Publikationsverzeichnis: Originalarbeiten Dikow R, Eckerle I, Ksoll-Rudeck D, Hampel H, Schwenger V, Zeier M, Schnitzler P, Sommerer C. Immunogenicity and Efficacy of a Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) AS03- Adjuvanted Vaccine in Hemodialysis Patients: A Non-Randomized Trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011; 57: 716-723. [IF: 5,2]
Schaier M, Freitag J, Dikow R, Sommerer C, Gross-Weißmann ML, Waldherr R, Andrassy K, Zeier M, Schwenger V. Henoch-Schönlein Purpura in adults is not uncommon in elderly patients with an adverse prognosis. Clin Nephrol. 2011; 76: 49-56. [IF: 1,5] Dikow R, Schmidt U, Kihm LP, Schaier M, Schwenger V, Gross ML, Katus HA, Zeier M, Hardt SE. Uremia aggravates left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. Am J Nephrol. 2010; 32: 13-22. [IF: 3,5] Dikow R, Becker LE, Schaier M, Waldherr R, Gross ML, Zeier M. In renal transplants with delayed graft function chemokines and chemokine receptor expression predict long-term allograft function. Transplantation 2010; 90: 771-776. [IF: 3,5]
Schaier M, Scholl C, Scharpf D, Hug F, Bönisch-Schmidt S, Dikow R, Schmitt WH, Schwenger V, Zeier M, Sommerer C. Proton pump inhibitors interfere with the immunosuppressive potency of mycophenolate mofetil. Rheumatology 2010; 49: 2061-2067. [IF: 4,2] Dikow R, Wasserhess C, Zimmerer K, Kihm LP, Schaier M, Schwenger V, Hardt S, Tiefenbacher C, Katus H, Zeier M, Gross ML. Effect of insulin and glucose infusion on myocardial infarction size in uraemic rats. Basic Res Cardiol. 2009; 104: 571-579. [IF: 6,0] Dikow R, Quentmeier P, Schwenger V, Waldherr R, Andrassy K, Ritz E, Zeier M. Optimal blood pressure control versus additional immunosuppressive therapy in idiopathic membranous nephropathy - a retrospective analysis. Clin Nephrol. 2009; 72: 366-372. [IF: 1,5]
Schaier M, Vorwalder S, Sommerer C, Dikow R, Hug F, Gross ML, Waldherr R, Zeier M. Role of FTY720 on M1 and M2 macrophages, lymphocytes, and chemokines in 5/6 nephrectomized rats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2009; 297: F769-F780. [IF: 3,7]
Morath C, Miftari N, Dikow R, Hainer C, Zeier M, Morgera S, Weigand MA, Schwenger V. Sodium citrate anticoagulation during sustained low efficiency dialysis (SLED) in patients with acute renal failure and severely impaired liver function. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2008; 23: 421-422. [IF: 3,3]
Schwenger V, Korosoglou G, Hinkel UP, Morath C, Hansen A, Sommerer C, Dikow R, Hardt S, Schmidt J, Kücherer H, Katus HA, Zeier M. Real-time contrast-enhanced sonography of renal transplant recipients predicts chronic allograft nephropathy. Am J Transplant. 2006; 6: 609-615. [IF: 6,8]
Michaely HJ, Schoenberg SO, Ittrich C, Dikow R, Bock M, Guenther M. Renal disease: value of functional magnetic resonance imaging with flow and perfusion measurements. Invest Radiol. 2004; 39: 698-705. [IF: 4,8] Dikow R, Kihm LP, Zeier M, Kapitza J, Törnig J, Amann K, Tiefenbacher C, Ritz E. Increased infarct size in uremic rats: reduced ischemia tolerance? J Am Soc Nephrol. 2004; 15: 1530-1536. [IF: 7,7] Dikow R, Degenhard M, Kraus T, Sauer P, Schemmer P, Uhl W, Büchler M, Zeier M. Blood pressure profile and treatment quality in liver allograft recipients-benefit of tacrolimus versus cyclosporine. Transplant Proc. 2004; 36: 1512-1515. [IF: 1,1]
Fliser D, Dikow R, Demukaj S, Ritz E. Opposing effects of angiotensin II on muscle and renal blood flow under euglycemic conditions. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2000; 11: 2001-2006. [IF: 7,7]
Fliser D, Veldhuis JD, Dikow R, Schmidt-Gayk H, Ritz E. Effects of acute ACE inhibition on pulsatile renin and aldosterone secretion and their synchrony. Hypertension. 1998; 32: 929- 934. [IF: 5,0] Sonstige Publikationen: Fallberichte Dikow R, Morath C, Zeier M, Ritz E. Acute renal failure and hypertension crisis after a
technoparty. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2003; 128: 1221-1224. [IF: 0,6]
