J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:497–503
EVect of interstimulus interval on visual P300 inParkinson’s disease
Lihong Wang, Yoshiyuki Kuroiwa, Toshiaki Kamitani, Tatsuya Takahashi, Yume Suzuki,Osamu Hasegawa
assessments, as they might be influenced by
Objective—Visual event related potentials
parkinsonian motor deficits during the task. (ERPs) were studied during an oddball
P300 latency, which is presumed to indicate
paradigm, to testify whether cognitive
the time required for task evaluation independ-
slowing in Parkinson’s disease exists and
ent of motor processing,6 may be useful in
to investigate whether cognitive infor- mation processing can be influenced by
disease. There are some reports which provide
diVerent interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of
evidence of cognitive slowing during auditory
an oddball task in patients with Parkin-
or visual oddball tasks by showing delayed
son’s disease and normal subjects.
P300 in Parkinson’s disease.7–11 However, there
Methods—ERPs and reaction time were
are also reports showing normal P300 latency
measured in 38 non-demented patients with Parkinson’s disease and 24 healthy
P300 is usually evoked by an oddball task
elderly subjects. A visual oddball para-
with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 1000 ms
digm was employed to evoke ERPs, at
to 2000 ms. The load on cognitive processing
three diVerent interstimulus (ISI) inter-
systems varies with the rate at which infor-
vals: ISI(S), 1600 ms; ISI(M), 3100 ms; and
mation is presented—that is, with the duration
ISI(L), 5100 ms. The eVect of ISIs on ERPs
of the ISIs. A too fast or too slow stimulus
and reaction time was investigated.
presentation sometimes may make the task dif-
Results—Compared with the normal sub-
ficult to follow and to perform. Cognitive slow-
jects, P300 latency at Cz and Pz was
ing in Parkinson’s disease is presumed to be
significantly delayed after rare target
found only in tasks that place greater demands
stimuli in patients with Parkinson’s dis-
on the subject’s cognitive capacity.16 Therefore,
ease only at ISI(L). Reaction time was
we presumed that diVerent rates of information
prolonged in patients at all the three ISIs,
presentation due to diVerent ISIs of an oddball
compared controls.
task may change the diYculty of the task, and
There was also significantly delayed N200 and reduced P300 amplitude at Cz and/or
Parkinson’s disease. There have been few stud-
Pz to rare non-target stimuli in patients at
ies on the influences of diVerent presentation
the three ISIs, compared with the normal
rates on cognitive processing in patients with
controls. During rare target visual stimu-
Parkinson’s disease and normal subjects. lation, P300 latency and reaction time in
In this study, we intended to investigate
the patients with Parkinson’s disease and
whether the changes of visual event related
reaction time in the normal subjects were
potentials occur during rare target and rare
gradually prolonged as the ISI increased.
non-target stimulation when diVerent ISIs are
Department of Conclusion—Prolonged N200 latency to
used. To testify whether cognitive slowing in
Neurology, Yokohama rare non-target stimuli might indicate City University School
whether cognitive information processing can
that automatic cognitive processing was of Medicine, 3–9
be influenced by diVerent ISIs in patients with
Fukuura, slowed in Parkinson’s disease. Cognitive
Parkinson’s disease and normal subjects, visual
Kanazawa-ku, processing reflected by P300 latency to
ERPs and reaction time were measured during
Yokohama, 236–0004, rare target stimuli was influenced by
a modified oddball paradigm at short, medium,
longer ISI in patients with Parkinson’s
and long interstimulus intervals: ISI(S), 1600
ms; ISI(M),3100 ms; and ISI(L), 5100 ms.
