Download prozac and the new antidepressants, william appleton, pearson education, limited, 2002

Prozac and the New Antidepressants, William Appleton, Pearson Education, Limited, 2002, , . . The Antidepressant Fact Book What Your Doctor Won't Tell You about Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa,and Luvox, Peter Roger Breggin, 2001, Medical, 226 pages. Discusses the meaning of depressionand the many and various impacts on the brain of SSRI antidepressants, including their dangers,side effects, and the difficulties of .
The Prescriber's Guide, Antidepressants , Stephen M. Stahl, Apr 27, 2009, Medical, 241 pages. Thisis a spin-off from Stephen M. Stahl's new, completely revised and updated version of hismuch-acclaimed Prescriber's Guide, covering drugs to treat depression.
The Science of Happiness Unlocking the Mysteries of Mood, Stephen Braun, Dec 14, 2001, , 208pages. How should we define happiness–and how happy are we supposed to be Does eachof us have a genetically determined "set point" of happiness What dangers may lie in the new breed.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) past, present, and future, S. Clare Stanford, 1999,Medical, 221 pages. .
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Monograph Series, Volumes 13-14 , , 1995, Medical, . .
The Antidepressant Sourcebook A User's Guide for Patients and Families, Andrew L. Morrison,M.D., Feb 24, 2010, Medical, 304 pages. In 1998, over 120 million prescriptions were written forantidepressants. That number is projected to rise by almost thirty million by the end of 2000. Despitethis growing .
Better Than Prozac Creating the Next Generation of Psychiatric Drugs, Samuel H. Barondes, Jan14, 2005, Health & Fitness, 219 pages. Every day millions of people take psychiatric drugs. In BetterThan Prozac Samuel Barondes considers the benefits and limitations of Prozac, Ritalin, Valium,Risperdal, and .
Natural Alternatives (p Rozac) to Prozac , Michael & N D Murray, Michael T. Murray, Dec 16, 1998,Health & Fitness, 240 pages. Though millions of depressed Americans take Prozac safely andsuccessully, many others suffer uncomfortable or even dangerous side effects. But they needn'tdespair: In this .
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5-HTP nature's serotonin solution, Ray Sahelian, Jun 1, 1998, Health & Fitness, 210 pages. Anexpert's look at the benefits of supplemental 5-HTP and how to use it.
The Future of Antidepressants The New Wave of Research, Heather Docalavich, Nov 24, 2006, ,104 pages. Examines how theories about the causes of depression have evolved, how biology playsa role in depression, and how treatments have developed, and discusses current therapeutic .
Taking Antidepressants Your Comprehensive Guide to Starting, Staying On, and Safely Quitting,Michael D Banov, 2010, MEDICAL, 304 pages. Walks readers through a personalized process,helping them make the right choice about starting, staying on, and stopping antidepressants.
Talking Back To Prozac What Doctors Aren't Telling You About Today's Most Controversial Drug,Peter R. Breggin, MD, Sep 15, 1995, Health & Fitness, 318 pages. The book that tells the reader thetruth behind the testing of prozac and its potentially frightening side effects. Find out what Prozac'slabel doesn't say; the panic and .
Beating the Blues : New Approaches to Overcoming Dysthymia and Chronic Mild Depression NewApproaches to Overcoming Dysthymia and Chronic Mild Depression, Michael E. Thase M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Director of the Mood Disorders Module University of PittsburghSchool of Medicine, Susan S. Lang M.D. Senior Science Writer Cornell University, Jan 15, 2004,Psychology, 208 pages. Mild depressions are so insidious that sufferers often don't seek help. Theythink, "that's just the way I am. There's really not much I can do about it." As Dr. Michael Thase .
Prozac Backlash Overcoming the Dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Other Antidepressants withSafe, Effective Alternatives, Joseph Glenmullen, Apr 17, 2001, Family & Relationships, 383 pages.
In a controversial look at the potent drugs millions of Americans consume each day--for everythingfrom anxiety to sexual addiction--Dr. Glenmullen presents authoritative .
When the original edition of Prozac and the New Antidepressants was published just three yearsago, more than eleven million people were taking Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and the other "newantidepressants"-amid a swirling national debate about their effectiveness, their dangers, and theirsocietal implications. Today the number is estimated to have almost doubled, and the number ofnew drugs being used to treat depression has also increased significantly. But what do most ofthese people really know about these so-called miracle drugs? In this practical and user-friendlyguide, Harvard Medical School professor William Appleton answers all the important basicquestions, including: This "little" book (it can be read in a few hours yet consulted as a comprehensive reference tool) isthe one own if you must limit yourself to one (and given the abundance of material in print andon-line, it may be wise to have just one reliable resource). It provides user-friendly yet responsibleinformation about all of the SSRI's (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil) as well as the drugs that preceded them(tricyclics, benzodiazapines) and the more recent antidepressants (Effexor, Remeron, Celexa).
