Prevalence and correlates of premature ejaculation in a primary care setting: a preliminary crosssectional study
Prevalence and Correlates of Premature Ejaculation in a Primary Care Setting: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Studyjsm_22801.8
Wei Shuong Tang, MMed* and Ee Ming Khoo, MD†
*Bayan Baru Health Clinic, Bayan Baru, Penang, Malaysia; †Department of Primary Care Medicine, University of Malaya,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A B S T R A C T Introduction. Premature ejaculation (PE) is common. However, it has been underreported and undertreated. Aims. To determine the prevalence of PE and to investigate possible associated factors of PE. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted at a primary care clinic over a 3-month period in 2008. Men aged 18–70 years attending the clinic were recruited, and they completed self-administered questionnaires that included the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT), International Index of Erectile Function, sociodemography, lifestyle, and medical illness. The operational definition of PE included PE and probable PE based on the PEDT. Main Outcome Measure. Prevalence of PE. Results. A total of 207 men were recruited with a response rate of 93.2%. There were 97 (46.9%) Malay, 57 (27.5%) Chinese, and 53 (25.6%) Indian, and their mean age was 46.0 Ϯ 12.7 years. The prevalence of PE was 40.6% (N = 82) (PE: 20.3%, probable PE: 20.3% using PEDT). A significant association was found between ethnicity and PE (Indian 49.1%, Malay 45.4%, and Chinese 24.6%; c2 = 8.564, d.f. = 2, P = 0.014). No significant association was found between age and PE. Multivariate analysis showed that erectile dysfunction (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 4.907, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.271, 10.604), circumcision (adjusted OR 4.881, 95% CI 2.346, 10.153), sexual intercourse Յ5 times in 4 weeks (adjusted OR 3.733, 95% CI 1.847, 7.544), and Indian ethnicity (adjusted OR 3.323, 95% CI 1.489, 7.417) were predictors of PE. Conclusion. PE might be frequent in men attending primary care clinics. We found that erectile dysfunction, circumcision, Indian ethnicity, and frequency of sexual intercourse of Յ5 times per month were associated with PE. These associations need further confirmation. Tang WS and Khoo EM. Prevalence and correlates of premature ejaculation in a primary care setting: A preliminary cross-sectional study. J Sex Med **;**:**–**. Key Words. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Premature Ejaculation; Premature Ejaculation; Prevalence; Primary Health Care Introduction
The DSM-IV-TR [6] defines PE as “a persis-
tent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual
P remature ejaculation (PE) is a common male stimulationbefore,on,orshortlyafterpenetration
sexual dysfunction. The prevalence ranged
and before the person wishes it and it causes
between 21% and 66% in the community [1–3]
marked distress or interpersonal difficulty and is
not due to the direct effects of a substance.”
Various definitions have been used to define PE,
Currently, there are five validated tools that are
and these include: the Diagnostic and Statistical
used to assess PE: the five-item Premature Ejacu-
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Test
lation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT) [9,10]; the Prema-
Revision (DSM-IV-TR) [6]; the 10th revision of
ture Ejaculation Profile [11], which used the
the International Classification of Diseases-10 [7];
DSM-IV-TR classification criteria; the 10-item
and the evidence-based definition from the Inter-
Chinese Index of Premature Ejaculation [12],
national Society for Sexual Medicine [8].
which was developed as an efficacy measure but
2011 International Society for Sexual Medicine
did not specifically address the DSM-IV-TR cri-
stress, the options were “a lot,” “somewhat,”
teria; the Arabic questionnaires [13]; and the Index
of Premature Ejaculation [14]. Among these tools,
The PEDT consists of five questions that
the PEDT was found to have a high level of agree-
address the following five domains: ejaculation
ment with the clinical diagnosis, and its test–retest
control; frequency of PE; ejaculation with minimal
reliability was good with an intraclass correlation
sexual stimulation; distress; and interpersonal dif-
ficulty. Each question has five responses, and the
PE is associated with age, lifestyle [16], and
scores of each question range from 0 to 4 with a
comorbidities such as depression [17], anxiety
minimum total score of 0 to a maximum score of
[17,18], social phobia [19,20], diabetes [21], pros-
20. A low score suggests a low probability of
tate diseases [22–24], and erectile dysfunction (ED)
having PE. The total scores are categorized into:
[25]. Despite PE being common, very few studies
“no PE” (Յ8), “probable PE” (9–10), and “PE”
have been conducted in the primary care setting.
(Ն11). In our study, the operational definition of
This study aimed to determine the prevalence of
PE included “PE” and “probable PE.”
PE using PEDT and to identify possible associated
Two versions of PEDT were used: the original
factors of PE among primary care clinic attendees.
English version and the translated Malay ver-sion. The PEDT was translated into the Malaylanguage using the forward and backward transla-
tion process, and it was done independently
We conducted a cross-sectional study in the
by two postgraduate family medicine trainees who
primary care clinic at the University Malaya
are bilingual. The back-translated English version
Medical Center (UMMC), which is a teaching
was compared with the original English version,
university hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
and further revisions were made. The final Malay
Ethics approval was obtained from the UMMC
version of the PEDT was sent to the copyright
Medical Ethics Committee prior to commence-
owner for approval to be used in the study.
