Bayesian Hierarchical Models: Practical Exercises You will be using WinBUGS 1.4.3 for these practicals.
All the data and other files you will need for the practicals are provided in a zipfile, which you can download from
You should unzip this file and save the contents in the directory C:\work\bugscourse.
Solutions for all the exercises are also provided in the zip files.
Scripts have also been prepared which can be used to run most of the models as an alterna-tive to using the menu click-and-point interface. You are advised to start by using the menuinterface for the first practical, so that you understand the steps involved in setting up andrunning a model in WinBUGS. However, feel free to use the scripts to run models for theother practicals (or write your own scripts to do this) if you prefer. If you have copied thedata and program files to a directory other than C:\work\bugscourse you will needto edit all the path names of the files specified in each script.
Further detailed instructions on using WinBUGS can be found in the handout Hintson using WinBUGS, and in the on-line WinBUGS User Manual (see the Help menuin WinBUGS).
The standard way to control a WinBUGS model run is using the click-and-pointmenu interface. However, there is also a script language which enables all the menuoptions to be listed in a text file and run in batch mode. Scripts to run all of themodels in the practical exercises are included in the data zip file you were providedwith. Using scripts is generally much quicker than clicking-and-pointing. However,we recommend you start with the click-and-point approach so that you understandhow WinBUGS works. The click-and-point approach is also better for debugging amodel.
The section Batch mode: Scripts of the on-line User Manual in WinBUGS gives de-tails of the script language.
To run a script, click on the window containing the script file to ‘focus’ it, and thenselect Script from the Model menu.
• The model code, data and each set of initial values called by the script have to • Once the script has finished executing, the analysis is still ‘live’ and you can continue to use the WinBUGS menus interactively in the usual way.
• The script language currently has very limited error handling, so check that your model compiles correctly and that the data and initial values can all beloaded OK using the usual WinBUGS menu/GUI interface, before setting up ascript to carry out a full analysis.
• Remember that you should run sufficient burn-in iterations to allow the simula- tions to converge before you set the DIC tool, since you cannot discard burn-invalues from the DIC calculations after the monitor has been set.
• There is an FAQ about DIC on the BUGS web site: • A list of distributions and their syntax in the BUGS language is given in the • A list of functions and their syntax in the BUGS language is given in the on-line • Details of data formats accepted by WinBUGS are given in the on-line Help: • Syntax for writing ‘loops’ and indexing vectors and arrays in the BUGS language Practical Class 1: Fitting Simple Hierarchical Models using Win-BUGS A simulated set of data (slightly different from that used in the lecture notes) for the THMexample can be found in file thm-dat.odc. Note that the data are in the ‘nested index’ format(see lecture 1 slide 23); there are 12 areas for which no data have been collected. The code forfitting a simple non-hierarchical model, assuming independent priors on the mean THM levelfor each zone, but a common residual error variance across zones, is in file thm-model.odc.
Two sets of initial values are provided in files thm-in1.odc and thm-in2.odc.
(a) Run this model in WinBUGS, setting monitors on the zone mean THM concentra- tions theta and on the residual error variance.
(b) Produce posterior summary statistics for the parameters you have monitored, and box plots of the posterior distribution of the zone mean THM levels. Use the ‘spe-cial properties’ option of the box plot (right click on plot to select ‘properties’,then select ‘special’ to display the areas in the box plot in rank order). (See sec-tion Plotting summaries of the posterior distribution of the hints handout).
Comment on the estimates for the areas with no data.
(a) Edit the model code to change the prior on the zone means (theta’s) to a normal random effects distribution with unknown mean and variance, and specify suitablepriors for the latter 2 parameters (see lecture 1 slides 12 and 24). Don’t forgetto also modify your initial values files to include initial values for the additionalparameters in your model.
(b) Include statements in your model code to calculate the variance partition coefficient (VPC) for this hierarchical model (see lecture 1 slide 26).
(c) Run the model, setting monitors on the zone mean THM concentrations theta, the residual error variance, the random effects mean and variance, and the VPC.
