Journal of Information Technology (2006) 21, 211–215& 2006 JIT Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. All rights reserved 0268-3962/06 $30.00
Using Complexity Science to effect aparadigm shift in Information Systemsfor the 21st century
1Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK;2UCLA Anderson School of Management, 110 Westwood Plaza, Los Angles OA 90095-148 U.S.A.
Correspondence: Y Merali,The Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Tel: þ 44 (0)24 7652 2456;Fax: þ 44 (0)24 7652 3719;E-mail: of Information Technology (2006) 21, 211–215. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jit.2000082
Thomas Kuhn (1962) is famous for his descriptions of emergent new network order is cheap. ‘Almost free’
science as consisting of long periods of ‘normal puzzle
network changes can bring about transformational changes
solving’ separated by brief periods of ‘paradigm shift’.
in the state of the world. (Baraba´si, 2002; Newman et al.,
Computers have been around for half a century, with
2006). The net effect of this is a perception that individuals
Information Systems (IS) in firms existing for several
and organizations have to deal with a world that is
decades. Increasingly, we see various observers complain-
increasingly dynamical, complex and uncertain, and that
ing about normal puzzle solving in IS (Ciborra, 1994;
their actions may have unintended consequences that
Orlikowski and Iacono, 2001) at a time when people
increasingly spend time in virtual worlds – business people
This is reflected in the management literature where
work more and more in virtual teams (VTs), while there are
there has been a discernible shift from focusing solely on
now special programs to rescue teenagers from total
the firm as a unit of organization to focusing on networks
of firms, from considerations of industry-specific value
In the tradition of exploratory learning, this Special Issue
systems to considerations of networks of value systems, and
is intended to act as a catalyst to stimulate discussion and
from the concept of discrete industry structures to the
debate among those who see the need for a paradigm shift
concept of ecologies. The fact that the terms ‘network
in the IS community. To this end, we explore the
economy’ and ‘network society’ (Castells, 1996) have
contribution that complexity science can make to fostering
become integrated into the management lexicon highlights
such a shift in the IS discipline and its re-positioning in the
the extent to which networking developments in the IS
management field. The motivation for this Special Issue
domain are implicated in the development of the wider
comes from our observation that the IS and the information
management arena. In particular, this shows up in the
technology (IT) landscape is characterized by network
literature on competitive dynamics where the network
dominance and increasing complexity, coupled with the
economy is characterized by competition in high-velocity
possibility that this heralds a paradigm shift for IS research
environments, speed of technological change and uncer-
and practice. For those who are championing the paradigm
tainty (Eisenhardt, 1990, Li and Atuahene-Gima, 2002).
shift, we think complexity science applications to IS, such
Organizations, needing to shape and redefine their own
as those presented in this Special Issue, offer hope.
competitive arena (Hayton, 2005), are confronted with the
The network motif is a recursive one. First, the potency
need to continually innovate (Tushman and O’Reilly, 1996;
of discrete advances in hardware and software capabilities
Autio et al., 2000, Hayton 2005). This brings with it the
to generate significant change in business and society is
challenges of working towards radical and incremental
realized through the mobilization of network effects.
innovation, (Nambisan, 2002) while dealing with resource
Second, technological advances escalate the potency of
constraints (Barney, 1991; McDougall et al. 1994; Steven-
network effects by continually enhancing the connectivity
son, 1999) to achieve an efficacious balance of risk and
and bandwidth of networks. Third, the growth of IT-
return. The quest for coherent integration of social,
enabled socio-economic networks is accompanied by
economic, and IT networks has resulted in the convergence
globalization and an increase in the number and hetero-
of strategy, OD and IS research on issues of information
geneity of players who can affect the dynamics of networks.
and informating, connectivity, coordination, competition,
Recent work elucidating the relationship between network
collaboration, learning and transformation at multiple
topologies and network dynamics illustrates that the low
levels of analysis in the networked world. These develop-
cost of connectivity supported by the internet means that
ments highlight the importance of trans-disciplinary
Using complexity science to paradigm shift
research, and the strong position of IS research in this
development of paradigms for IS research in the networked
world, and to explore the potential contribution of
Complexity science is viewed as a source of concepts for
complexity science to the development of ontological and
enabling the trans-disciplinary exploration of complex
epistemological constructs deployed to articulate the nature
organization in the network economy and network society,
and role of information, IS and IT in the networked world.