Appleton looks at many promising drugs awaiting approval as well as the vast number of toutedherbal remedies. The author has no agenda. He provides balanced information about thepercentage of consumers who are likely to be helped and to what degree. He also suggests 2 and3-step drug programs for individuals who are "treatment-resistant." Best of all, the author combinesappreciation for the medical efficacy of certain drugs with healthy skepticism and an experiencedprofessional's common-sense.
As a support person for a clinically depressed person, this book provides a wealth of up-to-dateinformation that assists in guiding the reader through the maze, and often complicated world, ofpsychopharmacology. What makes this book so useful is Dr. Appleton's combination of the review ofresearch with his own clinical judgment. In addition, the book is one of the few that I have found that reviews psychopharmacological drugs with options for other treatments if drugs (which don't helpapporximately twenty percent of patients who take them) don't work. The book is easy to read withboth technical information and "translations" for the lay person.
This is the most reader-friendly, reliable, balanced overview of the field of pyschoactive drugs thatI've been able to lay my hands on. Having been overwhelmed by the technical and profuselanguage of the PDR and Merck Manuals, and having been misled by the many popular books thattout Prozac and its many descendents as surefire "happy" pills, it's refreshing and reassuring to finda book this clear and discriminating. Use it as a reference book as well as an introductory text to theentire field (it can be read in several hours). Those who require the "placebo" effect of an unqualifiedendorsement of these drugs may wish to avoid the book. On the other hand, those who havediscovered that Prozac is not necessarily any more effective than tryciclics or who have experiencednegative reactions from an SSRI, will certainly appreciate this author's warnings and disclaimersalong with the encouraging but candid claims about how much a drug might actually contribute towell-being. Let the drug companies provide the hype; Appleton simply provides clear and accurateinformation (his is one of the few books, for example, to point out the dangers of combining Ultramwith an antidepressant).
The book is not very long but offers just the right amount of information and makes for easy readingwithout all the technical jargon. It gives a very informative background on the various newantidepressants and is a must read for those already on antidepressants who are curious or haveconcerns about what they are currently taking. What I liked most were the comparisons of thevarious kinds of new antidepressants as well as the side effects known to each.
Dr. Appleton has never taken any money from a drug company and so he is able to write acompletely honest book. He understands what depression is and how it can harm your life and heoffers a realistic and TRUSTWORTHY view of the drugs. Anyone considering taking anantidepressant or caring for a depressed friend or relative should consider this book requiredreading. It's written so clearly, while grounded in careful research, that it is easy to understand andmakes the decision to use a drug (or try a different one) simple and less fearful. I have bought manycopies for friends who agree.
I'm quite surprised by the last review. I wonder if it was even intended for this book. Dr. Appleton iscertianly not against drug therapies-he's for well-informed patients. His book is reassuring. Itanswers all the questions you wish your doctor had the time to respond to. It makes sense of theconfusing variety of antidepressants available. I would highly recommend this book as an invaluableresource for anyone who is depressed or who is caring for a depressed family member or friend.
I recommend in my own book that every patient, as well as supporter, needs to become educatedabout their brain disorder - depression or bipolar disorder. This book is extremely helpful in teachingpeople about the medications used to treat these disorders. It is easy-to-understand, yet verythorough - this is not an intimidating book to read.
As a person who suffers from depression and has found anti-depressents to only partially work, Ifound this book to be excellent. The author is neither strongly pro-drug nor strongly anti-drug.
Instead, he points out (from both scientific studies and professional experience as a psychiatrist),that sometimes things work and sometimes they don't. But he also covers side effects, druginteractions, and possible reasons why a drug might not be effective for a particular case. If you arelooking for an honest, informed, professional opinion, backed up by experience and an objectivereview of the evidence, then this book is for you. If you are looking for the one best answer, or for ananti-drug tirade, or for a pro-drug solution, then skip this book because you will not be happy withthis book's honesty.
