The community reinforcement approach, alcohol research and health, volume 33, number 4
Development and Effectiveness of CRA
The most influential behaviorist of all times, B. F. Skinner,largely considered punishment to be an ineffective method
Robert J. Meyers, Ph.D.; Hendrik G. Roozen, Ph.D.;
for modifying human behavior (Skinner 1974). Thus it
was no surprise that, many years later, research discoveredthat substance use disorder treatments based on confrontationwere largely ineffective in decreasing the use of alcohol
The Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA),
and other substances (Miller and Wilbourne 2002,
originally developed for individuals with alcohol use
Miller et al. 1998). Nate Azrin already was convinced
disorders, has been successfully employed to treat a variety
of this back in the early 1970s, when he designed an inno-
of substance use disorders for more than 35 years. Based on
vative treatment for alcohol problems: the Community
operant conditioning, CRA helps people rearrange their
Reinforcement Approach (CRA). Azrin believed that it
lifestyles so that healthy, drug-free living becomes
was necessary to alter the environment in which people
rewarding and thereby competes with alcohol and drug
with alcohol problems live so that they received strong
use. Consequently, practitioners encourage clients to
reinforcement for sober behavior from their community,
become progressively involved in alternative non-
including family, work, and friends. As part of this strate-
substance-related pleasant social activities, and to work on
gy, the program emphasizes helping clients discover new,
enhancing the enjoyment they receive within the
enjoyable activities that do not revolve around alcohol, and
“community” of their family and job. Additionally, in the
teaching them the skills necessary for participating in those
past 10-15 years, researchers have obtained scientific
activities (see sidebar for a description of CRA procedures). evidence for two off-shoots of CRA that are based on the
Research has since supported the premise behind CRA. same operant mechanism. The first variant is Adolescent
Studies show that people with substance use disorders report
Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA), which
that they are less engaged in pleasant activities compared
targets adolescents with substance use problems and their
with healthy controls (Roozen et al. 2008; Van Etten et
caregivers. The second approach, Community Reinforcement
al. 1998). And other studies found that enriching people’s
and Family Training (CRAFT), works through family
environment with non–substance-related rewarding alternativesencourages them to reduce their substance use (Correia et
members to engage treatment-refusing individuals into
al. 2005; Vuchinich and Tucker 1996). Even modern day
treatment. An overview of these treatments and their scientific
neurobiology has confirmed that components of addiction
backing is presented. KEY WORDS: Alcohol use disorders; alcohol
treatment should focus on increasing patients’ involvement
and other drug disorders; substance use disorders; treatment;
with alternative reinforcers (Volkow et al. 2003). treatment methods; Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA);
In terms of testing CRA itself, studies suggest that it is
Adolescent CRA; Community Reinforcement and Family
highly effective. Azrin’s first two studies of the program
tested its effectiveness among alcohol-dependent inpatients(Azrin 1976; Hunt and Azrin 1973). The results showedthat the new CRA program was more effective in reducing
TheCommunityReinforcementApproach(CRA)is drinkingthanwasthehospital’sAlcoholicsAnonymous
a comprehensive behavioral treatment package that
program. Furthermore, the CRA participants had better
focuses on the management of substance-related
outcomes with regard to their jobs and family relation-
behaviors and other disrupted life areas. The goal of CRA is
ships. Azrin then modified the program slightly to test
to help people discover and adopt a pleasurable and healthy
it with outpatients at a rural alcohol treatment agency
lifestyle that is more rewarding than a lifestyle filled withusing alcohol or drugs. Multiple research reviews and meta-analyses of the treatment-outcome literature have shown
ROBERT J. MEYERS, PH.D., is an emeritus associate researchprofessor of psychology in the Psychology Department at the
CRA to be among the most strongly supported treatment
University of New Mexico, and director of Robert J. Meyers,
methods (Finney and Monahan 1996; Holder et al. 1991;
Ph.D., and Associates, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Miller et al. 1995, 2003). This article briefly discusses thescience behind CRA, and provides an overview of the treat-
HENDRIK G. ROOZEN, PH.D., is a clinical psychologist
ment program. In addition, it discusses two novel variants
and senior researcher in the Department of Research and
built upon the CRA foundation. These interventions
Development, Novadic-Kentron Treatment Services, Vught,
include an adolescent version of CRA called Adolescent
the Netherlands, and Erasmus University Medical Centre,
Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA), and a
Department of Forensic Psychiatry, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
program called Community Reinforcement and FamilyTraining (CRAFT), which is designed to engage treatment-
JANE ELLEN SMITH, PH.D., is professor of psychology in the
refusing substance-abusing individuals into treatment by
Psychology Department at the University of New Mexico,
(Azrin et al. 1982). He and his colleagues, again, found
vouchers to participants who submitted drug-free urine
CRA to be superior to the comparison condition.
