Microsoft word - final programme dspap 21-22 januar 2007.doc

21-22. januar 2007
Hotel Koldingfjord, Fjordvej 154, 6000 Kolding - Tlf: +45 75510000 Dansk Selskab for Pædiatrisk Allergologi og Pulmonologi SØNDAG 21. JANUAR 2007
Registrering og morgenbrød
10.00 –11.00
Relevante ”end-points” i astmastudier
Søren Pedersen
11.00 - 11.45
Fødevareallergi – state of the art
Tine K Hansen
11.45 - 12.00
Tilbagemelding fra legatmodtagere
Porntiva Poorisrisak
June K Marthin (KGN)
13.30 - 14.30
Astma: Børn vs voksne – forskelle og ligheder
Per Gustafsson
Udredning for penicillinallergi - status
Lars G Hansen
Tumorer i thorax
Cathrine Rechnitzel
Eftermiddagsbuffet med kaffe/the
CASE-Workshop-Rotation. Interaktiv-deltager-aktiverende-session
3 - 4 spændende og lærerige cases
07.00 - 09.00
09.00 – 09.30
Frit foredrag: Long-tem, low-dose azithromycin treatment
reduces the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus,
but select for macrolide resistance in Danish CF-patients
Christine Hansen
Orientering om PCD & CIPP
Kim G Nielsen
9.30 – 11.00
Indikationer, praktisk gennemførelse og fortolkning - rundt om i landet:
11.00 – 11.30
Formiddagsbuffet med kaffe/the
Exercise testing in children – state of the art
Kai Håkon Karlsen
“Predictors and Risk factors for Atopic Dermatitis in early Infancy
Prospective cohort study of high-risk infants”.
Liselotte Brydensholt


Long-tem, low-dose azithromycin treatment reduces the prevalence of Staphylococcus
, but select for macrolide resistance in Danish CF-patients.
C. Hansen, H.K. Johansen, T. Pressler, N. Høiby
Cystic fibrosis centre, departments of Pediatrics and Microbiology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen,
Long-term, low-dose azithromycin treatment is used in an increasing number of patients chronically infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The purpose of this study was to investigate any changes in incidence of colonization with S. aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis, and possible increase in macrolide-resistance in these microorganisms during azithromycin-treatment. All patients treated with azithromycin for at least 3 months, were included in the study. All sputum samples were evaluated, and culture results obtained during treatment were compared to culture results from a 2 years period Results: 70 patients were included, median age at start of treatment was 29.1 years (range 1.5 – 53.2). Median duration of treatment was 4 years (range 0.7 – 5.1). The prevalence of S. aureus, H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae decreased significantly during treatment. Table:
Percentage of sputum samples with growth of individual species. (N = number of patients with at least 1 positive Before treatment
During treatment
0 – 82.6
0 – 93.2
S. aureus
0 – 16.7
H. influenzae
0 – 16.7
S. pneumoniae
M. catarrhalis
In the pre-treatment period 214 isolates of S. aureus were identified. 15 of these isolates (7%) were macrolide- resistant. During the treatment period 181 isolates were found. 95 of these isolates (52.5%) were macrolide- resistant. (p<0.001) Prior to treatment, 3 patients had resistant strains. One of these patients had no growth of S. aureus during azithromycin-treatment. During treatment, 11 patients had resistant strains. First resistant S. aureus isolate was isolated after a median treatment-duration of 1.5 years. (range 0.3 – 2.9) No MRSA were isolated according to the general low MRSA prevalence in Denmark. Only 1 macrolide-resistant isolate of M. catarrhalis was found during treatment. No macrolide-resistant H. influenzae or S. pneumoniae were found at Conclusion: Long-term, low-dose treatment with azithromycin reduces the prevalence of S. aureus, S.
pneumoniae, and H. influenzae, but leads to an increase in macrolide-resistance in S. aureus isolated from


ATTACHMENT: Profile of the Group A Recipient of 2011 C&C Prize Dr. Akira Yoshino 1970 Earned B.S. from Department of Petro-chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, 1972 Earned M.S. from Department of Petro-chemistry, Graduate School of 1982 Entered Kawasaki Laboratory, Asahi Kasei Corp. 1992 Became Manager, Product Development Group, Ion Battery Business 1994 Became Manager, Technical

Microsoft word - dichiarazioni sostitutive di certificazioni_dich2.doc

DICHIARAZIONI SOSTITUTIVE DI CERTIFICAZIONI (Artt. 5 e 46 D.P.R. 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445 ) RESA DAL GENITORE O DAL TUTORE Il/la sottoscritto/a ______________________________________________________________________ nato a __________________________________________________ (______________) il __________________________ residente a ______________________________ (___________) in Via____

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