and for explaining the dynamics of networked systems at
Our intention in this issue is not to present complexity
different levels of description ranging from the micro- to
science as a ready-made paradigm for IS research and
the macro-level. It offers a powerful set of methods for
practice, but to provoke a debate in the IS community
explaining non-linear, emergent behaviour in complex
about the adequacy of current approaches in dealing with
systems.1 In the IS literature, there have recently been two
the dynamics of the emergent networked world, using
special issues dedicated to applications of complexity
complexity science as the launch pad for what we hope will
theory,2,3 both extolling the value of adopting the complex
be a voyage of exploration in the best of learning traditions.
systems perspective in IS research and practice, but
To this end, we have included papers that showcase the
despondent at the slow rate of adoption of complexity
utilization of complexity science concepts to explore
problems in the networked world ranging from the
We recognize three basic Schools of complexity science:
micro- to the macro-level, covering issues of IS strategy
European: Prigogine (Nicolis and Prigogine, 1989) and
development, design and utilization. The papers cover the
others (e.g., Haken, 1977; Cramer, 1993; Mainzer, 1994)
strategic alignment of IS and the cultural and institutional
focus on adaptive tension and the first critical value of the
challenges that the new information and communication
imposed energy in physical systems that sets off phase
technologies (ICTs) pose for both state and corporate
transitions. Prigogine is famous for his emergent ‘dissipa-
bureaucracies confronted with the complexities of an
tive structures’. Haken and Mainzer zero-in ‘order para-
increasingly distributed social order.
meters’ that drive new order creation in one way or another
Our seven articles stretch across the broadest landscape
at the phase transition. This school is math intensive.
yet seen in the recent use of complexity science to further
American: The Santa Fe Institute focuses on how new
understand and respond to IS difficulties in organizations.
order arises in biological and social systems (Anderson
They extend from Weberian bureaucracy and Boisot’s
et al., 1988; Pines, 1988; Cowan et al., 1994; Arthur et al.,
Information-Space (I-Space) to the use of scale-free theories
1997). They focus more on the second critical value at the
from econophysics; they reach from epistemology and
so-called ‘edge of chaos’ where new order emerges. Here,
axiology to a discussion of the advantages of agent-based
new order emerges when heterogeneous agents – such as
computational modelling; they range from business pro-
biomolecules, organisms, people or social systems – are
cesses to virtual teams (VTs); and they range from
motivated by a drive for improved fitness or learning to
introductory to state-of-the-art complexity concepts. Com-
initiate connections with other agents. This is all it takes.
plexity science is put to use as a post-normal puzzle-solving
A key method, computational modelling, begins with
set of concepts and dynamics aimed at reinvigorating the
Kauffman’s work on ‘spontaneous order creation’ (1969,
entire IS fitness landscape. We have ordered the articles as
1993), resulting from heterogeneous agents and connectiv-
much as possible so that their applications of complexity
ity (see also Merali as well as Canessa and Riolo, this issue).
Econophysics: Here the focus is on how the order creation
Yasmin Merali focuses on the emergence of the IS
actually unfolds once the forces of emergent order creation
domain as a central feature of the management research
by self-organizing agents are set in motion (Zipf, 1949;
landscape in a networked world. She shows that the
West and Deering, 1995; Newman, 2005). Key parts of this
emergence of the network economy and network society
third aspect are fractal structures, power laws and scale-free
necessitates a paradigm shift in the IS discipline, and that
theory. An obvious example of a fractal structure is a
complexity science offers the apposite concepts and tools
cauliflower – its adaptive design is the same from the one
for effecting such a shift. To avoid confusing fundamental
large whole cauliflower down to its hundreds of tiny, almost
complexity science concepts with the more colloquial uses
invisible, florets. If plotted, this size-by-frequency ratio
of complexity terminology, she provides an introduction to
forms a Pareto distribution. A power law is a representation
concepts from complexity science for scholars in the IS
of the Pareto distribution in a double-log graph.4 Andriani
field who are unacquainted with complexity science.
