Bulletin volume 71 no 2 - the changing transmission mechanism of new zealand monetary policy
The changing transmission mechanism of New Zealand monetary policyRishab Sethi1
This is the second of two Bulletin articles on the transmission mechanism of New Zealand monetary policy. In the first
article (Drew and Sethi 2007), we described this mechanism, detailing the process by which changes in the Reserve
Bank’s primary monetary policy instrument, the Official Cash Rate (OCR), eventually influence the general level of
prices. This article examines how certain aspects of the transmission mechanism have changed over time. Assessing
these changes is especially topical given that, in the estimation of some commentators, the most recent period of
monetary tightening has witnessed policy that has been less effective at dampening inflation than previously. We
briefly review the case for these claims and catalogue evidence from several sources to show that the overall impact
of monetary policy on activity and inflation has not obviously weakened, and that some intermediate links in the
mechanism may have, in fact, strengthened over the past decade.
to wholesale short-term interest rates” and “from effective
In Drew and Sethi (2007), we described the process by
mortgage rates to house prices”. In this article, the flow
which changes in the Reserve Bank’s primary monetary
chart is somewhat less comprehensive, featuring fewer links
policy instrument, the Official Cash Rate (OCR), eventually
because gaps in available research or data permit conclusions
influence the general level of prices. In this article, our
on only a subset of the intermediate links identified in our
focus turns to assessing how this process, known as the
transmission mechanism of monetary policy, may have
In figure 1, links that are deemed to have become stronger
changed over time. This is an especially topical exercise given
over time are mapped in solid lines, weaker ones in dotted
that the present economic cycle and monetary response
lines, and those that have remained largely unchanged in
have exhibited characteristics that have led to some concern
dashed lines. Green lines continue to represent the interest
about the efficacy of New Zealand monetary policy.
rate channel of the transmission mechanism, blue lines
Specifically, we look at several intermediate links in the
denote the effect of changes in the exchange rate, and red
mechanism, assessing possible changes in either the
lines refer to effects related to inflation expectations. The
strength of response of one variable to changes in another,
numbers next to the links provide easy reference to points in
or in the timing with which this response occurs. Consistent
with the approach in Drew and Sethi (2007), we organise
For each of the links considered, the evidence presented
the discussion in this article around a stylised representation
in this article is based on either (a) available academic or
of the transmission mechanism (Figure 1). In Drew and Sethi
internal Reserve Bank research, or (b) the three economic
(2007), we identified 17 intermediate links in a detailed
models used to study the transmission mechanism in Drew
representation of the mechanism, such as “from the OCR
et al. (2008). These models are summarised in Box 1.2 Note
that the various analyses differ in their data definitions and
This article is based on Drew et al. (2008), a Reserve Bank of New Zealand discussion paper, to which
sample periods, and an element of judgement is necessary
interested readers are referred for the econometric detail
when aggregating this evidence. Consequently, we are
underlying the results presented in this article. The research was initially prepared for a conference on the
conservative in our conclusions here, defaulting to the view
business cycle, housing, and the role of policy hosted by The Treasury and the Reserve Bank in December 2007. Drew and Buckle (2008) summarise the main themes from
Though the transmission mechanism of New Zealand
this conference. I thank Tim Hampton, John McDermott,
monetary policy has been widely studied using a range
and Tim Ng for valuable comments on an earlier draft of
of economic models, there is a paucity of prior research
that addresses changes in the mechanism over time.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
Figure 1Changes in the transmission mechanism of New Zealand monetary policy(elements not examined in this article are not shown)
that a link is broadly unchanged over time, unless the bulk
To set the context, we briefly review the transmission
mechanism in section 2, together with an overview of the
In this section, we review the transmission mechanism
major public causes for concern about the efficacy of recent
using the example of a monetary tightening (an increase
monetary policy. In section 3, we present evidence on the
in the OCR) that is aimed at dampening projected future
changing influence of monetary policy on market wholesale
inflationary pressure, as in Drew and Sethi (2007). Opposing
and retail interest rates, and on the exchange rate. Section 4
effects may generally be expected in the event of a decrease
looks at the impact of these financial prices on real activity.
