Coronary Stenting Challenges: Technique,Design and Pharmacology
Coronary artery stenting has changed the face of
of early coronary stenting was subacute stent thrombosis
interventional cardiology. In the USA what started as a
and bleeding complications. Subacute stent thrombosis
niche device in the form of the Gianturco-Roubin® s t e n t
rates were reported to be 15.8% by Sigwart with the
(Cook, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana) for acute and threat-
M e d i n v e n t® stent in 1987,4 16% with the Palmaz-Schatz
ened closure in the late 1980s evolved into an approved
stent by Schatz in 1989,5 7.6% with the Gianturco-
anti-restenosis device in the form of the Palmaz-Schatz®
Roubin stent by Roubin in 1992,6 and 10% with the
stent (Cordis, Miami Lakes, Florida) which was
W i k t o r® stent by de Jaegere in 1992.7 An editorial in
approved by the FDA in August 1994. Early reports
1989 by Serruys criticized these complications and
from STRESS1 and BENESTENT2 proved beyond a
questioned “…are we the sorcerer’s apprentice?…”8
shadow of a doubt that better initial minimum lumen
Early stent techniques usually consisted of pre-
diameters (MLD), achieved with the Palmaz-Schatz
dilatation with a balloon catheter followed by low
stent, correlated with less restenosis 6 months later com-
pressure stent implantation with the stent delivery bal-
pared to balloon angioplasty, in accordance with the the-
loon only. A great contribution to stent technique was
ories of Kuntz and Baim.3 BENESTENT quoted a
made by Colombo and his colleagues from Milan,
13.5% rate of bleeding complications and a 3.5% rate of
I t a l y .9 Prior intracoronary ultrasound (ICUS) data
subacute stent thrombosis. Bleeding complications of
showed that over 80% of Palmaz-Schatz coronary
7.3% and subacute stent thrombosis rates of 3.4% in
stents were underdeployed. Colombo theorized that
STRESS did not hamper the explosive growth of coro-
stent thrombosis may be secondary to incomplete stent
nary stenting. Interventionalists were reluctantly content
apposition rather than the inherent thrombogenicity or
to accept these complications in order to achieve the
the stent, and that if adequate stent expansion was
long-term benefit of reduced restenosis. Restenosis rates
achieved the systemic anticoagulation with coumadin
and complications have improved since these early stent
may not be necessary. Colombo concluded that if high
experiences, and in order for these to be further reduced
pressure (> 16 atm) non-compliant balloon dilatations
or eliminated, efforts must continue in three directions:
were used post-Palmaz-Schatz stent implantation that
1) better stent technique; 2) refined stent design; and 3)
patients could safely be released on a combination of
improved pharmacologic regimens and agents.
ASA + ticlopidine with a subacute stent thrombosis
Stent technique. If the Achilles’ heel of early coro-
rate of 0.8%. He also concluded that stent use could be
nary angioplasty was restenosis, then the Achilles’ heel
expanded to achieve the benefit of reduced restenosis.
Stone et al. studied the Palmaz-Schatz stent using
From Northside Cardiology, Indianapolis, Indiana.
serial ICUS measurements post-stent delivery at 12, 15
Presented at the Fifth Biennial International Andreas Gruentzig
and 18 atm pressure to determine the ideal pressure at
Society Meeting, Punta del Este, Uruguay.
Address reprint requests to: Thomas J. Linnemeier, MD, FACC,
which the Palmaz-Schatz stent was deployed in the
Northside Cardiology, 8333 Naab Road, Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN
OSTI (Optimal Stent Implantation) trial.1 0 This labor
intensive study, which included both core lab QCA
cluded that the geometry of the corrugated ring stent
(quantitative coronary angiography) and core lab
alone compared to the slotted tube stent design was
ICUS, provided several interesting conclusions. First,
responsible for the reduction in injury, thrombosis, and
the adequacy of stent deployment was more accurately
neointimal hyperplasia in this animal study.
assessed by ICUS than by QCA. Secondly, incremen-
Goy et al. reported in 1995 that the slotted tube
tal increases in pressure resulted in progressive
stent had a lower restenosis rate than a coil design
increases in stent dimension. Finally, even for opera-
stent.13 In a porcine model in 1997 Carter reported that
tors with extensive stenting experience, the angio-
stent design does indeed matter.14 A multicellular geo-
graphic difference between optimal and sub-optimal
metric matrix stent design reported less neointimal
stent deployment were so subtle that angiography
hyperplasia and less restenosis at a mean follow-up of
alone could not replace ICUS in guiding Palmaz-
56 days compared to a slotted tube stent design.
