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1. Geiss-Granadia, T. (2000). Untersuchung zur Erfassung von Unterschieden
in der Akzeptanz von Club D&A Selbsthilfegruppen bzw. dem erzielten subjektiven Profit bei „Angstpatienten“ (Primäre Angsterkrankung) im Vergleich zu „Depressiv-ängstlichen Patienten“. Ich und Du – Die Zeitung des Club D&A – Depression und Angst, Interessenvertretung und Selbsthilfegruppen, 33, 4. 2. Geiss-Granadia, T. (2000). Soziale Phobie – Eine Angsterkrankung im
Verborgenen. Arzt + Praxis, 858, 530. 3. Trimmel, M., Goger, Ch., Geiss-Granadia, T., & Spitzer, U. (2003). Impact of
emotional connotation of sound stimulation on brain DC potentials, annoyance and on impact of emotional evaluation of a cognitive task. [Abstract] Euronoise 2003, 5th European Conference on Noise Control, 19.-21. May 2003, Naples, Italy. 4. Geiss-Granadia, T. (2003). The effect of emotions induced by music and
affective picutures on scalp recorded direct current potentials and event related potentials. Master thesis. University of Vienna. 5. Geiss-Granadia, T., Goger, C., Spitzer, U., & Trimmel M. (2003). Brain DC
potential changes of emotional decisions during emotional background stimulation. Oral presentation at the 5th Triennial European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM) Conference, 8.-13. September 2003, Hannover, Germany. Published in the ESCOM-Proceedings, ISBN: 3-931852-66-0: S318. 6. Goger, C., Geiss-Granadia, T., Spitzer U. & Trimmel, M. (2003). Brain DC-
potential changes indicate a Mozart effect. [Abstract] 5th Triennial European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM) Conference, 8.-13. September 2003, Hannover, Germany. Published in the ESCOM-Proceedings, ISBN: 3-931852-66-0: S319. 7. Trimmel, M., Goger, C. & Geiss-Granadia, T. (2003). Brain DC potentials
during listening to Mozart´s sonata and ERPs of subsequent tasks. [Abstract] 5th Congress of the Federation of European Psychophysiology Societies, 10.14. September 2003, Bordeaux, France. Published in Journal of Psychophysiology, 17, Suppl. 1, 66. 8. Geiss-Granadia, T. (2003). Club D&A und Wissenschaft – Früherkennung
von seelischen Erkrankungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Ich und Du – Die Zeitung des Club D&A – Depression und Angst, Interessenvertretung und Selbsthilfegruppen, 45, 6. 9. Tauscher, J., Wiesegger, G., Klein, N., Sacher, J., Asenbaum, S., Mossaheb, N., Attarbaschi, T., Winkler, D., Geiss-Granadia, T., Dudczak, R. & Kasper, S.
(2003). In vivo quantification of dopamine D2 receptor occupancy with long-
acting risperidone microspheres using [123I] IBZM and SPECT
. [Poster] 42nd
Annual Meeting of the ACNP, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Wiesegger, G, Sacher, J., Klein, N., Asenbaum, S., Mossaheb, N.,
Attarbaschi, T., Geiss-Granadia, T., Winkler, D., Dudczak, D., Kasper, S. &
Tauscher, J. (2004). In vivo 123Iodobenzamide SPECT quantification of striatal
Dopamine D2 receptor occupancy with long-acting risperdione im injections.

[Poster] SOBP, New York, USA, 29 April – 1 May, 2004.