in the OCR, though there is likely to be significant variation
Section 5 documents changes in the relationship between
aggregate activity and inflation, a link commonly known as
An unanticipated increase in the OCR tends to result in
increases in other wholesale and retail interest rates for
both short- and long-term maturities. These interest rate
increases reduce the present values of income streams from
a variety of assets such as bonds, equities and real estate,
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
and lead to lower prices for these assets. Debt servicing
These three channels – interest rates, exchange rates
costs and rewards to saving increase on the back of higher
and inflation expectations – comprise the transmission
interest rates, and combine with lower asset values to limit
mechanism of monetary policy. Drew and Sethi (2007) detail
credit available to households and firms. Higher interest
the role played by several intermediate variables along each
rates, being an increase in the ‘price’ of using money now
rather than later, effectively increase the current price of
any dollar-denominated expenditure relative to its future
cost. Consequently, households and firms face incentives
Major features of the current business cycle,
to postpone current consumption and investment, reducing
current aggregate demand for goods and services. Finally,
Since emerging from a brief recession in the late 1990s,
if this new level of aggregate demand declines relative to
New Zealand has enjoyed both the longest and strongest
the economy’s supply capacities, inflation pressures may be
uninterrupted expansion in aggregate economic activity in
the post-war period. In recent years, the strong growth has
been accompanied by an unemployment rate low by historical
The second major channel for the transmission of monetary
and international standards, inflationary pressures stemming
policy is through the exchange rate. An unanticipated
from private domestic demand and capacity constraints,
increase in the OCR immediately appreciates the New Zealand
and increasing rates of public and private investment. There
dollar, as higher domestic interest rates attract foreign
have been large increases in asset prices, especially for real
capital. In theory, the foreign currency price of New Zealand
estate between 2001 and 2007. These domestic drivers of
dollars should be bid-up to a level such that the expected
growth have been supported by international factors such
depreciation from that point on is just sufficient to leave an
as increasing commodity export prices, low costs of capital,
investor indifferent between holding assets denominated in
and, until relatively recently, a substantial and increasing
New Zealand dollars and in the foreign currency.
appetite for risk. The primary response of monetary policy to
A higher exchange rate implies a lower New Zealand dollar
elevated inflationary pressures is seen in an OCR that is now,
price for foreign-produced goods and services. These lower
at 8.25 percent, 3.25 percent higher than it was at the start
prices are normally passed on through the supply chain,
lowering prices of both intermediate goods and final goods
Large macroeconomic imbalances have accompanied the
such as those measured in the Consumers Price Index (CPI).
expansion in the form of record current account deficits,
A higher exchange rate also renders export-oriented and
substantial declines in the household saving rate, an exchange
import-competing firms less competitive, reducing their
rate that has been widely considered to be exceptionally and
earnings and again dampening overall domestic activity and
unjustifiably overvalued, and a concentration of growth in
sectors of the economy relatively sheltered from international
The final channel through which monetary policy influences
prices is through inflation expectations. If households and
These patterns in New Zealand’s recent economic
firms are convinced of a central bank’s commitment to an
performance have prompted public concern about the role
inflation target, and of its ability to meet this target, then
they are likely to respond to a change in monetary policy
Some authors have described a fourth channel in the
by adjusting their own expectations of future activity and
transmission mechanism relating to credit creation
inflation. On anticipating changed economic conditions
by banks and financial intermediaries in response to changes in monetary policy settings. See Bernanke et al.
in the future, they are likely to modify current levels of
4 Note that real interest rates, measured as the excess
consumption and investment, and their strategies for setting
of the overnight interbank cash rate over annual CPI inflation, ranged between 3.6 and 3.9 percent between
March 2004 and September 2006, and peaked at 6.4 percent in September 2007.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
Table 1The changing transmission mechanism: a summary of findings comparing the strength and timing of intermediate links in the 2000s with the 1990s.
