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Computational Prediction of the Chromosome-Damaging Potential
of Chemicals
Andreas Rothfuss,*,† Thomas Steger-Hartmann,† Nikolaus Heinrich,‡ and Jo¨rg Wichard‡,§ Experimental Toxicology, Schering AG, D-13342 Berlin, Germany, Computational Chemistry, Schering AG, D-13342 Berlin, Germany, and Molecular Modeling Group, FMP, D-13125 Berlin, Germany We report on the generation of computer-based models for the prediction of the chromosome-damaging potential of chemicals as assessed in the in Vitro chromosome aberration (CA) test. On the basis ofpublicly available CA-test results of more than 650 chemical substances, half of which are drug-likecompounds, we generated two different computational models. The first model was realized using the(Q)SAR tool MCASE. Results obtained with this model indicate a limited performance (53%) for theassessment of a chromosome-damaging potential (sensitivity), whereas CA-test negative compounds werecorrectly predicted with a specificity of 75%. The low sensitivity of this model might be explained bythe fact that the underlying 2D-structural descriptors only describe part of the molecular mechanismleading to the induction of chromosome aberrations, that is, direct drug-DNA interactions. The secondmodel was constructed with a more sophisticated machine learning approach and generated a classificationmodel based on 14 molecular descriptors, which were obtained after feature selection. The performanceof this model was superior to the MCASE model, primarily because of an improved sensitivity, suggestingthat the more complex molecular descriptors in combination with statistical learning approaches are bettersuited to model the complex nature of mechanisms leading to a positive effect in the CA-test. An analysisof misclassified pharmaceuticals by this model showed that a large part of the false-negative predictedcompounds were uniquely positive in the CA-test but lacked a genotoxic potential in other mutagenicitytests of the regulatory testing battery, suggesting that biologically nonsignificant mechanisms could beresponsible for the observed positive CA-test result. Since such mechanisms are not amenable to modelingapproaches it is suggested that a positive prediction made by the model reflects a biologically significantgenotoxic potential. An integration of the machine-learning model as a screening tool in early discoveryphases of drug development is proposed.
genotoxicity. Such screening strategies primarily rely on in Vitroassays, which often represent a cut down version of the re- Screening approaches for determining the genotoxic potential spective regulatory tests (e.g., Ames II) or make use of alter- of new compounds play a pivotal role during hit validation and native assays (e.g., the in vitro micronucleus test for the detec- lead characterization phases of drug development in pharma- tion of chromosomal damage). In principle, the concordance ceutical companies. Traditionally, the assessment of the geno- between screening assays and regulatory tests is relatively high toxic potential of drug substances was typically performed (2, 3). However, in particular with respect to screening assays during early developmental stages by conducting a standard set for chromosomal damage, they are at best medium throughput (battery) of genotoxicity tests that support the submission of and as such their use in early discovery stages is restricted novel drugs to regulatory agencies. As outlined in the respective because of costs and compound availability. Additionally, ICH1 guidelines (1), this standard set generally consists of a genotoxicity screens might be biased by the frequent presence bacterial gene mutation test (Ames test), an in Vitro cytogenetic of (genotoxic) impurities in early research drug batches leading assay in mammalian cells for the detection of chromosomal to potentially false positive results.
damage (e.g., a chromosome aberration (CA-) test) and an in ViVo cytogenetic assay in rodent hematopoietic cells.
As an alternative, computational (in silico) structure-activity Today, pre-regulatory genotoxicity tests are frequently per- models have gained increasing importance in the assessment formed in pharmaceutical companies because of increased of a genotoxic potential. They have the clear advantage that no compound throughput and in order to avoid late stage termina- compound is needed for testing and that they can be applied in tion of a cost-intensive drug development due to unforeseen a true high-throughput manner. Computational programs usedfor genotoxicity prediction are mainly focusing on the prediction * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +49-(0)30 of the outcome of the Ames test and relatively good predictive 46815268. Fax: +49-(0)30 46815091. E-mail: [email protected].
accuracies (>70%) can be reached for this endpoint (4). In † Experimental Toxicology, Schering AG.
practice, however, it is not sufficient to solely predict bacterial ‡ Computational Chemistry, Schering AG.