Flux M, Dikow R. 48-year-old patient with rare cause of a unilateral swelling of the tounge. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2010; 135: 1487-1488. [IF: 0,6]
Eisenbach Ch, Pohl J, Dikow R, Stremmel W, Encke J. Severe rhabdomyolysis and renal failure triggered by a sauna visit in sickle cell trait: a case report. Clin Nephrol. 2005; 63: 229- 231. [IF: 1,5]
Henriquez-Kries D, Sommerer C, Dikow R, Mandelbaum A. Hypercalcaemia-induced renal
failure-a mystery. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002; 17: 677-678. [IF: 3,3]
Sonstige Publikationen: Übersichtsarbeiten Dikow R, Zeier M, Ritz E. Pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and renal failure. Cardiol Clin. 2005; 3: 311-317. [IF: 3,0] Dikow R, Ritz E. Cardiovascular complications in the diabetic patient with renal disease: an update in 2003. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2003; 18: 1993-1998. [IF: 3,3] Dikow R, Adamczak M, Henriquez DE, Ritz E. Strategies to decrease cardiovascular mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease. Kidney Int Suppl. 2002; 80: 5-10. [IF: 6,5] Dikow R, Zeier M, Ritz E. Cardiovascular abnormalities and hypertension in the elderly dialysis patient. Semin Dial. 2002; 15: 12112-6. [IF: 2,6] Dikow R, Schwenger V, Zeier M, Ritz E. Do AV fistulas contribute to cardiac mortality in hemodialysis patients? Semin Dial. 2002; 15: 14-17. [IF: 2,6] Dikow R, Schwenger V, Schömig M, Ritz E. How should we manage anaemia in patients with diabetes? Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002; 17 Suppl 1: 67-72. [IF: 3,3]
Ritz E, Dikow R. Hypertension and antihypertensive treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Nat Clin Pract Nephrol. 2006; 2: 562-567. [IF: 5,6]
Ritz E, Gross ML, Dikow R. Role of calcium-phosphorous disorders in the progression of renal failure. Kidney Int Suppl. 2005; 99: 66-70. [IF: 6,5]
Ritz E, Dikow R. Angiotensin receptor antagonists in patients with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. Ann Med. 2002; 34: 507-513. [IF: 2,5] Buchbeiträge
Martin Zeier, Ralf Dikow, Jörg Beimler, Claudia Sommerer, Vedat Schwenger. Nieren,
harnleitendes System, Wasser-Elektrolyt-Haushalt und Säure-Basen-Haushalt. In
Internistische Intensivmedizin, Stuttgart 2009
Jörg Beimler, Ralf Dikow, Christian Morath, Vedat Schwenger, Martin Zeier. Dialyse. In Facharzt Nephrologie, München 2008
Ralf Dikow, Eberhard Ritz: The patient with diabetes mellitus. In Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, Third Edition, Oxford 2005
Michael Schömig, Ralf Dikow: Hypertension and unilateral renal parenchymal disease. In Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, Third Edition, Oxford 2005
Ralf Dikow, Eberhard Ritz: Malignant Hypertension. In Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, Third Edition, Oxford 2005
Ralf Dikow, Christoph Wanner, Eberhard Ritz: The patient with uraemia: Hypertension. In Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, Third Edition, Oxford 2005
Ralf Dikow, Eberhard Ritz: The diabetic patient with impaired renal function. In Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, Third Edition, Oxford 2005
Ralf Dikow, Karl-Heinz Usabel, Eberhard Ritz. Nierenerkrankungen. In Diabetologie in Klinik und Praxis, Stuttgart 2003
Gutachter-Tätigkeiten für folgende Zeitschriften
American Journal of Transplantation [IF: 6,8]
American Journal of Kidney Diseases [IF: 5,2]
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [IF: 3,3]
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes (ECED) [IF: 1,7]
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Provisional –to be approved by Programme Director M A S S E Y U N I V E R S I T Y COLLEGE OF SCIENCES Paper Outline 2009 Paper Number and Title: 203.761 Molecular Evolution Credits value: Semester: 2 Mode: Internal Calendar Prescription : Analysis of the evolution of DNA, RNA and proteins. Analysis of theories and experiments on the origin of life, especially