A convenience sampling method was used.
having attempted sexual intercourse in the past 4
weeks [26]. Therefore, in this study, the IIEF-5
between June and August 2008 were approached
was completed only by participants who had
and recruited in this study. The reasons for
sexual intercourse in the past 4 weeks. Men who
encounter were chronic disease follow-up; treat-
did not have sexual intercourse in the past 4
ment for acute conditions such as infection or
weeks were asked to self-report whether they
injury; and undifferentiated problems. They
have ED. The operational definition of ED in
might or might not have men’s health issues. The
this study included men with IIEF-5 scores of
inclusion criteria were: all men aged 18–70 years
(Malaysian national language); had experience of
A pilot study was conducted with 15 men, and
sexual intercourse; and were currently not taking
the questionnaires were pretested. Minimal adjust-
a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Informed
ment was made. The sample size was calculated
consent was obtained from those who agreed to
using Epi Info version 6 (Centers for Disease
participate in the study. The participants were
Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA). Based
asked to complete a set of self-administered ques-
on an estimated PE prevalence of 30% with 95%
tionnaires in English or Malay language, and
confidence interval and taking into account a
they consisted of: questions on sociodemography,
refusal rate of 20%, the estimated sample size was
lifestyle, medical conditions, and sexual history;
International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-
Data were analyzed using the SPSS 15.0 (SPSS
5); and PEDT. The participants were asked to
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software [27]. Chi-square
self-report whether they had any of the following
test was used to determine the associations
between categorical variables. The significance
demia, diabetes mellitus, prostate disease, insom-
level (a) was set at 0.05. Odds ratio was calculated
nia, depression, and anxiety. For question on
to examine the strength of the associations. Mul-
exercise, the participants were given options of
tivariate analysis was used to examine the net effect
“never,” “<4 times/month,” “1–3 times/week,” or
of independent variables on PE and to determine
“Ն4 times/week,” while for the question on
Premature Ejaculation and Associated Factors
Background sociodemographic characteristics,
health, lifestyle, and sexual behavior of the respondent
A total of 245 men were approached to participatein the study, of which 222 patients fulfilled
the inclusion criteria and 207 men consented. Theresponse rate was 93.2%. The mean age of the
participants was 46.0 Ϯ 12.7 years, and the major-
ity was Malays followed by Chinese and Indians.
The majority of the respondents were employed,
married, and sexually active. Most respondents
had sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks. The
majority had average to very high libido, and the
5.2 Ϯ 5.4 per 4 weeks (see Table 1). Based on the
IIEF-5, 127 (61.4%) men had ED. Forty (19.3%)
patients who did not have sexual intercourse in the
past 4 weeks were asked to answer the question on
self-reported ED; 17 of the 40 (42.5%) men self-
reported ED. In this study, ED included men with
reported ED, with an overall prevalence of 69.6%.
The prevalence of PE using the study opera-
tional definition was 40.6% (N = 84) (probable PE
[N = 42, 20.3%] and PE [N = 42, 20.3%] based on
the PEDT). No significant association was found
between PE and age groups (c2 = 1.406, d.f. = 4,
PE was found to be significantly associated
with ethnicity, circumcision, ED, and frequency
of sexual intercourse using univariate analysis
(Table 2). Using binary logistic regression (back-
ward logistic regression [LR] method), ED, cir-
cumcision, sexual intercourse (Յ5 times per 4
weeks), and Indian ethnicity were predictive factors
Sexual intercourse within last 4 weeks 167 (80.7)Libido/sexual interest
Using the study operational definition, the preva-
lence of PE among men who attended a teaching
hospital-based primary care clinic was 40.6%.
This was consistent with the findings from other
studies, which reported the prevalence of PE
ranging from 21% to 66% [1–3], including a study
done in a Malaysia urban population where the
prevalence of self-reported PE was 22.3% [16]. We included “probable PE” from the PEDT inthe operational definition as it is known that men
Indian ethnicity was found to be significantly
underreport their sexual problems and do not seek
associated with PE. The multi-country concept
medical help [28]. If the “PE” category alone was
evaluation and assessment of PE incidence study
examined, the prevalence of 20.3% was consistent
have shown substantial geographical variation in
with the findings of self-reported PE in the previ-
the perception of how long it takes for the
ous study [16]. It is likely the probable PE category
“average” man to ejaculate [29]. The difference in
of the PEDT was mild and was not perceived by
perception of normal intravaginal ejaculatory
latency time (IELT) may cause difference in per-
Figure 1 Prevalence
ejaculation according to age groups.
ception of poor control of ejaculation and related
mechanism of this relationship is yet to be charac-
distress, and hence the problem of PE. These
terized but may include reduced performance
variations could be because of differences in reli-
anxiety, a higher ejaculatory threshold, or superior
gion, awareness of sexual dysfunction, ability to
ejaculatory control because of earlier and superior
admit sexual failure, and cultural perception on the
recognition of prodromal ejaculatory sensations.
importance of sex [30]. This ethnic difference
Among the medical illnesses, ED was the only
requires further studies for confirmation.
condition that had shown a significant association
We found that circumcision was independently
with PE. This corresponded with the Jannini et al.
associated with PE. This finding was consistent
study that found that ED may be a comorbid, a
with the O’Hara and O’Hara study [31], where
cause, or an effect of PE [25]. Many men may find
women reported that their circumcised male
it confusing to differentiate between PE and ED,
partners were more likely to have PE than the
as was demonstrated in the Global of Study of
uncircumcised partners. The thickening and kera-
Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors [1]. It is therefore
tinization of the glans penis mucosal epithelium
important to further evaluate these conditions as
after circumcision may be responsible for the dif-
ference in the sensory threshold of the glans penis.