and McKelvey (2005) report 80 kinds of power laws,
Yasmin then proceeds to explore the utility of these
including 40 pertaining to organizations and other social
concepts for developing IS theory and practice for the
phenomena. Power laws frequently signify underlying
emergent networked world. She starts with an overview of
fractal structures. Why do fractal structures happen?
the networked world, highlighting the features that have led
Andriani and McKelvey (2006) discuss some 15 kinds of
to the current interest in complexity science across the
scale-free theories explaining why some adaptive phenom-
management field. Then she defines the information and
ena use the same causal dynamic at multiple levels. This is
systems characteristics of the dynamical networked world.
opposite to the practice of using different disciplines in
The dynamics of emergence are predicated on micro-
organizations from bottom to top: individuals/psychology,
diversity, and fine-grained representations are essentially
groups/social psychology, networks/sociology, organiza-
descriptive models of the detailed complexity of the world
tions/organization theory, industries/IO economics and
and its dynamics. However, to understand the dynamics of
emergence, we need to access representations at different
The purpose of this Special Issue is to explore the utility
levels of granularity and abstraction simultaneously.
of complexity science and its concepts in advancing the
Computational modelling allows us to discover how
Using complexity science to paradigm shift
macro-level properties and behaviours of systems emerge
clan-like networks that characterize China’s social and
from micro-level diversity and dynamics. Modelling
economic evolution, for example, point to possible alter-
emerges as the principal research tool for complex systems.
natives? To answer these questions, we must first briefly
Yasmin concludes by discussing the contribution, the
consider how knowledge is structured and shared within
complexity science can make to the development of
and between organizations and how this might affect the
ontological and epistemological frameworks and computa-
way that such organizations get institutionalized. We can
tional modelling methods for IS in the networked world.
then explore the effect that ICTs might have on this process.
Peter Allen and Liz Varga explain the coevolution of IS
Petru Curs¸eu observes that research on VTs has
and the processes that underpin the construction and
proliferated in the last few decades. However, he argues,
development of IT from a complex systems perspective.
few clear and consistent theoretical attempts to integrate
Their analysis highlights the process of emergence in IS.
the literature on VTs in a systemic way have emerged. His
Evolution operates at the microscopic level; in organiza-
article uses the complex adaptive systems (CAS) perspec-
tions, this is the individual or agent, and each agent has an
tive to integrate the literature on emergent states in VTs.
idiosyncratic view of the organization, using to some extent
According to this framework, VT effectiveness depends on
personal constructs in dealing with the reality of organiza-
the interaction between three levels of dynamics: local,
tional life. The agents also have their own view as to how
global and contextual. Team cognition, trust, cohesion and
they know what they know, that is, an epistemology. Peter
conflict are described as states that emerge from the
and Liz argue that agents’ epistemology is their IS, which is
interactions among the VT members. Furthermore, as parts
seen as more than the IT system they use. The IS of each
of global dynamics, they impact on VT effectiveness, and at
agent coevolves, by interaction with other agents, based on
the same time, they are influenced by the outcomes of the
the agent’s view of reality; it adds to the agent’s view of
VT. Petru also shows how insights from this bi-directional
reality, it refines it and it enables learning. The interaction
causality as well as other benefits of using the CAS
of all agents constitutes the organization. Even more
framework work to improve our understanding of VT
importantly, each agent is motivated by different values
dynamics. Finally, his article also provides an overview of
and interests. This is their axiology. If the motivations of
artificial simulation models as well as simulation results
many agents in an organization are similar, we may speak
concerning the emergence of the four states described in
of a shared culture. It is the axiology of an agent that
the CAS framework. He also discusses several ways to
motivates them to learn and develop their IS. This agent-
improve the accuracy of the simulation models using
based axiological framework is essential to understanding
empirical data collected in real VTs.
