Energy GoStix Energy GoStix will help you power through your busy day, with zip to spare! Infused with 4Life Transfer Factor E-XF™ and a clever blend of energy-boosting ingredients, simply mix one citrus-orange pack with eight ounces of water and you’re good to go… and go… and go! ENERGY GoStix Ingredient List…
Vitamin A Eyesight, adapt to darkness, dry eyes. Antioxidant, immune stimulant. Excellent for skin, healing wounds, ageing skin+bone strength. Vitamin B2 Good for stress, fatigue, cracks in corner of mouth, gritty eyes. Transports blood sugar to muscles for energy. Also promotes good vision. Chromium Helps process sugar. Manufactures good cholesterol+insulin. Gets sugar into the cells so the body can use it L Glutamine Used as brain fuel as passes throught the ‘blood brain barriers’. Decreases sugar craving, carb+alcohol craving. Diminishes fatigue. Aids in the healing of ulcers. LArginine Enhances fat metabolism, good for weight loss as releases energy. Increases immunity as stimulates Thymus activity. Used by body builders. Increases male fertility. Helps with wound healing+lowers cholesterol. Taurine Enhances brain+heart function i.e. electrically active tissue. Stabilises cell membranes helping movement of potassium, sodium, calcium+magnesium in+out of the cells generating nerve impulses. Helps immunity, eye disease, liver+depression. Creatine Muscle bulker, provides energy to muscle cells, then metabolised to creatinine. Carnitine Improves heart function. Increases breakdown of fat, producing energy in the cells. L-Ornthine Can be made from arginine. Helps metabolise nitrogen(ammonia). Builds immunity promotes healing and liver regeneration. Eleuthero root extract-Siberian Ginseng Protects immune system, increases stamina+increases resistance to stress. Adrenal gland tonic+general tonic. American Ginseng Yin tonic. Increases tolerance to general stress, similar but milder to Korean ginseng. Supports adrenal glands. Cooling. T.M.C. Korean Ginseng Increases vitality+stamina. Helps body adapt to stress, fatigue+cold. Increases immune function, and resistance to infection Green tea leaf extract Antioxidant neutralising free radicals. Increases energy, helps with weight loss. Yerba Mate Stimulant+source of trace minerals. Produces natural energy withoutinterferring with sleep. Promotes balanced immune function. Cleanses the blood, tomes the nervous system+curbs appetite. Mace Increases energy, supports weak immune systems. Is an adaptogen. Regulates+supports the adrenal glands. Increases energy+endurance Rhodiola Increases resistance to chemical, biological+physical stressors. Benefits includes antidepressant, anticancer+protects the heart+nervous system. Enhances energy Guarana Improves memory,mood+alertness.increases physical endurance,maintain stamina+enhances energy. Fights fatigue, rejuvenates+relaxes the body. Helps release stored fat. Suppresses appetite.
Tumores quísticos del páncreas / Jean Michel Butte B y cols Rev. Chilena de Cirugía. Vol 56 - Nº 4, Junio 2004; págs. 341-345 TRABAJOS CIENTÍFICOS Drs. JEAN MICHEL BUTTE B, ENRIQUE NORERO M, IGNACIO DUARTE G, OSVALDO LLANOS LDepartamentos de Cirugía Digestiva y Anatomía Patológica, Facultad de Medicina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de ChileLos tumores quísticos del páncreas
ARTYKU£Y I ROZPRAWY Prawo prywatnemiêdzynarodowe. Zasady wyboruprawa w³aœciwego dla du¿ychryzyk ubezpieczeniowych. Zagadnienia praktyczne 1. Wprowadzenie W dniu 16 maja 2011 r. wesz³a w ¿ycie ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 2011 r. – Pra- wo prywatne miêdzynarodowe 1 (dalej: Ustawa). Ustawa wprowadza zna- cz¹ce regulacje tak¿e dla obrotu ubezpieczeniowego, chocia¿ prima facie mog³