The ASCENT randomized human clinical trial
Further insight into stent technique was gained by
reported in 1997 by Baim et al. showed that the Multi-
Baim et al. with the Multi-Link® stent (Guidant, Santa
Link (corrugated ring design) stent had a lower 30-day
Clara, California).1 1 The IVUS Multi-Link trial studied
major adverse clinical event (MACE) rate, a lower rate
49 patients with a protocol similar to OSTI, where seri-
of device delivery failure, a lower 30 day mortality,
al ICUS was performed at 8, 12 and 16 atm of pressure
and a better final percent diameter stenosis, than the
post-stent deployment. The anticoagulation protocol
Palmaz-Schatz (slotted tube design) coronary stent.15
was ASA + coumadin. Successful deployment wasaccomplished in all 49 patients with no instances of
Stent pharmacology. Equally important to coronary
subacute stent thrombosis or other major complications.
stent technique and coronary stent design are the phar-
Stent expansion to 16 atm led to significant increases in
macological agents and pharmacological regimens used
intrastent dimension by both QCA and ICUS.
in conjunction with coronary stenting. The studies quot-ing high incidences of subacute stent thrombosis and
Stent design. Stent technique should not be a surro-
bleeding complications of the Medinvent®, Palmaz-
gate for good stent design. Four basic coronary stent
Schatz, Gianturco-Roubin, and Wiktor (Medtronic,
designs are in clinical use today. The coil stent is com-
Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota) stents were in the era of
posed of a single strand of wire, which though flexible
intense anti-coagulation regimens.4 – 7 Most early studies
has a tendency to recoil. The slotted tube stent is cut
with coronary stenting required anticoagulation with
from a continuous metal tube and provides radial
ASA, dipyridamole, low molecular weight dextran,
strength though is less flexible. The mesh stent is self
heparin and coumadin. The focus of attention was the
expanding and is available in large sizes, but by design
inherent thrombogenicity of the stent and on anticoagu-
shortens significantly. The ring design stent consists of
lant regimens rather than antiplatelet regimens. These
repeating modules of short coils and provides excellent
anticoagulant concerns likewise overshadowed the inher-
flexibility with modest radial strength.
ent flow characteristics,i . e . the rheology of the vessel.
An elegant animal study of stent design was pub-
Subsequent authors have noted that the majority of
lished by Rogers and Edelman in 1995.12 The vascular
the patients in Colombo’s series were on ASA + ticlopi-
response to denuded rabbit iliac arteries was examined
dine, and that the antiplatelet activities of ticlopidine
at 14 days in slotted tube versus corrugated right stent
might be an additional or even alternative explanation as
designs. Virtually all factors were held constant in this
to the low, 0.8% incidence of subacute stent thrombosis.
study except 1) stent geometry and 2) a proprietary
Schomig randomized 517 patients after Palmaz-
polymer coating. The study concluded that the corru-
Schatz stent implantation to an anticoagulation regi-
gated ring design, though having exactly the same
men of ASA, heparin and phenprocumon (260) or
amount of metal, surface area and implantation tech-
ASA and ticlopidine (257) in the ISAR (Intracoronary
nique, consisted of 29% fewer strut-to-strut intersec-
Stenting and Antithrombotic Regimen) trial.16 The pri-
tions which translated into 1) a 42% lower vessel
mary cardiac endpoint of death, MI, CABG or repeat
injury score; (p < 0.0001); 2) a 38% reduction in
PTCA occurred in only 1.6% in the antiplatelet therapy
neointimal hyperplasia at 14 days (p < 0.0001); 3) a
group vs. 6.2% in the anticoagulant group (p = 0.01). In
marked reduction in monocyte adherence at 14 days (p
addition, the primary non-cardiac endpoint of death
< 0.001); and 4) a marked reduction of thrombosis at
from non-cardiac causes, CVA, severe hemorrhage and
14 days (p < 0.01). The polymeric coating virtually
peripheral vascular events occurred in 1.2% in the
eliminated thrombosis in the corrugated ring stent
antiplatelet therapy group vs. 12.3% in the anticoagulant
design (15% vs. 0% in the non-coated vs. coated; p <
group (p < 0.001). With antiplatelet therapy there was
0.04) and reduced thrombosis from 42% to 8% in the
an 82% lower risk of myocardial infarction and a 78%
slotted tube stent design (p < 0.01). The authors con-
lower chance of repeated interventions. This study
Coronary Stenting Challenges: Technique, Design and Pharmacology
clearly favored altering the pharmacologic regimen
over the past several years, and will serve as a plat-
after Palmaz-Schatz coronary stenting from ASA +
form from which to launch new studies and protocols
The STARS1 7 (Stent Anticoagulation Regimen
Study) trial randomized 1,650 patients after Palmaz-
Schatz coronary stenting to one of three groups: 1)ASA + ticlopidine; 2) ASA + coumadin; and 3) ASA
1. Fischman DL, Leon MB, Baim DS, et al. A randomized com-
alone, with the primary endpoint being MACE at 30
parison of coronary-stent placement and balloon angioplasty inthe treatment of coronary artery diseas e. N Engl J Med
days. These data showed the incidence of MACE to be
0.55% in the ASA + ticlopidine group, 2.6% in the ASA
2. Serruys PW, De Jaegere P, Kiemeneij F, et al. A comparison of
+ coumadin group and 3.5% in the ASA alone group,
balloon-expandable-stent implantation with balloon angioplasty
again clearly favoring the antiplatelet regimen of ASA +
in patients with corona ry artery dis ease. N Engl J Med1994;331:489–495.
