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Psychiatry Research 158 (2008) 306 – 315
The functionality and economic costs of outpatients with
I Hui Lee a,b, Po See Chen a,b, Yen Kuang Yang a,b,⁎, Yi Cheng Liao c, Yih Dar Lee a,d,
Tzung Lieh Yeh a,b, Ling Ling Yeh e, Shu Hui Cheng b, Ching Lin Chu a
a Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, 138 Sheng Li Road, Tainan 70428, Taiwan
b Department of Psychiatry, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, 138 Sheng Li Road, Tainan 70428, Taiwan
c Department of Psychiatry, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
d Eli Lilly and Company [Taiwan], Inc, Taipei, Taiwan
e Institute of Long-Term Care, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
Received 24 February 2006; received in revised form 12 July 2006; accepted 2 October 2006
The aims of this study were to investigate the economic costs of outpatients with schizophrenia in Taiwan, and to survey factors that
influence the costs. The direct costs were defined as the costs associated with psychiatric services and other medical treatment. The indirectcosts were estimated using the Human Capital Method. Patients' characteristics, including sex, age, duration of education, duration ofillness, frequency of hospitalization, type of antipsychotic medication, severity of extrapyramidal side effects caused by antipsychoticmedication, and global functions, were used to estimate the costs. The average annual total cost was approximately US$16,576 per patient. The direct and indirect costs were 13% and 87% of the total costs, respectively. Among the direct costs, folk therapy ranked third, just behindprescription drugs and acute ward hospitalization. The productivity loss of both the patients and their caregivers was the major component ofthe indirect costs. The patient's age and global functions had a significantly negative relationship with the direct costs. The severity ofextrapyramidal side effects, type of antipsychotic medication, and the patient's illness duration correlated positively with the indirect costs,while the patient's global function correlated negatively with the indirect costs. Overall, the indirect costs of treating schizophreniawere higher than the direct costs. Improving patients' functionality and decreasing caregivers' burden are essential to reducing costs. 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Schizophrenia; Cost of illness; Drug side effects; Antipsychotics; Functionality
Schizophrenia is a costly mental disorder (
costs of patients with schizophrenia include the direct
treatment costs and indirect costs in the form of lost
showed that about 2% of the total health care budget was
spent on the treatment of schizophrenic patients
related to schizophrenia have demonstrated a wide
For the United Kingdom, reported that 3% of the total expenditure by the
National Health was accounted for by schizophrenic
Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 6 2766188; fax: +886 6 2759259.
0165-1781/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
I.H. Lee et al. / Psychiatry Research 158 (2008) 306–315
Many of the previous studies have focused only on
). In turn, these factors might have influenced
the prognosis and costs of schizophrenia treatment
an obvious shortcoming, because the proportion of direct
treatment pharmaco-economic costs, out of the total
predictive factors of the costs may be a prerequisite for
costs, is small. Besides, the costs of schizophrenia are not
reducing the economic impact of schizophrenia.
simply monetary. The overall costs should also include
Although the patient's functionality is one of the
the social and psychological costs incurred by patients
most important factors affecting the treatment outcome
and their family members. Previous studies in the U.S
of schizophrenia, the monetary relationship between the
demonstrated that direct and indirect costs represented
patient's functionality and the costs has not been well
38% (range: 33–41%) and 62% (range: 59–66%) of the
elucidated. The objectives of the present study were to:
(i) estimate the annual costs of outpatients with
schizophrenia in Taiwan; and (ii) survey cost-related
indirect costs due to lost productivity accounted for 49%
factors, including global function. Given the magnitude
of the National Health Service expenditure on schizo-
of the cost estimates, we expect that there will be
potential for improving cost-effectiveness.
reported that, in France, the average annual costfor medical care and social allowance per schizophrenic
patient was estimated at F54,970 (French Francs) andF22,905, respectively. The actual ratio of indirect costs to
total cost may be even higher. Indirect costs are oftenunderestimated, since schizophrenic patients are unlike-
Seventy-four stable patients (42 males and 32 females)
ly to become active participants in the labour force again
with schizophrenia, who had remained on either haloper-
idol or risperidone treatment for at least 1 year, were
Modeled after the US system, the mental health care
consecutively enrolled at the psychiatric outpatient clinics
system in Taiwan was implemented after World War II.