(d) Produce posterior summary statistics for the parameters you have monitored, and box plots of the posterior distribution of the zone mean THM levels. Compareyour estimates with those from the non-hierarchical model and comment on anydifferences.
B. Hierarchical models for binary data: surgical mortality rates In this question, you will be modelling data on mortality rates following surgery in each of 12hospitals. The data file surgical-dat.odc contains the following variables: I, the number ofhospitals; n, the number of operations carried out in each hospital in a 1 year period; r, thenumber of deaths within 30 days of surgery in each hospital.
The aim of the analysis is to use surgical mortality rates as an indicator of each hospital’sperformance and to identify whether any hospitals appear to be performing unusually well orpoorly.
A suitable model for these data is to assume a binomial likelihood for the number of deathsin each hospital where pi is the mortality rate in hospital i. We must then specify a prior distribution for thepi’s. Here we will treat the mortality rates as exchangeable across hospitals and model themusing the following random effects specification This simply fits a random intercept for each hospital, corresponding to the logit-transformedmortality rate for that hospital. Vague hyperprior distributions are specified for the randomeffects mean and variance.
The WinBUGS code for fitting this model to the surgical data can be found in file surgical-model.odc.
(a) Create two sets of initial values for this model and run the model in WinBUGS.
The easiest way to create the initial values is to just specify initial values for thehyperparameters (i.e. the mean and variance (or precision) of the random effects),and once these have been loaded in WinBUGS, use the gen.inits option of theModel Specification tool to generate initial values for the random effects (i.e. for thetheta’s).
(b) Before you start updating, set sample monitors for the vector of parameters p (representing the mortality rates for each hospital), m and sigma (representing theoverall mean mortality rate and between-hospital sd in logit mortality rates, respec-tively) and QR80 (the 80% quantile ratio — i.e. ratio of mortality odds ratios forhospitals ranked at the 90th and 10th percentiles of the random effects distribution).
(c) Produce summary statistics and kernel density plots for the posterior samples of all the monitored parameters. Interpret the QR80.
(d) Produce box plots and/or caterpillar plots to compare the mortality rates for each hospital (See section Plotting summaries of the posterior distribution of thehints handout). Which hospitals have the ‘best’ and ‘worst’ performance in termsof mortality? Are you confident that these hospitals really are the best and worst,respectively? (a) Edit the model code to include terms in your model code to calculate: • the posterior probability that the mortality rate in each hospital exceeds 0.1 • the posterior probability that the mortality rate in each hospital exceeds the average mortality rate across the 12 hospitals; • the rank of the mortality rate for each hospital (hint: use the rank function — (b) Set monitors on these probabilities and ranks and run the model. You can also monitor the posterior distributions of the rank of each hospital’s mortality ratedirectly by selecting Rank from the Inference menu, and setting a rank monitorfor p. Note that you should only set this rank monitor after you have carried outsome burn-in iterations and checked for convergence, as it is not possible to discarditerations from the rank calculations performed by this monitor.
(c) Obtain summary statistics of the posterior probabilities that the mortality rates exceed the specified thresholds. Produce caterpillar plots or box plots of the pos-terior distributions of each hospital’s rank (you will need to enter the name of thevariable that you created in your BUGS model code to represent the ranks in thenode box of the graphics tool). If you have set the WinBUGS Rank Monitor Tool, usethis to now produce summary statistics and posterior histograms of each hospital’srank. Which (if any) of the hospitals can you be confident are better or worse thanthe others? (d) Suppose Hospital 1 in fact had carried out 400 operations and had no deaths. Edit the data file accordingly, and re-run the previous analysis. How confident are younow that hospital 1 is the best (i.e. has the lowest true underlying mortality rateof the 12 hospitals)? 3. Using the script language: WinBUGS version 1.4 includes a facility for running models in batch mode using a script. The script to run the basic model for the surgical data inWinBUGS is in file surgical-script.odc. Open this file and look at the commands tomake sure you understand them (see section Batch mode: Scripts of the on-line UserManual in WinBUGS for more details). To run the script, click on the window containingthe script file to focus it, and then select Script from the Model menu. (See also thehints on using scripts at the start of the practical exercises sheet). Edit the script toinclude monitors on the additional variables you have defined in your model code forthe posterior probabilities and ranks, and re-run the script.