§ mutagenicity because results from in silico genotoxicity predic- 1 Abbreviations: CA-Test, chromosome aberration test; ICH, Interna- tions are frequently used as part of the decision process during tional Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for drug discovery. Instead, it is desirable to also be able to model Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use; knn, k-nearest neighbour; the chromosome-damaging potential of compounds in order to QSAR, quantitative structure-activity relationship; SAR, structure-activity-relationship; SVM, support vector machine.
fully cover the basic regulatory mutagenicity tests.
B Chem. Res. Toxicol.
However, in contrast to the Ames test prediction, no models compounds tested positive in the CA-test, and thus, it seems with comparable performance are currently available for the CA- questionable as to whether similar performance characteristics test. Several reasons might account for this situation. The good and conclusions had been obtained using a more balanced data correlation for the Ames test is based on the abundance of set containing equal numbers of active and inactive compounds.
(publicly) available data for this test system as well as on the Second, the structural diversity (chemical space) of compounds fact that most of the molecular mechanisms underlying this represented in the MCASE and machine learning model (12, genetic endpoint are fairly well understood and can be directly 13) is clearly limited to mainly organic compounds, such as related to the chemical structure (5). The situation is clearly agrochemicals, known carcinogens, and industrial chemicals.
more complex for the CA-test. It is well-established that different It was already noticed during the course of Ames-test modeling mechanisms can lead to the microscopically visible formation that computational models, which were predominantly con- of aberrant chromosomes. Structural chromosome aberrations structed using industrial and environmental compounds, per- can be formed by direct drug-DNA interactions as a result of formed in a clearly poorer manner when applied to pharma- incorrect DNA repair processes (6) or an interaction of drugs ceutical compounds (14-16). This is an important implication with enzymes involved in DNA replication and transcription if a computational prediction model for the CA-test has to be (7). Numerical chromosome aberrations such as the gain or loss developed as a screening tool during early drug discovery.
of chromosomes are generally a result of the interaction with In the present study, we therefore aimed to construct and eval- cellular proteins involved in chromosome segregation (8). In uate two different computational models based on a heteroge- addition, it is well-known that nonphysiological stimuli during neous data set including a significant number of pharmaceutical cell culture, such as those induced by excessive cytotoxicity, compounds to be used in genotoxicity screening approaches in osmolarity, pH and temperature, can also lead to structural a pharmaceutical environment. The recent publication of two data collections (10, 16) containing qualitative CA-test informa- Furthermore, the CA-test is experimentally less standardized tion on more than 650 compounds, including a significant than the Ames test (i.e., different cells from different species number of pharmaceuticals and drug-like compounds, allowed are used), and publicly available experimental data is signifi- us to readdress the issue of modeling a chromosome-damaging cantly less abundant than Ames test data and almost purely potential on the basis of the largest high-quality data collection qualitative (i.e., aberration frequencies are hardly available).
Most importantly, the quality of available CA-test data isfrequently compromised by incomplete assay data sets and Materials and Methods
differences in the judgment of a positive effect, in particular inthe presence of cytotoxicity (10). High-qualitative CA-test data CA-Test Data Information. The CA-test data used in this study
might, in principle, be derived from publicly available data on were obtained from two recently published data collections (10, pharmaceuticals because they are likely to be conducted using 16). Further details on the original data source can be obtainedfrom the references of both data compilations.
ICH and GLP-compliant methods. However, such public data The genotoxicity data collection from Snyder et al. (16) contains are relatively scarce, and in particular, the number of positive in Vitro cytogenetics data for 248 marketed pharmaceuticals, with positive (i.e., chromosome-damaging) results being reported for Consequently, only few publications are available in which 48/248 compounds (19%). Structural information could be retrieved the performance of computational models for the prediction of for 229 of the 248 compounds. Altogether, 189 negative and 40 CA-test data has been assessed. Using the MULTICASE positive data records from this data source could be used for model- (MCASE, Beachwood, USA) methodology for constructing building purposes. As outlined in the article (16) and described in experimental databases that can be used to predict the bioactivity more detail in a previous collection effort (17), the in Vitro of compounds, Rosenkranz et al. (11) reported the construction cytogenetic data represents CA-test results obtained with diversecell types (Chinese hamster ovary cells, Chinese hamster lung cells, of a CA-test prediction model based on 233 compounds. These, V79 cells, MCL-5 human lymphoblastoid cells, and human blood mostly organic compounds, were assessed in a CA-test as part peripheral lymphocytes). Despite this obvious methodological of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), with approximately diversity, the overall quality of the data set and the reliability of 40% of the compounds being tested positive. Using an internal the test result are judged to be high because the data has been validation strategy, the observed sensitivity and specificity (i.e., generated according to standardized ICH- and GLP-compliant the correct prediction of positives and negatives, respectively) of the model were 53% and 71%, respectively (12).