in the cities of Tainan (N = 23), Chiayi (N = 18), and
Initially, mental hospitals were created for schizophrenic
Changhua (N = 33) during the study period (August 1999
patients as they were often abandoned by their families.
to May 2000). During this period, the BNHI rules
Psychiatric services in the general hospitals were started
stipulated that only patients with the following documen-
later. Following the tide of deinstitutionalization, health
ted conditions could be prescribed atypical antipsychotics
care providers in Taiwan also attempted to shorten
(such as risperidone): (1) severe extrapyramidal side
hospitalization days and reduce the number of in-patient
effects (EPSEs) with conventional antipsychotics;
(2) non-responsiveness to conventional antipsychotic
The government covers 90% of the psychiatric care
treatment; or (3) old-age psychosis. All subjects in the
fees through the Bureau of National Health Insurance
risperidone group were approved by the BNHI.
(BNHI) in Taiwan since 1995. According to the BNHI,
These cities are located in central and southern
96% of all citizens participated in this insurance program
Taiwan. The demographic and economic characteristics
were not significantly different among these cities. The
Due to health care resource constraints, the rising
patients' mean age was 33.7 (S.D. = 8.4) years old, and
costs of treating patients with schizophrenia and the
the caregivers' (35 males and 38 females) mean age was
emergence of the multiplicity care arrangement, strate-
54.6 (S.D. = 12.9) years old. The mean duration of
gies for improving cost effectiveness have attracted
research interest in recent years in Taiwan as well as
The major caregiver of each patient in this study was
defined according to the following criteria: (1) living
with the patient; (2) entitled to decide the treatment
In contrast with the West where (institutionalized care)
mode and medication type; and (3) responsible for the
dominates, most of the psychiatric patients in Taiwan are
cared for by their families. Psychosocial factors, including
Informed consent was been obtained from patients
the acceptance of psychiatric services, the perception of
and their caregivers. The Ethical Committee for Human
illness, and the patients' or their relatives' knowledge of
Research at National Cheng Kung University Medical
disease, could affect the process of help-seeking in pa-
Center approved the study protocols.
I.H. Lee et al. / Psychiatry Research 158 (2008) 306–315
Table 1Itemized monetary costs for each patient (Direct costs)
Number of days × patient's actual payment
Traditional Chinese medicine Patient's actual payment
aThe unit of Costs in this column is US$ (NT$35= US$1, 1999).
those associated with psychiatric service expendituressuch as hospitalization costs, outpatient costs, day
The patients were assessed using the following
hospital costs, community rehabilitation costs, and
instruments when they visited outpatient clinics during
other medical treatment costs. The unit costs stipulated
by BNHI were similar to those obtained at all threesites. The sites were defined as the psychiatric
1. Mandarin Chinese version of the Positive and
departments of general hospitals. The direct costs
related to psychiatric services were categorized into
This scale was used to assess schizophrenic
five types of unit service costs (hospitalization, OPD,
symptoms. The mean score for positive and nega-
emergency, home care, and day hospital). The BNHI
tive symptoms was 13.77 (S.D. = 4.68) and 18.38
pays a flat fee for each day of day hospitalization,
(S.D. = 6.20), respectively. EPSEs caused by antipsy-
regardless of the types of care received. The costs for
chotic medication were assessed using the Simpson–
the remaining four types of psychiatric services were
obtained by multiplying the cost per unit (or per day)
mean score was 6.4 (S.D. = 3.9); the mean score in
by the number of units (or days). The costs for all the
haloperidol subgroup was 7.06 (S.D. = 4.33), in risper-
services were obtained by adding the patient's co-
idone subgroup it was 5.84 (S.D. = 3.36) (t = 1.32;
payments to the BNHI's payments. All of these data
P = 0.19). Global functions were assessed using the
were obtained from the accounting department at the
research sites. Indirect costs were defined as the costs
The mean score was 48.2 (S.D. = 12.2).
associated with time, loss of productivity, transporta-
tion and community resources. However, the indirect
economic costs included direct costs and indirect costs
costs associated with the caregivers' psychological
over the previous year. The direct costs were defined as
burden were omitted because the monetary estimation
I.H. Lee et al. / Psychiatry Research 158 (2008) 306–315
Table 2Itemized monetary costs for each patient (Indirect costs)
(for those currently employed)Time cost for patients (unit: h)
Day hospitalization days × 8 h/day +One-way time + Time for treatment) ×average hourly earnings
days × 8 h/day) × average hourly earnings
and age in Taiwan (adjusted by unemployment rate)
and age level in Taiwan(adjusted by unemployment rate)
Neighbours' service time × average hourly wage
aThe unit of Costs in this column is US$ (NT$35 = US$1, 1999).
of a psychological burden is difficult. The Human
higher scores representing higher levels of causality.
