An047 a01 issue02 i.pdf

31 January 2003
The following are some of the types of medicine in common use which may impairwork performance. This list is not exhaustive and care should be taken in ensuring thelikely effects of any prescribed drug are adequately known before taking it.
Sleeping Tablets − These dull the senses, cause mental confusion and slowreaction times. The duration of effect is variable from person to person andmay be unduly prolonged. Individuals should have expert medical advicebefore using them; Anti-depressants − These can depress the alerting system and have been acontributory cause of mistakes leading to fatal accidents. A person shouldstop work when starting anti-depressants and only return when it is clear thatthere are no untoward side effects. It is recommended that individuals seekmedical advice from their General Practitioner or appropriate medicalspecialist before returning to work; Antibiotics − Antibiotics (penicillin and the various mycins and cyclines) andsulpha drugs may have short term or delayed effects which affect workperformance. Their use indicates that a fairly severe infection may well bepresent and apart from the effects of these substances themselves, the sideeffects of the infection will almost always render an individual unfit for work; Anti-histamine − Such drugs are widely used in 'cold cures' and in the treatmentof hay fever, asthma and allergic skin conditions. Many easily obtainablenasal spray and drop preparations contain anti-histamines. Most of this groupof medicines tend to make the taker feel drowsy. Their effect, combined withthat of the condition, will often prevent the basic three questions (paragraph 3.7of the Notice) from being answered satisfactorily. Admittedly very mild statesof hay fever etc., may be adequately controlled by small doses of anti-allergicdrugs, but a trial period to establish the absence of side effects is essentialbefore going on duty. When individuals are affected by allergic conditionswhich require more than the absolute minimum of treatment and in all cases ofasthma, one of the above mentioned sources of advice should be consulted; 'Pep' pills (e.g. containing Caffeine, Dexedrine, Benzedrine) used to maintainwakefulness are often habit forming. Susceptibility to each drug varies fromone individual to another, but all of them can create dangerous over-confidence.
Over-dosage may cause headaches, dizziness and mental disturbances. Theuse of 'pep' pills whilst working cannot be permitted. If coffee is insufficient,you are not fit for work; AN-47 A1 P.1
31 January 2003
Drugs for the relief of high blood pressure are proving to be very effective incontrolling this condition. However, antihypertensive agents all have someside effects and should not be administered before adequate assessment of theneed for treatment. The prescribing practitioner should be able to advise onany side effects to be considered; Drugs when prescribed for Anti-malaria in normally recommended doses do notusually have any adverse effects. However, the drug should be taken in goodtime so that the question in paragraph 3.7(b) of the Notice can be answered; Oral contraceptive tablets in the standard dose do not usually have adverseeffects, although regular supervision is required; 'SUDAFED' is the trade name of a preparation containing pseudo-ephedrinehydrochloride. This may be prescribed by General Practitioners for relief ofnasal congestion. Side effects reported however are anxiety, tremor, rapidpulse and headache. The preparation does not contain anti-histamines whichcould sedate and cause drowsiness but the effects can nevertheless affectskilled performance. Sudafed, therefore, is not a preparation to be taken whenmaking engineering decisions or performing licensed duties.
Although the above are common groups of drugs, which may have adverse effects onperformance, it should be pointed out that many forms of medication, which althoughnot usually expected to affect efficiency may do so if the person concerned is undulysensitive to a particular drug. Therefore, no drugs or medicines, or combinations,should be taken before or during duty unless the taker is completely familiar with theeffects on him or her of the medication and the drugs or medicines have specificallybeen prescribed for the individual alone. Again, the sources of advice mentionedearlier in this notice should be consulted in cases of doubt.
This Appendix cancels Appendix No.1 to Airworthiness Notice No.47, Issue 1, dated 1November 1996, which should be destroyed.
31 January 2003
AN-47 A1 P.2


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Microsoft word - proposed syllabus 1st year full.doc

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Outline of Courses FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM (Effective from Session 2012-2013) Course No. Course Title 1st year 1st term Load = 15L+9P=25 Hrs/week=19.75 Credit SECOND YEAR SECOND TERM (Effective from Session 2012-2013) Course No. Course Title 1st year 2nd term Load = 1

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