Practical Class 2: Predictive model criticism and model comparisonusing WinBUGS: Bristol Royal Infirmary example The data below are taken from the analysis presented to the Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry ofdata on mortality following paediatric cardiac surgery at Bristol and other specialist centres.
r=c(25, 24, 23, 25, 42,24,53,26,25,58,41,31),n=c(187,323,122,164,405,239,482,195,177,581,143,301)) The data are also available in file bristol-data.odc.
I=12 hospitals were considered in the analysis. The data refer to the total number (n) ofopen heart surgery operations carried out on children under 1 year old by each centre betweenApril 1991 and March 1995, and the number of deaths (r) within 30 days of the operation.
One of the aims of the analysis is to explore whether an assumption of exchangeability isreasonable for the mortality rates in all 12 hospitals, or whether there is any evidence thatthe mortality rates for one or more of the hospitals do not appear to be drawn from the same(parent) distribution as the rest. Additionally, the literature shows a consistent relationshipbetween volume of surgery (i.e. the number of operations carried out) and the outcome fora range of operations and so it may be appropriate to consider whether volume of surgery(i.e. n) should be included as a covariate in this analysis.
1. Predictive model criticism: The basic model for the Bristol data is similar to the model for the surgical data that you fitted in practical 1 (i.e. a logistic random effects model).
Using the surgical-model.odc code as a starting point, modify it to fit the Bristol data.
Include statements in your model code to calculate posterior and mixed predictive p-values to help identify whether any of the hospitals appear to have unusual mortalityrates (see lecture 3 slide 38).
(a) Run this model and examine the predictive p-values. Which hospital(s) appear to (b) Produce kernel density plots of the predicted number of deaths in each hospital (for both posterior and mixed predictions), and visually compare these to the observednumber of deaths in each hospital. The corresponding p-values summarise how farin the tails of the predictive distribution each observation lies.
2. Model comparison: Define a set of plausible candidate models for these data. A binomial likelihood seems reasonable for these data, so focus attention on comparing differentmodels for the hospital-specific mortality rates.
all hospitals exchangeablewith Normal prior (a) Fit each model in turn and calculate the DIC (see hints on using DIC at the start of the practical exercises sheet). You may find it easier to set up a script to run themodels, and just change the name of the model file and initial values file for eachnew run. See bristol-script.odc for example. Which model is best supportedaccording to DIC? (b) For models (5)-(7), monitor beta, the effect of volume of surgery on outcome.
Produce summary statistics for β or exp(β), where for the latter, you need to adda line in the WinBUGS code to transform β to exp(β). Comment on the results.
Should the volume of surgery be included as a covariate in the analysis? (c) Compare the posterior distributions of the hospital mortality rates under each model, and interpret the differences. (Hint: the comparison is easiest to do byproducing box plots of the mortality rates p under each model).
(d) (*optional if you have time) For the best supported model, include statements to calculate both posterior and mixed predictive p-values (as in part 1). Do the p-values for some hospitals remain extreme, or does this model better explain theunusual mortality rates? (Note: you will need to think about whether the mixedp-values really make sense for this model).
If you get stuck, have a look at the solutions file! This question uses the data from the Surgical example in Practical class 1, and investigatessensitivity to priors on the random effects variance.
1. Modify the model code in surgical-model.odc to specify each of the following priors in turn for the variance of the Normal distribution assumed for random effects: (1) Gamma(0.001, 0.001) on the random effects precision (this is the prior you have (2) Uniform(0, 100) on the random effects variance (3) Uniform(0, 100) on the random effects standard deviation (4) An informative prior that reflects the belief that you think it unlikely that the odds of death following cardiac surgery vary by more than about 40-50% betweenhospitals. From the table given in the lecture notes (slides 15, 16 lecture 2), we seethat a random effects sd = 0.1 represents around 50% variation in odds between90% of hospitals, so you could specify a Uniform(0, 0.1) prior on the random effectsstandard deviation. However, this is very restrictive, and allows no possibility forgreater variability between hospitals. A better choice may be to specify a half-normal prior distribution with lower bound at zero, and 95th (say) percentile at 0.1.