Capital Method was used to estimate the monetary
There were five subscales of disease attribution:
value of healthy time using market wage rates. Hence,
psychodynamic, biological, environmental, moral,
lost productivity was calculated using average wages
and supernatural. The total score of each subscale
with adjustments for age, educational level and gender,
(with four questions each) was obtained by summing
and for the length of time the patients had been absent
up the scores on the questions. We only used the
from work or how early they retired ahead of the
biological attribution subscale in this study. The
average age of retirement (). The monetary
attribution of illness was categorized as either bio-
values of these costs for each patient are summarized in
logical or non-biological according to the score of
biological attribution subscale with cut-off point of 5.
3. Knowledge of Schizophrenia (KOS): This 14-item
The internal consistency as measured by Cronbach's
questionnaire was used to assess the caregivers'
α was 0.54. The mean score was 5.42 (S.D.=2.83).
knowledge regarding the four aspects of schizophre-nia: symptoms, causes, treatments, and community
Trained psychologists performed personal structured
interviews to collect data using an economic cost
question was rated as “correct (=1)”, “wrong (= 0)”,
questionnaire, the KOS, and the PCI. The PANSS,
or “unknown (= 0)”. The total score (maximum of 14)
SAS and GAS were rated by psychiatrists. The Chinese
was derived by summing up the scores of all the
versions of the KOS and the PCI had been developed and
questions. The Cronbach's α in the current study was
standardized, and they scored highly on both reliability
.79. The mean score was 7.6 (S.D. = 3.3).
4. Perceived Causes of Illness (PCI): This self-reported
questionnaire for caregivers' was compiled with
reference to a study by . The questionnaire, which comprised 20 questions,
The costs were estimated by summing up all of the
was used to assess the caregiver's perception of
related costs. T-tests were used to analyze the differences
the cause of the disease. Each question was rated on a
in demographic and clinical characteristics between
4-point Likert scale (1 = not at all; 4 = totally), with
two drug groups. Pearson's correlation or t-test was
I.H. Lee et al. / Psychiatry Research 158 (2008) 306–315
Table 3Comparison of cost of illness in schizophrenia in different countries
2,3National study, top down approach. 1,4Non-top down approach. 3For newly diagnosed patients.
Table 4Comparison of demographic variables, clinical variables, caregivers' attitude, and costs between different drug groups
Clinical variablesDuration of illness (years)
PANSS: Positive and Negative Symptom Scales; GAS: Global Assessment Scale; SAS: Simpson–Angus Scale; KOS: Knowledge of Schizophrenia;PCI: Perceived Causes of Illness. †The unit of Costs in this column is US$1000 (NT$35=US$1, 1999).
⁎: Pb.05; ⁎⁎: Pb.01; ⁎⁎⁎: Pb.001 (two-tailed).
I.H. Lee et al. / Psychiatry Research 158 (2008) 306–315
New Taiwanese dollars); (NT$35 = US$1, 1999) for each
Correlations between patients' demographic variables, clinical
patient, 13% (US$2115) of which was direct costs, and
variables, and caregivers' attitude and costs
87% (US$14,461), indirect costs. The mean annual
mental health care cost from BNHI in this study was US
$1572 (S.D. = 1608). There were no significant differ-
ences in any of the demographic variables (age,
education years, and illness years) or the direct and
r = −0.34 (0.003)⁎⁎ r = 0.15 (0.21)
indirect costs among the sites. The largest component of
the direct costs was medication (5.72%), followed by theexpenses for acute ward hospitalization (2.29%), and
folk therapy (2.06%). As for the indirect costs,
productivity loss (81.03% of the total costs, or 43.19%
and 37.84% for the patient and their caregivers,
respectively) accounted for the highest proportion
t = −2.98 (0.004)⁎⁎ t = −2.02 (0.05)⁎
costs in our study were much lower compared to those ofthe aforementioned studies. The proportion of hospital-
ization costs in the direct costs was comparable to that of
the Tarricones's report while the proportion of cost of
drugs in our study was the highest. Both Tarricone's and
our studies support the finding that family impact costs
PANSS: Positive and Negative Symptom Scales; GAS: Global
account for approximately 40% of the indirect costs.
