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Guidelines for Application for position of
Foundation Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, HKCOG
Category A:
(1) The applicant is a FHKAM (O&G).
(2) The applicant is currently a certified subspecialist by overseas college with training programme acceptable to the HKCOG.
(3) If the applicant does not satisfy (2), the applicant has to satisfy the College that he/she has been practising reproductive medicine at a Fellowship level over thepreceding 5 years. The following will be required and considered by thecommittee: (a) The average number of patients with reproductive endocrine disorders or subfertility seen during one year over the preceding 5 years (dated back from1 January 2002).
(b) The average number and types of (i) medical, (ii) surgical and assisted reproductive technology procedures performed as principal physician or assupervising physician during one year over the preceding 5 years. Each case orprocedure should be submitted only by one applicant whose name is amongthe list of operators in the operation record. If there are more than one operatorin the list of operators, the operators should resolve among themselves whichoperator can submit the case.
(c) CME activities related to reproductive medicine. CME activities include research, teaching, attending conference related to reproductive medicine. Aminimum of 30 CME points related to reproductive medicine is required overthe preceding 5 years. The way of calculating CME points is similar to thecurrent CME system for general O&G. The College reserves the right toaccept or reject the subspecialty CME points claimed.
(d) The applicant has to submit a form (RM-I) with information on personal data, qualifications, previous training in reproductive medicine, years of practice inreproductive medicine and summary of experience. Additional informationcan be submitted in a curriculum vitae for the committee’s reference.
(e) Guideline on clinical experience expected in one year is presented in CATEGORY B
(2) has already been practising reproductive medicine over the preceding 5 years at a Fellowship level and has satisfied at least 80% of the clinical experiencerequirements of category A; i.e. 80% of each of the followings:3 (a), 3 (b) (i) and 3 (b) (ii).
Under these circumstances, the applicant will need to satisfy the remaining 20%of the requirements within the coming 1 year.
(3) has already been practising reproductive medicine over the preceding 4 years at a Fellowship level and has satisfied 100% of the clinical experience requirementsof category A; i.e. 100% of each of the followings:3 (a), 3 (b) (i) and 3 (b) (ii).
Under these circumstances, the applicant will need to continue to fulfil theserequirements in the coming 1 year so as to make up a total of 5 years.
(4) has showed evidence of CME activities related to reproductive medicine and duly Logging and submission of documentation of all cases managed within the year ofongoing practice following application is required.
Clinical experience in the supplementary year (RM-II & III) has to be certified by unithead/medical administrator of the hospital.
Prior registration and approval by Manpower & Subspecialty Committee, HKCOG ismandatory before commencement of logging of additional clinical experience.
With fulfilment of requirements and approval from College Council, full subspecialiststatus could be granted.
Deadline of application
Application must reach the College secretary on/before 28 February 2002.
The College reserves the right to ask for additional/detailed evidence
in support of the claims by the applicants.

Appendix I
Guideline on clinical experience expected in one year:
100 new cases of reproductive endocrine disorders and/or subfertility.
Full diagnostic work-up inclusive of counselling of 100 new cases of reproductive endocrine disorders and/orsubfertility (i) -Reproductive hormone therapy: (A total of 50 cases with no more than 15 cases in each category) a) Clomiphene citrate, metformin or other oral durgs for
induction of ovulation (other than bromocriptine) b) Human menopausal gonadotrophin or gonadotrophin
releasing hormone for induction of ovulation (cases enteredinto this category should not be recounted inii-a) c) Bromocriptine or other drugs for hyperprolactinaemia
d) GnRH agonists or Danazol for endometriosis
e) Progesterone, combined oestrogen/progesterone pills or
antiandrogens for polycystic ovarian disease f) Hormone replacement therapy
g) Other types of hormone therapy
(ii)-Assisted reproductive technology or reproductive surgical procedures: (A total of 200 procedures with a minimum of 20 procedures each incategories c and d).
a) Superovulation for IUI/IVF/GIFT
b) Intrauterine insemination
c) Oocyte retrieval
d) Embryo transfer
e) Gamete/zygote tubal transfer
f) Surgical operative procedures (laparoscopic/laparotomy) for treatment
of infertility(Diagnostic laparoscopy or hysteroscopy will not be counted and nomore than 25 cases in each categroy) Application for position of
Foundation Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, HKCOG
I would like to apply to be a foundation subspecialist in reproductive medicine.
Type of practice: HA / University / Private (delete as appropriate) Past Experience of Attachment / Training in reproductive medicine.
If yes, please specify (including dates, location & nature) Average number of new patients with reproductive endocrine disorders and/orsubfertility managed by you during one year over the preceding 5 years Reproductive endocrine disorders__________________________________ Subfertility _____________________________________________________ Others (specify)__________________________________________________ Average number of the following reproductive treatment proceduresperformed during one year over the preceding 5 years Superovulation for IUI/IVF/GIFT(inclusive of ovarian monitoring) Reproductive medicine related CME activities in the past 5 years (please useadditional sheets if necessary) Application for position of
Foundation Subspecialist in Reproductiv Medicine, HKCOG
List of new patients seen:
Period of time: from____/___/____ to _____/____/____ Diagnosis
*Include character and first 5 digits of ID. No. only Certification Unit Head/Hospital administrator Application for position of
Foundation Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, HKCOG
Summary of Clinical Experience in Treatment skills
Period of time: from____/___/____ to _____/____/____ Diagnosis
Treatment received
Certification Unit Head/Hospital administrator Application for position of
Foundation Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, HKCOG
Period of time : from _____/____/____ to ____/____/____ Use additional sheets if necessary


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