Iowa-grant school district

Board of Education
June 25, 2012
1.) President Christianson called the meeting to order in the IGEMS Library at 7:05 p.m. a. Roll call. Members present at roll call: Peggy Barton, Steve Christianson, Chad Hahn, Brian Nodolf, and Loras Winders. Kris Meuer arrived at 7:10 p.m. b. Supt. Erickson certified proper notice of this meeting was given on Thursday, June 21st.
c. Motion by Winders, seconded by Hahn, to approve the agenda as posted. Motion carried.
d. Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Winders, to approve the June 11, 2012 school board meeting
2.) Opportunity For Public Input – None. 3.) Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Winders, to acknowledge the receipt of signed contracts from Ryan Allen (head wrestling coach), Mark Flanagan (middle school boys basketball), Deanna Fulton (head softball coach), Curt Hildreth (assistant boys basketball coach), Craig Jenkins (middle school girls basketball coach), Eric Johannesen (FFA advisor), Ashley Mergen (middle school girls basketball), Jennifer Pross (secondary math schedule overload) and from the following teaching staff listed below for the 2012-2013 contract year. Motion by Barton, seconded by Winders, to acknowledge the second reading of the revision of the following Board Policies: 453 - Emergency Nursing Services, 453 Rule - Guidelines for Handling Illnesses and Injuries, 453.2 – Student Immunizations, 463.3 Rule – Guidelines For Handling Blood or Other Body Fluids In The Schools, 453.4 – Administering Medication To Students, and 453.4 Rule – Guidelines For Administering Medication To Students and to rescind the following Board policies: 453.31 Rule – Guidelines Regarding HIV or Aids Infected Students, 453.31 – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or HIV Infection, and 453 Exhibit – Annual Report of Report of Review of Emergency Nursing Services. Motion carried. Motion by Winders, seconded by Nodolf, to acknowledge the second reading of the revision of Board policy #222.1 – Residency Requirements For Administrators and Supervisors. Motion Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Hahn, to approve the issuance of contracts to Kristina Liddicoat and Kristina Boyle as second grade teachers for the 2012-2013 school year. Motion carried Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Barton, to approve the issuance of a contract to Thomas Whitford as elementary/middle school principal for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years. Motion Motion by Hahn, seconded by Nodolf, to approve the posting of a high school assistant football Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Meuer, to set the high school graduation date for the Iowa-Grant High School Class of 2013 on Sunday, May 26, 2013. Motion carried. Motion by Winders, seconded by Nodolf, to approve a bid from TriCor Insurance in the amount of $75,512 for district insurance policies. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Motion by Winders, seconded by Hahn, to approve the purchase of a Sharp MX 623N networked copy machine from Gordon Flesch. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Winders, to approve the 2011-2012 budget amendments as presented. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Winders, to set the Fund 10 Assigned Fund Balance (Acct #10- 938900) of $1,000,000 for cash flow purposes. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. After a brief discussion of the bills, motion by Hahn, seconded by Meuer, to approve them for payment as presented (regular checks #31671 – 31825). Motion carried unanimously on a roll Motion by Barton, seconded by Hahn, to ratify a tentative agreement with the IGEAPSSP professional and support staff groups with a 2.5% increase as presented. Motion carried 8.) Motion by Winders, seconded by Hahn, to go to closed session at 7:44 p.m. for 2 items. Motion carried 9.) Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Winders, to reconvene in open session at 8:20 p.m. Motion carried. a. Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Winders, to issue lay-off notices to the following bus drivers for their daily AM and PM bus routes with an offer to pay 25% of the COBRA health and dental insurance premiums during the 2012-2013 school year: Richard Enloe, Henry D. Jorgenson, Eugene Kite, Kristi Loeffelholz, Mark Matthews, Geralyn Novinski, Dennis Spurley, Chuck Virtue and James Zimmer. Roll call: Barton, yes; Hahn, yes; Meuer, no; Nodolf, yes; Winders, yes; and b. Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Barton, to approve administrative contracts for Linda Erickson and Chris Gotto for the 2012-2013 amd 2013-2014 school years. Roll call: Barton, yes; Hahn, yes; Meuer, no; Nodolf, yes; Winders, yes; and Christianson, yes. Motion carried. Motion by Nodolf, seconded by Winders, to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m. Motion carried.



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