Assessment Scale; SAS: Simpson–Angus Scale; KOS: Knowledgeof Schizophrenia; PCI: Perceived Causes of Illness.
The results of our t-tests showed that the character-
aT-test; ⁎: P b0.05; ⁎⁎: Pb0.01; ⁎⁎⁎: Pb0.001 (two-tailed).
istics of the risperidone and haloperidol groups were notsignificantly different in the demographic or clinical
performed to analyze the relationship between the costs
variables (). The direct and indirect costs were
and the explanatory variables, including (1) demograph-
higher in risperidone group. However, the direct costs
ic variables (patients' sex, age, duration of education);
excluding the medication expenditure was not different
(2) clinical variables (duration of illness, frequency of
hospitalization, psychopathology (PANSS), extrapyra-
The correlation matrix and t-test analyses between
midal side effects (SAS), global functions (GAS), and
the patients' and their caregivers' characteristics and
the type of medication (risperidone or haloperidol)); and
different costs are shown in . Age, duration of
(3) caregivers' attitude (KOS and PCI).
Stepwise multiple linear regression models for pre-
dicting the direct and indirect costs were constructed
Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis of costs (N = 64)
using variables that significantly correlated with the costs
and independent variables. Only subjects with complete
information (N = 64) were included in the models. Asdependent variables, the logarithms to the base 10 of
direct costs were used, since they were symmetric and
nearly normally distributed. Our analyses of the residuals
showed that the logarithmic transformation was appro-
priate. All of the analyses were performed using the SPSS
software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, U.S.A.).
a The scale of direct costs was transferred by log10. The unit of cost wasNT$1000.
The annual average total cost was approximately
SAS: Simpson–Angus Scale; GAS: Global Assessment Scale.
US$16,576 (NT$580,167, S.D. = NT$344,128) (NT$ =
⁎: Pb.05; ⁎⁎: Pb.01; ⁎⁎⁎: Pb.001 (two-tailed).
I.H. Lee et al. / Psychiatry Research 158 (2008) 306–315
illness, and GAS correlated negatively with direct costs.
costs in Taiwan. Productivity loss was noted not only for
Duration of illness, positive domain of the PANSS, and
the patients themselves, but also for their caregivers.
SAS correlated positively, and GAS correlated nega-
Low employment rates were found both in patients with
tively with the indirect costs. The risperidone group
low functionality and their caregivers in this study
incurred higher direct and indirect costs than the
(32.9% and 46.6%, respectively). The high level of
haloperidol group. Caregivers' attitude (PCI and KOS)
indirect costs revealed here is mostly attributable to the
productivity loss. Unlike the majority of cost of illness
For both direct and indirect costs, we developed
regression models using the significant variables.
Stepwise multiple regression analyses of the direct
assess the costs from a societal perspective and high-
costs indicated statistically significant differ-
lights the individual cost components including folk
ences among the types of antipsychotics, the GAS
therapy and loss of productivity of caregivers, but
scores, and the patients' age, but not the duration of
excluding the social security outlays and criminal justice
illness. In the indirect cost model, all variables (the GAS
system costs. The high indirect costs underscore the
scores, type of antipsychotics, patients' illness duration,
burden schizophrenia places on society and the
and the SAS scores) were significantly different.
importance of comprehensive evaluation of cost-effectiveness.
Our previous study revealed that schizophrenia
patients with more severe cognitive deficits may incur
The results of this study revealed that schizophrenia
is a costly disease in Taiwan as well as in the west. In
model of the current study also showed that the patients'
1999, the mean of the National Health Expenditure in
functionality, as measured by the GAS score, is a major
Taiwan for each person was about US$734, or about
predictor of not only the indirect costs but also the direct
5.46% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (
costs. This finding is consistent with those of
annual average of direct costs for each schizophrenic
Considering the high care costs of patients with
patient was US$2115, almost three times higher than the
schizophrenia, the functional and occupational impair-
mean of the National Health Expenditure in 1999 in
ments must be rectified. To reduce the costs of
Taiwan. This evidence supports our hypothesis that
schizophrenia, psychiatric service policies should
patients with schizophrenia in Taiwan utilized a
focus on enhancing the patients' global functional
disproportionately high amount of health care services,
just as that reported by western countries (
days, and enabling patients to return to active employ-
). Only then can the caregivers' burden be reduced.