samples. In turn, they could exchange the vouchers for
A larger outcome study conducted in the 1990s had
goods, such as dinners. A number of early studies demon-
mixed results, though it did show a benefit of CRA on
strated that CRA plus vouchers outperformed standard
the immediate outcome. (Miller et al. 2001). For this
treatment programs (e.g., Higgins et al. 1991, 1993,
study, participants had to score in the symptomatic range
1994). Another study showed that CRA plus vouchers
on two of four measures, including the Addiction Severity
was significantly better than vouchers alone in terms of
Index and the Alcohol Use Inventory. The final sample
improved treatment retention and employment rates, and
consisted of people who met an average of 7 of the 9
reduced cocaine use—at least during the treatment phase
criteria for alcohol dependence syndrome as defined
(Higgins et al. 2003). The CRA plus vouchers program
by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
has been used successfully with other illicit drugs as well. Disorders, Third Edition, Revised (DSM–III–R) (American
For example, people receiving opioid detoxification with
Psychiatric Association 1980). The study compared CRA
buprenorphine had significantly better treatment out-
with a “traditional” treatment. However, because this
comes if they also received CRA plus vouchers (Bickel et al.
comparison treatment used a CRA procedure as part of
1997). In addition, a recent study with adults who used
its protocol—teaching one of the participants’ loved ones
cannabis determined that long-term outcomes favored
positive communication skills so he or she could administer
clients who received CRA in addition to vouchers as
disulfiram (Antabuse®) in a supportive and caring way—
opposed to just vouchers alone (Budney et al. 2006).
the overlap could have obscured the results somewhat.
Thus, the CRA plus contingency management package
Another confounding factor may have been that the
appears to be a highly successful program for treating
traditional treatment group included more participants
individuals who abuse illicit drugs (Bickel et al. 2008;
who agreed to take disulfiram in the first place (Miller
In a study that delivered CRA in a group format to
severely alcohol-dependent homeless individuals in a day
The Adolescent Version of CRA: A-CRA
treatment program, CRA produced significantly greater
The high rate of illicit substance use among adolescents
substance use outcomes than did the standard treatment
has been viewed as one of the primary public health problems
at the homeless shelter (Smith et al. 1998). Finally, another
facing the United States for some time now (Johnston
study discovered that people with antisocial personality
et al. 2001). According to one report, during a relatively
disorder could, in fact, respond successfully to a CRA
recent six-year period (1992–1998), the number of 12- to
program, even if it highlighted the relationship counseling
17-year-olds who were admitted to public substance use
treatment agencies increased by 54 percent (Dennis et al.
The table provides an overview of Community
2003). Consequently, it is more important than ever to
Reinforcement studies. The first section highlights the tri-
identify effective substance use disorder treatment programs
als in which researchers tested “pure” CRA, without any
for adolescents. A-CRA is a scientifically-based behavioral
additional programs. Several comprehensive reviews and
intervention that is a slightly modified version of the adult
meta-analyses support the conclusion that CRA is highly
CRA program (for descriptions with examples see Godley
effective compared with other alcohol treatments (Finney
and Monahan 1996; Holder et al. 1991; Miller et al. 1995,
To begin with, developers of A-CRA modified several of
1998, 2003, 2005; Roozen et al. 2004). Although it is
the CRA procedures, and the forms that accompany them,
not readily apparent from the table, CRA has been clini-
to make them more developmentally appropriate for ado-
cally effective for people with varying degrees of alcohol
lescents. For example, the adolescent versions of the Happiness
problems and with psychiatric comorbidity, in both rural
Scale and the Goals of Counseling form contain additional
and urban environments, and for people with goals of
categories focused on school and friends (Forehand and
either abstinence or reduced use. It also has been modified
Wierson 1993). In addition, developers simplified the
to expand its reach to people with illicit drug problems,
communication skills training procedure and added an
to adolescents, and to people resistant to entering treatment,
anger management procedure to assist with impulsive,
as will be explained in the following sections.
acting-out behavior (Weisz and Hawley 2002).