the evolution of organizations. It is the interaction of agents
Richard Vidgen and Xiaofeng Wang note that new
that build consensus as to the shared reality of the
technologies, notably service-oriented architectures and
organization, and this in turn affects each agent’s ability
Web services, are enabling what they call the third wave of
and motivation to evolve the organization’s IS further. In
business process management (BPM). Other observers
addition, they propose that it is time that IT systems
claim that BPM is informed by complexity theory and that
included modelling capabilities, based on multi-agent
business processes can evolve and adapt to changing
representations of the organization and its context, to
business circumstances. BPM adherents suggest that the
explore and support strategic thinking and decision
business/IT divide will be obliterated through a process-
centric approach to systems development. Richard and
Max Boisot starts with the question: How did bureau-
Xiaofeng first explore the evolution of BPM and its
cracies evolve? Bureaucracies in the Weberian mould,
associated technologies. Then they turn to complexity
whether of the state or corporate type, are rational-legal
theory for new ideas about how distributed multi-agent
structures organized to deliver order, stability and predict-
processes, emergence, chaos and self-organization will
ability. He attributes these changes to post-medieval
further inform the scientific application of third-wave
developments in ICTs. Then he asks: Could the new ICTs
process management over the coming decade. They use
that have appeared over the past 20 years have a similar
coevolutionary theory to understand the business/IT
impact on 21st century organizations? And, what kind of
relationship. Specifically, Richard and Xiaofeng apply
challenge does this pose 21st century organizations? To
Stuart Kauffman’s NKC model to a business process
address these questions, Max first presents a conceptual
ecosystem to bring out the implications of coevolution for
framework, the I-Space, which allows us to explore the
the theory and practice of BPM and for the relationship
relationship between how knowledge is structured and how
between business and IT. They argue that a wider view of
it flows within and between populations of agents. His
the business process ecosystem is needed to take account of
paper then examines what cultural and institutional
the social perspective as well as the human/non-human
challenges the new ICTs pose for both state and corporate
bureaucracies, confronted as they are with the complexities
Enrique Canessa and Rick Riolo state right off that
of an increasingly distributed social order. Would such a
organizations that make use of computer information
development necessarily presage a further extension of
systems are prototypical CAS. They show how a key
either state or corporate bureaucracy? If not, what might it
complexity science method, agent-based modelling (ABM),
presage? Ever since Coase’s seminal 1937 paper, the
can be used to study the impact of two different modes of
options, whether applied at the level of the firm or at the
use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on
level of the state, have tended to be framed exclusively as
organizational culture (OC) and performance. The ABM
either bureaucratic hierarchies or competitive markets.
includes stylized representations of (1) agents commu-
Are such institutional forms our only options? Might the
nicating with other agents to complete tasks; (2) an OC
Using complexity science to paradigm shift
consisting of the distribution of agent traits, changing as
limitations of traditional approaches in IS, particularly
agents communicate; (3) the effect of OC on communica-
with regard to the dynamics of emergence and the
tion effectiveness (CE) and (4) the effect of CE on task
attribution of causality in complex systems.
completion times, that is, performance. If CMC is used in a
The compelling argument for complexity science is that it
broad mode, that is, to contact and collaborate with many
provides a wide and powerful lens to define and move
new agents, the development of a strong OC is slowed,
around the multi-dimensional ‘problem’ and ‘solution’
leading to decreased CE and poorer performance early on.
spaces in a dynamic way, at multiple levels of abstraction.