The low utilization of community care services may
cantly higher than the direct costs, which is consistent
be one of the important reasons for the high productivity
loss in caregivers. This study showed that the costs of
community care in this study were only about 0.06% of
indirect costs in this study (87%) was even higher than
the provision of active community services for patients
with schizophrenia may lead to overall savings in care
costs. However, if community care programs are not
service utilization patterns and costs exist among
well organized and developed following a reduction in
various studies, the methodological inconsistencies
in-patient beds, efforts to reduce direct costs may just
should be taken into consideration when comparing
shift the burden back to the patients, their families and
communities, and hence increase the indirect costs.
One of the reasons for the higher proportion of indi-
Because the illness attribution (to supernatural causes)
rect costs for treating schizophrenia in Taiwan may be
and the stigmatization of schizophrenia in countries with
the lower insurance payment for medical services (the
less developed mental health care system differ from those
usual physician's fee for each visit is only about US$10
of the west, delay in help-seeking is prevalent (
in Taiwan). In addition, our results showed that the loss
of productivity was the major component of indirect
I.H. Lee et al. / Psychiatry Research 158 (2008) 306–315
families more frequently rely on sources of support
The third-party payment agent in Taiwan, the BNHI,
outside the mental health care sector such as priests,
implemented strict rules for prescribing atypical anti-
confidants or traditional “alternative” treatments, such as
psychotics in order to contain the increasing psychiatric
care expenditures during the period of study. The
Although the PCI and KOS scores did not correlate
BNHI's strict rules for prescribing risperidone have
with the costs, the actual outlays for psychiatric acute
resulted in a selection bias in the risperidone group. The
ward treatment were comparable to those for folk
higher costs for the risperidone group patients may also
therapy in the current study. 31.5% (23/73) of
be attributable to their more serious conditions com-
schizophrenic families in our study either donated
money to the temples or paid the healers for rituals to
These results should be interpreted with caution for
several reasons. First of all, only stable outpatients were
To our knowledge, this is the first head-to-head
enrolled in this study. Those subjects who were selection-
comparison study about the costs of mental health care
biased may not be representative of all patients with
and alternative treatments. One previous study reported
schizophrenia from general hospitals in Taiwan. The
that, in Taiwan, over 30% of patients and their relatives
composition of costs for patients in different stages may
believe that the cause of schizophrenia is supernatural
Both community-based patients and chronic
inpatients should be enrolled in the future. Secondly, the
Needless to say, the delay in help-seeking increases to
validity of the data related to the patients' conditions, such
the financial burden of the families in the form of the
as psychotic symptoms and EPSE, may be short-lived,
higher productivity loss of the caregivers. Andrews
since the patients' conditions may have fluctuated
estimates that, even with optimal treatment, only 22%
throughout the year in which the costs were calculated.
the burden of schizophrenia could be averted
Thus, results regarding the relationships between the
patients' conditions and the annual costs must be inter-
inevitable. The high expenditure in folk therapy reflects
preted with discretion. Thirdly, the productivity loss figu-
an underlying dissatisfaction about current treatment
res used in this study are only subjective estimates, at best,
modalities and the unmet needs of the schizophrenic
due to the lack of an objective method of measurement.
patients and families even in the stable stage.
Our results also demonstrated that the undesirable
extrapyramidal effects of antipsychotics in terms of SASscores have a positive correlation with the indirect costs
Janssen-Cilag Company Taiwan, Inc. funded this
and total costs. Similar findings have been reported by
research. The authors wish to thank Mr. Mitchell Chen,
Miss Shu Chuan Lin, Miss Linda J. Chang, and Dr.
imply both disability and loss of productivity. For that
Chwen Cheng Chen, for their statistical, administrative,
reason, one may expect the use of atypical antipsycho-
and editorial assistance in the preparation of this
tics, such as risperidone, which have fewer propensities
for EPSE than haloperidol, to be associated with lowercosts Unfortunately, atypical anti-
psychotics are much more expensive than conventionalantipsychotics.
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Investors: Patty Eisenhaur Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (973) 355-8141 Media: Charlie Mayr Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (973) 355-8483 Diane Rubino Population Council (212) 339-0617 [email protected] Watson Licenses Population Council’s Novel Contraceptive Ring Phase 3 clinical development product expands Watson’s global brand contrace
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