From monetary policy to short-term wholesale rates
From monetary policy to long-term wholesale rates
From monetary policy to effective mortgage rates
From monetary policy to the exchange rate
of monetary policy and its recent conduct. Our study of
products, owing both to lower longer-term wholesale rates
changes in the transmission mechanism specifically addresses
and to margin compression amongst mortgage lenders on
two of these concerns. First, changes in the OCR are thought
fixed mortgage rates. Some commentary also suggests the
to have provoked disproportionately large changes in the
Reserve Bank was unable to convince market participants
exchange rate in recent years, a claim based principally on
of the underlying strength of inflation pressures in the
the low levels of international risk aversion that have been
early part of the current tightening cycle, and consequently
observed since 2002. There is a risk premium associated
changes in the OCR had less influence on longer-term rates
with investments in NZD-denominated assets, representing
the additional payment required to compensate investors for
The remainder of this article presents evidence to show that
possible future exchange rate depreciations.5 With reduced
the overall impact of policy on activity and inflation has not
aversion to bearing risk, investors pay less regard to the
obviously weakened, and in some ways, has strengthened
possibility of future depreciations, and face added incentives
over the past decade relative to the 1990s. Table 1 presents
to engage in ‘carry trades’ wherein they borrow in currencies
a summary of results discussed below.
with low financing costs to purchase NZD-denominated
There is one important caveat to the exercise: the changing
transmission mechanism is likely to be due not just to the
Some observers have raised another important concern
changing impact of one intermediate variable on another,
about the recent effects of monetary policy. They perceive
but also to the changing nature of the random fluctuations
that the transmission of monetary policy from changes in
(or shocks) that buffet an economy over time.7 It can be
the OCR to changes in domestic activity and inflation has
difficult to perfectly account for the relative contributions
weakened as a whole. Several reasons have been proposed
to changes in the mechanism from these two causes.
in support of this conjecture. For example, low international
interest rates and increasing capital markets integration
The other major concern about the recent impact of monetary policy is not addressed in this article. This
may each have limited the ability of the Reserve Bank to
relates to the observation that, in a cycle where the bulk
independently influence longer-term domestic interest
of inflationary pressure has been sourced in the domestic economy, monetary policy has been poorly targeted, with
rates. Also, there has been a growing substitution away
sectors exposed to the exchange rate bearing the brunt of the burden of reducing inflation.
from floating rate mortgages to longer-term fixed rate
For example, some economists attribute the ‘Great Moderation’ – the period of relatively high growth
Major reasons for this currency risk premium include:
and low inflation in the US since the mid-1980s – to a
the relatively small and relatively undiversified nature
sequence of beneficial supply shocks (such as improved
of the New Zealand economy, and the persistent
productivity from increased use of computers or the rise
macroeconomic imbalances and low national saving rate
of China as an efficient manufacturing base) rather than
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
inflation, output, interest and exchange rates, and others
The economic models in Drew et al. such as indices of climatic conditions.
The third model considered in Drew et al. is small,
featuring only five variables. This ‘New Keynesian’ model
Many of the conclusions in this paper are based on the
is a variant of a type widely used in academic research
findings of Drew et al. (2008), a recent Reserve Bank
for assessing monetary policy, as it captures many features
Discussion Paper. Here, we summarise the main features
of the macroeconomic data in a reasonably parsimonious
of the three economic models used by the authors to study
manner. The relationships between variables are motivated
by general equilibrium (or whole-economy) theory, and are
The Reserve Bank’s Forecasting and Policy System (FPS) has
internally consistent, allowing the authors to form tentative
been used as the primary tool for producing the Bank’s
conclusions about why the transmission mechanism may
published forecasts since 1997. It features a dynamic
have changed over time. New Keynesian models can
adjustment process that determines how inflation and
feature one or more different sources of inflexibility that
other variables return to their long-run equilibrium values
cause variables to adjust slowly in response to an economic
following an economic shock, and is calibrated to match
shock, and motivate an important role for expectations of
certain characteristics of the New Zealand business cycle.8
future inflation and output in determining the dynamic
In turn, the long-run equilibrium is based on a framework of
utility-maximising consumers and profit-maximising firms.