ticlopidine as the treatment of choice after Palmaz-
3. Kuntz RE, Safian RD, Carrozza JP, et al. The importance of
acute luminal diameter in determining restenosis after coronary
B a r r a g a n1 8 suggested that a post-stent antiplatelet
atherectomy or stenting. Circulation 1992;86:1827–1835.
regimen of ticlopidine alone, without ASA, was ade-
4. Sigwart U, Puel J, Mirkovitch V, et al. Intravascular stents to
prevent occlusion and restenosis after transluminal angioplasty.
quate to prevent subacute stent thrombosis. However,
N Engl J Med 1987;316:701–706.
with data clearly supporting ASA in acute myocardial
5. Schatz R. A vie w of v asc ular s te nts. C i r c u l a t i o n
infarction and other unstable anginal syndromes the
6. Roubin GS, Cannon AD, Agrawal SK, et al. Intracoronary stent-
ing for acute and threatened closure complicating percutaneous
The EPIC,2 0 E P I L O G ,2 1 and CAPTURE2 2 trials all
support the use of abciximab (ReoPro®, Eli Lilly, Indi-
anapolis, Indiana) for conventional PTCA and those
7. de Jaeger PP, Serruys PW, Bertrand M, et al. Wiktor stent
subsets of patients that received stents as “bailouts.”
implantation in patients with restenosis following balloon angio-plasty of a native coronary arte ry. Am J Car diol
The EPILOG Stent is in the study phase at present.
Clopidogrel, a new antiplatelet agent with actions
8. Serruys PW, Beatt KJ, van der Giessen WJ. (editorial) Stenting
similar to ticlopidine, allegedly without the neutrope-
of coronary arteries: Are we the sorcerer’s apprentice? E u r
nia side effects of ticlopidine, has just been released in
9. Colombo A, Hall P, Nakamura S, et al. Intracoronary stenting
the USA, and seems worthy of further investigation in
without anticoagulation accomplished with intracoronary ultra-
sound guidance. Circulation 1995;91:1676–1688.
These three avenues of coronary stent investiga-
1 0 . Stone GW, Goar F, Fitzgerald P, et al. The Cardiovascular Insti-
tion, technique, design and pharmacology have lead to
tute, El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, CA, USA. The Opti-mal Stent Implantation Trial — Final Core Lab Angiographic and
improved outcomes for patients over the past several
Ultrasound Analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 1 9 9 7 ; 2 9 : 7 8 2 – 7 8 6 .
years. As with any technology that is advancing,
11. Carrozza JP, Hermiller JB, Linnemeier TJ, et al. Quantitative
inevitably new questions arise. It is clear that low
coronary angiographic and intravascular ultrasound assessment
pressure (i . e . < 12 atm) stent implantation may
of a new non-articulated stent: Report from the advanced cardio-vascular systems Multi-Link pilot study. J Am Coll Cardiol
enhance subacute stent thrombosis, but is 18 or 20 atm
pressure necessary in all patients and with all stent
12. Rogers C, Edelman E. Endovascular stent design dictates exper-
designs? Does high pressure enhance edge dissec-
tions? Is ticlopidine with ASA more important than
13. Goy JJ, Beckhout B, Stauffer JC, Vogt P. Stenting of the right
pressure? Can stent outcomes be further improved
coronary artery for de novo stenosis. A comparison of Wiktor
with IIb/IIIa platelet inhibitors? Will oral IIb/IIIa
and the Palmaz-Schatz stents. Circulation 1995;92:2258A.
platelet inhibitors be more effective in preventing sub-
14. Carter AJ, Scott D, Bailey LR, et al. Stent design: In the “ends”
acute stent thrombosis than the established regimen of
it matters. J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;29:2259A.