The CGX database collected by Kirkland et al. (10) contains More recently, Serra et al. (13) reported on the generation of CA-test data for 488 structurally diverse compounds, consisting of an automated machine-learning approach to generate classifica- industrial, environmental, and pharmaceutical compounds. Out ofa total number of 488 chemicals, 292 (60%) were considered tion models for the prediction of CA-test data. Support vector positive, and 28 were judged to be equivocal. The latter were machines (SVM) and k-nearest neighbor (knn) models were excluded from our model building. Structural information was developed on a set of molecular descriptors calculated for 346 retrieved for 450 out of the 460 remaining compounds. Altogether, mostly organic compounds (29% positives). Using a prediction 168 negative and 282 positive data records from this data source set of 37 compounds that were not included in model formation, could be used for model-building purposes. Similar to the Snyder sensitivity and specificity values of 73% and 92%, respectively, CA-test collection, results obtained with all cell types are included were obtained for knn classification models. Similar values were in this compilation. With respect to data quality, considerable effort was undertaken to review collected test results (10) suggesting anoverall consistent evaluation of test data. In order to estimate the Despite the respectable performance characteristic, of the number of drug-like compounds contained in this dataset, we latter model in particular, their value for a routine in silico CA- analyzed all 450 compounds for drug-likeness using a proprietary test screening during early drug development seems to be in-house software based on the model proposed by Sadowski and questionable. First, the number of CA-test positive compounds Kubinyi (18). Less than one-third of the compounds taken from used for model building and evaluation in the Serra model (13) Kirkland et al. (10) were considered as drug-like (data not shown), appears to be critically low. Less than one-third of the thus confirming that both data sources can roughly be separated Modeling of Chromosome-Aberration-Test Data Chem. Res. Toxicol. C
Table 1. Data Sets Used for Model Generation
Table 2. Performance Characteristics for the MCASE Model
Mean values of 10 independent validations. b Percentage of 2-8 atom fragments structurally represented in the training set.
Table 3. List of Some Significant Biophores Identified in the
average values for sensitivity (ratio of correctly predicted positive into drug-like (16) and less drug-like (Kirkland et al., 2005) compounds to all positives), specificity (ratio of correctly predicted negative compounds to all negatives), and concordance (ratio of As summarized in Table 1, 679 compounds were used in total correctly predicted compounds to total number of compounds) were for model generation, of which 322 tested positive (47%) and 357 tested negative (53%) in the CA-test.
Machine Learning (ML) Model. For the machine-learning
Collection of Structures. CAS numbers of identified substances
model, 10% of the data was randomly removed and used to assess were collected from the respective data collections (10, 16) and the performance of the final ML model (prediction set, see below).
queried in the MDL Toxicity database (MDL Information Systems The remaining 90% of the data was designated as a training set Inc., San Leandro, CA). The retrieved chemical structures were stored as an sd file (MDL ISIS sdf file). For MCASE prediction The process of ML model generation can be separated into three model construction, SMILES notations of all compounds were distinct processes. First, a broad set of molecular descriptors generated by running the sd files through an existing prediction encoding a variety of properties of the molecules are calculated module in MCASE (Muticase Inc, Beachwood, OH), which for each compound of the training set. Next, redundant information generated a text file containing the respective SMILES code of the of descriptors is removed via a process called feature selection, resulting in a small subset of the most useful descriptors. Finally, Model Construction and Validation in MCASE. A hallmark
a classification model is built on the basis of the identified of the MCASE software is its capability to automatically generate descriptors and validated using a set of data that was not previously prediction modules on the basis of structural information and included in the model-building effort.
associated bioactivity (19). Details on model generation and Descriptor Generation and Feature Selection. All descriptors
software algorithms are published elsewhere (20). In essence, the used in the ML model were calculated with the dragonX software program identifies structural fragments, ranging from 2 to 10 atoms (21) that was originally developed by Milano Chemometrics and length, in combination with2D distances between atoms, which are the QSAR Research Group. The software generates a total number statistically correlated with activity (biophores) and inactivity of 1664 molecular descriptors that are group into 20 different blocks, (biophobes), respectively. In addition, the program detects fragments such as constitutional descriptors, topological descriptors, and walk that act as modulators of activity and takes into account basic and path counts (22). For each compound in the training set, all physicochemical descriptors for the module development process.