(J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:497–503)
Keywords: P300; interstimulus interval; oddball para-
The subjects were 38 patients (14 men, 24
It has been a long debated question whether or
women) with the definite clinical diagnosis of
not there exists cognitive slowing in Parkin-
idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and 24 elderly
Yokohama City UniversitySchool of Medicine, 3–9
son’s disease.1–5 The neuropsychological tests
healthy volunteers (11 men, 13 women). The
employed to evaluate cognitive slowing are
age of the Parkinson’s disease group ranged
extremely varied. Until now, no consistent
from 41 to 77 years, with a mean (SD) of 65.8
Telephone 0081 45 7872800; fax 0081 45 788 6041.
conclusion has been reached on the existence
(8.8) years. The age of the normal control
and nature of the cognitive slowing in Parkin-
group ranged from 42 to 79 years, with a mean
son’s disease. It is sometimes diYcult to evalu-
(SD) of 65.2 (10.3) years. All control subjects
ate mental processing in patients with Parkin-
showed normal neurological findings and had
son’s disease accurately by neuropsychological
no specific neurological diseases. None exhib-
Backgrounds of patients with Parkinson’s disease
contained 12 to 16 responses to rare targetstimuli. Each section was repeated once to
confirm the reliability of recording for each ISI.
The EEG activity was analysed 100 ms before
and 900 ms after each visual presentation. On
the traces, upward deflection of the ERP wave-
nent (peak or notch) at Cz and Pz occurring
200–400 ms after the start of the stimulus.
P300 was identified as a positive wave at Cz
and Pz, with latency of 300–700 ms after the
start of the stimulus. N200 latency and P300
latency were measured as the interval between
each peak (or notch) and the onset of the
*The levodopa dosage in the table represents the dosage of
stimulus. P300 amplitude was defined as the
levodopa in Neodopaston® which contains levodopa and carbi-
voltage diVerence between the P300 peak and
the prestimulus baseline (averaging voltage of100 ms before the stimulus). Reaction time was
ited any abnormal MRI findings. They also had
defined as the interval between the start of rare
no history of medical or psychiatric disorders.
All patients fulfilled Parkinson’s Disease Soci-ety Brain Bank clinical criteria17 for definitedisease. Patients with secondary parkinsonism
or with evidence of focal cerebral lesions were
A two tailed Student’s t test was used to com-
excluded from the study. Any patients diag-
pare the ERPs (N200 latency, P300 latency,
nosed as having dementia according to the cri-
and P300 amplitude) or reaction time between
teria of the diagnostic and statistical manual of
the Parkinson’s disease and normal groups at
mental disorders, third edition, revised,18 were
each of the three ISIs. One way repeated meas-
excluded from the study. All patients were
ures ANOVA was computed to study the effect
of ISIs on ERPs (N200 latency, P300 latency,
Table 1 shows the details of the patients with
and P300 amplitude) or reaction time in the
Parkinson’s disease. All the subjects gave
Parkinson’s disease group and the normal con-
signed informed consent after the purpose of
trol group, separately. Two way repeated meas-
the study and the protocol had been explained
ures ANOVA was also studied using the groups
(Parkinson’s disease v normal controls) as the
between subjects factor and diVerent ISIs asthe within subjects factor. When ANOVAyielded significant diVerences among data sets,
a Bonferroni/Dunn test was performed as a
A modified visual oddball paradigm which was
previously designed by Tachibana et al19 wasused to elicit ERPs (fig 1). The paradigmemployed three kinds of visual stimuli: rare tar-get, rare non-target, and frequent non-target.
They were presented on an electronic tachisto-
All the normal subjects accurately performed
scope screen (Iwasaki Tsushin), at event prob-
the task. All patients with Parkinson’s disease
abilities of 20%, 20%, and 60%, respectively.
performed the task at an error rate not exceed-
The duration of each stimulus was 68 ms. The
ISI was defined as the interval between the
appearance of each sequential stimulus. The
Parkinson’s disease (fig 2), P300 latency seems
task was performed at short, medium, and long
to be longer after rare target stimuli at ISI(L)
ISI separately in the order of ISI(S) 1600 ms
than at ISI(S) and ISI(M). P300 amplitude
after rare non-target stimuli in patients with
(stimulus rate 0.322 Hz), and ISI(L) 5100 ms
Parkinson’s disease was markedly reduced
(stimulus rate 0.196 Hz). The subjects were
compared with that in normal controls at all
instructed to press the button for rare target
stimuli as rapidly and correctly as possible. Data were recorded only after the subjectsunderstood the tasks completely through a
trodes from Cz and Pz referred to linkedearlobes. The EOG was monitored using aforehead-temple montage with a rejection levelof ±100 µV. Electrode impedance was main-
tained below 5 K . Bandwidth of preamplifiers
ranged from 0.1 to 50 Hz. Each block included
four rare target stimuli. Three or four blocks
with breaks of 2 minutes between blocks com-
Sketch representing the time course of the
prised one section. Therefore, each section
modified oddball paradigm at three diVerent ISIs.EVect of interstimulus on P300 in Parkinson’s diseaseAveraged waveforms of ERPs at Pz after rare target and rare non-target at ISI(S), ISI(M), and ISI(L) of theParkinson’s disease (PD) and the normal control groups.