1 5 . Baim DS, Cutlip DE, Midel M, et al. Acute 30-day and late
ASA + ticlopidine? Will clopidogrel be as useful as
clinical events in the randomized and the Palmaz-Schatz stent.
ticlopidine in coronary stenting and does it reduce the
Circulation 1 9 9 7 ; 9 6 : 3 3 0 9 A .
incidence of neutropenia? Finally, will further refine-
16. Schomig A, Neumann FJ, Kastrati A, et al. A randomized com-
ment in stent design and polymeric coatings make stent
parison of antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy after the place-ment
technique and adjunctive pharmacologic agents less
important? As gamma and beta irradiation studies
17. Leon MB, Baim DS, Gordon P, et al. Clinical and angiographic
progress, will intro- and post-procedural pharmacolog-
results from the stent anticoagulation regimen study (STARS).
ical regimens and technique need to be altered? This
Circulation 1996;I-685,4002A.
1 8 . Barragan P, Sainsous J, Silvestri M, et al. Coronary artery stenting
triad of improving coronary stent technique, refining
without anticoagulation, aspirin, ultrasound guidance or high
stent design and improving pharmacologic agents
pressure. Study of 1051 consecutive patients. Cathet Cardiovasc
and regimens has improved coronary stent outcomes
1 9 . Linnemeier TJ. Stenting without ASA (editorial)? C a t h e t
is lesion characteristics. If the lesion is hard you need
Cardiovasc Diagn 1 9 9 7 ; 4 2 : 3 7 4 – 3 7 5 .
high pressure. If the lesion is soft a medium pressure is
20. Topol EJ, Califf RM, Weisman HF, et al. Randomized trial of
sufficient most of the time. We must recognize that an
coronary intervention with antibody against platelet IIb/IIIa inte-grin for reduction of clinical restenosis: Results at six months.
optimal result reduces restenosis, but is far from being
the most important determinant of restenosis. Again,
21. Simoons ML, et al. The CAPTURE Investigators. Randomized
lesion selection and some patients’ characteristics are
placebo-controlled trial of abciximab before and during coro-
frequently more important. The best approach is to
nary intervention in refractory unstable angina: The CAPTUREstudy. Lancet 1997;349:1429–1435.
select the right patient and take the right lesion. We allknow this approach is not possible. A lot of improve-ments have occurred in stent design in the last years. These improvements translated more to facilitate stent
deliverability rather than reducing restenosis. Animportant new addition to our stent gallery is the cov-
ANTONIO COLOMBO: Many factors that control
ered stent. This is certainly an important device with a
restenosis are related to lesion selection and they can
field of application in saphenous vein grafts and in the
only be modified by picking a different lesion. Throm-
treatment of some emergencies like vessel rupture.
bosis is more easily controlled, and this problem can
Concerning IVUS, I believe that there are no doubts
be controlled most of the time with a good result and a
that IVUS-implanted stenting gives a better immediate
proper antiplatelet therapy (ticlid and aspirin). I agree
result compared to angiographic-guided stenting. The
that clopidogrel has a better tolerance profile compared
true impact of this approach on restenosis and, more
important, on clinical restenosis still needs to be deter-
Concerning the appropriate pressure for balloon
mined. We should not, however, forget that the MUSIC
inflation, I think we have to look at this parameter in
Trial reported an 8% angiographic restenosis rate which
the context of balloon size and balloon to artery ratio.
is the only single digit restenosis rate so far reported.
The other element which has to come into the equation
This trial had stent implantation guided by IVUS.
Dr. med. Elena Henkel Studium der Humanmedizin (Taschkent, Usbekistan) Promotion “Lipidintoleranz in verschiedenen Stadien der Glukosetoleranz in Bezug zur Intima-Media-Dicke der Karotiden (“summa cum laude”) Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus (Dresden) Berufserfahrung Fachärztin für Arbeitsmedizin, Republikanisches Lehrkrankenhaus für Arbeitsmedizin, Taschkent, Usbekista
A TUTELA DE SAÚDE COMO UM DIREITO FUNDAMENTAL DO CIDADÃO por André da Silva Ordacgy * A Saúde encontra-se entre os bens intangíveis mais preciosos do ser humano, digna de receber a tutela protetiva estatal, porque se consubstancia em característica indissociável do direito à vida. Dessa forma, a atenção à Saúde constitui um direito de todo cidadão e um dever do Estado, deven