee. Much to their surprise and disappointment, however, the Maggid insisted, "I will not drink it until
In a town near Kozhnitz, there lived a widow and her only child, Avraham,
When Avremeleh at last arrived, the Maggid told him with a twinkle in his
known affectionately as Avremeleh. As a young man in his late teens,
eye, "Because you are so stubborn my coffee turned cold!"
Avremeleh wanted to move to Kozhnitz to become a disciple of R' Yisrael
The Maggid's cryptic comment aroused the curiosity of the disciples, and
Haupstein, the Maggid of Kozhnitz. His mother could not bear to be parted
they begged Avremeleh to explain what had occurred.
from her beloved son and decided to move to Kozhnitz too so that she could
He related, "I was thrown into a wagon along with another Jew. We quickly
drove off, and as the wagon rumbled on, I was distressed by many thoughts:
Everything went well for some time. They settled in Kozhnitz and
'How will my poor mother bear her suffering? Who will look after her? What will
Avremeleh's mother took great pride in caring for him and tending to his needs.
become of me? Will I be able to withstand the trials I will undergo with my faith
Every day he would come home to a freshly cooked meal prepared lovingly by
intact? I must never succumb to temptation! I am proud to be a Jew, and surely
the Torah I study and observe will protect me." These thoughts raced through
Their tranquil existence was brutally shattered one day when the
my mind and I reassured myself that with G-d's help I would surely be rescued.
merciless Russian soldiers marched into the town, enforcing the government's
Suddenly I saw a tall man with a long white beard running alongside the
compulsory conscription order. Word spread throughout the town that all
swiftly traveling wagon at superhuman speed. I realized that he must be none
eligible young men would be abducted, sending the frightened Jews scurrying
other than Eliyahu HaNavi/Elijah the Prophet. He knocked on the window and
motioned that I should jump out. I told Eliyahu, 'There is another Jew here. I will
Avremeleh, however, was immersed in his studies and remained unaware
only leave if he can also come.' The prophet replied, 'I was given permission to
of the danger. Deep in thought, he proceeded home, as usual, to enjoy the hot
meal his mother had prepared for him, oblivious to the ominous silence around
"Meanwhile the wagon drove on, with Eliyahu HaNavi keeping pace
alongside. Again he knocked on the window and beckoned to me. Again,
Suddenly, out of nowhere, two strong arms grabbed him, and he looked up
unswayed by his great holiness, I insisted that he take the other Jew along with
in horror at the sneering face of a Russian soldier. He was quickly thrown into a
me, and after several pleas and heartfelt persuasion, he finally relented and
waiting wagon which then left the town, taking him to serve in the Czar's army.
Meanwhile, Avremeleh's mother was waiting anxiously for him to come
Now the disciples understood the Maggid's remark, "Because you are so
home. When his usual lunch hour had come and gone with no sign of him, she
began to worry. She reheated the meal again and again, but still there was no sign of Avremeleh. It was not like her son to keep her waiting and as time passed she became frantic. She realized that the worst must have happened - he had been snatched off the street by the cruel soldiers.
She ran directly to the Kozhnitzer Maggid and implored him to help. The
Maggid reassured her that Avremeleh would return safely and all would be
And Jeshurun became fat and rebelled; you grew fat, thick and
well, but this did not suffice for the unfortunate woman. She insisted that the
corpulent; [Israel] forsook the G-d Who made them, and spurned the
Maggid do everything in his power to bring her son back immediately!
[Mighty] Rock of their salvation. (Deut. 32:15)
Just then the Rebbe's attendant entered, bringing the Maggid a cup of
coffee. The Maggid looked up at the mother and declared, "I promise you, I
The three terms in this verse "fat, thick, and corpulent" refer to three different
won't drink this until Avremeleh returns!"
stages of haughty, arrogant behaviour. With each level growing in intensity the
The Maggid's disciples were displeased, for they viewed his eating and
individual becomes less in tuned with his Creator. To counteract this
drinking as spiritual acts, and they did not want him to delay drinking his coffee
downward trend one must accustom oneself to proceed with humility and self
until Avremeleh's return. They tried to dissuade the Maggid, but he was
nullification. Only then will his own ego not disrupt his relationship with others
adamant. "I said I would not drink the coffee until Avremeleh comes, and I will
and G-d. (Based on teachings of the Previous Rebbe)
The disciples had complete faith in their mentor's powers, so did not doubt
that Avremeleh would indeed be saved. Wishing to inform the Maggid immediately of the young man's return, several of them took up positions at various points along the road leading to town, with each one instructed to
signal the next one as soon as Avremeleh was sighted. The one closest to
town would swiftly bear the good news to the Maggid, thus enabling him to
drink his coffee as soon as possible.
But time passed slowly for the waiting students, as the minutes turned to
hours and Avremeleh still had not returned. Their concern mounted as they
5:29.6:22.BRISBANE.5:30 .6:23 .6:236:25.7:14.DARWIN .6:25 .7:14 .7:14
5:59.6:54.PERTH.6:00 .6:55 .6:565:37.6:33.SYDNEY .5:39 .6:35 .6:36
6:04.7:02.AUCKLAND .7:06 .8:03 .8:046:05.7:06.WELLINGTON .7:07 .8:08 .8:09
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