No significant association was found between
The nerves of the glandis corona may be hyper-
age and PE. This finding was similar to that found
stimulated during intercourse and hence trigger
in the PE Prevalence and Attitudes survey [3] and
ejaculation before it is desired [32]. However,
the prevalence study of sexual dysfunction in the
there were prospective studies [33,34] that exam-
United States [2]. The prevalence of PE is similar
ined sexual function before and after circumcision,
across the age groups, while the prevalence of ED
and found that circumcision did not appear to have
increases with age [38,39]. Anxiety and depression
an adverse effect. Waldinger et al. [29] also did not
were not found to be significantly associated with
find any significant difference in the median IELT
PE in the study as was noted in others’ studies
between circumcised and not circumcised men in
[16,17]. This may be because of the small number
five countries excluding Turkey. Further studies
of respondents with anxiety and depression in this
study. In addition, the self-reported dichotomous
Frequency of sexual intercourse of Յ5 times in
scale of “yes” or “no” response for these conditions
4 weeks was also found to be significantly associ-
may not reflect the prevalence of the disease.
ated with PE. It is likely that men with PE would
This study was limited by enrolling patients
have less sexual intercourse, or it could also be
who understood either English or the Malay lan-
plausible that infrequent sexual intercourse con-
guage. However, as this study was done at an urban
tributed to PE. The relationship between ejacula-
tertiary hospital, most patients were literate in
Malay or English. Nevertheless, this study could
intercourse is conflicting. While the study of Jang
be further improved if other languages such as
[35] and Spiess et al. [36] reported that the fre-
Tamil and Mandarin versions of the questionnaires
quency of sexual activity in men with PE was
are made available in this multicultural society.
lower than age-matched controls with normal
This study was also limited by its cross-sectional
ejaculatory control, in contrast, Strassberg et al.
design, and it was conducted in a hospital-based
[37] failed to demonstrate any relationship. The
primary care practice. Thus, the findings may not
Premature Ejaculation and Associated Factors
Associated factors of premature ejaculation
PE = premature ejaculation; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; BMI = body mass index.
be generalizable. However, it provides an insight
PE and need treatment in the long term. In addi-
to this condition in the primary care setting, which
tion, studies using the latest evidence-based defi-
was lacking. A longitudinal study can be done for
nition of PE by the International Society for
men with probable PE to evaluate if they develop
Sexual Medicine Committee [40] can be used in
Independent associated factors of PE using multiple logistic regression
PE = premature ejaculation; SE = standard error; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval.
the primary care setting to further evaluate this
Bayan Baru, George Town, Penang 11950, Malaysia.
common male sexual dysfunction. PE is defined as
“a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejacu-
lation which always occurs prior to or within about
one minute of vaginal penetration, and the inabil-ity to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginalpenetrations,
Statement of Authorship
quences.” Studies have indicated that patients’ or
partner’s self-reported ejaculatory latency time
(a) Conception and Design
correlates relatively well with the objective stop-
watch latency time [40–42]. Thus, patients and/or
(b) Acquisition of Data
their partners with probable PE and PE can be
further evaluated based on their self-reported
(c) Analysis and Interpretation of Data
IELT rather than the stopwatch latency time. The
self-reported IELT is more applicable in theprimary care settings and can help primary care
physicians to decide on the treatment plan [43]. (a) Drafting the Article
Dapoxetine, an on-demand short-acting serotonin
selective reuptake inhibitor, has been shown to
(b) Revising It for Intellectual Content
improve the IELT and can be used to treat PE[44–46]. Category 3 (a) Final Approval of the Completed Article Conclusion
PE might be a common male sexual dysfunction inprimary care clinic attendees. It was found to be
independently associated with ED, circumcision,
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Petar Bojanić Institute for philosophy and social theory, Belgrade The Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, London COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY AS A CONDITION OF PEACE On Imputing to and Imputability of a Group At the outset I would like to explain the title, 'Collective Responsibility as a Condition of Peace,' and the subtitle 'Imputations and Amputations. Of Imputing To and Imputation Of a
Eroticism, sensuality and “women's secrets” among the Baganda: A critical analysisSylvia Tamale1 Introduction Sexuality is intricately linked to practically every aspect of our lives: to pleasure, power, politics and procreation, but also to disease, violence, war, language,social roles, religion, kinship structures, identity, creativity… the list is endless. The connection and collisio