Although the underlying structure is largely unchanged
since the inception of FPS, the dynamic adjustment paths
have been heavily adjusted over time. These adjustments,
The three models in Drew et al. use different methods to
or recalibrations of the model, are prompted by evidence
assess changes in the transmission mechanism. Results
from both sectoral and aggregate-level research, and by
from FPS rely on comparing properties of the different
judgement on changes in economic structure, and on the
vintages of the model from 1997, 2002 and 2007. In
propagation of economic shocks. As such, the comparison
contrast, the VAR and New Keynesian models are estimated
of different calibrations of FPS over time offers a very
on New Zealand data, and the changing intensities of
convenient synthesis of the Reserve Bank’s changing views
the relationships between variables are captured in the
on various macroeconomic relationships.
changing magnitudes of the estimated parameters in the
The second model used to study the transmission
model equations. Specifically, the VAR uses the method of
mechanism in Drew et al. is a vector auto-regression, or
rolling regressions wherein the model is initially estimated
VAR. The defining characteristic of a standard VAR is that it
on data from 1989 (September quarter) to 1996 (June
presupposes little formal theory for specifying relationships
quarter). Data from additional quarters until the end of the
between variables. Instead, it is assumed that the future
available sample are successively added, and the model is re-
path for a variable depends simply on its own history and
estimated on each successively larger sub-sample. Though
that of other variables in the model.9 The VAR in Drew
rolling regressions yield continuous estimates of changes
et al. features core macroeconomic variables such as
in economic relationships, these estimates can be volatile,
as they are sensitive to individual observations that may or
may not be in a given sub-sample. More importantly, the
See Black et al. (1997) for detail on the structure of the FPS.
method is backward-looking in that it relies solely on past
The precise assumed dependencies between variables will vary from one VAR model to another. Some
observations and ignores the information content of future
extensions, known as structural VARs, motivate
data in estimating a model at a given point in time.
contemporaneous relationships from economic theory. See Hamilton (1994) for more on these models.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
A technique known as the Kalman filter provides an
sample of data, and is relatively insensitive to individual
elegant solution to the problem of estimating relationships
observations.10 Drew et al. use this method to estimate
that may change over time. It yields smooth estimates
of parameter changes, makes use of the full available
Accordingly, we base our conclusions on evidence from
multiple sources, including from economic models that
make different assumptions about the structure of the New
Zealand economy and the nature of these shocks.
the period 1990 to 2005. He focuses on a sub-sample from
1998 to 2005 to determine whether monetary policy and
its effects display similar characteristics in this period as in
the full sample. In response to a change in monetary policy,
Schmidt-Hebbel finds that though monetary policy has
significant bearing on 10-year government bond rates in
both the full- and the sub-sample, the differences between
Following an actual or expected change in the OCR, financial
asset prices, such as interest and exchange rates, are first to
respond. It is important that these prices respond suitably
Recent ‘event analysis’ at the RBNZ suggests that since the
as they, in turn, affect other asset prices, and real activity
start of the decade, changes in the OCR have had a significant
and inflation at later stages in the monetary transmission
impact on wholesale interest rates.11 A hypothetical monetary
process. As a recent example, rapidly increasing house prices
policy surprise of 1 percent is estimated to prompt one-year
contributed to strong growth in household consumption in
forward swap rates to increase by 0.9 percent for settlement
the five years to the end of 2007, and were considered to
one year ahead and by 0.3 percent for settlement five years
be important contributors to inflationary pressure over the
period. As such, in a series of Monetary Policy Statements
10 Originally devised for applications such as tracking
beginning in December 2005, the Reserve Bank was
spacecraft in the 1960s, the Kalman filter is widely used
increasingly pointed in noting that a slowdown in house
in engineering, aeronautics and communications. Since the mid-1990s, it has also become an essential tool in
price growth was needed to weaken the case for further
economic research for retrieving information from noisy or even partially missing data, for estimating economic
interest rate increases. In this section, we look at whether
models, and for smoothing time series by incorporating information from past as well as future data.