no ISI eVect was found on any of ERP compo-
nents after rare target and rare non-target
stimuli. In the Parkinson’s disease group, only
We compared the data between patients with
P300 latency after rare target stimuli was found
Parkinson’s disease and normal control groups
to be significantly influenced by diVerent ISIs
using Student’s t test (tables 2 and 3). Prolonged P300 latency at Cz and Pz after rare
Comparison of the mean (SD) values of ERPs at
target stimuli in Parkinson’s disease was found
Pz and reaction time (RT) to rare target stimuli betweenpatients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and normal controls
only at ISI(L) (Cz, t=2.408, df=52, p<0.05; Pz,
t=2.232, df=52, p<0.05). No significant N200latency or P300 amplitude diVerence to rare
target stimuli was found between groups at any
of the three ISIs. Significantly delayed N200 at
Parkinson’s disease was found at the three ISIs:
ISI(S),(Pz, t=2.915, df=49, p<0.01); ISI(M),
(Cz, t=2.269, df=50, p<0.05), and ISI(L),(Pz,
t=2.871, df=45, p<0.01). Significantly reduced
non-target stimuli was found in the Parkinson’s
disease group compared with the control group
at all the ISIs (ISI(S),Cz, t=2.741, df=58,
t=2.530, df=56, p<0.05; ISI(L), Cz, t=2.508,
*p<0.05; Student’s t test.
df=51, p<0.05; Pz, t=2.408, df=51, p<0.05). Comparison of the mean (SD) values of ERPs at
Reaction time to rare target stimuli in Parkin-
Pz to rare non-target stimuli between patients with
son’s disease was significantly delayed com-
Parkinson’s disease (PD) and normal controls at the three
pared with that in the control group at all the
ISIs (ISI(S), t=2.098, df=51, p<0.05; ISI(M),
t=2.475, df=49, p<0.05; ISI(L), t=2.483,df=48, p<0.05).
ANOVA to study the eVect of the three ISIs on
N200 and P300 components and reaction time
in the Parkinson’s disease and the normal
group, separately. In the normal control group,
*p<0.05; **p<0.01; Student’s t test. ISI eVect on reaction time in normal controlgroup (open circles) and Parkinson’s disease group (closedcircles). S, M, and L indicate ISI(S), ISI(M), and ISI(L),respectively. The p value represents the eVect of ISIs onreaction time by one way repeated measures ANOVA.NS=no significant diVerence among three ISIs by one way
stimuli (Cz, F=5.413, p<0.01; Pz, F=6.209,
p<0.01). P300 latency at ISI(L) was signifi-
cantly longer than at ISI(S) (Bonferroni/Dunn
post hoc, Cz, p<0.05; Pz, p<0.05). However,
ISI eVect on P300 latency at Cz and Pz in
groups×ISIs did not influence P300 latency to
normal control group(open circles) and Parkinson’s diseasegroup (closed circles). S, M, and L indicate ISI(S),ISI(M) and ISI(L), respectively. The p value represents the
groups made significant diVerences on N200
eVect of ISIs on P300 latency by one way repeated
latency (Cz, F=7.415, p<0.01; Pz, F=9.595,
measures ANOVA. NS=no significant diVerence among
p<0.01) and P300 amplitude (Cz, F=8.905,
three ISIs by one way repeated measures ANOVA.
p<0.01; Pz, F=8.220, p<0.01) to rare non-
F=8.094, p<0.001; Pz, F=5.006, p<0.05; fig 3
(Bonferroni/Dunn post hoc, Cz, p<0.01; Pz,
significantly longer than at ISI(S) (Bonferroni/
Dunn post hoc, Cz, p<0.05; Pz, p<0.05). No
(Bonferroni/Dunn post hoc, Cz, p<0.0001; Pz,
ISI eVect was found on any other ERP compo-
p<0.0001) to rare non-target stimuli compared
nents after rare target and rare non-target
with the control group. However, diVerent ISIs
stimuli in the Parkinson’s disease group.