Since the tail area probabilities of a half normal are double those of an untruncatednormal, we need to find the variance for an untruncated normal that has 0.1 as its97.5th percentile. An N(0, 0.052) distribution has these properties (approximately),so in WinBUGS, specify the prior as where sigma (say) is the name of your random effects standard deviation, theI(0, ) notation is used to specify the lower bound, and a value of 400 for theprecision equals 1/0.052.
Remember that you need to specify initial values for the stochastic parameters (i.e. theparameters with priors) in your model, so if the prior is specified on the random effectsprecision, you need an initial value for the random effects precision, but if the prior ison the random effects standard deviation, the initial value must be for the standarddeviation not the precision, etc.
2. For each prior in turn, run the model and produce summary statistics and kernel den- sity plots of the posterior distribution of the random effects standard deviation, the80% quantile ratio (QR80), and each of the hospital mortality rates. Compare theseacross priors. Is there strong evidence of sensitivity to the first 3 priors (which are allintended to represent vague prior information)? How are your estimates affected by theinformative prior? Practical Class 4: Modelling longitudinal data using WinBUGS A. Repeated measurements of CD4 counts in HIV-infected patients This example uses (simulated) data from a clinical trial comparing two alternative treatmentsfor HIV-infected individuals. 80 patients with HIV infection were randomly assigned to one of2 treatment groups (drug = 0 (didanosine, ddI) and drug = 1 (zalcitabine, ddC)). CD4 countswere recorded at study entry (time t = 0) and again at 2, 6 and 12 months. An indicator ofwhether the patient had already been diagnosed with AIDS at study entry was also recorded(AIDS = 1 if patient diagnosed with AIDS, and 0 otherwise). The data can be found in filesCD4-dat.odc and CD4-time-dat.odc.
1. Fitting a non-hierarchical linear model The file CD4-model.odc contains code to fit a non-hierarchical (i.e. fixed effects) linearregression model to examine the effect of drug treatment, AIDS diagnosis at study entry,and time since entry to clinical trial on CD4 count (the model is similar to the non-hierarchical model for the HAMD example discussed on slides 8, 9 and 12 of lecture 4).
Two sets of initial values can be found in CD4-inits1.odc and CD4-inits2.odc.
(a) Run the model and monitor the slope and intercept parameters, the regression coefficients for the effects of treatment and AIDS, and the residual error variance.
You should also set a monitor on the matrix of parameters corresponding to the‘fitted values’ (i.e. the mean of the normal likelihood you have specified for the CD4counts) for patients 1 to 10 (i.e. monitor mu[1:10, ]). You will need the samplesof these fitted values to produce the model fit plots (see below). After convergence,monitor the DIC as well.
(b) Produce summary statistics of the monitored variables, and note the DIC.
(c) Produce ‘model fit’ plots to show the 2.5%, 50% and 97.5% quantiles of the fitted regression line for each of patients 1 to 10 (select ‘model fit’ from the ‘compare’tool on the ‘Inference’ menu).
Modify your code for the previous model to include a random intercept and a randomslope (i.e. time coefficient) for each patient. Treat the coefficients for the effects of drugtreatment and AIDS as fixed (i.e. not random effects) as before. Assume independentprior distributions for the random intercepts, and for the random slopes. Remember thatyou will also need to give hyperprior distributions for the parameters of these randomeffects distributions (i.e. for the random effects means and variances) and to specifyinitial values for these hyperparameters (you will then also need to use gen inits togenerate initial values for the random effects themselves).
(a) Run the model and monitor on the same parameters as before, plus the patient- specific slope and intercept parameters (random effects) for patients 1 to 10 (don’t monitor all 80 patients as storing the sampled values for all the random effects willquickly start to ‘clog-up’ the computer’s memory), and the standard deviations ofthe random effects. Monitor the DIC as well.