the effect of OCR increases on wholesale and mortgage
11 See Drew and Karagedikli (2008) and Karagedikli
interest rates was smaller over this period than previously
and Siklos (2008). An event analysis, which attempts to isolate the impact of the surprise component of an
observed, and so failed to contribute to an easing of the
economic event, is thought to be a more robust way of identifying the impact of monetary policy and other
rapid increase in house prices in a timely fashion. We also
economic developments on financial market prices than
consider the changing impact of monetary policy on the
the traditional time-series approaches above, and has become an increasingly popular tool in international
12 Swaps are financial instruments that allow counterparties
to manage risk, usually by achieving a better match between their assets and liabilities. A forward swap is an instrument that is negotiated at the present juncture, for settlement at a point in the future, and which matures several periods further into the future. The interest rates on these instruments are benchmark wholesale interest rates.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
ahead.12 Event analysis studies require very high frequency
using weekly data, finding that both floating and fixed
data; the required intra-day daily data used in the Bank’s
mortgage interest rates adjust fully in the long run, but that
research is only available from around 2001. However, in
formal robustness checks, the authors of these studies do
Between 2005 and 2007, the share of outstanding mortgages
not find evidence of instabilities in their regressions, as
on floating interest rate terms declined from 42 percent to
might have been the case if the impact of monetary policy
30 percent. Meanwhile, the value of outstanding mortgages
on contracts fixed for two years or more increased from
For additional perspective over a longer period, we estimate
11 percent to 32 percent. There seems to be little doubt
some simple regressions linking changes in monetary policy
that the present cycle witnessed a change in preferences
and short- and long-term wholesale interest rates. As these
for mortgage borrowing towards the fixed-rate contracts,
regressions are estimated over a long sample from 1992, we
causing the effective mortgage rate to increase more slowly
use changes in interest rates on 90-day bank bills as a proxy
for changes in monetary policy settings.13 Generally, we
The overall assessment from this evidence is ambiguous: it
find that volatility in wholesale interest rates has decreased
seems that the response of wholesale and mortgage interest
since about 2000, and that there has been no systematic
rates is more or less unchanged in recent years when
decline in the total impact of changes in monetary policy
compared to the 1990s, but that this response occurs more
on these interest rates. However, comparing estimates from
the past five years with those from 1992 to 2002, it appears
that more distant changes in monetary policy settings have
exercised greater influence on long-term wholesale interest
rates relative to more recent changes. In other words,
Drew et al. (2008) study changes in the transmission
changes in policy settings now take a little longer to flow
mechanism using FPS, the Reserve Bank’s core
through to these wholesale interest rates.
model for producing macroeconomic forecasts. As
Liu et al. (2007) estimate the degree and speed of
witnessed by changing FPS calibrations, Drew et al. report
response of retail interest rates to changes in policy-
that the Reserve Bank perceives the exchange rate response
controlled rates between 1994 and 2004. They find that,
to a change in monetary policy to have been stronger and
following the introduction of the OCR in 1999, floating
more persistent in 2007 than in 2002 or 1997. This is seen
interest rates on mortgages and deposits respond more
in figure 2, which documents impulse response functions
strongly to changes in monetary policy, while fixed interest
from the three vintages of FPS – that is, the figure maps the
rates do so more slowly and by less. Tripe et al. (2005) also
changing response of the exchange rate to a unit increase
examine the impact of the introduction of the OCR, and
(an impulse) in monetary-policy-controlled interest rates.
reach a similar conclusion that the long-term impact of
Two smaller models considered by Drew et al. offer
wholesale rates on floating mortgage rates increased in the
conflicting evidence on changes in this relationship, with
post-OCR period, while the impact on fixed mortgage rates
the VAR finding support for an unchanged link, and the
decreased slightly. Pais (2007) reaches different conclusions
New Keynesian model suggesting that the impact of a
policy tightening on the exchange rate declined over the
13 The dependent variable in the regressions is the monthly
1990s, but has increased since 2002.14 Exchange rate
change in the interest rate on one-year forward swaps for settlement one year ahead (a proxy for short-
behaviour is notoriously difficult to pin down accurately,
term wholesale interest rates), and the comparably transformed interest rate on one-year forward swaps for
and we are inclined to favour evidence from the changing
settlement five years ahead (as a proxy for long-term) wholesale interest rates. The regressions are estimated
14 Results from the events analysis research cited earlier
using a Kalman filter with time-varying parameters, and
indicate that an (unanticipated) 1 percent increase in
simple diagnostics indicate that the residuals are well
the OCR leads to a 3.5 percent increase in the NZD-USD
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
FPS calibrations, which aggregates information from a wide
some disagreement on changes in this relationship, with
range of internal Bank research and from staff judgement as
the VAR suggesting that the response of the output gap
is mildly weaker, and the New Keynesian model favouring
the interpretation that the impact of interest rates on
output growth is significant across the entire sample period
According to FPS, the response of the exchange
(between 1992 and 2007), but strongest towards the end
rate to changes in monetary-policy-controlled
both in terms of the initial response and the persistence of
interest rates has increased over time.