11. Klein, N., Sacher, J., Mossaheb, N., Attarbaschi, T., Geiss-Granadia, T.,
Lanzenberger, R., Wiesegger, G, Asenbaum, S., Pötzi, C., Dobrozemsky, G., Dudczak, D., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2004). [123I]ADAM: a novel SPECT ligand for quantification of serotonin transporters in humans. [Poster] SOBP, New York, USA. 12. Schönbeck, G., Kiesenhofer, G. & Geiss-Granadia, T. (2004). Milnacipran in
anxiety spectrum disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and hypochondriasis with comorbid depression. [Poster] 24th CINP Congress, Paris, France, June 20-24, 2004. Published in Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacology 7 (Suppl. 1): S196. 13. Klein, N., Sacher, J., Asenbaum, S., Pötzi, C., Mossaheb, N., Attarbaschi, T., Dobrozemsky, G., Lanzenberger, R., Wiesegger, G., Geiss-Granadia, T.,
Dudczak, R., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2004). [123I]ADAM: a novel SPECT
ligand for quantification of serotonin transporters in humans
. [Poster] 17th
ECNP Congress, Stockholm, Sweden. October 9-13, 2004. Published in
European. Neuropsychopharmacology 14 (Suppl. 3): S219.
Attarbaschi, T., Klein, N., Wiesegger, G., Mossaheb, N., Sacher, J.,
Lanzenberger, R., Geiss-Granadia, T., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R., Kasper,
S. & Tauscher, J. (2004). Quantification of striatal D2 receptor occupancy in
bipolar patients treated with olanzapine using [123I]Iodobenzamide and
. [Poster] 17th ECNP Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, October 9-13,
2004. Published in European. Neuropsychopharmacology 14 (Suppl. 3):
15. Attarbaschi, T., Geiss-Granadia, T., Sacher, J., Klein, N., Mossaheb, N.,
Wiesegger, G., Lanzenberger, R., Asenbaum, S., Tauscher-Wisniewski, S., Dudczak, R., Doby, D., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2004). Striatal D2 receptor occupancy in bipolar patients treated with olanzapine. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) – 42nd annual meeting. Caribe Hilton San Juan, Puerto Rico. December 7-11, 2004. Neuropsychopharmacology 2004: 29 (Suppl 1): S196. 16. Attarbaschi, T., Geiss-Granadia, T., Sacher, J., Klein, N., Mossaheb, N.,
Wiesegger, G., Lanzenberger, R., Asenbaum, S., Tauscher-Wisniewski, S., Dudczak, R., Doby D., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2005). Striatal D2 receptor occupancy in bipolar patients treated with olanzapine. [Poster] ECNP Workshop on Neuropsychopharmacology for Young Scientists in Europe, Nice, France. March 3-6, 2005.
17. Sacher, J., Klein, N., Geiss-Granadia, T., Mossaheb, N., Attarbaschi, T.,
Holik, A., Asenbaum, S., Pötzi, Chr., Dobrozemsky, G., Dudczak, R., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2005). Quantification of serotonin transporters with [123I]ADAM and SPECT in healthy human subjects: Preliminary data on tracer kinetics. [Poster] ECNP Workshop on Neuropsychopharmacology for Young Scientists in Europe, Nice, France. March 3-6, 2005. 18. Sacher, J., Klein, N., Geiss-Granadia, T., Mossaheb, N., Dobrozemsky, G.,
Asenbaum, S., Pötzi, Chr., Dudczak, R., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2005). Quantification of serotonin transporters with [123I]ADAM and SPECT in healthy human subjects. [Poster] SOBP, Atlanta, USA; May 18-21, 2005. 19. Attarbaschi, T., Geiss-Granadia, T., Sacher, J., Klein, N., Mossaheb, N.,
Wiesegger, G., Lanzenberger, R., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R., Doby D., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2005). D2 receptor occupancy of olanzapine in bipolar patients. [Poster] SOBP, Atlanta, USA; May 18-21, 2005. 20. Lanzenberger, R., Kasper, S., Spindelegger, C., Holik, A., Geiss-Granadia,
T., Mitterhauser, M., Wadsak, W., Mien, K., Sacher, J., Klein, N., Attarbaschi,
T., Mossaheb, N., Kletter, K., Dudczak, R. & Tauscher, J. (2005). Regulation
of serotonergic excitability in the human amygdala by steroid hormones – A
PET study.