1664 descriptors were calculated. Because many of these descriptors A limitation of MCASE is that compounds containing ions, are redundant or carry correlated information, feature selection molecular clusters (such as hydrates), and rare atoms (such as Mn, processes need to be performed in order to select the most useful Ca, or K) are not accepted for model generation. Consequently, subset of descriptors to build a ML model.
compounds containing such structural features were automatically Our feature selection approach follows the method of variable eliminated from the training set by the program during model importance as proposed by Breiman (23). The underlying idea is to select descriptors on the basis of the decrease of classification From the overall data set containing 679 data records, 100 accuracy after the permutation of the descriptors (24). Briefly, an compounds (15%; 53 negative and 47 positive compounds) were ensemble of decision trees is built, which uses all descriptors as randomly removed before model building and used as a prediction input variables and associated activity (CA-test result) as output set to assess model predictivity. A training set was created out of variables using 90% of the data (training set). The prediction the remaining 579 compounds (304 negative and 275 positive accuracy of the classification model on an out of training portion compounds). Because of MCASE’s structural limitations, the of the data (test set) is recorded. In a second step, the same is done automatically generated MCASE model for CA-test prediction after the successive permutation of each descriptor. The relative contained 537 compounds (286 negatives and 251 positives). The decrease of classification accuracy is the variable importance predictivity of the generated model was assessed by internal and following the idea that the most discriminative descriptors are the external validation. For the internal validation, 10 separate, non- most important ones. We first separately calculated the variable overlapping sets consisting of 53 compounds (10% of the training importance of each descriptor of the 20 blocks of molecular set) were randomly selected from the training set and compiled as descriptors and selected the most important ones. This descriptor test sets. The remaining 90% of the individual learning sets were set was reduced in a second iteration, resulting in a final set of 14 then used to predict the 53 compounds of the test set. For external validation, the initially removed 100 compounds (prediction set) Building the Machine Learning Classification Model. An
were predicted by the MCASE model. As performance parameters, ensemble approach was used to build the final classification model D Chem. Res. Toxicol.
Table 4. List of DragonX Descriptors Used in the Machine-Learning
in model building. The procedure was independently repeated 20 times. This means that all model-building processes, that is, therandom removal of 10% of the data, the construction of a classification model ensemble on the remaining 90% of the data as outlined above (always using the same 14 dragon descriptors determined in the feature selection step), and the prediction of both training and prediction sets were performed each time. For a final output, the mean average prediction values were calculated.
For the analysis of misclassified compounds, 50 independent model-building rounds were performed, and the number of incorrect classifications of each compound was recorded irrespective of its presence in the training or test sets.
Results and Discussion
On the basis of a data collection of high-quality CA-test results of more than 650 pharmaceuticals and industrial chemi- cals, we investigated the usefulness of two different computa- tional approaches to predict the chromosome-damaging potential of compounds. We used a functionality of the commercially available MCASE system to automatically generate predictive models from a training set of compounds with associated qualitative (negative/positive) CA-test results. The predictivity of an in-house prediction model built in MCASE and an in- house machine-learning model in their ability to qualitatively predict the outcome of the CA-test was assessed.
MCASE Prediction Model. The performance characteristics
for the MCASE prediction model are listed in Table 2. Both the training set and prediction set were predicted with compa- rable performances. Sensitivity values for the training set andprediction set were 53% and 57%, respectively. Clearly, higher for the prediction of the chromosome-damaging potential of the values (i.e., 75% and 72%, respectively) were determined for chemical compounds. An ensemble is the average output of several the correct classification ratio of inactive compounds (specific- different individual models, which were trained on different subsets ity). Altogether, a concordance value of 65% was reached for of the entire training data (sometimes called Bootstrap Aggregating or Bagging, (25)). Building ensembles is a common way to improve Interestingly, the performance characteristics obtained in our classification and regression models in terms of stability and study were very similar to those reported by Rosenkranz et al.