or the interaction of groups×ISIs made no sig-
A significant ISI eVect on reaction time was
nificant diVerence on N200 latency and P300
found in both the Parkinson’s disease group
amplitude to rare non-target stimuli. DiVerent
groups, diVerent ISIs, and the interaction of
F=8.769, p<0.001; fig 4 and table 4) and the
groups×ISIs influenced reaction time to rare
normal control group (one way repeated meas-
target stimuli significantly (diVerent groups,
ures ANOVA, F=6.122, p<0.01). Reaction
F=6.441, p<0.05; diVerent ISIs, F=12.069,
time at ISI(L) was significantly longer than
p<0.0001; groups × ISIs, F=3.339, p<0.05).
reaction time at ISI(S) (Bonferroni/Dunn post
The patient group showed significantly more
hoc, p<0.05) in the Parkinson’s disease group
prolonged reaction time than the control group
and tended to be longer than reaction time at
(Bonferroni/Dunn post hoc, p<0.001). Reac-
tion time at ISI(L) was significantly more pro-
(Bonferroni/Dunn post hoc, p=0.0554).
(Bonferroni/Dunn post hoc, p<0.05). NeitherdiVerent groups nor diVerent ISIs had a
significant eVect on N200 latency and P300
REACTION TIMETwo way repeated measures ANOVA using the
amplitude to rare target stimuli, or P300
diVerent groups (Parkinson’s disease v normal
latency to rare non-target stimuli. Table 5 is a
controls) as the between groups factor and the
summary of the main significant findings in
diVerent ISIs as the within subjects factor con-
firmed that diVerent ISIs produced a signifi-cant P300 latency diVerence during rare target
Significant eVect of ISI on ERP and reactiontime (RT) to rare target stimuli in patients withParkinson’s disease (PD) and normal controls during one
As P300 latency and reaction time to rare tar-
get stimuli were found to be influenced by dif-ferent ISIs, we measured P300 latency diVer-
ence (or ratio) and reaction time diVerence (or
ratio) for two diVerent ISIs. P300 latency
Verences to rare target stimuli were defined
as (P300 latency at ISI(M)−P300 latency at
ISI(S)); (P300 latency at ISI(L)−P300 latency
at ISI(M)); and (P300 latency at ISI(L)−P300
*p<0.05, **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.
latency at ISI(S)). reaction time diVerences
EVect of interstimulus on P300 in Parkinson’s diseaseSignificant group and/or ISI eVect on ERPs and RT found during two way
elucidated why mean N200 latency in the Par-kinson’s disease group was delayed to rare
non-targets and was not delayed to rare targets.
Literature on visual search (popout) shows
that, even in normal subjects, verification of the
presence of a target is completed more quickly
than the decision that a target is absent.26 27
There is also a study showing that it was
significantly worse at discerning the orientation
of non-target regions than at detecting target
presence.28 These results might be related to a
self terminating processing theory that a visual
*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001.
search can terminate on the half way when a
predesignated target is found, while for a non-
ISI(M)−reaction time at ISI(S)); (reaction
target stimulus (a negative response), visual
time at ISI(L)−reaction time at ISI(M)); and
search must proceed until all features of the
(reaction time at ISI(L)− reaction time at
stimulus are evaluated.29 The significantly
ISI(S)). P300 latency ratios to rare target
delayed N200 to rare non-targets in our study
might be a physiological correlate to the self
ISI(M)/P300 latency at ISI(S)); (P300 latency
terminating processing, albeit exaggerated in
at ISI(L)/P300 latency at ISI(M)); and (P300
latency at ISI(L)/P300 latency at ISI(S)).
