
The following is a list of equipment that you should have, at a minimum, for the duration of the event.  Mandatory Gear will be checked at Registration before the event starts  Spot checks will take place before participants start each day  For your own safety and in the interests of fair play, make sure you have all Mandatory Gear before you leave the Start or Overnight Camp  All items apart from the Overnight Camp Specific equipment needs to be carried on the kayaks  Additional gear may be carried by support crews or by the event organisers in two gear boxes To download the Mandatory Gear List for easy printing please click here. M AN D AT O R Y P E R S O N A L E Q U I P M E N T - G E N E R A L
Waterproof ideal, water resistant acceptable (bagged when not in use) Pea-less so it functions when wet. Easy accessible at all times – ie, attached to short lanyard to your PFD Blade capable of cutting through webbing. Easy accessible at all times – ie, attached to short lanyard to your PFD Silver foil type. Enclosed bag style only – no foil blankets Waterproof. Should be modern, breathable, technology. Must be seam sealed Warm, beanie type, not cotton. Polypro, thermal, merino as a minimum This first layer garment must be of a thermal material e.g. polypro or This first layer garment must be of a thermal material e.g. polypro or Long sleeve fleece. Minimum '200' or Mid Weight Rating M AN D AT O R Y T E AM E Q U I P M E N T - G E N E R A L
Provided by the organisers. Participants will need to provide a small dry bag to keep these dry To keep all equipment stored in hatches dry. Recommend at least 2 heavy duty type to ensure that nothing gets wet  1x crepe/stretching bandage (min 7.5cm x min 2.3m  1x triangular bandage (+ 2 safety pins)  2x sterile dressings (min 10cm x 10cm)  2x roll of strapping tape (each sufficient to strap a wrist, for  Strong antihistamine tablets (e.g. Phenergan or Polaramine)  Pain killers (paracetamol, ibuprofen or similar) M AN D AT O R Y T E AM E Q U I P M E N T – O V E R N I G H T C AM P S P E C I F I C
One or two, depending on your personal requirements One per competitor. Must include synthetic or down insulation and be full body length Warm clothes that can be worn once paddling has finished for the day. Must include some kind of appropriate footwear for walking around camp As needed: Plate, bowl, mug, knife, fork, spoon, etc M AN D AT O R Y E Q U I P M E N T – K A Y A K S P E C I F I C
One per competitor plus one spare to be carried on the kayak at all times (spare must be 'split' variety for stowage - think about how this will be attached safely to the kayak) 20 metres in length minimum. Rope must float. Secured to hull of kayak and easily reachable at all times One per competitor. Buoyancy vest that is securely fitting, free of defects and with minimum 55N buoyancy – International Standard One per competitor. Whitewater navigation helmet (Norm CE or equivalent) To include items to make temporary repair to kayak and other items of equipment. Recommend at the very minimum: Duct tape, cable ties, some method of drying hull to allow application of tape One per hatch. Cut up milk carton acceptable or equivalent. Must be secured inside kayak

Source: http://www.wilddescent.com/downloads/MANDATORY%20GEAR%20LIST%20(2014).pdf

Microsoft word - policy and procedures for administering medicines

Uffington CE School Policy and procedures for administering medicines Policy statement While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to school, we will agree to administer ‘emergency’ medication as part of maintaining their health and well-being. For example, use of an Epipen or Ventolin inhaler. As far as possi

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Thibodeau c. ACA Assurances 2010 QCCS 5736 COUR SUPÉRIEURE CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC DISTRICT DE LONGUEUIL 505-17-003250-075 ______________________________________________________________________ SOUS LA PRÉSIDENCE DE : L’HONORABLE WILBROD CLAUDE DÉCARIE, J.C.S. ______________________________________________________________________ AURORE THIBODEAU c. A.C.A.

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