accuracy. We built heterogeneous ensembles consisting of severaldifferent model classes to achieve diverse ensembles (26). The (12), although their data set was much smaller in size (n ) 233 model classes were as follows: (1) classification and regression vs n ) 537 in our study). The Danish-EPA reports on their trees (CART), where we used the implementation in the MATLAB website ( on the creation of an MCASE Statistics Toolbox (The MathWorks, Natick, USA); (2) support model based on approximately 500 chromosome aberration test vector machines (SVM) with Gaussian kernels (28); (3) linear data taken from the Ishidate data collection (31). Although discriminant analysis (LDA), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), overall higher performance values for this model were reported and linear ridge models (29); (4) feedforward neural networks (NN) (76% concordance), similar unbalanced values for sensitivity with two hidden layers trained with a simple gradient descend (30); (59%) and specificity (82%) were achieved. The persistently and (5) k-nearest-neighbor models (knn) with adaptive metrics (30).
low sensitivity of the MCASE models indicates that the The selection of the different model classes used for the underlying 2D-fragment-based descriptors do not sufficiently construction of the final classification model was based on cross- describe the mechanism(s) leading to a positive result in the validation (CV) approaches. This means that the training set (i.e., chromosome-aberration test. One way to further assess this 90% of the total data) was split randomly into a training-learning possibility is the analysis of identified structural fragments that set (80% of the data) and a training test set (20% of the data).
Each of the different model classes was then trained on the training- are statistically correlated with activity (biophores).
learning set and assessed for their prediction accuracy on the training A list of the most significant biophores identified in our test set. This procedure was repeated 21 times using a novel MCASE model is given in Table 3. As can be seen from the randomly selected training-learning and training test set each time.
respective structural representation, almost all identified bio- In each of the runs, only the best model (i.e., the one showing the phores represent known structural alerts for DNA reactivity. This lowest classification error) was selected to become a member of implies that the structural determinants that on the basis of our the final ensemble. In this way, all model classes had to compete MCASE analysis contribute to a positive effect in the chromo- with each other because they are trained and tested on the same some aberration test reflect a direct drug-DNA (i.e., electro- data set. Our approach, thus, resulted in a final classification model philicity) interaction and, thus, are identical to the structural (the ML model) consisting of 21 individual models. The predictionoutput of this ML model is based on the counting of the vote of fragments identified from Ames test data (32).
each of the individual 21 models and the determination of the The low sensitivity of the MCASE prediction model clearly majority vote, which then constitutes the final prediction.
limits its application as a decision tool during lead characteriza- Performance Evaluation of the ML Model. In a final step,
tion phases. Companies developing new compounds are pri- the performance of the ML model was assessed on the entire marily dependent on prediction tools that have a relatively low training set (90% of the total data) and on the 10% of data false negative prediction rate (i.e., high sensitivity) in order to (prediction set), which was initially removed and never included focus further development on those compounds that are presum- Modeling of Chromosome-Aberration-Test Data Chem. Res. Toxicol. E
Table 5. Performance Characteristics for the Machine-Learning Model
a TP, true positive; FN, false negative; TN, true negative; FP, false positive. b Values represent mean ( SD of 20 independent validations.
Table 6. Performance Comparison between the Present ML model
ably safe. However, false positive predictions could result in and the knn and SVM models published by Serra et al. (13)
the loss of valuable candidates. Therefore, a balanced perfor-mance between sensitivity and specificity is desirable, resulting in ideal predictive tools that show equally high values for sensitivity, specificity, and concordance. This, however, is ML modelb
clearly not the case for the MCASE model, where the acceptableconcordance value is primarily based on the low false positive a Values taken from Serra et al. (13). b Only part of the Serra dataset rate. In other words, the particular descriptor applied in MCASE was used for the analysis. For further details, see the Results and Discussionsection.
seems to be limited to pick up only one mechanism of CAinduction, that is, the direct interaction of a drug with DNA. In vs 75% for the training set), resulting in a balanced prediction order to overcome this apparent limitation, we investigated model with almost equal performance values for sensitivity, whether the use of more complex molecular descriptors in combination with a machine-learning approach might enable Although this improvement reflects the usefulness of applying us to generate more predictive classification models.
various molecular features as discriminators for the prediction Machine Learning Model. Statistical learning methods, such
of chromosome-damaging potential, a comparison with the as support vector machines (SVM) or k-nearest-neighbor (knn) values reported by Serra et al. (13) might lead to the conclusion approaches are currently being used as a new approach in in that our ML model has a lower performance. However, a direct silico toxicity prediction (33, 34). Compared to traditional QSAR comparison of performance values between this study and Serra modeling approaches, statistical learning methods are often et al. (13) is difficult because of the differences in the data set superior in terms of performance (35). As outlined in detail in and statistical evaluations. As mentioned before, Serra et al.
