NCDA&CS Agronomic Division (919) 733-2655 Jan/Feb 1995
Chemical Characteristics of Pine Bark by M. Ray Tucker, Agronomist
The chemical properties of pine-bark media differ
When dolomitic lime is applied to acid organic
from those of mineral soils. These differences infl uence
substrates, hydrogen (H+) is displaced from the
the amount of lime and fertilizer required for optimum
organic functional groups (R-COO-H) and replaced
growth. There are several reasons for their differences
with calcium and magnesium. When organic acids
in optimal pH and nutrient-holding capabilities.
(H+) are neutralized, plants benefi t from increased pH, calcium and magnesium. Lime also enhances
The pH of native pine bark is generally 4.5 or
microbial activity within the media.
lower (Table 1). The pH of mineral soils ranges from 5.0 to 6.0, depending on past production history.
Although adding mineral soil to bark media is not
Although the optimum pH for mineral soils ranges
a widely accepted practice in the nursery industry, it
from 5.5 to 6.0, nursery crops grow quite well in pine-
provides an effective means of reducing phosphorus
bark media with a pH of 5.0 to 5.5. The difference
leaching without any adverse effect on plant growth.
in optimum pH of the two media is due to the toxic
The amount of mineral soil required to hold
effect of aluminum in mineral soils, whereas pine-bark
phosphorus is quite small relative to the other media
substrates generally contain little or no aluminum.
components. To overcome concerns about drainage, use a sandy loam soil. These soils are generally well
Pine-bark media and mineral soils differ in their
drained and are composed of sand particles coated
nutrient-holding capability because of differences
with clay. The clay coating provides reactive sites
in their chemical makeup. Nutrient retention sites in
required for retention of phosphorus. The chemical
pine bark are associated with the organic fractions
characteristics of native pine bark are shown in
(R-COO-H). These sites hold positively charged ions
Table 1. These data were generated from analysis of
such as calcium, magnesium and potassium quite
pine-bark samples over several years from individual
well. However, the organic fraction repels negatively
growers and commercial bark suppliers.
charged phosphate ions (H PO - and HPO -2) causing
them to be lost from the media by leaching. Research has shown that phosphorus leaches quite readily from pine-bark substrate. Table 1. Chemical characteristics of native bark before amendment.
Leaching of phosphate from pine-bark media
poses several problems. Optimum growth is hindered;
Soil Test Parameter Ranges
fertilizer costs increase; and phosphorus runs off into surface waters, posing a threat to the environment.
In contrast, nutrients in mineral soils are held by
negatively charged nutrient retention sites that originate
from the clay fraction. Clays also contain iron and
aluminum oxides, which have a strong affi nity for
the negatively charged phosphate ions. Reaction of
phosphate with iron and aluminum removes it from the
soil solution, which prevents it from leaching. However,
phosphorus retained by the oxides is still readily
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