[Poster] AEP Neuroimaging Meeting, Berlin, Germany; May 26-27,
21. Spindelegger, C.; Lanzenberger, R., Mitterhauser, M., Holik, A., Sacher, J., Wadsak, W., Mossaheb, N., Mien, K., Geiss-Granadia, T., Attarbaschi, T.,
Klein, N., Wiesegger, G., Tauscher, J., Kletter, K., & Kasper, S. (2005).
Influence of ROI size on 5-HT1A binding potential values in raphe nuclei using
PET and [11C]WAY-100635.
[Poster] AEP Neuroimaging Meeting, Berlin,
Germany; May 26-27, 2005.
22. Sacher, J., Klein, N., Geiss-Granadia, T., Mossaheb, N., Attarbaschi, T.,
Holik, A., Pötzi, Chr., Lanzenberger, R., Dudczak, R., Kasper, S., Tauscher, J. & Asenbaum, S. (2005). A new SERT-Tracer for SPECT: Kinetic data on [123I]ADAM in healthy human subjects. [Poster] WFSBP - 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, June 28–July 3, 2005; Published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6 (Suppl. 1): S156. 23. Klein, N., Sacher, J., Geiss-Granadia, T., Attarbaschi, T., Mossaheb, N.,
Lanzenberger, R., Pötzi, Chr., Holik, A., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R. & Kasper, S. (2005). In vivo imaging of serotonin transporter occupancy. [Poster] WFSBP - 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, June 28–July 3, 2005; Published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6 (Suppl. 1): S255. 24. Spindelegger, J. C., Lanzenberger, R., Mitterhauser, M., Sacher, J., Wadsak, W., Mossaheb, N., Mien, L-K., Geiss-Granadia, T., Attarbaschi, T., Klein, N.,
Holik, A., Wiesegger, G., Tauscher, J., Kasper, S. & Kletter, K. (2005).
Predicting 5-HT1A binding potential using reduced acquisition time in PET.
[Poster] WFSBP - 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna,
Austria, June 28–July 3, 2005; Published in The World Journal of Biological
Psychiatry 6
(Suppl. 1): S257.
Lanzenberger, R., Mien, L-K., Spindelegger, J. C., Geiss-Granadia, T.,
Mitterhauser, M., Mossaheb, N., Wadsak, W., Sacher, J., Attarbaschi, T.,
Klein, N., Holik, A., Wiesegger, G., Kasper, S., Kletter, K. & Tauscher, J.
(2005). 5-HT1A BP in limbic areas correlates with sex hormone plasma levels
in men. [Free Communication] WFSBP - 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, June 28–July 3, 2005; Published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6 (Suppl. 1): S172. 26. Mossaheb, N., Attarbaschi, T., Sacher, J., Geiss-Granadia, T. & Kasper, S.