The controlled processing reflected by P300
Reaction time ratios were defined as (reaction
latency after rare targets was slowed only at
time at ISI(M)/reaction time at ISI(S)); (reac-
longer ISI in Parkinson’s disease, but not at
tion time at ISI(L)/reaction time at ISI(M));
and (reaction time at ISI(L)/reaction time at
that there was no group diVerence on P300
ISI(S)). We compared the above parameters
latency while taking all the three ISIs as a
between groups by Student’s t test. Only P300
whole. This result is diVerent from the results
of other authors who proved the cognitive
ISI(L)−P300 latency at ISI(M)) at Cz and
slowing during oddball task in Parkinson’s dis-
P300 latency ratio of (P300 latency at ISI(L)/
ease by showing delayed P300 latency,9–11 but in
P300 latency at ISI(M)) at Cz were signifi-
cantly greater in patients with Parkinson’s dis-
prolonged P300 latency in the disease.12–15 Dif-
ease than those in normal controls (latency
ferent clinical status such as age at test, age at
diVerence, t=−2.098, p<0.05; latency ratio,
onset, duration of illness, and treatment may be
able to explain such discrepancy on P300latency.30 31
Although the interaction of groups×ISIs did
not influence P300 latency to rare target
stimuli significantly after two way repeated
reduced P300 amplitude at Cz and/or Pz to
rare non-target stimuli at all the three ISIs, and
that P300 latency to rare targets was signifi-
prolonged P300 latency at Cz and Pz to rare
cantly influenced by diVerent ISIs in the
targets only at ISI(L). Visual N200 to rare tar-
Parkinson’s disease group and not in the
normal control group. Furthermore, Student’s
auditory N2b20 and to be reflected an control-
t test on P300 to rare targets showed that (P300
led discrimination processing.21 However, our
visual N200 to rare non-target stimuli was
ISI(L)−P300 latency at ISI(M)), and (P300
more similar to N2b described by Squires et al,
latency at ISI(L)/P300 latency at ISI(M)) in
which appeared while the subject was paying
the Parkinson’s disease group showed signifi-
unconscious attention and should reflect an
cantly larger mean values than those in the
automatic task evaluation processing.22 P300
normal control group. All these results sug-
after rare non-target stimuli in our paradigm
gested that the ISI eVect on P300 to rare
was also thought to reflect an automatic task
targets was rather stronger in the Parkinson’s
evaluation processing,23 whereas P300 after
disease group compared with the normal con-
rare target stimuli could reflect controlled cog-
trol group. Polich et al32 described significantly
nitive processing.23 24 With regard to the
longer auditory P300 latency at the ISI of 6
question whether cognitive slowing exists in
seconds than the P300 latency at the ISI of 2
Parkinson’s disease or not, our finding of
seconds in normal younger subjects. Literature
prolonged N200 latency to rare non-targets
about ISI eVects on P300 latency using visual
implies that the automatic cognitive processing
stimulation in Parkinson’s disease is completely
could be slowed in the disease. Dysfunction of
lacking. To our knowledge, this is the first
automatic processing in Parkinson’s disease
report that showed P300 changes at diVerent
has also been reported by a recent ERP study.24
One possible explanation for delayed P300
studies25 which suggested preserved function of
at ISI(L) is that it might be due to the decreas-
automatic cognitive processing in parkinsonian
ing sustained attention at longer ISI in Parkin-
patients. Task diVerences while evaluating the
son’s disease. It is said that sustained attention
automatic cognitive processing may be a reason
is impaired in Parkinson’s disease.33 34 In the
longer ISI condition, the subjects had to try to
some slowness of automatic cognitive process-
maintain their attention for a relatively longer
ing in Parkinson’s disease, whereas controlled
period of time. Therefore, too slow information
cognitive processing was slowed only at the
input at ISI(L) might cause an eVort demand-
ing task to patients with Parkinson’s disease.
latency and reaction time implied that the con-
Further, to get the same number of trials per
trolled cognitive processing in Parkinson’s dis-
ISI condition, the total test session would be
ease was influenced by slower information
much longer in the longer ISI condition. Also,
the ISI(L) task was always performed later thanISI(S) and ISI(M). All these facts could result
We are grateful to Masaaki Sibuya, Professor of Statistics, Keio
in low attention at longer ISI. However, if it
University, Tokyo for helpful assistance and comments concern-ing statistical analysis. We also sincerely thank Ivan Bodis-
were a problem of low attention at longer ISI,
Wollner, Professor of Neurology and Ophthalmology, State
University of New York, for valuable comments on the paper.
longed P300 latency, should be more pro-nounced as P300 amplitude was thought to be
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