If CMC is used in a local mode, repeatedly contacting the
In the IS domain, we have a legacy of approaches rooted in
same agents, a strong OC develops rapidly, leading to
heterogeneous philosophical schools, and complexity
increased CE and high performance early on. However, if
science offers a number of philosophical openings for
CMC is used in a broad mode over longer time periods, a
connecting with these schools (Merali, 2004). The mission
strong OC can develop over a wider set of agents, leading to
of this Special Issue is to stimulate a review of the
an OC that is stronger than an OC which develops with
ontological and epistemological bases for the concepts
local CMC use. Thus the broad use of CMC results in overall
and methods that the IS community subscribes to, and to
CE and performance that is higher than is generated by
explore avenues for future developments.
local use of CMC. Enrique and Rick end their article with
Finally, for IS scholars ready to take the paradigm-shift
an excellent discussion of how the dynamics generated by
plunge, we offer complexity science as an apt means for
an ABM can lead to a deeper understanding of the
moving toward a more dynamical theoretical and metho-
behaviour of a CAS, thereby allowing researchers to better
dological platform better suited for studying IS dynamics at
design empirical longitudinal studies.
the dawn of the 21st century. Collectively, the authors of the
Hind Benbya and Bill McKelvey focus on IS misalign-
assembled articles provide a meaty introduction to com-
ment – a significant problem in a changing world. Despite
plexity principles along their way toward studies of more
years of attention, IS misalignment remains a critical and
idiosyncratic aspects of IS, business and organizational
chronic unsolved problem in today’s complex and turbu-
lent world. They argue that the coevolutionary andemergent nature of alignment has rarely been taken intoconsideration in IS research and that this is the funda-
mental reason behind why IS alignment is so difficult. Hind
1 See Anderson (1999) and Maguire et al. (2006) for a review of
and Bill present a view of IS alignment in organizations that
the utilization of complexity concepts in organizational theory
draws and builds on complexity theory and especially its
literature, and Merali (2004) for a review of complexity concepts
focus on coevolution-based self-organized emergent beha-
viour and structure. This, they suggest, provides important
2 Communications of the ACM, 2005, 48(5): Special Issue on
insights for dealing with the emergent nature of IS
alignment. Their view considers business/IS alignment as
3 Information Technology and People, 2006, 19(1): Special Issue
a series of adjustments at three levels of analysis:
individual, operational and strategic and suggests several
4 Power laws are also defined by their fixed exponent. They often
enabling conditions – principles of adaptation and scale-
take the form of rank/size expressions such as F$N Àb, where F
free dynamics – aimed at speeding up the adaptive
is frequency, N is rank (the variable) and b the exponent, is
coevolutionary dynamics among the three levels. Instead
constant. In exponential functions the exponent is the variable
of focusing upon simple cause–effect deterministic logic,
Hind and Bill suggest a chain of causal dynamics: first,organizational effectiveness is a function of IS alignment;second, IS alignment is a function of coevolutionary
dynamics spreading across three levels: individual users,business and IS subcomponents, and top-level business
Anderson, P. (1999). Complexity Theory and Organization Science,
strategy; third, adaptation via coevolution is a function of
Anderson, P.W., Arrow, K.J. and Pines, D. (eds.) (1988). The Economy as an
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Andriani, P. and McKelvey, B. (2006). On the Relevance of Extremes vs Means
in Organization Science: Some theory, research, statistics, and power law
those who are new to complexity science. They show how
implications, Working paper, Durham, UK: Durham Business School,
concepts from complexity theory can be used to explore
and yield insights into issues central to the IS domain. It is
Arthur, W.B., Durlauf, S.N. and Lane, D.A. (eds.) (1997). The Economy as an
important to note that we do not see complexity science as
Evolving Complex System, Proceedings of the Santa Fe Institute, Vol. XXVII.
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Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage,
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Odontología 2011 1) ¿Cuál, de las siguientes opciones, es una característica de la periodontitis del fumador? d) Respuesta inflamatoria disminuida. 2) De acuerdo a la experiencia realizada por Harold Loe (1965), ¿qué característica tiene la presencia de placa bacteriana supragingival? a) Necesaria pero insuficiente para producir gingivitis marginal crónica. b) Necesaria y su
Kérdezze meg orvosát… …gyógyszerészét Immunrendszerről és erősítéséről Az emberi test immunrendszere jól összehangolt működésével megvéd ben- Immunrendszerünk erősítése érdekében fontos, hogy táplálékunk minél több nünket a betegségektől. Egészségesnek lenni és maradni csak jól működő im- vitamint és ásványi anyagot tartalmaz