(2005). Current state of research of antipsychotic augmentation strategies in patients resistant to clozapine. [Poster] WFSBP - 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, June 28–July 3, 2005; Published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6 (Suppl. 1): S299. 27. Geiss-Granadia, T., Spindelegger, J. C., Lanzenberger, R., Mossaheb, N.,
Wadsak, W., Mitterhauser, M., Mien, L-K., Klein, N., Holik, A., Attarbaschi, T., Sacher, J., Wiesegger, G., Kletter, K., Tauscher, J. & Kasper, S. (2005). Topological pattern of PET measured 5-HT1A receptor down- and up-regulation during treatment with escitalopram. [Poster] WFSBP - 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, June 28–July 3, 2005; Published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6 (Suppl. 1): S258. 28. Attarbaschi, T., Geiss-Granadia, T., Sacher, J., Klein, N., Mossaheb, N.,
Wiesegger, G., Lanzenberger, R., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R., Doby D., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2005). D2 receptor occupancy of olanzapine in bipolar patients. [Poster] WFSBP - 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, June 28–July 3, 2005; Published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 6 (Suppl. 1): S181. 29. Sacher, J., Klein, N., Geiss-Granadia, T., Mossaheb, N., Attarbaschi, T.,
Lanzenberger, R., Pötzi, C., Spindelegger, C., Holik, A., Asenbaum, S, Dudczak, R., Tauscher, J. & Kasper, S. (2005). Quantification of serotonin transporters with [123I]ADAM and SPECT in healthy human subjects: Data on tracer kinetics & serotonin transporter occupancy after application of Escitalopram and Citalopram. [Poster] 1. PhD-Symposium, Medical University Vienna, Austria, June 23-24, 2005; Published in Congress-Proceedings, S84. 30. Klein, N., Sacher, J., Geiss-Granadia, T., Attarbaschi, T., Mossaheb, N.,
Lanzenberger, R., Pötzi, Chr., Spindelegger C., Holik, A., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R., Tauscher, J. & Kasper, S. (2005). Serotonin transporter occupancy after application of escitalopram and citalopram to healthy volunteers assessed by SPECT and the novel radioligand [I123]ADAM. [Poster] ECNP - 18th ECNP Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 22-26, 2005. Sacher, J., Asenbaum, S., Klein, N., Geiss-Granadia, T., Mossaheb, N.,
Pötzi, C., Attarbaschi, T., Lanzenberger, R., Spindelegger, C., Rabas, A.,
Heinze, G., Dudczak, R., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2006). Binding Kinetics of
123I-ADAM in healthy controls: A selective SERT radioligand.
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 10 (2): 211-8.
32. Sacher, J., Mossaheb, N., Klein, N., Spindelegger, C., Geiss-Granadia, T.,
Lanzenberger, R., Lackner, E., Joukhadar, C., Müller, M. & Kasper, S. (2006). Influence of treatment with olanzapine or ziprasidone on glucose-metabolism by means of hyperinsulimic euglycaemic clamp in healthy volunteers. [Poster], 61th Annual Convention of SOBP – Society of Biological Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada; May 18-20, 2006. 33. Klein, N., Sacher, J., Geiss-Granadia, T., Attarbaschi, T., Mossaheb, N.,
Lanzenberger, R., Spindelegger C., Holik, A., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R., Tauscher, J. & Kasper, S. (2006). Multiple dose administration of escitalopram resulted in a higher serotonin transporter occupancy than citalopram: a [I123]ADAM SPECT study in healthy volunteers. [Poster], 61th Annual Convention of SOBP – Society of Biological Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada; May 18-20, 2006. 34. Spindelegger, C., Tauscher, J., Klein, N., Mien, L-K., Holik, A., Moser, U., Wadsak, W., Attarbaschi, T., Mitterhauser, M., Lanzenberger, R., Mossaheb,
N., Geiss-Granadia, T., Sacher, J., Kletter, K. & Kasper, S. (2006). Anxiety
scores correlate negatively with the Serotonin-1A receptor binding
. [Poster],
HBM2006 Florence, Italy June 11-15, 2006.
35. Lanzenberger, R, Mitterhauser, M., Spindelegger, C., Wadsak, W., Klein, N., Mien, L-K., Holik, A., Attarbaschi, T., Mossaheb, N., Sacher, J., Geiss-
Granadia, T.
, Kletter, K., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2006). Reduced
serotonin-1A receptor binding in social anxiety disorder.