The main unique element in A-CRA is that it involves
caregivers—namely, parents or other individuals who
CRA plus Contingency Management
are ultimately responsible for the adolescent and with
Higgins, a researcher who was very interested in using
whom the adolescent is living—in the treatment program.
CRA to treat cocaine-dependent individuals, believed that
These caregivers attend four sessions: two devoted to the
people with cocaine-dependence needed tangible incentives
caregiver(s) alone and two set up for the caregiver and
to combat strong urges early in recovery. Thus, he developed
the adolescent together. Among other things, the caregiver-
a contingency management program to supplement CRA
alone sessions emphasize parenting “rules.” This is especially
for his work with these patients. The program provided
relevant because parental rule-setting has been inversely
(8) Relationship Counseling focuses
associated with adolescents’ alcohol use over time, and
often experience profound emotional and relationship dam-
even moderates the presence of a genetic predisposition
age from living with a person with an untreated substance
toward alcohol use (Van der Zwaluw et al. 2009). The
use disorder (Kahler et al. 2003; Kirby et al. 2005).
program also teaches caregivers several of the basic skills,
Substance use disorders often are associated with intimate
including communication and problem-solving, that their
partner violence (Fals-Stewart and Kennedy 2005).
adolescent has learned in individual sessions. During the
CRAFT was designed to address this problem by targeting
sessions with both the adolescent and the caregiver, the
people who refuse to seek treatment for substance-abuse
therapist guides family members in using positive com-
problems. Derived from the operant-based fundamentals
munication skills with each other as they address problems
of CRA, CRAFT decidedly does not pressure these indi-
in their relationship. The group negotiates goals geared toward
viduals to attend treatment. Instead, it operates indirectly
increasing happiness in the adolescent–caregiver relationship,
and gently through a concerned family member, called
and adolescents and caregivers practice problem-solving
the Concerned Significant Other (CSO) in the program.
exercises that they are asked to continue outside of therapy.
CRAFT therapists show CSOs how to change the home
A national study with 600 participants tested the efficacy
environment of the treatment-resistant individual to reward
of A-CRA, comparing the program with several other
behaviors that promote sobriety and withhold rewards
treatments, including Motivational Enhancement Therapy/
when the individual is using drugs or alcohol (Smith and
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (with two different lengths
of treatment), Multidimensional Family Therapy, and
For example, assume a husband thoroughly enjoys having
Family Support Network (Dennis et al. 2004). The par-
his wife (the CSO) join him in some after-dinner activity,
ticipating adolescents often had multiple substance use
such as watching television or playing cards, and that this
disorders, and approximately 70 percent had symptoms
routinely occurs after the husband has been drinking.
of co-occurring psychiatric disorders. Although a number
After discussing the potential for domestic violence and
of the treatments were equally effective statistically, A-CRA
teaching positive communication skills, a therapist might
was the most cost-effective intervention. More recently, the
coach the CSO to have some variation of the following
effectiveness of A-CRA was confirmed in a study with
conversation with her husband at breakfast: “I wanted to
homeless youth (Slesnick et al. 2007).
let you know that I really enjoy sitting and watching ourfavorite shows together in the evening, but I only will doit from now on when you haven’t been drinking. I want
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)
to do everything I can to support your sobriety.” The
A sizeable group of individuals with substance use disorders
message would be modified to suit the particular situation,
refuse to engage in treatment (Stinson et al. 2005; Substance
and in some cases the CSO might elect to not even com-
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2009).
municate with the substance user about the plan in advance.
Even for those who do seek treatment, it may take them
Regardless, it is critical that the CSO, in this case the wife,
6–10 years after the initiation of drug use (Joe et al. 1999;
follow through with the plan to only join her husband if
Wang et al. 2005). This reticence to seek treatment can
he was sober, and to get up and excuse herself—again,
have tangible consequences. Concerned family members
using positive communication skills—if he started to drink.
