HEROIN® and ASPIRIN® The Connection! & The Collection! - Part I
Dreser (1860-1924) a chemist, worked for
Friedrich Bayer & Company, a dye factory
when anything from the East was linked to
would be developed. He had also negotiated
seafaring and exploring re-introduced the
laboratory Heinrich Dreser was responsible
drug in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
for the launch of two drugs that have shaped
Portuguese sailors are thought to have been
the way we live: aspirin, the world’s most
the first to smoke opium, around 1500. As
successful legal drug; and heroin, the most I. History of Opium, Morphine, and
successful illegal drug. Heroin®
instantaneous effect, contrasted with eating
The early scientist, Paracelsus [Figure 5] first compounded laudanum, an
by Bayer and was registered as a trademark
and pods, dating from the Neolithic age –
the “New Stone Age,” a period running
poppy was cultivated in lower Mesopotamia
it Hul Gil, the “joy plant.” The Sumerians
[Figure 1]. The drug was
cultivation and passed it to the Assyrians,
named the pain reliever after the medicine’s
active ingredient – “a” from acetyl, “spir”
their capital city of Thebes. From Thebes,
from the spires plants (which yields salicin)
and “in,” a common suffix for medications.
that period, opium’s effects were considered
some prevalence in the early 1600s in Persia
Heinrich Dreser
Heinrich Dreser [Figure 2]
Hippocrates [Figure 3], dismissed the idea
around the world during this period. Opium
[Figure 6] were
a professor at Bonn University in 1893.
Company (originally a dye producing firm),
Alexander the Great [Figure 4] introduced
the efficacy and safety of new drugs.
in testing. The credit for originating new
United States during the first half of the
19th century by means of these treatments.
containing opium as sedatives for children
using opium for recreational purposes seem
to have been primarily English literary and
creative personalities, such as Thomas de
Figure 12
Quincey, Byron, Shelley, Barrett-Browning,
and England began in 1839 as a result of a
Chinese ban on opium traffic, and an order
reliability, long-lasting effects, and safety
for all foreign traders to surrender their
were extolled. In fact, despite its potential
for addiction, morphine is still the premier
drug used for extreme pain in hospitals and
as part of their bounty – it was returned to
China 156 years later in 1997. The Second
Figure 10
practice of smoking the drug in [collectible]
crowded industry, with several well-known
pipes [Figures 7, 8, 9, and 10]. The
Cabot and John Cushing, of Boston, worked
opium in China in order to create a trade
balance for all of the tea from China they
wealth. John Jacob Astor of New York City
instantaneous and three times more potent
ban, in 1729, of opium for anything other
but later confined his opium selling to the
the second half of the eighteenth century,
the course of being treated for their war-
the opium trade out of Calcutta to China.
the early 19th century. By 1830, British use
opium per year by 1767, and by 1858, that
opium. By the end of the century, the British
imported from Turkey and India that year.
was actually cheaper than beer or wine.
1799, all opium trade was banned in China,
“cures”) of all descriptions, and opium
preparations such as Dover’s powder, were
nearly half of all of the opium coming out
1742) [Figure 13],
of Smyrna, Turkey for export to Europe and
Figure 14
In 1803, Friedrich Sertuerner [Figure 11] of Germany synthesized morphine Figure 13
began manufacturing over the counter drug
kits [Figure 14]. These Figure 11 Figure 15
zoologist), [Figure 12] had first classified
heroin) and/or cocaine packaged neatly in
grew steadily in England, Europe, and the
attractive engraved cases [Figures 15 and
rapidly at the end of the 19th and beginningof the 20th centuries. Various medicaljournals of the time wrote of heroin as amorphine step-down cure. Otherphysicians argued, on the other hand, that
Figure 17
their patients suffered from heroinwithdrawal symptoms as severe as
Figure 16
English researcher, C. R. Wright. The drug
went unstudied and unused until 1895 when
drugs and enacted the Dangerous Drug Act.
By the time this law was passed, however,
it was already too late. A market for heroin
Figure 18 Figure 19
without the common morphine side effects.
medication for coughs, chest pains, and the
discomfort of tuberculosis. This effect was
of death at that time – prior to the discovery
during this period was due in large part to
of antibiotics. Heroin was touted to doctors
the drug (mostly in collectible glass bottles,
[Figures 17, 18, and 19]), being brought Figure 20 Figure 21
codeine. It was thought to be nonaddictive,
and even thought to be a cure for morphine
who came here to work on the railroads.
ment’s Narcotics Division (the first federal
famous names of the period like “Wild Bill”
supposed great potential, Dreser derived his
Hickok [Figure 20] and Kit Carson[Figure 21] actually frequented opium dens more
1920, forcing addicts to buy from illegal
often than saloons. The stereotyped picture
we have of the cowhand belly up to the bar
drinking whiskey straight after a long hard
ride on the dusty trail is only part of the
consumption in China, India, and Burma. Discovery of Heroin®
cowhand was not belly up to a bar at all.