the Materials and Methods section, we used a novel approach used a smaller (and structurally less diverse) prediction set in by building a classification model based on a heterogeneous which the proportion of known chromosome-damaging com- ensemble of SVM, knn, neuronal networks, and other model pounds was lower than that in our study (11 out of 37 compounds vs 70 out of 145 in our study). Thus, it remains A list of the 14 molecular descriptors selected for model open as to whether similarly good performance values would building purposes are given in Table 4. As outlined in detail in be achieved if a more extensive prediction set containing more the Materials and Methods section, these 14 descriptors were CA-test positive compounds had been used. Second, the model selected from more than 1600 dragonX descriptors after characteristics described by Serra et al. seem to be based on a eliminating those that are redundant and choosing those that single cross-validation effort only, whereas we used a 20-fold had the highest impact for classification. Several of the identified CV to perform our validation procedure.
descriptors can be directly related to genotoxicity and, thus, Despite these differences in model construction, we attempted present a mechanistically sound basis of the molecular features.
to get a more objective comparison of the predictive value of Several functional descriptors as well as (electro)topological our ML model by applying it to the compound data used by indices specify characteristics of structures involved in DNA Serra et al. (13). In order to not be biased by our training set, modifications. Generic descriptors, such as geometrical and only those compounds that were not included in our training general information indices, describe the shape, size, and set were extracted and, thus, represent novel compounds.
composition of molecules. A recent study on the prediction of Altogether, 291 compounds fulfilled this criterion, out of which genotoxicity by using statistical methods, such as SVMs and 74 were reported with a positive result. These compounds were knn, indicates that such generic descriptors can be valuable for then collected as sd files, computed with our set of 14 molecular describing the DNA-reactive property of compounds (33).
descriptors. and classified using our ML model. The resulting Molecular weight was selected as a discriminating feature performance characteristics are given in Table 6 in comparison probably because of the heterogeneous data base, consisting of to the values reported by Serra et al. (13). Because the selected many small organic chemicals that are chromosome-damaging compounds were not previously included in our ML model, they (10) and an equally large amount of pharmaceutical compounds can be seen as an independent prediction set, which we that are mostly not chromosome-damaging (16).
compared to our data. Overall, this comparison shows that our The performance values of our machine-learning model for ML model reaches comparable prediction accuracies to those the training set and prediction set are given in Table 5. As of the learning models reposted by Serra et al., although the outlined in Materials and Methods, 20 independent cross latter were trained on a structurally less diverse set of com- validations were performed by removing each time 10% of the pounds. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of our ML model clearly data (prediction set), building the ML model using the remaining outscores the performance characteristics of the knn and SVM 90% of the data (training set), and then predicting the removed compounds. The values for true positive, false negative, true Although tentative in nature, several conclusions can be drawn negative, and false positive predictions of both training and from this comparison. First, it is reasonable to assume that the prediction sets as well as for the other performance character- lower prediction accuracies observed with our test set data istics outlined in Table 5, thus, represent the mean ( standard compared to that of Serra et al. (13) is a consequence of the deviation of 20 independent evaluations. Compared to the data extension of the chemical space in our training set by adding a obtained with the MCASE model, the ML approach led to a significant amount of pharmaceutical compounds to the less clearly improved prediction of CA-positive compounds (53% drug-like compounds contained in the Kirkland data set (10).
F Chem. Res. Toxicol.
Table 7. List of 15 False Negative Classified Pharmaceuticals
Figure 1. Percentage of compounds from both data sources (Kirkland
et al., (10); Snyder et al. (16)) plotted against the number of incorrect predictions (misclassification) in a series of 50 independent evaluations.
A compound that was correctly predicted in all of the runs, thus, falls into the group of zero misclassifications, whereas a consistently incorrect predicted compound is classified into the group of 50 a Genotoxicity information taken from Snyder et al. (10). b Ames, Ames test; BM, mouse bone marrow micronucleus test; N/A: not available.