(b) Produce summary statistics and plots as before, and compare your results with those from the non-hierarchical model. Compare the DIC values to choose themost appropriate model.
3. Fitting an AR1 model (*optional if you have time) Modify your code for the non-hierarchical linear regression model (part 1) to explicitlymodel the autocorrelation between the recordings of CD4 counts for each patient. Youshould set up an autoregressive model of order 1, AR(1), assuming that the residualsare serially correlated, as described for the HAMD example in Lecture 4 (see slide 25for WinBUGS code). You will also need to specify initial values for the autoregressivecoefficient that will be included in the new model.
(a) Run the model and monitor the same parameters as in part 1, plus the autoregres- sive coefficient. Also, monitor the DIC.
(b) Produce summary statistics as before, and compare your results with those from the non-hierarchical and random effects models. Using the DIC values, comparethe fit of the AR(1) model with the other two models.
In this practical, you will investigate two alternative models for the ageing study discussedin lecture 4: (a) specifying independent (rather than bivariate) distributions for the subject-specific random intercepts and random slopes and (b) fitting the hierarchically non-centred ver-sion of the model. In this practical, we use only 40 subjects, sampled randomly from each ed-ucation stratum (edu=0 and edu=1); each subject has 4 MMSE scores, i.e., the complete casescenario. The sampled data can be found in ageing-data.odc. We do not include ceiling ef-fect here but for those who are interested, the codes are in ageing-randcoefEduCeiling.odc.
The WinBUGS code for fitting the hierarchically centred model with education effects is givenin ageing-randcoefEdu.odc. You are advised to make a copy of this file, as it will be usedas a template for the following two models.
1. Fitting a model with independent distributions on the random effects (a) Modify the file ageing-randcoefEdu.odc to specify independent Normal prior distribution on the random effects. That is, αi ∼ N(µα,i, σ2 ) and β where µα,i = η0 + η1 · edui and µβ,i = γ0 + γ1 · edui. You should assign thefollowing weakly informative priors for the random effects standard deviations:σα ∼ Uniform(0, 30) and σβ ∼ Uniform(0, 10). In the original code, you need toremove the parts that relate to the joint modelling of αi and βi.
(b) Modify the initial values files provided (in files ageing-ind-inits1.odc and ageing-ind-inits2.odc) to include initial values for the random effects standarddeviations that you have just specified in the model code. (Note, initial values forthe random effects themselves can be generated directly in WinBUGS after theinitial values files have been loaded).
(c) Check model, load data and the initial values and use gen inits to generate initial values for the remaining parameters. Set monitor on eta0, eta1, gamma0, gamma1, and Also monitor the random effect terms (alphaand beta), all variances, pD and DIC (only set this after the burn-in).
(d) Set at least 5000 iterations for burn-in, and another 10000 iterations for computing (e) Complete Table 1. Compare and comment on the differences/similarities between the models with independent and joint random effects priors.
(f) (*optional if you have time) It is always recommended to perform sensitivity anal- yses to examine how robust the conclusions are to different priors. Refit the modelwith independent distributions on the random effects with the following two setsof hyperpriors for the random effects variation: i. σα ∼ Uniform(0, 100) and σβ ∼ Uniform(0, 100); ii. σ−2 ∼ Gamma(0.001, 0.001) and σ−2 ∼ Gamma(0.001, 0.001).
2. Fitting the hierarchically non-centred model with joint modelling of the random effects (a) Modify the file ageing-randcoefEdu.odc to fit the non-centred model on slide (b) Complete Table 2 and comment on the differences/similarities (e.g., on conver- gence and parameter estimates) between the centred and the non-centred parame-terisations. Specifically, comment on the differences between the alpha and betaestimates. Why do they differ? Table 1. Posterior means (and 95% credible intervals) for the parameter estimates and DICfrom the hierarchically centred models with (a) a MVN joint prior on αi and βi and (b)independent distributions for αi and βi with σα ∼ Uniform(0, 30) and σβ ∼ Uniform(0, 10)hyperpriors.