opium was restricted to registered Chinese
opium smokers and Indian opium eaters.
company of an oriental prostitute. It was
to spend several days and nights at a time
morphine, as previously indicated, had been
the lower region of Burma thrived despite
British efforts to maintain a strict monopoly
eventually becoming physically addicted to
on the opium trade. To this day, the Shan
commercial potential. Scientists had been
is one of the world’s leading centers of
looking for some time for a non-addictive
substitute for morphine, then widely used
century, the Chinese leadership worked in
companies to label their patent medicines
respiratory diseases. If diacetylmorphine
a variety of ways to stop the flow of opium
with their complete contents. As a result,
could be shown to be such a product, Bayer
into their country. In 1910, after 150 years
the availability of opiate drugs in the U.S.
– and Dreser – would hit the jackpot.
significantly declined. In 1909, Congress
in the Bayer laboratory in 1897 – by Felix
convince the British to dismantle the India-
abuse and addiction. It required doctors,
legislation on narcotics, which imposed a
prescribed narcotics (cocaine and heroin)
on animals, on some Bayer’s workers, and
was four times stronger than morphine.
Creating the brand name “Heroin®” was
Naturalists and Physicians, claiming it was
medicine than codeine but had only a tenth
of its toxic effects. It was also more effective
than morphine as a painkiller. “It was safe.It wasn’t habit-forming.” In short, Dreser
public but the publicity material sent to
what was then a desperate need – not for a
[Figure 23]. One
already stated, tuberculosis and pneumonia
were then the leading causes of death, and
severely incapacitating. Heroin, which both
depresses respiration and, as a sedative,
gives a restorative night’s sleep, seemed a
godsend at the turn of the 20th century. Figure 23
already written about the drug in medical
journals and studies had endorsed his view
that heroin could be effective in treating
Journal in 1900. “It’s not hypnotic, and
– [Figure 22] there’s no danger of acquiring a habit.”
would later be done with Aspirin®, flyers
Figure 22
thousands to physicians in Europe and the
report patients developing “tolerance” to
U.S. (For the information of collectors, the
denounced it as “an extremely dangerouspoison.” By 1902, when heroin sales were
ton of heroin a year, and exporting the drug
Bayer’s net profits, French and American
to 23 countries. The country where it really
addicts, a craze for patent medicines, and
a relatively lax regulatory framework.
around the world, and most were favorable,
if cautious. In 1906 the American Medical
lacing their products with Bayer heroin.
There were heroin pastilles, heroin cough
use, though with strong reservations about
lozenges, heroin tablets, water-soluble salts
a “habit” that was “readily formed.”
and a heroin elixir in a glycerine solution.
(The containers for these various products
are what hundreds of collectors seek today.)
heroin-related admissions at New York andPhiladelphia hospitals, and in East Coast
Habit-forming Nostrums
of those that contained habit-forming drugs
“junkie.” Heroin had, and has, a number
indica; et cetera (all containers of these
smack, skag, dope, H, junk, hammer, slow,
gear, harry, piss, shit and horse. Prohibition
next year the use of heroin withoutprescription was outlawed in the U.S. (Acourt ruling in 1919 also determined itillegal for doctors to prescribe it to addicts.)
project, this disappointment could havespelled career disaster. Luckily, althoughhis first “baby” was showing signs ofturning into a monster, he had belatedlyadopted another: aspirin. ResearcherArthur Eichengruen, refusing to acceptDreser’s rejection of ASA (acetylsalicylicacid), had continued to investigate it andto lobby for its development. Eventually,Dreser recognizing which way the wind wasblowing, tested ASA on himself and finallypublished an enthusiastic scientific paperrecommending it, particularly for thetreatment of rheumatism – but calculatinglyomitting to mention the contributions ofEichengruen and chemist Felix Hoffmann. In February 1899, the Brand name“Aspirin®” was registered, and in June,was launched by Bayer.
itself. As a painkiller without undesirableside effects, it was unique. By the end of1899 it was being used all over Europe andthe U.S., and by the time the heroin bubbleburst, aspirin had more than filled the gap. The Bayer company was on its way tobecoming an industrial giant.
to have received any special compensationfor their efforts. For Dreser, though, therewards were spectacular.
The next issue of Bottles and Extras will
conclude this article with Part II, which willbegin with “The History of Aspirin.”
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46th ICHA – 8 OCTOBER 2012 CLOSING REMARKS BY THE CHAIRMAN Today, 52 countries were represented (49 members and 3 observers). We have been listening to various presentations during the day and there were many other meetings organized during the previous week. So what are the principal conclusions of these meetings and of today’s Conference ? A- GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND REGULATORY ISSUE