APRIL 2008 magazine 8/7/08 2:13 pm Page 9
Given the growing interest in the role of stress in fibromyalgia
researchers from Germany compared the functioning of the
development, the principal focus of this month's articles will
HPA axis in both female fibromyalgia and chronic pelvis pain
be stress and anxiety. In the words of a recent review article
patients. Chronic pelvis pain consists of persistent or recurring
from the Center for Research on Pain, McGill University
lower abdominal, pelvis and/or back pain, and like FMS, is
Canada, “Despite the numerous cerebral alterations,
associated with a number of other symptoms, including
fibromyalgia might not be a primary disorder of the brain but
headache, fatigue, gastrointestinal disturbances, sleep
may be a consequence of early life stress or prolonged or
problems, depression and anxiety. Chronic pelvis pain further
severe stress, affecting brain modulatory circuitry of pain and
resembles FMS in that many studies have failed to find any
emotions in genetically susceptible individuals.”
physical source of the symptoms. The German researchersrecruited 17 female FMS patients, 18 chronic pelvis painpatients, and 24 healthy female controls for the study. STRESS RESPONSE AXIS IMPAIRED IN
Volunteers were first subjected to a “stress test”, in which they
were required to prepare and give a speech in front of anaudience, and then made to sit an arithmetic test! The levels
A large proportion of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) patients
of stress hormones in blood and saliva samples from the
report a worsening of their symptoms (a “flare-up”) during
volunteers were measured at 15 minute time intervals before,
periods of stress. A recent biochemical study has confirmed
during, and after the stress test, in order to see how their HPA
that FMS patients do in fact struggle to cope with stress. The
axis responded to stress. Interestingly, the total level of
body's stress response system, termed the hypothalamic-
cortisol was reduced in FMS patients compared to chronic
pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis), helps the body to remain
pelvis pain patients or the healthy controls. Cortisol is a
stable under conditions of physical or psychological stress.
hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to
The HPA axis actually describes the interactions between
stress, and plays an important role in glucose metabolism,
three different components of the body: the hypothalamus
blood pressure regulation and the immune system. Similarly,
and the pituitary gland, both located in the brain, and the
levels of cortisol in the blood were reduced in FMS patients
adrenal glands, located at the top of each kidney. In addition
(but not in chronic pelvis pain patients or in healthy controls),
to its role in stress control, the HPA axis regulates a number of
following direct stimulation of the HPA axis by drug treatment.
other functions of the body, including digestion, the immune
Therefore this study seems to indicate reduced
system, mood, and energy usage. In response to changes in
responsiveness of the adrenal glands specifically in FMS
the environment, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the
patients. FMS sufferers face a constant battle with chronic
brain relay messages to the adrenal glands, which react by
pain and stress, which may reduce the ability of their stress
producing several crucial hormones (see diagram). For
response system (the HPA axis) to appropriately respond to
instance, if the “fight-or-flight” response is signalled by the
the “saber tooth tiger” when it appears. Further studies of
hypothalamus in response to stress, the adrenal glands are
adrenal gland biochemistry are now vital to build up a full
instructed to produce hormones such as adrenaline and
picture of the impaired stress response in fibromyalgia.
cortisol. Production of these “stress hormones” leads to anincrease in blood sugar, heart rate and blood flow to themuscles, resulting in a sudden burst of strength. Althoughthis “fight-or-flight” response was once vital for early man toescape from a saber tooth tiger, this system has become over-stimulated in our modern-day, stressful environments! It istherefore not surprising that dysfunction of the HPA axis hasbeen reported for many disorders associated with chronicstress, including chronic fatigue syndrome, gastrointestinaldisorders, chronic pelvis pain and fibromyalgia. However,while a number of scientific studies have shown that the HPA
axis is dysfunctional in fibromyalgia, there is considerableconfusion as to exact nature of this abnormality. For everystudy that suggests the adrenal glands are overactive, one
can find another stating that they are underactive! In additionto individual differences between patients, (and related
Wingenfeld, K., Heim, C., Schmidt, I., Wagner, D., Meinlschmidt, G.,
factors such as the drugs they were taking, menstrual cycle
Hellhammer, D.H. 2008. “HPA axis reactivity and lymphocyte
phase etc.), the widely differing results may simply reflect the
glucocorticoid sensitivity in fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic
different tests used by different laboratories to measure
pelvic pain.” Psychosom Med. 70, 65-72.
Department of Psychobiology, University of Trier, Trier, Germany.
In order to shed some light on this perplexing topic,
APRIL 2008 magazine 8/7/08 2:13 pm Page 8
anxiety (45%), compared to depression (31%), among FMSpatients. Anxiety disorders have previously been neglected in
chronic pain studies, however there is growing awareness of the
strong link between anxiety and chronic pain, and furtherattention should be given to the effect of anxiety on FMS. A
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic disorder that
quarter of patients reported pain relief following improvements in
follows a major stressful or traumatic experience such as an
anxiety or depression, which the researchers suggest may be
injury, assault, rape or warfare. Sufferers of PTSD re-experience
indirectly linked. However the majority (75%), experienced pain
the traumatic event and display an exaggerated response to
relief with no accompanying change in anxiety or mood
reminders of the initial trauma. In common with fibromyalgia
symptoms. Although the mechanism of action of pregabalin in
syndrome (FMS), PTSD patients also describe disturbed sleep and
humans is currently unknown, studies in animals suggest that
anxiety. There is a strong association between FMS and PTSD,
pregabalin acts by dampening down the response of over-excited
since the prevalence of PTSD is significantly higher among FMS
nerve cells, reducing the release of chemicals responsible for
patients than in the general population. Post-traumatic stress
transmitting pain signals (neurotransmitters). It is hoped that
disorder and fibromyalgia further overlap, as FMS is frequently
licensing of the first drug for FMS will encourage further research
triggered by a physical or emotional trauma. Researchers from
into how pregabalin works, and improve our understanding of
Israel proposed that the ability of individuals to cope with a
exactly why FMS sufferers experience a low pain threshold.
severe psychological trauma may affect the development of FMS.