Learning how to appropriately reward clean/sober behavior
Meyers 2004) and a self-help book (Meyers and Wolfe
is only one aspect of CRAFT, but over time it can become
2004)—outline the differences between appropriate rein-
a powerful tool. Importantly, it must be used consistently
forcement and enabling, as well as provide comprehensive
and applied across a number of different behaviors. Relying
descriptions of the other CRAFT procedures.
upon positive communication throughout the process is
Along with helping to encourage substance abusers to
critical for success. Furthermore, the appropriate use of
seek treatment, CRAFT also focuses on enhancing the
this procedure requires that CSOs learn the difference
happiness of the CSO overall. Therefore, some of its
between the reinforcement of clean/sober behavior and
procedures help CSOs identify the areas of their lives in
enabling. The latter is the CSO’s inadvertent reinforce-
which they would like to make changes, and then assist in
ment of drinking or drug using (Meyers and Smith 1997).
developing strategies to accomplish their goals. For example,
Two CRAFT books—a therapist manual (Smith and
assume a mother (CSO) has delayed finishing up her
NOTE: The studies included are considered unique published studies and are available in electronic databases such as PubMed and PsychInfo. The effects of each study are appraised as+, statistically significant effect in favor of the experimental condition; =, no statistically significant difference detected; and NA, Not Applicable.
degree at the local college because she has been preoccupied
also: thus, discussions about obtaining a job might easily
with caring for her substance-abusing 19-year-old daughter.
bring up mandatory urine tests, and talking about enhancing
If the CSO noted on her Happiness Scale that she was
her social life might introduce the idea of substance-free
very unhappy in the job/education category, the therapist
activities and friends. Therapists also respond favorably to
would explore whether she wanted to set some goals in
the basic premise of community reinforcement treatments—
that area. A reasonable goal might be to take one college
namely, that the emphasis should be on using reinforcement
course that semester, and the strategy would involve several
to affect behavior change. At the same time, therapists are
steps, including finding out which courses she needed to
relieved to learn that despite being a non-confrontational
graduate, which courses were offered at a convenient time,
treatment, CRA/A-CRA/CRAFT therapists are directive,
and determining her financial aid status. She would also
have clear expectations, and set limits as needed (Meyers
identify and address obstacles. For example, she might be
and Smith 1995; Smith and Meyers 2004).
reluctant to leave for class on evenings when her daughteris high. Acceptable solutions could vary widely, but mightinvolve asking a neighbor to check on the daughter in her
Future Directions
absence, or dropping the daughter at a safe location for
Because the scientific evidence has established that com-
the evening. A therapist would check progress toward the
munity reinforcement treatments are effective, current
CSO’s goals weekly, and help modify them as needed.
lines of research have focused on determining state-of-the-
Studies (see table) have consistently demonstrated that
art methods for training therapists (Garner et al. 2009a)
CRAFT is 2-3 times more successful at engaging treatment-
and for ascertaining which specific procedures in these
resistant individuals in substance abuse treatment than the
comprehensive treatment packages are most crucial
traditional Al-Anon model and the Johnson Intervention(Johnson 1986). More specifically, studies show that
(Garner et el. 2009b). In terms of clinical advances, these
CRAFT successfully engaged approximately two-thirds
treatments are being adopted in various countries around
of the treatment-refusing individuals into treatment,
the world, as evidenced by translations of the CRA book
regardless of whether they used alcohol or other drugs
into German, Dutch, and Finnish, and the CRAFT book
problematically (Kirby et al. 1999; Meyers et al. 1999,
into German, Finnish, and Korean. In addition, clinicians
2002; Miller et al. 1999; Roozen et al. 2010; Sisson and
are considering applying CRA and CRAFT to other diag-
Azrin 1986). Furthermore, CRAFT worked across ethnicities
noses, such as eating disorders (Gianini et al. 2009), and
and various types of relationships, including spouse–spouse,
investigating the use of A-CRA for adolescents with
parent–child and sibling–sibling. Generally, substance
users engaged in treatment after only 4-6 CSO sessions. Irrespective of whether the substance user engaged in treat-ment, the CSOs reported a sizeable reduction in their
Financial Disclosure
own physical symptoms, depression, anger and anxiety(Dutcher et al. 2009; Kirby et al. 1999; Meyers et al. and
The authors declare that they have no competing financial
1999, 2002; Miller et al. 1999; Sisson and Azrin 1986).
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Oyster Creek Talking Points I urge the NJDEP to protect the Barnegat Bay by requiring Exelon Corporation, owner of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant to use best available technology to control the plant’s environmental impacts by installing a closed loop cooling tower. This technology is a cost-effective way to stop extensive environmental damage caused by the power plant’s current “once-thro
NEWSLETTER ___________________________________ANA/NL/ December 2013 ___________________________________ Rules framed by the State cannot supersede Central Law The Hon’ble National Green Tribunal in the matter of application filed by the M.P. State Mining Corporation Ltd., Government of Madhya Pradesh inter alia held that the environmental clearance under the Central law can only b