Contains difenacoum 0.005% w/w Nominal weight of ‘T’ bag 15g
Contains difenacoum 0.005 % w/w and the human aversive agent
Application Rate: Please see Directions for Use. The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 may
apply to the use of this product at work. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH.
Bait bags should be used un-opened as the rodents will also eat
PREVENT ACCESS TO BAIT by children, birds and non-target animals
the bag material. Place bait where there are signs of rodent
particularly dogs, cats, pigs and poultry. DO NOT PLACE BAIT where food, feedor water could become contaminated (except when used in sewers). Search for
activity, like fresh droppings, inside or near burrows, runways and
and remove rodent bodies at frequent intervals, preferably every 2-3 days
rodent feeding places. Place bait points throughout the infested
(unless used in sewers). Collect and dispose of the remains of bait and anyremaining rodent bodies after treatment (unless used in sewers). You must
area. Store un-used bags in this pack, close securely and keep in a
ensure that you comply with legislation regarding the correct disposal of waste.
safe place out of reach of children and animals.
For further guidance contact the Environmental Agency or your local ScottishEnvironmental Protection Agency (SEPA) office. HARMFUL TO WILDLIFE.
▲ For rat infestations use bait points of up to 10 bags. Place bait
points 10 m apart reducing to 5 m in cases of high infestation.
PRECAUTIONS IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice (show the label where possible).
▲ For mouse infestations use bait points of 2 bags. Place bait
WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after use. STORE IN
points 5 m apart reducing to 2 m in cases of high infestation.
ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed and in a safe place. Difenacoum is anindirect anticoagulant. Phytomenadione, Vitamin K1 is antidotal. Determine
Protect bait points from non-target animals and from water,
prothrombin times not less than eighteen hours after consumption. If elevated,
preferably using commercially available bait stations. Where these
administer Vitamin K1 until prothrombin time normalises. Continuedetermination of prothrombin times for two weeks after withdrawal of antidote
are not available, place the bait on bait trays inside pieces of
and resume treatment if elevation occurs in that time. Wild mammals may be at
drainage pipe or under sections of slate, board or corrugated iron.
greater risk if this product is not used in accordance with the label. Where
Bait bags may be fixed by ‘spiking’ onto wire inside bait stations.
appropriate, secure the bait at its placement site to reduce the likelihood of itsremoval by rodents (or by surges of water if intended for use in sewers. This
Make frequent inspections of the bait points during the first 10-14
product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 (as
days and replace any bait eaten by rodents or that has been
amended) for use as directed. Long-term use of this product (particularly out ofdoors) must be avoided. Anti-coagulant baits should not be left in place for longer
damaged by water or contaminated by dirt. If all the bait has been
than is necessary to achieve control of the rodent population, typically this should
eaten from certain areas, increase the quantity of bait by placing
take no longer than 4-6 weeks, although in some instances longer baiting periods
more bait points. Do not increase the bait point size. Precautions
may be necessary. Once control is achieved then bait should be removed and nore-treatment of the site should occur until significant re-infestation occurs. In
should be taken to prevent domestic animals from having access
sensitive areas, however, sighting of a single rodent may initiate a re-treatment
to the bait. The resistance status of the target population should be
program. Records of treatment and risk assessments should be maintained, and
taken into account when considering the choice of rodenticide to
only where a risk assessment for a current infestation demonstrates that controlwill require a long-term baiting program will the relevant regulatory authority
be used. Roban Pasta Bait is effective against strains of rodent
allow this approach. Where the need for long-term baiting has been shown, the
resistant to earlier anticoagulants such as warfarin etc.
user should monitor the situation closely to ensure that the circumstancesoriginally considered do not significantly change.
PelGar International Ltd., Unit 13, Newman Lane Industrial Estate,
of PelGar International Ltd., in theUK and in other countries
Großflecken 43 - 24534 Neumünster - 04321 42910 Merkblatt zur Vorbeugung von Nekrosen und Entzündungen der Kieferknochen während einer Behandlung mit Knochenhärtern (Bisphosphonaten) („Bisphosphonat-assozi erte Osteonekrosen“, „BP-ONJ“) Bisphosphonate sind Medikamente, die heute weltweit bei Millionen von Patienten zur Knochenhärtung angewendet werden. Die me
Signora Biblioteca Come i lettori avranno visto, la Fondazione Micheletti è nata col fine di salvare dalla dispersione documenti e archivi, del periodo della guerra e delle Lotte di Liberazione, poi dei movimenti popolari, operai e ambientalisti. Di tale politica si fa interprete questa rivista telematica. Quanto siano grandi i pericoli di dispersione di carte, libri, documenti, è testim