According to FPS, the impact of interest rates on
output has become somewhat stronger and a
As wholesale and retail interest rates increase in response
to tighter monetary policy, they prompt households and
Comparing FPS calibrations over time, Drew et al.
firms into reassessing their consumption and investment
report that a temporary exchange rate appreciation
decisions, reducing aggregate demand. In this section, we
was thought to have had a large and rapid impact on
look at how links from the exchange rate to real activity and
export and import demand in 1997, causing overall demand
from wholesale and retail interest rates to real activity have
pressures to decline quickly too. In the 2002 vintage of FPS,
these effects are muted and delayed, becoming somewhat
Studying the characteristics of a medium-sized
stronger again, though further delayed, in 2007 (as seen in
model of the New Zealand economy, Schmidt-
figure 4). On the other hand, estimates from the two smaller
Hebbel (2006) finds that the output gap – a measure of
models suggest that the output response to changes in
excess demand – declines in response to higher short-term
the exchange rate has been small across the entire sample.
interest rates. Interestingly, this decline is small and not
Though the effect is estimated to be small by both models,
statistically different from zero when the model is estimated
they do differ in that the VAR model indicates that a stronger
on a sample from 1992 to 2005, but does become larger
exchange rate actually generates a very mild positive impact
and statistically significant when the sample is restricted to
in output from about 2001, while the New Keynesian model
reports a more conventional negative response, and one
that becomes only marginally stronger over time.
From figure 3, we see that successive recalibrations of FPS
have increased the restraint that interest rates exercise on
aggregate demand, with much of the increase coming
from greater sensitivity of business investment to interest
15 According to this model, a 1 percent increase in the real
rates. The two smaller models in Drew et al. are again in
interest rate now reduces the output gap by around 0.4 percent in the long-term.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
FPS suggests output now responds more slowly
FPS suggests pass-through of the exchange rate
to changes in the exchange rate than previously.
to CPI inflation declined between 1997 and
The effect is small and is mostly unchanged in
2002, remaining largely unchanged since.
Figure 6 documents some estimates of long-run responses,
and essentially captures the changing magnitude of the
The Reserve Bank’s view of the inflation process can be
coefficients in the Phillips curve. These long-run responses
represented by a Phillips curve – inflation arises when
are calculated conditional on the assumption that there is no
aggregate output increases beyond an economy’s supply
change in monetary policy settings that aims to offset these
capacities. Modern versions of the Phillips curve also
effects. We see that the New Keynesian model also reports
postulate an important role for expectations of future
lower overall pass-through for the most part, except in very
inflation in determining current inflation.16 More elaborate
recent years when it finds for increased pass-through (panel
formulations include dependencies on exchange rates, oil
(b) of figure 6). According to this model, in the absence of
and commodity prices, and trading partner inflation.
