Draft – zest quest outcomes/grade level indicators

Draft – Zest Quest Outcomes/Grade Level Indicators
Outcome 1: By the end of fifth grade, students will describe the effects of the Zest
Quest Seven Daily Healthy Habits (ZQSDHH) on wellness and
accessing valid resources (content, accessing valid resources). SC Hlth
Stds. 1, 2

Grade K:
K.1.A: Identify healthy and unhealthy behaviors. K.1.C: Differentiate between active and inactive behaviors. 1.1.B: Explain that Physical Activity can be done individually or as a group. 2.1.B: Chart progress of maintaining the ZQSDHH using the Zest Quest 2.1.C: Discuss the effects of the ZWSDHH. 2.1.E: Explore the Physical Activity Pyramid. 3.1.A: Describe the effects of the ZQSDHH on wellness. 3.1.B: Use MyPryamid to make healthy choices. 3.1.C: Use the Activity Pyramid to create an activity plan. 4.1.A: Identify resources to find valid current information about the 4.1.B: Explain the effects of the ZQSDHH on wellness. 4.1.C: Use MyPryamid to make healthy choices. 4.1.D: use the Physical Activity Pyramid to make a physical activity plan. 5.1.A: Identify the importance of the ZQSDHH and other valid 5.1.B: Explain the mental, physical, and social benefits of the ZQSDHH.

Outcome 2: By the end of fifth grade, students will demonstrate the ability to set
goals to incorporate the Zest Quest Seven Daily Healthy Habits
(ZQSDHH) into their lives (goal-setting). SC Hlth Std. 6

Grade K:
K.2.A: Define the term “goal.” K.2.B: Help set a goal for the class incorporating one of the ZQSDHH. 1.2.A: Set a short-term personal goal for increasing physical activity. 1.2.B: Help set a long-term class goal incorporating one of the ZQSDHH. 2.2.A: Set two short-term personal goals related to the ZQSDHH. 2.2.B: Track progress toward achieving the short-term personal goals. 3.2.A: Differentiate between long and short-term goals. 3.2.B: Set one long-term personal goal incorporating one of the 4.2.A: Set one long-term personal goal. 4.2.B: Set a series of short-term goals to help achieve the long-term 4.2.C: Track and assess progress towards achieving the long-term goal. 5.2.A: Set one long-term goal for wellness incorporating the 5.2.B: Set a series of short-term goals to help achieve the long-term goal. 5.2.C: Track and assess progress towards achieving the long-term goal.
Outcome 3: By the end of fifth grade, students will demonstrate the ability to

make healthy lifestyle choices that incorporate the Zest Quest Seven
Daily Healthy Habits (ZQSDHH) (decision-making). SC Hlth Std. 6

Grade K:
K.3.A: Define the term “decision.” K.3.B: Identify others who can help make healthy decisions. K.3.C: Demonstrate healthy decision making. 1.3.A: Identify when help is needed in making healthy decisions. 2.3.A: Discuss healthy options related to the ZQSDHH. 2.3.B: Identify decision-making steps. 3.3.A: Use decision-making steps to compare and contrast the outcomes of various health behavior choices, including the ZQSDHH. 4.3.A: Analyze factors that influence healthy choices. 4.3.B: Demonstrate self-efficacy in incorporating the ZQSDHH. 4.3.C: Display knowledge of a variety of playground games. 5.3.A: Create a personal wellness plan using a decision-making model. 5.3.B: Demonstrate healthy decision making.

Outcome 4: By the end of fifth grade, students will practice the Zest Quest Seven

Daily Healthy Habits (self-management). SC Hlth Std. 3

Grade K:
K.4.A: Explore a variety of healthy habits. K.4.B: Explore various nutritional options. 1.4.A: Record participation in one of the ZQSDHH using the Zest Quest 1.4.B: Identify various nutritional options. 2.4.A: Maintain implementation of the short-term personal goals. 3.4.A: Track progress of behaviors that lead to the achievement of a long- 4.4.A: Modify the long-term goal or adjust behaviors as needed based on 5.4.A: Track progress on each of the ZQSDHH using the Zest Quest Tracker. Set a series of short and long-term goals related to the ZQSDHH toward achieving a healthier lifestyle. 5.4.B: Identify healthful self-management strategies.

Outcome 5: By the end of 5th grade, students will demonstrate ways to
analyze outside influences and to advocate for and support others in
making wellness choices (influencing and supporting others, analyzing
influence, interpersonal communication, advocacy).

SC Hlth Stds. 4, 5, 7

K.5.A: Explain what it means to support others. K.5.B: Identify helping behaviors. K.5.C: Identify how outside influences affect healthy choices. 1.5.A: Encourage peers to practice one of the ZQSDHH. 2.5.A: Encourage peers to make positive health choices. 3.5.A: Demonstrate respect for self and others. 3.5.B: Describe the influence of family and peers on personal wellness 3.5.C: Demonstrate safe practices with respect to health behaviors. 4.5.A Express informed opinions and give accurate information about 4.5.B: Demonstrate safe practices with respect to health behaviors. 5.5.A: Identify ways to advocate for a health-promoting environment. 5.5.B: Role play ways to advocate for a health-promoting environment. 5.5.C: Identify how outside influences affect healthy choices. 5.5.D: Demonstrate safe practices with respect to health behaviors.

Source: http://coe.winthrop.edu/zestquest/curriculum%20files/Updated_Newest_Draft_Zest_Quest_Outcomes_&_Indicators_August2008.pdf

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