Table 2. Posterior means (and 95% credible intervals) for the parameter estimates and DICfrom the hierarchically centred/non-centred models.
Practical Class 5: Further hierarchical modelling using WinBUGS Hierarchical variances: Analysis of N-of-1 trials The data for the N-of-1 example from lecture 5 is in file nof1-data.odc. The file nof1-model.odccontains basic WinBUGS code to fit a hierarchical model to these data allowing hierarchi-cal priors for both the subject-specific mean treatment effect and the subject-specific (log)variances.
1. Include statements in this model code to calculate the probability that the active drug is superior for each patient (i.e. that the treatment effect is positive), together with theoverall probability that the active drug is superior. Also include statements in yourmodel code to calculate the empirical mean and variance of each subject’s data (see thesolutions if you are stuck).
(a) Run this model and produce caterpillar plots of the mean treatment effect for each subject, theta and also the within-subject variance (sigma2).
(b) View the values of the empirical mean and variance of each subject’s data using Info → Node info → values. Compare the raw estimates of the means and variancesfor subjects 1, 9 and 23 with the estimates from the hierarchical model. Can youexplain the differences? (c) What is the probability that the active treatment is superior for each patient? What is the overall probability that the active treatment is superior? 2. Edit the code to include log dose as a covariate in the model for the mean treatment effect for each subject. Remember to also edit the initial values file to include initial values forany new parameters you introduce. Also remember that centering any covariates abouttheir mean is always a good idea.
(b) What is the posterior estimate of the effect of dose on response to treatment? (c) Compare your results with those from the model without dose. Is it important to Practical Class 6: Handling missing data using WinBUGS A. Missing covariate data: Low birth weight example This question is based on the low birth weight example discussed in Lecture 6 (see slides31-36). We will be using a simulated set of data, with a smaller number of records (500),magnified effects and a substantially higher proportion of low birth weight. The full data canbe found in lbw-full-data.odc. Here lbw is a binary indicator of whether the infant has fullterm low birth weight, thm is a binary indicator of whether trihalomethane concentrations arehigh (1 = low; 2 = high), age is a 4-level categorical variable denoting the mother’s age group(1 = ≤25 yrs; 2 = 25-29 yrs; 3 = 30-34 yrs; 4 = ≥35 yrs), sex is a binary indictor of babygender (1 = female; 2 = male), dep is a deprivation index (centered) and smoke is a binaryindictor of maternal smoking during pregnancy.
We artificially replace some of the values of the smoke variable with missing values, and thisversion of the data can be found in lbw-missing-data.odc.
The code to fit a (non-hierarchical) logistic regression model to the full data is given inthe file lbw-model.odc. Two sets of initial values can be found in lbw-inits1.odc andlbw-inits2.odc. The models for this practical do not run very quickly, so just run 1000iterations for burn-in and a further 1000 iterations for computing the posterior summary.
1. Fit the logistic regression model to the full data (lbw-full-data.odc) and produce summary statistics of the odds ratios. You will use these to assess the performance ofthe models fitted to the missing data.
2. Fit the logistic regression model and produce summary statistics using the complete cases (after the missingness is imposed). The complete cases data are given in filelbw-cc-data.odc. Use the same model lbw-model.odc and initial value files as in part1, but now the number of records is reduced from 500 to 198. How are the odds ratiosaffected (in particular, look at the ORs of lbw associated with thm, dep and smoke)? 3. Edit the model in lbw-model.odc to fit a logistic regression model to the data with miss- ing values for the smoke covariate. You should assume that the missing data mechanismis ignorable. This means that you just need to specify a model to impute the missingsmoke covariate, but do not need to worry about explicitly modelling the missing datamechanism. For example, model the missing smoke data by specifying a distribution forsmoke, i.e. using and a vague prior for q, the probability that a mother smoked during pregnancy,e.g. q ∼ dbeta(1, 1). (If you prefer, just use the code already provided for this modelin file lbw-missing-model.odc). Two sets of initial values can be found in the fileslbw-missing-inits1.odc and lbw-missing-inits2.odc. The initial values providedare only for the parameters in the models, so you will need to use gen inits to generateinitial values for the missing values of smoke.