1. Crofford, L.J., Rowbotham, M.C., Mease, P.J., Russell, I.J., Dworkin, R.H., Corbin,
A total of 77 FMS sufferers, a proportion of whom also had PTSD,
A.E., Young, J.P. Jr, LaMoreaux, L.K., Martin, S.A., Sharma, U. ; Pregabalin 1008-
were questioned regarding previous traumatic experiences, and
105 Study Group, 2005. “Pregabalin for the treatment of fibromyalgia
compared with 48 healthy controls. Volunteers were asked to
syndrome: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.”
describe their “coping styles”. “Coping” (the processes by which
the individuals attempted to manage their emotions), was
2. Arnold, L.M., Crofford, L.J., Martin, S.A., Young, J.P. and Sharma, U., 2007. “TheEffect of Anxiety and Depression on Improvements in Pain in a Randomized,
divided into “active” or “avoidant” coping. In active coping, the
Controlled Trial of Pregabalin for Treatment of Fibromyalgia.” Pain Med 8, 633-
individual attempts to alter the stressful situation, or their reaction
to it, whereas in avoidant coping the individual distances
Women's Health Research Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of
him/herself from the stressful situation. The results, published in
Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Rheumatology International, demonstrated that FMS patientswere more likely to use avoidant coping strategies compared withthe healthy controls. Interestingly, FMS patients that also suffered
from post-traumatic stress disorder were more likely to suppress
emotions, (avoided thinking about unpleasant events), than FMSpatients without PTSD. Suppression as a coping style has
It has previously been suggested that a proportion of
previously been associated with increased pain, thus it is possible
fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) patients have a deficiency of
that the way a person perceives and responds to stress
growth hormone. Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary
influences FMS development. Alternatively, living with chronic
gland situated in the brain (see previous diagram), and stimulates
pain may hinder the ability of FMS patients to cope with stress
the liver to produce a chemical known as “insulin-like growth
and trauma. Either way, these recent findings suggest that
factor 1” (IGF-1). IGF-1 is important for regulating the growth and
therapies aimed at enhancing coping skills and managing stress
development of cells in our body, and has a particularly important
may be beneficial for fibromyalgia sufferers.
role in the growth of nerve cells. Researchers from Barcelonathus decided to analyse the effect of growth hormone drug
Ablin, J.N., Cohen, H., Neumann, L., Kaplan, Z. and Buskila, D., 2007. “Coping styles in fibromyalgia: effect of co-morbid posttraumatic stress
treatment in a group of 24 female patients with both severe FMS
disorder.” Rheumatol Int. (E.pub ahead of print).
(16 or more tender points), and abnormal blood insulin-like
Institute of Rheumatology, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler
growth factor levels. The FMS patients were randomly split into
Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, 6 Weizman St., Tel-Aviv, 64239,
two groups: treatment group 1, treated with growth hormone in
addition to three standard FMS drugs (amitriptyline, fluoxetine
and tramadol), and treatment group 2, treated with the threestandard FMS drugs only. Patients were assessed at 3, 6, and 12
months following the start of treatment, and the average numberof tender points, severity of FMS symptoms and quality of life
Few significant advances have been made therapeutically for
determined by questionnaires. The findings, reported in the BMC
fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), and indeed the best current
Musculoskeletal Disorders journal, revealed that patients
treatment for FMS is multidisciplinary, combining exercise and
receiving the growth hormone treatment demonstrated an
lifestyle changes. However a milestone was passed in 2007, with
improvement in all aspects measured. Compared to the control
the licensing by the US Food and Drug Administration of the first
group 2, the average number of tender points per patient
drug treatment for fibromyalgia, Lyrica or pregabalin (see last
decreased by 60% in the growth hormone-treated group 1.
month's front cover of FaMily). Although Lyrica was originally
However, the ability of growth hormone to improve FMS
designed for treatment of neuropathic pain (pain from damaged
symptoms over standard drug therapy treatment requires further
nerves), the pharmaceutical company Pfizer recently completed
research. The authors do not suggest exactly how growth
clinical trials in adult FMS patients, demonstrating that Lyrica also
hormone treatment acts to reduce pain levels in fibromyalgia
reduces fibromyalgia pain. A team of researchers from the US
patients, and it is also not known whether growth hormone could
confirmed these findings, demonstrating that 450mg
effectively treat FMS symptoms if taken alone, without the other
pregabalin/day significantly reduced pain severity compared to a
placebo drug (1). This group recently published a follow-up study
in the Pain Medicine journal, which aimed to analyse the
Cuatrecasas, G., Riudavets, C., Guell, M.A. and Nadal, A., 2007. “Growthhormone as concomitant treatment in severe fibromyalgia associated with
potential impact of anxiety and depression on the response of
low IGF-1 serum levels. A pilot study.” BMC Musculoskelet Disord 8, 119.
529 fibromyalgia patients to pregabalin treatment (2).
Servicio de Endocrinologia y Nutricion, Centro Medico Teknon, Vilana 12, E-
Questionnaires revealed a higher incidence of moderate to severe
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