Because the majority of CA-test positive compounds in ourstudy originates from the Kirkland data compilation, which from in only five cases (not listed). Mechanistic information on a a chemical diversity point of view resembles the Serra data, it possible mode of action of chromosome-damage induction of is not surprising that our ML model performs particularly well the 15 known genotoxic compounds is limited. Most of the in terms of sensitivity on the latter data set. The development compounds do not contain structural alerts for mutagenicity, of prediction models for diverse data sets, such as those in our suggesting that they do not primarily act genotoxic through study, is generally considered to be problematic (36), and in direct drug-DNA interaction. A review of other mutagenicity theory, the construction of two local models (i.e., one for each test results obtained for the false-negative-predicted compounds data set) would have been favorable. Such an approach, shows 5 out of 14 compounds (no mutagenicity data were however, is currently not feasible, because only few CA-test available for imipramine) were also tested positive in an Ames positive data for drug-like compounds are publicly available, test, suggesting a genotoxic potential that was missed by our and sufficiently large training sets for CA-test modeling, ML model. Surprisingly, 9 out of the 14 compounds were tested therefore, need to be compiled from structurally diverse positive uniquely in the CA-test, whereas they yielded negative compounds, as has been done in our study.
results in the Ames-test and the in vivo mouse micronucleus Given the structural diversity of our training set used for test (Table 7). This suggests that the positive CA-test result of model construction, we investigated whether our ML model these misclassified compounds might not be due to an inherent performed differently on the two underlying data sets. As a genotoxic potential but instead induced by biologically non- measure for predicting accuracy, we determined the number of significant effects detected by this test system.
misclassifications for each compound of both data sources in As outlined before, nonphysiological stimuli during cell 50 independent evaluations. This means that an ML model was culture can lead to structural chromosome aberrations (9). It is generated 50 times, and in each run, the classification result likely that other yet unknown mechanisms that are not directly (i.e., true or false) was recorded for each compound. A related to the chemical structure can result in a (biologically compound that was correctly predicted in all of the 50 runs not significant) positive result in the CA-test. Because these would, thus, be categorized with zero misclassifications, whereas artificial effects are not directly related to the chemical structure a compound showing 50 misclassifications would have always of the compound, they are not amenable to modeling and, been predicted incorrectly. The results of this exercise are shown therefore, automatically decrease the predictivity of computa- in Figure 1. As can be seen, almost 70% of all compounds from the pharmaceutical class (16) were correctly predicted in 50 out In conclusion, our data show that the chromosome-damaging of 50 evaluations (i.e., zero misclassifications). In comparison, potential of pharmaceuticals can be predicted using machine- the same was true for less than 60% of the less drug-like class learning approaches, albeit with lower predictivity than that (10). However, approximately 10% of pharmaceuticals were previously reported for industrial chemicals (13). Nevertheless, never predicted correctly (50 misclassifications), which to a the inclusion of a significant amount of pharmaceutical com- slightly higher degree was also true for the Kirkland compounds.
pounds into our model and the concomitant expansion of the Altogether, it can be stated that compounds from the pharma- chemical space covered by the model now makes it a potentially ceutical class were predicted with higher accuracies than those useful tool that can be incorporated in compound selection processes during early phases of drug development. A balanced Of the 20 compounds from the pharmaceutical class that were prediction accuracy of 70-75% is sufficiently high during these consistently misclassified in all 50 evaluations, 15 are false developmental phases to filter out potential genotoxic com- negatives, that is, a chromosome-damaging potential was missed.
pounds. Together with an experimental screening test (e.g., the These 15 false negatives are listed in Table 7. Compounds were in Vitro micronucleus test) for the follow-up testing of com- incorrectly classified as chromosome-damaging (false positives) pounds with a negative call, such a tool can significantly Modeling of Chromosome-Aberration-Test Data Chem. Res. Toxicol. G
contribute to a more targeted development of non-genotoxic drug (16) Snyder, R. D., Pearl, G. S., Mandakas, G., Choy, W. N., Goodsaid, candidates. In addition, given the high concordance between F., and Rosenblum, I. Y. (2004) Assessment of the sensitivity of thecomputational programs DEREK, TOPKAT and MCASE in the the in Vitro micronucleus test and the CA-test, data obtained prediction of the genotoxicity of pharmaceutical molecules. EnViron. during the experimental screening of drug compounds could be fed back in order to train improved models solely based on (17) Snyder, R. D., and Green, J. W. (2001) A review of the genotoxicity of marketed pharmaceuticals. Mutat. Res. 488, 151-169.
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