a monetary policy response, a 10 percent depreciation in
FPS recalibrations suggest that the total impact
the exchange rate today eventually leads to a long-term
of the exchange rate on CPI inflation, also called
increase in inflation of around 0.6 percent, compared with
exchange rate pass-through, declined between 1997 and
an increase of 1.2 percent in the early 1990s.17
2002, and has remained largely unchanged since. This total
Another major conclusion that we can draw from
impact can be decomposed into two sub-effects: the impact
the New Keynesian model in Drew et al. is that
of the exchange rate on import prices and the subsequent
inflation became increasingly forward-looking over the
pass-through from import prices to CPI inflation. Comparing
sample period. The decline in inflation persistence was steady
the responses of CPI and non-tradable inflation from FPS,
over the 1990s and has levelled off since 2001. Overall,
it appears that the latter effect has been dominant. For
these results are fairly consistent with FPS recalibrations,
example, the CPI inflation responses are fairly similar in the
and, all else equal, imply an increase in the effectiveness of
2002 and 2007 vintages of FPS, yet non-tradable inflation
troughs lower in the 2007 vintage. Hence, the second sub-
17 Researchers report the stylised facts that countries with
credible anti-inflationary policies experience lower pass-
effect, from import prices to CPI inflation, is likely to have
through to CPI inflation, that pass-through is associated
been the dominant contributor to the overall decline in pass-
with lower inflation expectations, and that it increases with volatility in inflation and exchange rates (see
Campa and Goldberg (2002) and Engel (2002)). Possible microeconomic reasons for declining pass-through
16 Given that true expectations cannot be observed, modern
include: a change toward invoicing trade in goods and
Phillips curves can be cast in several different forms.
services in New Zealand dollars; increased shares of
Some include past inflation as a proxy for expected
distribution costs in the price of imports, which provide
inflation, others include survey measures and many
for greater opportunities for margin compression; a
macroeconomic models assume that households and
changing mix of goods and services imported into New
firms form rational expectations that fully incorporate
Zealand over time; and increasing use of sophisticated
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
Some concern has been raised about the effectiveness of
recent monetary policy in relation to its influence on the
exchange rate, and with respect to the overall impact on
activity and inflation. On the basis of evidence presented in
this article, especially that from the analysis of three different
models of the New Zealand economy, we find that there
has been no discernible change in the overall influence of
monetary policy on inflation in the present economic cycle.
However, we find some evidence of changes over time in
the strength and timing of the various relationships that are
intermediate in the transmission of the OCR to inflation.
First, changes in monetary-policy-linked interest rates are
reflected in wholesale interest rates to at least the same
degree as in the 1990s, though perhaps with increased
delay. Second, even though the exchange rate is estimated
to respond more to changes in monetary policy settings,
Note: In the New Keynesian model in Drew et al., inflation
is specified as a function of the variables in this figure,
it is also estimated to have become a somewhat less
and we see the changing long-run impact on CPI inflation (assuming that there is no monetary policy response) of (a)
consequential determinant of output and inflation in itself.
the output gap, (b) the exchange rate, (c) trading partner inflation, (d) oil prices, and (e) commodity prices. Panel
In other words, much larger changes in the exchange rate
(f) shows the coefficient on lagged inflation.
are now required to effect a given change in output and
inflation, and it appears that monetary policy settings are
The model also indicates that the relationship
indeed prompting these larger changes in the exchange rate.
between excess demand and inflation became a
Meanwhile, the inflation process has become more forward-
little stronger over the 1990s and has stabilised since 2002.
looking, with expectations of future inflation becoming
Assuming no further response from monetary policy, a 1
more important in determining current inflation.
percent decrease in the output gap today eventually leads
In summary, we conclude that there has been some re-
to a decrease in inflation of around 0.35 percent. The rise
weighting in the relative burden of macroeconomic
in this long-term effect is due to an increasing coefficient
adjustment borne by the different channels of the
on the output gap in the Phillips curve, which has been
transmission mechanism. Transmission through interest
tempered somewhat by the decline in inflation persistence.
rates remains vital and effective, but eventuates with
In summary, the most important development in the Phillips
longer lags. The exchange rate channel has become more
curve over the past 15 years appears to be the increasing
important over time: the exchange rate itself responds to
importance of expectations in determining current inflation.
a greater degree but, for a given unit of change, generates
To translate this observation into a well-known ‘lesson’ for
smaller responses in output and inflation than previously.
monetary policy: though the increasingly dominant role of
Overall, the transmission mechanism remains effective,
expectations means that policy can accomplish more with
and monetary policy continues to eventually influence the
smaller changes to interest rates, it remains crucial to ensure
that these expectations remain well anchored to the inflation
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Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Bulletin, Vol. 71, No. 2, June 2008
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