Prevent unplanned pregnancies: help patients plan ahead and be prepared. Frequently asked questions for healthcare providers.
How effective is Emergency Contraception?
• Progestin-only Emergency Contraception Pills (ECPs) reduce the risk of pregnancy by 89%; • Combined ECPs, including both progestin and estrogen, reduce the chance of pregnancy by 74%; • A single dose of ECPs, when used perfectly, is not as effective as other methods of ongoing contraception How long after unprotected sex can emergency contraception prevent pregnancy? Up to 120 hours. Emergency Contraception Pills are more effective the earlier they are taken, and are most effective within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex. Is Emergency Contraception now available without a prescription? Yes, but only to women and men 18 and over. The FDA approved the conditional “over the counter” status in August of 2006. FDA regulations allow men to purchase the medication, though not all pharmacies or pharmacists will sell it men. Are there any contraindications or medical reasons NOT to offer ECPs? No. There are no known medical conditions that preclude use of ECP. The only contraindication to ECP use is confirmed pregnancy, simply because ECP will not work if a woman is already pregnant (1). What other medications can I prescribe along with the Emergency Contraception Pills? Anti-nausea medication. However, risk of nausea with Plan B is only 18%. What is an “advance prescription” for Emergency Contraception Pills and what do the national medical bodies advise? An advance prescription is a prescription for ECP that is offered by a healthcare provider before a patient actually is in need of the medication. In their practice bulletins and policy statements, the American Medical Association, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Pediatrics all suggest that providers offer advance prescriptions for ECP to interested patients who would need a prescription to obtain the medication.
1. Trussell, J. et al. The role of emergency contraception. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (2004) Vol 190, S30-8 2. Weismiller, D.G. Emergency Contraception. American Family Physician. Vol 70, Num 4, August 2004. pp. 707-714. 3. North Carolina Board of Pharmacy website:
Forsyth County Infant Mortality Reduction Coalition Twenty-one oral contraceptives can be used for emergency contraception in the United States. First Dose Second Dose (12 Levonorgestrel hours later) Estradiol per per Dose (mg)c Dose (µg)
Seasonique Barr/Duramed 4 light blue-green
Plan-B is the only dedicated product specifically marketed for emergency contraception in the United States. Preven, a combined ECP that was less effective than Plan B, is no longer available on the US market. All of the combination oral contraceptives listed above have been declared safe and effective for use as Emergency Contraception Pills by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
For more information about emergency contraception, visit the Office of Population Research at Princeton University online at Forsyth County Infant Mortality Reduction Coalition
Reumatismo, 2008; 60: Supplemento 1: 50-58 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Fibromyalgia syndrome: the pharmacological treatment options Il trattamento farmacologico della sindrome fibromialgica P. Sarzi-Puttini1, R. Torta2, F. Marinangeli3, G. Biasi4, M. Spath5, D. Buskila6, R.H. Gracely7, M.A. Giamberardino8, L. Bazzichi9, M. Cazzola10, M. Di Franco11, S. Stisi12, F. Salaffi13, R. Casale1
Iniciativa de Oxford sobre la Pobreza y el Desarrollo Humano Departamento de Desarrollo Internacional Queen Elizabeth House Universidad de Oxford Una Propuesta de Indicadores Internacionalmente El siguiente documento contiene una versión actualizada de las preguntas para cuestionarios de encuestas que fueron propuestas en el artículo ‘Safety and Security: A Proposal for Internationally Co