Biological Psychiatry,
Sep 14 [Epub ahead of print]
36. Klein, N., Sacher, J., Geiss-Granadia, T., Attarbaschi, T., Mossaheb, N.,
Lanzenberger, R., Pötzi, Chr., Holik, A., Spindelegger C., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R., Tauscher, J. & Kasper, S. (2006). In vivo imaging of serotonin transporter occupancy by means of SPECT and [123I]ADAM in healthy subjects administered different doses of escitalopram or citalopram. Psychopharmacology, 188(3): 263-72. 37. Attarbaschi, T., Sacher, J., Geiss-Granadia, T., Klein, N., Mossaheb, N.,
Lanzenberger, R., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R., Kasper, S. & Tauscher, J. (2006) Striatal D2 receptor occupancy in bipolar patients treated with olanzapine. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29. 38. Sacher, J., Mossaheb, N., Klein, N., Spindelegger, C., Geiss-Granadia, T.,
Lanzenberger, R., Lackner, E., Joukhadar, C., Müller, M. & Kasper, S. (2006). A hyperinsulimic euglycaemic clamp study investigating the influence of treatment with olanzapine or ziprasidone on glucose-metabolism in healthy subjects. [Poster] ECNP - 19th ECNP Congress, France, Paris, September 16-20, 2006. 39. Lanzenberger, R., Wadsak, W., Spindelegger, C., Mitterhauser, M., Klein, N., Mien, L-K., Attarbaschi, T., Mossaheb, N., Sacher, J., Holik, A., Geiss-
Granadia, T.
, Kletter, K. & Kasper, S. (2006). Hippocampal serotonin-1A
receptor binding correlates with cortisol plasma levels in social anxiety
[Poster] ECNP - 19th ECNP Congress, France, Paris, September 16-
20, 2006.
40. Spindelegger, C., Lanzenberger, R., Mitterhauser, M., Mien, L-K., Strzelecka, P., Wadsak, W., Moser, U., Klein, N., Holik, A., Attarbaschi, T., Sacher, J.,
Mossaheb, N., Geiss-Granadia, T., Kletter, K. & Kasper, S. (2006).
Progesterone modulates the serotonergic influence on autobiographic memory
in healthy men (PET study).
[Poster] ECNP - 19th ECNP Congress, France,
Paris, September 16-20, 2006.
41. Klein, N., Sacher, J., Geiss-Granadia, T., Mossaheb, N., Attarbaschi, T.,
Lanzenberger, R., Spindelegger C., Holik, A., Asenbaum, S., Dudczak, R., Tauscher, J. & Kasper, S. (2006). Higher serotonin transporter occupancy after multiple dose administration of escitalopram compared to citalopram: an [123I]ADAM SPECT study. Psychopharmacology 191(2): 333-9.

1. „Wohnen und Psyche“ – Beitrag in „Natur im Wohnraum – wie wohnen meine Gesundheit beeinflusst“ (2006) Christa Kummer/Rudolf Körber; ISBN 3-9023-44083

1. “Brain DC potential changes of emotional decisions during emotional background stimulation” Oral presentation at the 5th Triennial European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM) Conference, 8.-13. September 2003, Hannover, Germany. 2. “Seelische Wundversorgung nach psychischer Traumatisierung” Vortrag im Rahmen der Tätigkeit des Psychosozialen AKUTteams NÖ, vor Mitarbeitern des Arbeiter Samariter Bundes (ASB), 13. Februar 2006, Günselsdorf. 3. „Krisenintervention im Rettungsdienst“ Vortrag im Rahmen des Notarztkurses Wiener Neustadt 2007. 12. Mai 2007, Wr. Neustadt. 4. „Gewaltprävention in der Schule“ Vortrag mit anschließender Gruppenarbeit für das Lehrerkollegium des Öffentlichen Gymnasiums der Stiftung Theresianische Akademie, 20. Februar 2008, Wien. 5. „Von kleinen und großen Sorgen – schulpsychologische Beratung im Theresianum“ Vortrag im Rahmen der Hauptversammlung des Elternvereins des Öffentlichen Gymnasiums der Stiftung Theresianische Akademie, 26. November 2008, Wien. 6. „Gewaltprävention und Kommunikationsstrategien“ – Schulinternes Coaching für das Lehrerkollegium des Öffentlichen Gymnasiums der Stiftung Theresianische Akademie, 13. Mai 2009, Wien.


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