(a) Run this model in WinBUGS and monitor and obtain summary statistics for the odds ratios, the posterior distribution of q and a subset of the imputed values for smoke, say for individuals 1–10 (only the individuals with missing smoke will bemonitored). Note that, out of the mothers with observed values of smoke, one thirdsmoked during pregnancy.
(b) Compare the odds ratios of interest with those from the full data analysis and the complete case analysis. Is this a good imputation model? (c) Why do the posterior distributions of the imputed values for smoke vary across 4. Edit the model code to fit a second model to the missing data, including all the regres- sors in the analysis (outcome) model as predictors in the imputation model for smoke(see lecture 6 slide 34). Include vague prior distributions for all the parameters in theimputation model, e.g. phi0 ∼ dnorm(0, 0.0000001). You will also need to edit the initialvalue files. Run this model and compare your estimates with those from the previousmodels. Which covariate imputation model do you prefer? This example uses a small subset of sweep 1 data taken from the Millennium Cohort Study(MCS), relating to 200 single main respondents (usually mothers) who are in work and notself-employed. The motivating question concerns how much extra an individual earns if theyhave a higher level of education. The full data can be found in income-full-data.odc.
HPAY is a continuous variable containing the log of hourly pay (the distribution of hourlypay is skewed, so we use a log transform to achieve approximate normality). STRATUM is a9-level categorical variable, required to take account of the structure in the data as MCS isstratified by UK country (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland), with Englandfurther stratified into three strata (ethnic minority, disadvantaged and advantaged) and theother three countries into two strata (disadvantaged and advantaged). AGE is a continuousvariable denoting the repondent’s age. REG is a binary indicator for region (1 = London;2 = other). EDU is a 3-level categorical variable indicating the level of National VocationalQualification (NVQ) equivalence such that 1 = none or NVQ 1; 2 = NVQ 2/3 (0/A-levels)and 3 = NVQ 4/5 (degree).
The code to fit a regression model to the full data is given in file income-model.odc, andtwo sets of initial values can be found in income-inits1.odc and income-inits2.odc. Notethat we assume t4 errors for robustness to outliers.
We artificially replace some of the values of the HPAY variable with missing values, and thisversion of the data can be found in income-missing-data.odc.
1. Fit the regression model and produce summary statistics using the full data. Is income 2. Fit the regression model and produce summary statistics using the incomplete data.
Whereas for missing covariates you must add a sub-model to take account of missing-ness, you do not need to do this for missing responses, so there is no need to editincome-model.odc. However, because you are not adding a model of missingness for the response, you are making a strong assumption that the missingness is ‘ignorable’.
Do your conclusions about the effect of higher education levels change? 3. Now extend the code to add a selection model for the missingness, which corresponds to assuming that the missingness mechanism in not ignorable. You will need to includea binary indicator for missing pay, PAYID, (0 = observed, 1 = missing) in your data, sonow use file income-missing-data2.odc. Just use HPAY as the regressor in the logisticequation. The following weakly informative priors are recommended for the coefficientsin the missingness model: θ ∼ dlogis(0, 1) and δ ∼ dnorm(0, 1.48), where θ is theconstant parameter and δ the parameter associated with HPAY. These priors incorporatea 95% prior belief that the change in the odds of being missing is between 1/5 and 5 fora one unit change in HPAY, which we believe should not be too restrictive. You will alsoneed to amend the initial value files, for example theta=0, delta=-0.5 and theta=0,delta=0.5. What does this model suggest about education level? Do you think low orhigh hourly pay rates are more likely to be missing? 4. Estimation of the δ parameter is known to be difficult, and is dependent on the validity of the distributional assumptions in the model of interest. We cannot be sure that theseassumptions are correct, so sensitivity analysis is essential. What happens if you assumeNormal rather than t4 errors? What happens if you fix δ to different values, for exampleδ = 1?


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