
Press Release
FDA Approved Prozac for Pets Does Not Include Mandatory ANH-USA submits Citizen Petition to require increased risk of violence warning label be included on all versions of the drug August 16, 2010 (Washington, DC) — The FDA has approved a reformulated
version of the much-prescribed SSRI antidepressant (selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor) Prozac for dogs. Unlike Prozac, the canine version has no
mention of the many dangerous psychological side effects of the drug. The
Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA) filed a petition with the FDA to
require all SSRI antidepressants carry a warning about the increased risk of
violence toward others.
ANH-USA contends in its petition that the FDA’s own data show that five of the top ten drugs linked with reports of violent behavior were SSRI antidepressant drugs, the type now approved for dogs. “Overwhelming research suggests that SSRI antidepressant medication increases the risk of violence towards others,” said Gretchen DuBeau executive and legal director of the ANH-USA. “Now that dogs with aggression and anxiety problems are being prescribed a drug that has proven to cause violent outbursts, the public has the right to informed of the risks,” said DuBeau. “Promoting sustainable health and freedom of choice in healthcare through good science and good law”
ANH-USA states in their newsletter today that the pharmaceutical industry continues to aggressively develop and market new pharmaceutical drugs for animals which is the fastest growing retail segment of our economy. Pifzer’s animal drug revenues have grown 57 percent since 2003 to nearly $1billion. Eli Lilly even created a “companion animal” division in 2007 and hopes to release several new pharmaceutical drugs for animals. “Industry friendly regulators at the FDA have already approved the country’s first anti-obesity medication for dogs, and other pharmaceuticals that treat cognitive dysfunction for absentminded pets. We ask FDA to put commonsense first and at least warn the public about the risks of violence associated with SSRI medications when taking them or giving them to a pet,” said DuBeau. About the Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA)
The Alliance for Natural Health USA is part of an international organization dedicated to promoting natural, sustainable healthcare through good science and good law. We protect the right of natural health practitioners to practice, and the right of consumers to choose the healthcare options and treatment modalities they prefer, including complementary and alternative medicine. As a membership-based organization, we unite consumers, practitioners, and industry to speak with a common voice and have worked since 1992 to shift the medical paradigm from an exclusive focus on surgery, drugs and other conventional techniques to an “integrative” approach incorporating food, dietary supplements and lifestyle changes. “Promoting sustainable health and freedom of choice in healthcare through good science and good law”



GLI EBREI Gli Ebrei erano generalmente piccoli di statura, avevano capelli lunghi e scuri e lineamentimarcati. La pelle era spesso abbronzata, perché stavano quasi sempre all'aria aperta. Vivevanoprincipalmente di agricoltura e pastorizia. La casa Le famiglie erano solitamente numerose. Solo i più ricchi potevano permettersi case di pietra ben arredate e con molte stanze. Genito

Bahia honda state park

Bahia Honda State Park Brassicaceae- Cakile lanceolata southern sea rocket Vascular Plant List Diplotaxis muralis * annual wallrocket Burseraceae- Bursera simaruba gumbo limbo Acanthaceae- Blechum pyramidatum *green shrimp plant Cactaceae- Acanthocereus tetragonus barb-wire cactus Euphorbia gramine * grassleaf spurge Agavaceae- Agave americana *agave Op

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