Much has been written and debated from about Prozac and the other new antidepressants, but mostof this information focuses on the ethical and societal implications of the drugs and not on thepractical information most people want to know. In this sensible and use-friendly guide, HarvardMedical School professor William Appleton answers all the questions we have about Pro.more Much has been written and debated from about Prozac and the other new antidepressants, but mostof this information focuses on the ethical and societal implications of the drugs and not on thepractical information most people want to know. In this sensible and use-friendly guide, HarvardMedical School professor William Appleton answers all the questions we have about Prozac and theother new antidpressants.(less) -- What can I do if none of the drugs can help me?This completely revised and updated editionexamines current trends in the ongoing debate about antidepressants, including a discussion of theherbal remedy St. John's Wort and up-to-the-minute information on all the latest medications beingused to treat depression.(less) More than 11 million people worldwide are currently taking Prozac, but what do most of thesepeople really know about this so-called miracle drug and the other new antidepressants beingprescribed? This comprehensive look at each of these drugs and their pros and cons answers suchquestions as: Will Prozac make me lose the essense of my personality or make me out of control?Can I take other drugs along with Prozac? Are these drugs addictive? What are the side effects, andhow can I manage them? And much more. .
Appleton offers a cutting-edge look at the current crop of antidepressants. However, this isn't just arecitation of facts, but also Appleton offering his own views about the state of medication in oursociety. I only share some of his views. It's worth checking out to see if you agree with him. Alsoworth checking out if you're considering taking an antidepressant and want to get a feel for what'savailable.
If you're looking to 'compare & contrast' antidepressants, this is the book for you. Although the gooddoctor has a decided preference for Prozac, & tends to pooh-pooh the merits of the other SSRI's &newer antidepressants, he does give honest pros & cons for all. I particularly appreciated theinformation given on side-effects.
More than eleven million people take antidepressants today. But what do we really know aboutthese so-called miracle drugs?As the number of people suffering from depression rises, so does thenumber of prescription drugs, treatments, and cure-alls that flood the market. But how much do weknow about their effectiveness, dangers, and side effects? In this revised and updated edition of hisauthoritative guide, Harvard Medical School professor William S. Appleton shares the latestresearch findings and treatment techniques, along with illuminating case histories, to answer all yourquestions about the new antidepressants. This practical, accessible book will help you: -- Recognizethe various forms of depression-- Decide whether you should take antidepressants -- and whichones are right for you-- Understand how these medications work-- Learn how antidepressantsinteract with other medications -- including Viagra-- Discover how antidepressants and therapy worktogetherPlusimportant information on: -- The latest treatments available-- The newestantidepressants on the market -- including Celexa and Desyrel-- Dosage: when to increase andwhen to decrease-- Side effects: what to do about hair loss, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction--Herbal alternatives like St. John's wort-- What to do if nothing works-- The future ofantidepressants. and much more 20 percent activities alcohol anti antidepres antidepressant drugs behavior believe better bipolarbipolar disorder blood level blood pressure cause Celexa chronic Clinical Psychiatry clinical trialscombination cure danger depres depressed mood depressed patients desipramine dizziness doctordosage dose double-blind dry mouth dysthymia dysthymic effective in treating Effexor efficacy Elavilfatigue feel fluoxetine headache hypomanic illness improve increase insomnia interactions John'swort Journal of Clinical less lithium Luvox major depressive disorder mania MAOIs medication mildmonths Nardil nausea nefazodone neurotransmitters norepinephrine obsessive-compulsive disorderoccur older antidepressants outpatients overdose pain panic disorder paroxetine Paxil physician pillplacebo prescribed problem Prozac Psychiatry psychopharmacologist psychotherapy releasedRemeron response reuptake inhibitor seizure serotonin reuptake Serzone severely depressedsexual dysfunction sexual side effects sion sleep social phobia SSRIs stop taking studies sufferingsuicide suppl symptoms therapy tion Tofranil tolerate treatment tricyclic antidepressants Vestra William S. Appleton, M.D. is a psychiatrist who has been in private practice for forty years. He is theauthor of several books on psychiatric drugs written for professionals as well as general readers. Heis a member of the staff at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center, a Harvard teaching hospital.
In this sensible and user-friendly guide, Harvard Medical School professor William Appleton answersall the questions we have about Prozac and the other new antidepressants (Zoloft, Paxil, Wellbutrin,Effexor, and Desyrel), including: How do I know if I need to take an antidepressant?; Does takingProzac mean I'm mentally ill?; Will I lose the essence of my personality?; If they work, will I have totake drugs my whole life?; Which of the various antidepressants should I choose?; What can I do ifnothing can help me? Portions of this page may be (c) 2006 Muze Inc. Some database content may also be provided byBaker & Taylor Inc. Copyright 1995-2006 Muze Inc. For personal non-commercial use only. All rightsreserved. Content for books is owned by Baker & Taylor, Inc. or its licensors and is subject tocopyright and all other protections provided by applicable law.


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